




Evina Nelly Natalia Sihite Reg. Number 4113131021

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program 2011

A Thesis

Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



MEDAN 2015





Thanks to Jesus Christ that always blessed me for finished my thesis. I know You always have big and best plan for me no matter what. You are full of kindness.

This thesis titled “ The Development of Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment on The Teaching Buffer Solution”. This thesis aimed to fulfil the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at Chemistry Department of Mathematics and Science Faculty of State University of Medan.

I would like to said my gratitude to Prof.Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D., as the Dean of FMIPA Unimed, Prof.Dr.rer.nat Binari Manurung, M.Si., as the Coordinator of Bilingual Program in FMIPA Unimed, Dr.Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., as the Secretary of Bilingual Program in FMIPA Unimed, and also Agus Kembaren, S.Si., M.Si., as the Head of Chemistry Department in FMIPA Unimed.

I would said my special gratitude to Prof.Dr. Ramlan Silaban,M.Si., as Thesis Supervisor for your help, your advice, and your suggestion in my thesis and I also thanks to Drs. Eddyanto M.Sc, Ph.D,. as my Academic Supervisor. My great thanks also go to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc, Ph.D., Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si., and Ir. Nurfajriani, M.Si., as my Thesis Examiner Lecturer. I also would said thanks to my module validator Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti,M.Si and Drs. Marudut Sinaga, M.Si for all your advice and suggestion. And great thanks to Mr. Sam that always help us (Bilingual Student).

I also said thanks to Drs. Sutrisno, M.Pd as Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Medan, Drs. Sahlan Daulay, M.Pd as Headmaster of SMA Negeri 3 Medan, Drs.K. Lumbantoruan, M.Pd as Headmaster of SMA Negeri 11 Medan, Pdt. Paulus Subyanto,S.Th as Headmaster of SMA Swasta Methodist 2 Medan, and Drs. Hotman Situmorang as Headmaster of SMA Swasta Raksana Medan. I also said thanks to all the teachers that already helped me by giving advice and suggestion in arranging my module, Rosmey Togatorop, S.Pd, Sarma Evi Simanjuntak, S.Pd, B. Manurung, S.Si, Edi Suranta, S.Pd, Rapi. R. Sihombing, S.Si, S.Pd, Drs. Manarsar, Sri Murni Ginting, S.Pd, Drs. Simon Manurung, M.Si.

My special gratitude to my great and lovely family. My father Drs. B. Sihite and my Mother H.Pakpahan. and to all my bothers Junanto Monang Sihite, Yan Reynold Sihite, Reinhard Aditya Sihite, and Luis Andriano Sihite.



Thanks to My crazy class, CESP 2011. Thanks for all your craziness that we already passed for this 4 years. Thanks to Ruth Sari Handayani Panjaitan, Ricky Tampubolon, and Jori Josua for you know me so well. Thanks to (Nek Enji, Popo, Poppy, Nopa, Riris, Debby) that always driving me crazy for all your weird behaviour. Thanks to ETER (Eirene, Tarida, Evina, Renggania) you are always be my “bikur”. For my one and only Najong, thanks for everything that you have done to me. Thanks to all my team of PPLT Unimed in SMA Negeri 1 Plus Matauli Pandan for all experience. Thanks to my students in MTN, for you support and pray. And thanks to all people, whose the name can’t mention but always support me. I love you all.

Medan, 2015

Evina Nelly Natalia Sihite ID. 4113131021



The Development of Innovative Chemistry Module

with Integration of Experiment on The

Teaching Buffer Solution

Evina Nelly Natalia Sihite (Reg. Number 4113131021)


The development of Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on the teaching Buffer Solution will be explained in this research. This research is aimed to arranged the standardized innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment and the module was standardized by lecturer, teacher, and student. This research was conducted in five schools; those are SMA Negeri 2 Medan, SMA Negeri 3 Medan, SMA Negeri 11 Medan, SMA Swasta Methodist 2 Medan, and SMA Swasta Raksana Medan. The research began with analysis of chemistry guide practicum textbooks usually used in schools especially on topic buffer solution by teacher from those schools. Furthermore, research continued with arranged the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on topic buffer solution, thus the module will standardized. The result of this research showed that the average score of analysis guide practicum textbooks is 76.32%. It means that the chemistry guide practicum textbooks that usually use in schools is quite good but need some revision for some criteria (content, extension, depth, design, and language). The result evaluation innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on topic buffer solution, researcher got the average of all components by Chemistry Lecturers were 3.38, Chemistry Teachers were 3.72, and students were 3.74. The total average of evaluation for innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment was 3.62. It means that the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment is valid and did not to be revised. So, the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment was ready to be used as a learning media on the teaching of Buffer Solution in Senior High School.





Legalization Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iv

Contents List vi

Figures List ix

Tables List x

Appendix List xii


1.1.Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3.Problem Statements 4

1.4.Problem Limitations 5

1.5.Research Objectives 6

1.6.Benefits of Research 6


2.1. Learning Media 7

2.2. Learning Module 9

2.2.1. Innovative Module With Integration of Experiment 12

2.2.2. Virtual Laboratory 13



2.4. The Difficulties of Studying Buffer Solution for Student 17

2.5. Buffer Solution 18

2.5.1. Buffer Solution Composition 18

2.5.2. pH value of the buffer solution 19

2.5.3. Work Principle of Buffer Solution 20

2.5.4. The Influence of Addition Acid And Base in Buffer Solution 20

2.5.5. Choosing Buffer Solution 21

2.5.6. Making Buffer Solution 21

2.5.7. Buffer in Daily Life 22

2.2. Conceptual Framework 23


3.1. Research Location and Object 24

3.2. Research Population and Sample 24

3.3. Design of the Research 25

3.4. Research Procedures 25

3.5. Data Collection 28

3.6. Data Analysis 28

3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis 28


4.1. Survey of High School Chemistry Guide Practicum Text Book 31 4.2. Analysis of High School Chemistry Guide Practicum Text Book 31 4.3. The Development of Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration Of



4.3.1.Standardization of Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment By Chemistry Lecturer



4.3.2. Standardization of Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment by Chemistry Teacher


4.3.3. Standardization of Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment by Senior High School Student Grade XI


4.3.4. Standardization of Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment by Chemistry Lecturer, Teacher, And Student.


4.3.5. Trial of Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment in Senior High School


4.4. Discussion 56


5.1. Conclusion 59

5.2. Suggestion 59





Table 3.1 The average of validity instrument 30

Table 4.1 The Result of Analysis Book Code A on Topic Buffer Solution 32 Table 4.2 The Result of Analysis Book Code B on Topic Buffer Solution 34 Table 4.3 The Result of Analysis Book Code C on Topic Buffer Solution 36 Table 4.4 The Result of Analysis Book Code D on Topic Buffer Solution 38 Table 4.5 The Result of Analysis Book Code E on Topic Buffer Solution 40 Table 4.6 The Result Score of Chemistry Guide Practicum Analyzed 42 Table 4.7 Buffer Solution based on 2013 curriculum and the Short Description

of Innovation that have been Integrated in Learning Material


Table 4.8 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Module Standardization by Chemistry Lecturer


Table 4.9 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization by Chemistry Teacher


Table 4.10 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization by Student from SMA Negeri 2 Medan


Table 4.11 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization by Student from SMA Negeri 3 Medan


Table 4.12 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment Standardization by Student from SMA Negeri 11 Medan



Table 4.13 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization by Student from SMA Swasta Methodist 2 Medan


Table 4.14 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization by Student from SMA Swasta Raksana Medan


Table 4.15 The Average Score of Standardization Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment by Student


Table 4.16 The Result of Questionnaire Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization by Lecturer, Teachers, and Students





Figure 2.1. Virtual Lab Figure 15

Figure 3.1. Research Procedure in The Development and Standardization of





Appendix 1 Syllabus 53

Appendix 2 Analysis of Suitability the Chemistry Experiment Textbook Materials for Senior High School with 2013 Curriculum Content Standard on Buffer Solution Topics by Expert Team


Appendix 3 Questionnaire For Trial the Development of Innovative Experiment Module on Buffer Solution Topics


Appendix 4 Questionnaire Description Of Module Analysis Standardized (Trial) 65

Appendix 5 Result of Chemistry Guide Practicum Textbooks Analyzed by Expert


Appendix 6 Result of The Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment by Lecturers


Appendix 7 Result of The Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment by Teachers


Appendix 8 Result of The Innovative Chemistry Module With Integration of Experiment by Students


Appendix 9 The Result of Questionnaire Of Description Module Analysis Generally 71 Appendix 10 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment 72

Appendix 11 Research Documents 73

Appendix 12 Research Documentations 74




Education is one of the most important things in the world. On the basis of wisdom and sanity grounds, education is the light that enlightens in them the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, true and false, correct and incorrect and also is the milestone in the development of integrated personality, the righteousness in character, the enlightenment of conscience and the inculcation of social, moral, ethical and spiritual values.

Education that should be implemented for Indonesia, according to the Law no.20 / 2003 on National Education System is education that can develop the skills and character development and civilization of dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation (Article 3); and actively develop the capacity of students to have spiritual powers, religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, the community, the nation, and the state (chapters 1: 1; 3).

The educational goal of course is supported by the current study that curriculum of 2013, where we can see that the core competency in all educational material has been stated, especially in the core competencies to which: (1) Living and practice the teachings of their religion. (2) Living and practicing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive, and demonstrate behaviors as part of a solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social environment and nature and the place itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world. (3) Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with human insight, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, and apply the procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests to



solve the problem. (4) processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of the learned in school independently, act effectively and creatively, and be able to use the method according to the rules of science. By learning has been supported by the device then the next is to achieve these objectives it is necessary to effective learning

Learning is an inseparable part of the educational process. Because education cannot happen just like that without going through the process of learning and exercises. Learning in order to effectively and efficiently, there should be a variety of efforts and approach to suit the purpose, in an effort to improve the quality of education.

The appropriate learning in the educational process must aimed to achieve the main goal of education itself. For that to achieve that goal, we have made many innovative learning model developed with the aim to streamline the educational process itself. Model of inquiry learning, discovery, problem based learning, project based learning, and others are examples of the many learning model developed at this time. All learning model that certainly aims to achieve the main goal of the educational process and streamline the process.

Although many learning models that have been developed, but there are things to consider that the selection of appropriate learning models appropriate for the subject matter as well. Because even though the learning model that we use has been innovative but if the subject or the material we teach is not appropriate or suitable for the material then it is not even efficient learning process but instead stunted and produce results that are not in line with expectations. Because it needs to be careful consideration and selection of the right model for the right subject or learning material.

Learning media is one of the tools that the learning process is intended to optimize the learning process and obtain maximum results. One of media that can be found today are learning modules. Where the module is a textbook or handbook to help participants better understand the students to the material being taught. This has been proven by many studies that prove the effectiveness of the module in the learning process, one of which is Dameita Sibayak with research



entitled The Development of Chemistry Learning Module To Increase Student's Achievement on The Teaching and Learning of Oxidation and Reduction Reaction. In that study results obtained from the experimental class that uses the module is 52.48% higher than the control class that does not use a module is 51.12%.

Module experiment is one medium that is great for use in learning due to the presence of the module, the learning process, especially experiments can easily be done with the hope of getting maximum results. The learning module has to be able to help students to study by their style independently, so they use different technique to solve certain problems based on their knowledge background and their ability (Situmorang, et.all., 2012)

Innovative module is the kind of modules that are developed and compiled with the creative and efficient. Innovative module contains not only words but also can be an image or chart with attractive colors. This will attract students to read the module innovative and students will more easily understand the material provided.

Chemistry is the science that is very complex. Chemistry is perceived by students as a challenging subject, since it is difficult to construct the abstract concepts frequently encountered in the subject area (Ayas & Demirbas, 1997; Nakleh, 1992). Chemistry is one of the subject that laboratory or experiment basis. One of the materials studied in chemistry are buffer solution. On the topic buffer solution should be emphasized mastery of concepts are accompanied by experiments conducted. Buffer solutions are materials that are very close to our daily life, but with no proper teaching the concept of buffer solution are close to daily life can be difficult to be understood by students.

According to my experience during my PPLT in SMA Plus Negeri 1 Matauli Pandan,, the school have good facilitation such as chemistry laboratory and have qualified teacher that enough to support the learning process. The experiment of chemistry is not doing optimally in SMA Plus Negeri Matauli because of lack of good experiment or guide practicum textbooks they have.



Experiment books or guide practicum textbooks they use is not interesting, not comprehensive, and has many difficult experiments.

Because of lack of experiment books, researcher chose innovative chemistry module with integration of experiments to fix that problem. Provision of data, information, and the question in this case is through an innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment included in the making of the conclusions will be based on the modules. And based on that, the researchers made research entitled “The Development of Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment on The Teaching Buffer Solution “

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on the background described above, problems can be identified as follows : 1. Lack of ability of student in understanding chemistry especially in experiment because the experiment or guide practicum book they used is not interesting so they don’t interested about chemistry.

2. Student mostly understanding only theoretical of chemistry but lack of understand in practical or experiment of chemistry.

3. The arrangement of chemistry experiment learning modules on the topic of Buffer Solution to order it is suited to the common curriculum

4. Prepare an innovation chemistry experiment learning modules on the topic of Buffer Solution in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum.

5. Standardize a developed Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiments according the standard provided by BSNP.

1.3. Problems Statement

Based on the background described above, then the problem can be formulated as follows:

1. How is the teacher’s perception on buffer solution as the subject matter on the experiment textbooks composed based on 2013 curriculum that already used?



2. How is the respond of lecturer, teacher, and students on the innovative learning module composed based on 2013 curriculum in buffer solution as the subject matter?

3. How to prepare an innovative chemistry learning module with integration of experiment on the topic of Buffer Solution in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum?

4. What kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of Buffer Solution in order the students can easily to study chemistry?

5. How to standardizing a developed innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment according the standard provided by BSNP?

1.4. Problem Limitation

In order for this study the problem in this study should be limited. From the formulation of this problem, so that limit the problem in this study are:

1. Arranging and developing the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on the topic of Buffer Solution according to standard provided by BSNP.

2. Preparation of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment developed from the chemistry guide practicum textbooks used in some Senior High School in Medan.

3. Analyze the chemistry experiment textbook used in Senior High School on the topic of Buffer Solution.

4. Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment will be reviewed and revised by the chemistry lecturer in Chemistry Department, chemistry teacher from various Senior High Schools, and students from Senior High School to obtain the standard of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment.

5. Development of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment only reach until standardization stage, not to the implementation stage.



1.5. Research Objectives

The objective of this research are :

1. To obtain teacher and lecture’s perception on buffer solution as the subject matter on the experiment textbooks based on curriculum 2013 that already used.

2. To obtain the innovative experiment learning module based on 2013 curriculum that is suitable for students to their competence in topic buffer Solution.

3. To prepare an innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on the topic of Buffer Solution in order the teaching and learning process can be processed optimum.

4. To know what kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of buffer solution in order the students can easily to study chemistry.

5. To standardized a developed innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment according to the standard provided by BSNP.

1.6. Benefits of Research

The benefits of this research are:

1. As input material for chemistry teachers to use the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment as learning media that will be used in teaching of the learning material especially Buffer Solution.

2. Provide guidelines for science teachers especially chemistry teachers to implement Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment in learning process.

3. Give reference of best learning media (Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment) which can improve the students’ achievement on the teaching of buffer solution based on the 2013 curriculum

4. Give motivation to teachers to conduct similar and better research examining learning media to chemistry topic.





5.1. Conclusion

From the data analysis, researcher could conclude:

1. The teacher perception on topic buffer solution as the subject matter especially in practicum on the chemistry guide practicum textbooks for grade XI in 2nd semester was good.

2. The respond of chemistry lecturers, chemistry teachers, and students on innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment that has been composed based on 2013 curriculum in buffer solution was very good. 3. The innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment arranged

after doing the analysis of chemistry guide practicum textbooks that usually used in Senior High School.

4. The innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on topic buffer solution arranged innovatively in content, extension, depth, design, and language.

5. The innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment must standardize based on specifics criteria (content, extension, depth, design, and language) that already provided BSNP.

5.2. Suggestion

From the result of the research, there are some suggestion that provided, those are :

1. For chemistry teacher, it so important to used standard innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment with virtual lab to make student more interested to learn chemistry especially in practicum/experiment. The teaching and learning process will be more interesting and interactive so the student will more understand the topic of subject matter discussed.



2. For researcher that will be doing related research can use this research for implementations stage of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment.


entitled The Development of Chemistry Learning Module To Increase Student's Achievement on The Teaching and Learning of Oxidation and Reduction Reaction. In that study results obtained from the experimental class that uses the module is 52.48% higher than the control class that does not use a module is 51.12%.

Module experiment is one medium that is great for use in learning due to the presence of the module, the learning process, especially experiments can easily be done with the hope of getting maximum results. The learning module has to be able to help students to study by their style independently, so they use different technique to solve certain problems based on their knowledge background and their ability (Situmorang, et.all., 2012)

Innovative module is the kind of modules that are developed and compiled with the creative and efficient. Innovative module contains not only words but also can be an image or chart with attractive colors. This will attract students to read the module innovative and students will more easily understand the material provided.

Chemistry is the science that is very complex. Chemistry is perceived by students as a challenging subject, since it is difficult to construct the abstract concepts frequently encountered in the subject area (Ayas & Demirbas, 1997; Nakleh, 1992). Chemistry is one of the subject that laboratory or experiment basis. One of the materials studied in chemistry are buffer solution. On the topic buffer solution should be emphasized mastery of concepts are accompanied by experiments conducted. Buffer solutions are materials that are very close to our daily life, but with no proper teaching the concept of buffer solution are close to daily life can be difficult to be understood by students.

According to my experience during my PPLT in SMA Plus Negeri 1 Matauli Pandan,, the school have good facilitation such as chemistry laboratory and have qualified teacher that enough to support the learning process. The experiment of chemistry is not doing optimally in SMA Plus Negeri Matauli because of lack of good experiment or guide practicum textbooks they have.


Experiment books or guide practicum textbooks they use is not interesting, not comprehensive, and has many difficult experiments.

Because of lack of experiment books, researcher chose innovative chemistry module with integration of experiments to fix that problem. Provision of data, information, and the question in this case is through an innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment included in the making of the conclusions will be based on the modules. And based on that, the researchers made research entitled “The Development of Innovative Chemistry Module

with Integration of Experiment on The Teaching Buffer Solution “

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on the background described above, problems can be identified as follows : 1. Lack of ability of student in understanding chemistry especially in experiment because the experiment or guide practicum book they used is not interesting so they don’t interested about chemistry.

2. Student mostly understanding only theoretical of chemistry but lack of understand in practical or experiment of chemistry.

3. The arrangement of chemistry experiment learning modules on the topic of Buffer Solution to order it is suited to the common curriculum

4. Prepare an innovation chemistry experiment learning modules on the topic of Buffer Solution in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum.

5. Standardize a developed Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiments according the standard provided by BSNP.

1.3. Problems Statement

Based on the background described above, then the problem can be formulated as follows:

1. How is the teacher’s perception on buffer solution as the subject matter on the experiment textbooks composed based on 2013 curriculum that already used?


2. How is the respond of lecturer, teacher, and students on the innovative learning module composed based on 2013 curriculum in buffer solution as the subject matter?

3. How to prepare an innovative chemistry learning module with integration of experiment on the topic of Buffer Solution in order the teaching and learning process can be proceeded optimum?

4. What kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of Buffer Solution in order the students can easily to study chemistry?

5. How to standardizing a developed innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment according the standard provided by BSNP?

1.4. Problem Limitation

In order for this study the problem in this study should be limited. From the formulation of this problem, so that limit the problem in this study are:

1. Arranging and developing the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on the topic of Buffer Solution according to standard provided by BSNP.

2. Preparation of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment developed from the chemistry guide practicum textbooks used in some Senior High School in Medan.

3. Analyze the chemistry experiment textbook used in Senior High School on the topic of Buffer Solution.

4. Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment will be reviewed and revised by the chemistry lecturer in Chemistry Department, chemistry teacher from various Senior High Schools, and students from Senior High School to obtain the standard of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment.

5. Development of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment only reach until standardization stage, not to the implementation stage.


1.5. Research Objectives

The objective of this research are :

1. To obtain teacher and lecture’s perception on buffer solution as the subject matter on the experiment textbooks based on curriculum 2013 that already used.

2. To obtain the innovative experiment learning module based on 2013 curriculum that is suitable for students to their competence in topic buffer Solution.

3. To prepare an innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on the topic of Buffer Solution in order the teaching and learning process can be processed optimum.

4. To know what kind of innovation can be made on to the learning material of buffer solution in order the students can easily to study chemistry.

5. To standardized a developed innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment according to the standard provided by BSNP.

1.6. Benefits of Research

The benefits of this research are:

1. As input material for chemistry teachers to use the innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment as learning media that will be used in teaching of the learning material especially Buffer Solution.

2. Provide guidelines for science teachers especially chemistry teachers to implement Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment in learning process.

3. Give reference of best learning media (Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment) which can improve the students’ achievement on the teaching of buffer solution based on the 2013 curriculum

4. Give motivation to teachers to conduct similar and better research examining learning media to chemistry topic.




5.1. Conclusion

From the data analysis, researcher could conclude:

1. The teacher perception on topic buffer solution as the subject matter especially in practicum on the chemistry guide practicum textbooks for grade XI in 2nd semester was good.

2. The respond of chemistry lecturers, chemistry teachers, and students on innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment that has been composed based on 2013 curriculum in buffer solution was very good. 3. The innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment arranged

after doing the analysis of chemistry guide practicum textbooks that usually used in Senior High School.

4. The innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on topic buffer solution arranged innovatively in content, extension, depth, design, and language.

5. The innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment must standardize based on specifics criteria (content, extension, depth, design, and language) that already provided BSNP.

5.2. Suggestion

From the result of the research, there are some suggestion that provided, those are :

1. For chemistry teacher, it so important to used standard innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment with virtual lab to make student more interested to learn chemistry especially in practicum/experiment. The teaching and learning process will be more interesting and interactive so the student will more understand the topic of subject matter discussed.


2. For researcher that will be doing related research can use this research for implementations stage of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment.