



Nova Sintya Siringoringo Reg. Number 4113332005

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



MEDAN 2015





First and foremost, the greatest praise and thanksfullness to the Almighty Jesus Christ for His grace, merciful and blessing who always give strength, spirit, health, joy and everything in helping and finishing the author to finish this thesis well.

This thesis “The Development of Interactive and Innovative Chemistry Learning Material on The Teaching of Electrochemistry” had been arranged as the requirement to get the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in The State University of Medan.

In this opportunity, I would like to express the great appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D, who has supported me though out my thesis with his patiently and knowledge during the finishing process of my thesis. My deepest gratitude is also to Drs. Wesley Hutabarat, M.Sc, Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si, and Drs. Eddyanto, Ph.D as my examiner and also to Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M.Si as my academic supervisor. Also my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si, Dr. Zainuddin Muchtar, M.Si, and Drs. Eddyanto, Ph.D, as the validator of the interactive and innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of electrochemistry. By their comment, correction, advices, guidance, and suggestion this theis had been completely arranged.

Then, I would like to thank to Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, to Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si as the Coordinator of Bilingual Study Program, to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro as the Secretary of Bilingual Program, to Agus Kembaren, S.Si, M.Si as the Head of Chemistry Department, to Drs. Ani Sutiani, M.Si as the Head of Chemistry Education Program, to Drs. Marudut Sinaga, M.Si as the Head of Chemistry Laboratory and all the staff of chemistry department such as sister Tya, Minda and brother Nizam. And also to Sir Syamsudin or usually called as “Pak Sam” as Bilingual Staff. My thankful also to Bilingual Chemistry Class 2013 and



Bilingual Chemistry Class 2014 as my sample that help to standarization the learning material.

I would like to express my hear-felt gratitude from the deepest of my heart to my beloved parents, my greatest father T. Siringoringo, and to the most beautiful and greatest woman, my mother D. Simatupang for their supports, love, pray, motivation and careness and, to my beautiful sisters Meryana Siringoringo, Amd and my handsome brother Chandra Siringoringo and Budi Wisanto Siringoringo that always supported and helped me, all the time with their love to do my best.

In my daily life in campus I have blessed with the presence of my best and crazy partner ever Poppy Wulandari Sitanggang, Angeline Visca Panjaitan, Haposan Silalahi, Debby Monica, Riris Tamba, Ruth Sari Panjaitan, Evina Sihite, and Juwita Sitorus that give me wonderful moment that i have never forget. I would like to say thanks to my best partner Liesa Afridhila that always with me doing this research and my brother and sister Andri Situmorang, S.Pd and Vera Manik, S.Pd that give me the pray, spirit, help, and support to make this thesis.

I am also grateful to the CESP 2011 family, that always solid and friendly during study in this university. I greatly value our solidarity and friendship during this 8 semester.

I also would like to express my grateful to my friends during PPL in SMAN 2 LINTONGNIHUTA, you just like my family now to Nancy Alretni, Lestari Sitio, Yolanda Bangun, Rony Hasibuan, Jonni Sitorus, Aprita Simbolon Jasmen Sihotang, Frederick Pandiangan, Ricki Tampubolon and Partogi Hutapea, thanks to all my students in SMAN 2 LINTONGNIHUTA which has helped me in PPL with spirit to learn and hospitality during I teached in there.

I am also grateful to IKBKK for all my brothers and sister. Last but not least, thanks to my best friend from senior high school, Welsa Manihuruk, Ivana Christy Tampubolon and Widya Nanda Tampubolon that give me the pray and support to make this thesis



I have already done this thesis with my best, but still needed the suggestion from reader in order to make it better. I hope this thesis can be useful and giving contribution to reader and especially in education.

Medan, July 2015, Writer,





Nova Sintya Siringoringo (Reg.Number : 4113332005) ABSTRACT

The objective of this research was to develop and standardize interactive and innovative chemistry learning material on the teaching of electrochemistry. The learning material was developed by enhancing chemistry topic on curriculum in The State University of Medan was followed by integration of sheet laboratory experiments, video learning, learning media, link website to relevant material, and include with a CD interactive. The material was designed in printed and electronic book. This research sample was general chemistry books, chemistry lectures and university students. It was started to analyzed ten books general chemistry then was developed become interactive and innovative learning material that had standardized by chemistry lectures and university students, to fulfill quality of learning material. Learning material was made in form of electronic book (flip book), was made easy to learn without have to bring a print book. The Standardization result of learning material obtained average a value of 3.57 by lectures and university students obtained a value of 3.73 and total average from lectures and university students obtained a value of 3.65 where categorized as very good. These total average of 3.65 included on the average range between 3.26 to 4.00, so learning material was valid and trial result of learning material that was used descriptive question to university student where was given positive response. Suggestion regarding for learning material was seen learning materials in general, videos was contained in several sub subjects, continuity between examples and exercises with a sub subject, the understanding of sub subjects that was existed in learning materials, the innovation was contained and e-book on learning material to software available was gotten a positive response.





Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vii

List of Tables x

List of Figures xi

List of Appendix xii


1.1. Background 1

1.2. The Problem Identification 4

1.3. The Problem Formulation 5

1.4. The Problem Limitation 5

1.5. Research Objectives 6

1.6. Research Benefits 6


2.1. Defenition of Media 8

2.2. Functions and Benefits of Learning Media 9

2.3. Types of Learning Media 9

2.4. Definition of Learning Materials 10

2.4.1. Types of Learning Materials 11

2.4.2. Procedures of Learning Material 12

2.4.3. Functions of Learning Material 12

2.5. Multimedia in Learning Chemistry 14



2.6. The Learning Material as a media 16

2.7. Interactive of Learning Materials 17

2.8. Innovative of Learning Material 18

2.9. Electrochemistry 18

2.9.1. Standard electrode potential 19

2.9.2. Electrochemistry Cell 21 Definition of Standard Cells of DGL 22 Determination DGL Cells and Gibbs Free Energy 23

2.9.3. Battery 24

2.9.4. Corrosion 25 Iron corrosion 25 Corrosion of common metals 26 Prevention of corrosion 27

2.10. Electrolysis 27

2.10.1. Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride 27

2.10.2. Electrolysis of water 28

2.10.3. Electrolysis of aqueous solutions 29

2.10.4. Electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride 29

2.11. Conceptual Framework 31

2.12. Hypothesis Presenting 31


3.1. Location and Time of Research 32

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 32

3.3. Research Instrument 32

3.4. Research Design 33



3.6. Data Collection Technique 36

3.7. Data Analysis Technique 36


4.1. The Survey of General Chemistry Textbooks 39 4.2. The Descriptive Analysis General Chemistry Books 44 4.3. Development of Interactive and Innovative Chemistry

Learning Material 51

4.4. Standardization of Chemistry Learning Material 54 4.5. The Descriptive Question for Descriptive Analysis of

Chemistry Learning Material 57


5.1 Conclusion 60

5.2 Suggestion 61





Table 3.1. Criteria for the validity of the analysis of the average score calculation results that obtained from a questionnaire

distributed to the validator experts and students. 38

Table 4.1. Description of General Chemistry Textbook Who Used by Students On Topic Discussion Acid Base For Reference Materials In Making Innovative and Interactive Chemistry

Learning Materials 40

Table 4.2. Average Percentage Feasibility Content, Content Extention, Depth Content, Compliance Design And Language To

Book That Analyzed By Researchers 45

Table 4.3. Description of Development of Chemistry Learning Materials Integrated with Innovation and Interactive

Learning On Topic Electrochemistry in General 52

Table 4.4. The performance of interactive and innovative chemistry learning material based on the respondents opinion. The number is the average value based on the opinion of expert judgments of Chemistry Lecturers (L) and response from

University Students (S). 55

Table 4.5. Descriptive Analysis of Chemistry Learning Material





Figure 2.1. Galvanic and Electrolysis Cell 21

Figure 2.2. The electrochemical cell without salt bridge and (b) the salt bridge 21

Figure 3.1. Research Procedure to Acquire Interactive and Innovation Learning Material on The Topic of Electrochemistry 35





Appendix 1. Interactive and Innovative Chemistry Learning Material on The Teaching of Electrochemistry

Appendix 2. Syllabus

Appendix 3. Questionnaire for Trial The Innovative and Interactive Chemistry Learning material on The Topic Electrochemistry Appendix 4.1. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code A

Appendix 4.2. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code B

Appendix 4.3. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code C Appendix 4.4. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code D

Appendix 4.5. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code E Appendix 4.6. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code F Appendix 4.7. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code G Appendix 4.8. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code H Appendix 4.9. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code I Appendix 4.10. Analysis of General Chemistry Textbook Code J

Appendix 5. The Questionnaire Result of The Interactive and Innovative Chemistry Learning Material on The Topic of

Electrochemistry Standarization by Lecturer

Appendix 6. The Questionnaire Result of The Interactive and Innovative Chemistry Learning Material on The Topic of

Electrochemistry Standarization by Students

Appendix 7. The Questionnaire Result of The Interactive and Innovative Chemistry Learning Material on The Topic of

Electrochemistry Standarization by Lecturers and Student Appendix 8. Descriptive Analysis Of Standardized Learning Materials

Appendix 9. Research Documentation

Appendix 10. Letter of Administration

65 65 66 108 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 170 171 80 174 175 81 83 85 82 83 85 87





The development of interactive and innovative chemistry learning material is very important. Interactive learning material can motivate student to learn and make the student active in the process of learning and teaching and Innovative learning material would help the student to learn chemistry easily.

One way to improve people's lives, have to have an education and will be better when education ended at the university because education is the foundation to develop in accordance with the capabilities available to it. But, education in Indonesian is problematic because of quality is still low. Based on a survey conducted by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to quality of education in developing countries in Asia Pacific, Indonesian ranks 10 (ten) out of 14 (fourteen) countries, while quality of teachers, Indonesian at level of 14 (fourteen) from the 14 (fourteen) of developing countries ( However, the government is trying best way to improve quality of education, one of them at the university. Improve the quality of education can be conducted continuously through conventional (traditional) or development of interactive and innovative. Interactive effect on process of educational innovation (

One of improve the quality of education is to develop an interactive and innovation on learning materials used in process of teaching and learning in classroom in order to learning materials be qualified. Development of interactive and innovation on learning materials is very interest to be discussed because of learning materials that qualified can improve comprehension and ability university students. Especially to meet quality of learning materials used students at the State University of Medan. Therefore, creation of learning materials are necessary to



consideration accurately where learning materials not only as a source of learning, but has a particular classification. Based on classification that’s, lectures choose which is material will be presented in materials preparation planning in order to achieve of teaching objectives have been formulated previously.

Learning media is a part that can’t be separated and it’s integration of the learning is used. University students need learning media as learning resources are used as learning materials to help them understand and appreciate the chemistry lesson. Learning media as a learning resource that is used in college is a book, is still traditional. Books used university students are still less interactive and innovation so boring and just focus on center of the lecture. Learning media become one of factors for interest in learning and learning success in achieving predetermined competencies. Learning media will be developed into a learning media based e-learning. According to Manihar and Andry (2014), the utilization of information technology, multimedia and e-learning for learning through online facilities have been able to push learning shift from conventional learning to independently learning so as to facilitate university students to learn not only depends on lecture but it comes from yourself. E-learning is a learning process (learning) use/exploit information and Communication Technology (ICT) as tools that can be available whenever and wherever needed, so as to come over the constraints of space and time (Sutanta, 2009). Thus, learning materials will be developed in electronic and print form learning materials, create a link to a video or animation or tutorial website that provides an interactive learning so university students make easier to receive and access lessons.

According to Tomlisonin (I Wayan Dirgayasa., 2013) learning material refers to anything which is used by lectures or learners to facilitate learning and teaching can obviously be cassettes, video, CD-ROM, dictionaries, workbooks, photocopied exercises, newspapers, or instructions both of print and non print given by teachers, etc. One of the efforts to reduce saturation of learning in students is to develop learning materials to make it more interactive and innovation. In developing learning materials required to develop, improve and



pour the ability and knowledge. According to Hamdani in (Rudyanto, 2009) If it doesn’t have ability to develop teaching materials are varied, teachers will be stuck in a monotonous learning situation sand tend to be boring for students. Good learning materials must be able to present learning materials in accordance with the demands of the curriculum, follow any developments in science and technology in order to achieve a predetermined competencies (Jippes, etc., 2010) in (Manihar and Novalina, 2012), therefore of preparation of learning materials quality is needed to help students to learn and fulfill needs of students to learning dependently.

The reality is shown, student’s chemistry learning materials quality is still lacking. It can be seen from the learning materials use dare still elusive, learned and less used when students learn independently. This is due to the presentation of the material that is not attractive, less systematic and tedious to read the learning materials. Some of the requirements to make learning materials as a source of learning, namely the availability of which can be reached by learners, can help university students learn independently, and facilitate in the learning materials are complete and self-contained.

Chemistry is lesson that very important because it is founding our daily lives. But chemistry is still very difficult to study by students and as well as university students. In college, because books are abstract, general chemistry textbooks supplied is limited where limited in discussing each sub subject per topic especially electrochemical or even those topics are not described in detail, there are subtopics that are not described or loaded, loaded pickup only which is made without regard to be writing, design and language that used so it is not visible or less attractive and not or less loaded resource to support the material in the book so when the university students were given the task about this topic, university student seek potluck without learn until most university students were not seriously studied or even when presenting the task an dare just looking fora potluck literature and the book just to emphasize deliver the mere knowledge



without making the book become interesting and learning process only focused on faculty.

In college, electrochemistry learned in general chemistry in college. Electrochemistry topic is one of subtopics in basic chemistry. Electrochemistry studies Voltaic cells, standard electrode potential, electrolysis cell and corrosion., Electrochemistry material analysis is one of materials that are abstract and have a fairly high degree of difficulty to understand students (Iqma., Oktavia., and Neena., 2014).According to Arsani (in Iqma., Oktavia., and Neena., 2014), also assume that the electrochemistry material is considered as one of materials that are difficult to learn both of learner and lecture. This is because the delivery is so fast, lack of practice questions in acid base materials, as well as the lack of interaction with classmates because only centered learning to lecturer (Rasmawan, 2009).

Based on above description, steps need to be taken by researcher are creating chemistry teaching materials. Chemistry learning materials in form of learning material compiled by researcher to help provide clear and systematic information to students so that learning material can be media in the process of learning and teaching. Researcher developed learning material with electrochemistry as subject matter. So it is necessary to conduct research entitled “The Development of Interactive and Innovative of Chemistry Learning Material on The Teaching of Electrochemistry”.

1.2Problem Identification

Based on the above background, there are some problems can be identified in this research, as follows :

1. The arrangement of chemistry topic electrochemistry to order it is suited to the common curriculum.

2. Prepare an innovative and interactive chemistry learning material on the topic of electrochemistry in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum.



3. Develop an interactive learning material on the teaching of electrochemistry to make the student to be motivated to get involve in the learning activity.

4. Make innovation can be made on to the learning material of electrochemistry in order the student can easily to study chemistry 5. Standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard

provided by BSNP.

1.3Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been stated previously, then problem formulation in this research is:

1. How the arrangement of chemistry topic electrochemistry to order it is suited to the common curriculum?

2. How to prepare an interactive and innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of electrochemistry in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum?

3. How to develop an interactive learning material on the teaching of electrochemistry to make the student to be motivated to get involve in the learning activity?

4. What kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of electrochemistry in order the student can easily to study chemistry? 5. How to standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard

provided by BSNP?

1.4Problem Limitation

From the above problem formulation, that the problem limitation in order not to deviate from research objective, are:

1. Learning media that used in this research is a learning material.

2. Analyzing the General Chemistry textbook used in The State University of Medan on the topic of Electrochemistry.



3. Create and preparation of interactive and innovative learning material will be developed from General Chemistry textbook used in The State University of Medan.

4. Review and revise of learning material that developed interactively and

innovatively by lecture’s chemistry.

5. Development of interactive and innovative chemistry learning material only to standardization of learning material stage, not up to the implementation stage

1.5Research Objectives:

The objective of this research is to facilitate the understanding of students in study of electrochemistry. The specific objective have been achieved in this research, are following:

1. To arrangement of chemistry topic electrochemistry to order it is suited to the common curriculum.

2. To prepare an interactive and innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of electrochemistry in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum.

3. To develop an interactive learning material on the teaching of electrochemistry to make the student to be motivated to get involve in the learning activity.

4. To know what kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of electrochemistry in order the student can easily to study chemistry.

5. To Standardize a developed learning material to meet the standard provided by BSNP.

1.6Research Benefits

The results of this study, it is expected to provide benefits for researcher, students and lectures. For researcher is obtaining of valuable experience and



increase the researcher’s knowledge on analyze textbooks, create, preparation and

develop an interactive and innovative learning material on the topic of Electrochemistry. For university student can improve understanding and activity of university student in the process of learning and teaching and capable improve interest them to use learning material when learn independently, and for lecturers are provide input and information as well as assist in the delivery and provide of learning materials to students as a source of learning.





Based on the research results from development of interactive and innovation learning materials on the topics electrochemistry conducted at the University, it can be concluded that:

1. For arrangement of chemistry topic electrochemistry to order it is suited to the common curriculum where curriculum that used was curriculum in The State University of Medan where researcher conducted research. On analysis of ten books and arrangement electrochemistry topic to develop interactive and innovative become learning material, have to suited dengan curriculum in The State University of Medan

2. For prepare an interactive and innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of electrochemistry in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum, the first was conducted a survey of general chemistry books that used in The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan and general chemistry other than out of from The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan and analysis of books until obtained advantages from each book, that used to prepare interactive and innovative chemistry learning material. 3. For develop an interactive learning material on the teaching of

electrochemistry was packaged illustration, figures to support chemistry materials, added concept maps, example and key answer of questions, exercises and key answer to solve the problems, sheet laboratory experiments and its videos, integrated in a link (website address) that was relevant to be able to access the videos and its video where these video for interactive learning.

4. Kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of electrochemistry in order the student can easily to study chemistry, where



innovation ofchemistry learning material is done by integrating interactive learning media, information technology, and combine media in a CD interactive learning. The whole contents of book was made into an electronic book (flipbook) and it is stored in form of soft copy

5. The Standarization of learning material that was conducted by chemistry lecture as expert in the chemistry topic and also university student in The State University of Medan got the positive response with point that given is 3.65.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, there are some suggestion that the authors suggest:

1. For the users of learning material in general and especially for lecture and teacher chemistry, should check overall chemistry learning material for more attention to composition of matter that systematic and feasibility standards so that no more users books that do not meet the feasiblity standards according to the BSNP.

2. For next researcher, the development of this learning materials that conducted with do study trial so that known effectiveness oflearning materials if be used learningin classroom.




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increase the researcher’s knowledge on analyze textbooks, create, preparation and develop an interactive and innovative learning material on the topic of Electrochemistry. For university student can improve understanding and activity of university student in the process of learning and teaching and capable improve interest them to use learning material when learn independently, and for lecturers are provide input and information as well as assist in the delivery and provide of learning materials to students as a source of learning.




Based on the research results from development of interactive and innovation learning materials on the topics electrochemistry conducted at the University, it can be concluded that:

1. For arrangement of chemistry topic electrochemistry to order it is suited to the common curriculum where curriculum that used was curriculum in The State University of Medan where researcher conducted research. On analysis of ten books and arrangement electrochemistry topic to develop interactive and innovative become learning material, have to suited dengan curriculum in The State University of Medan

2. For prepare an interactive and innovative chemistry learning material on the topic of electrochemistry in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum, the first was conducted a survey of general chemistry books that used in The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan and general chemistry other than out of from The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan and analysis of books until obtained advantages from each book, that used to prepare interactive and innovative chemistry learning material. 3. For develop an interactive learning material on the teaching of

electrochemistry was packaged illustration, figures to support chemistry materials, added concept maps, example and key answer of questions, exercises and key answer to solve the problems, sheet laboratory experiments and its videos, integrated in a link (website address) that was relevant to be able to access the videos and its video where these video for interactive learning.

4. Kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of electrochemistry in order the student can easily to study chemistry, where


innovation ofchemistry learning material is done by integrating interactive learning media, information technology, and combine media in a CD interactive learning. The whole contents of book was made into an electronic book (flipbook) and it is stored in form of soft copy

5. The Standarization of learning material that was conducted by chemistry lecture as expert in the chemistry topic and also university student in The State University of Medan got the positive response with point that given is 3.65.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, there are some suggestion that the authors suggest:

1. For the users of learning material in general and especially for lecture and teacher chemistry, should check overall chemistry learning material for more attention to composition of matter that systematic and feasibility standards so that no more users books that do not meet the feasiblity standards according to the BSNP.

2. For next researcher, the development of this learning materials that conducted with do study trial so that known effectiveness oflearning materials if be used learningin classroom.



Achmad, S.S., (2009), Pengantar Pengembangan Bahan Ajar di Perguruan Tinggi, Journal of education

Armbruster, P., Patel, M., Johnson, E., and Weiss, M., (2009), Active Learning and Student-centered Pedagogy Improve Student Attitudes and Performance in Introductory Biology, Journal of Biology Education, 8: 203-213

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