In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2113321054


Praises and greatest thanks to almighty Allah SWT, the most merciful

who has blessed and given time, opportunity, health, so that this thesis entitled ‘
The Effect of Wholesome Scattering Game on Students’ Achievement in
Writing Descriptive Text’ could be completed. This thesis is aimed to fulfill
one of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English
Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express her gratitude,
indebtness, and thanks for giving permission, suggestion, advising and
contribution during completing her thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to
express her gratitude and special thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages
and Arts, State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department
and Thesis Advisor, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English
Department, Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, M.Hum., as the Head of English
Education Study Program.
4. Rafika Dewi Nasution, S.Pd, M.Pd., as her Thesis Advisor II.
5. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., as her Academic Advisor.

6. Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., and Dr.Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., as her
Reviewer and Examiner.
7. All lecturers of English Department who taught, guided, and advised
her throughout the academic years.
8. Euis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd , as the administration staff of English
Department, for her attention, assistance, and information in completing
9. Drs. Hambali, M.Pd., as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Perbaungan,
for his permission and oppurtunities in allowing the writer to do
observation and research to collect the data.
10. Her beloved parents Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd and Dra. Endang
Ikaviani. Her only sister Yessi Sonia Atarini Sinulingga and all her
families for their endless love, pray, motivation, mental and everything
that they have given to the writer.

11. Her beloved friends in Extention A 2011, as her great class for the love
and togetherness throughout four years.
12. Her bestfriends since Junior High School Astari, Natasha,Wulan,
Diva, Okki and Tama for spreading careness, love and motivation to

the writer during finish the thesis.
13. The last but not least, her special friend Fadhly Sakti Ritonga, A.Md
for the love, pray, and full support.

Medan, Agustus 2015
The writer,

Tria Meilani Handani Sinulingga
NIM. 2113321054


Sinulingga. Tria Meilani Handani. 2113321054. The Effect of Wholesome
Scattering Game on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A
Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan, Medan: 2015.
This study deals with The Effect of Wholesome Scattering Game on Students’
Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. This study was conducted by using
experimental design. The population of the research was grade VIII of SMP

Negeri 1 Perbaungan Academic 2014/2015. Two classes randomly will be
chosen by lottery technique. The classes were divided into two groups. The
experimental group was taught by Wholesome Scattering Game and the control
group was taught without applying Wholesome Scattering Game. The data were
acquired by administered the pre-test and post-test. The result of the data were
analyzed by using the t-test formula. From the calculation, it was obtained that
tobserved (2.613) was higher than ttable (2.004) at the level of significance α=0.05
and df= 58. It means that the application of Wholesome Scattering Game on
students’ achievement in writing descriptive text was effective because the
result showed that students’ scores were higher after the treatment. In
conclusion, it is acceptable that Wholesome Scattering Game gave a significant
effect on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.
Keyword: Wholesome Scattering Game, Writing Descriptive Text.


ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1
A. The Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1
B. The Problem of the Study................................................................................... 4
C. The Objectives of the Study ............................................................................... 4
D. The Scope of the Study ...................................................................................... 4
E. The Significant of the Study............................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................... 6
A. Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................... 6
1. Achievement ................................................................................................ 6
2. Students’ Achievement ................................................................................ 7
3. Writing ......................................................................................................... 7
4. Writing Processes......................................................................................... 8
5. Genre of Writing .......................................................................................... 9
6. Descriptive Text........................................................................................... 11
a) The Definition of Descriptive Text......................................................... 11
b) Generic Structure of Descriptive Text.................................................... 11

c) Language Features of Descriptive Text .................................................. 11
d) Example of Descriptive Text .................................................................. 12
7. Writing Assessment ..................................................................................... 13
a) The Criteria of Scoring ........................................................................... 14
8. Games .......................................................................................................... 14
a) Types of Games ...................................................................................... 16
9. Wholesome Scattering Game........................................................................ 18
a) The Definition of Wholesome Scattering Game..................................... 18

b) Procedure of Wholesome Scattering Game............................................ 19
c) The Advantages of Using Wholesome Scattering Game....................... 20
B. Relevant Studies ................................................................................................. 21
C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 23
D. Hypothesis.......................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................. 26
A. Research Method.......................................................................................... 26
B. Population and Sample................................................................................. 27
1. Population ............................................................................................... 27
2. Sample..................................................................................................... 27

C. Instrument for Collecting Data..................................................................... 28
D. The Procedure of Research .......................................................................... 28
1. Pre-Test ................................................................................................... 29
2. Treatment ................................................................................................ 29
3. Post-Test ................................................................................................. 30
E. Validity and Reliability of the Test .............................................................. 30
1. Validity of the Test ................................................................................. 30
2. Reliability of the Test.............................................................................. 31
F. Scoring of the Test........................................................................................ 32
G. The Technique for Analyzing the Data ....................................................... 33
H. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER IV. THE DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS...................................... 35
A. The Data ....................................................................................................... 35
B. The Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 36
1. The Pre-Test Score Analysis................................................................... 36
2. The Post-Test Score Analysis ................................................................. 37
3. T-Test Analysis ....................................................................................... 38
C. Reliability of the Test .................................................................................. 40
D. Testing Hypothesis....................................................................................... 42
E. Research Finding .......................................................................................... 43

F. Discussion..................................................................................................... 43


CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ....................................... 45
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 45
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 45
REFERENCES................................................................................................ 47
APPENDIX ..................................................................................................... 49



Table 1.1 Students’ Score in Writing Descriptive Text .......................................... 2
Table 2.1 The Example of Descriptive Text ........................................................... 11
Table 2.2 Criteria Scoring of the Test..................................................................... 14
Table 3.1 Research Design...................................................................................... 28
Table 3.2 Teaching Procedures of Experimental Group......................................... 30

Table 3.3 The Scoring of Descriptive Text............................................................. 33
Table 4.1 The Pre-Test Score.................................................................................. 37
Table 4.2 The Post-Test Score ................................................................................ 38
Table 4.3 The Reliability of the Test ...................................................................... 39



A. The Background of the Study
Sharples (1999:6) states that writing is necessarily, constrained.
Without constraint, there can be no language or structure, just randomness.
Constraint should be not seen as restrictions on writing, but as means of
focusing the writer’s attention and channeling mental resources. Writers
need suitable language to structure these ideas in the form of a coherent
According to Celce (2001:205) states that the ability to express an
idea in second or foreign language especially in writing skill is a major
problem for many native speakers to write coherence of paragraph and

accuracy in choosing sentences. There is no doubt that writing is difficult
skill for second language or foreign language learners to be mastered. The
difficulty lies not only in generating and organizing ideas, but also in
translating these ideas into readable text.
Ramelan (2003:4) states that if someone wants to learn English as a
foreign language, he/she will obviously meet all kind of learning problems,
especially in writing skill, the learners will meet some problems for
example, learning of the new sound system, the learning of new vocabulary
items, and unfamiliar ways of arranging the foreign word unto sentences
Furthermore, Swales and Feak (1994:34) says that writing is a
complex socio-cognitive process involving the construction of recorder



messages on paper or some other material and more recently, on computer
screen. Writing as a process that involves the students to deliver their ideas,
opinion, and messages from what they know and listen then put all of it into
the text.

In fact, based on the preliminary observation was done by researcher
in SMP Negeri 1 Perbaungan on 8th grader, the researcher found that there
are many students could not pass the Minimal Completeness Criterion
(Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) that applied in the school, which is 77
especially in writing descriptive text.
The data can be seen as follows:
Table 1.1 Students score in writing descriptive text
VIII - 2
VIII - 3

< 77
< 77


Based on data of these 2 classes, it can be seen that 50 of 84 or
59,52% students have score under the minimal completeness criterion. It
can be concluded that the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text
is still low.
In addition, the researcher found that there are many factors that
make students have problems in learning writing skill. The students are lack
of conveying the idea and vocabulary. The teaching method that teacher
applied in writing was not effective. The teaching method that teacher


frequently used was conventional teaching like teacher directed learning.
Therefore, the teacher only explained what the generic structure and the
method how to write the descriptive text. The teacher does not use any
method and new ways to teach the students. Moreover, the students will be
unmotivated, bored, and hard to understand in learning descriptive text.
They also cannot describe the things, qualities and characteristic in a
systematic order.
Wright (1983:1) states that games can be found to give practice in all
the skills including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, in all the stages








recombination, and free use of language) and for many types of
communication such as encouraging, criticizing, agreeing, and explaining.
Wholesome scattering game is a game which students predict the
content of passage and duplicate sentences by using single word that have
been given by the teacher. It was promoted by Hess (1991:39) on her book
entitle Head Stars. Students on occasion not only predict the content of the
passage they are about to read, but also almost duplicate sentences, which
actually appear in it. Teacher might find that the first step of arranging the
words in weird and unusual ways are fun and takes quite a while. It is worth
the effort because students will not quickly forget these words.
Based on the explanation, wholesome scattering game is a simple
game and easy to be prepared by the teacher. Moreover, this strategy can
help the students to imagine the ideas before they know the actual text and
develop the sentences. The researcher thinks that it would be important to


apply this kind of game to help the students to solve the problem especially
in writing descriptive text. In addition, this strategy will make the students
enjoyable, creative, easy, and memorable about the material especially in
writing skill. Therefore, this study was designed to identify the effect of
applying wholesome scattering game on students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text.

B. The Problem of the Study
Related to the background of the study, the problem of this study is
formulated in form of a question as follows:
“Is there any significant effect of wholesome scattering game on
students’ achievement in writing descriptive text?”

C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out whether using Wholesome
Scattering Game affect significantly on the achievement of eight grade
students in SMP Negeri 1 Perbaungan in writing descriptive text.
D. The Scope of the Study
Descriptive text is basically a text describes someone or something.
This study was focused on the application of Wholesome Scattering Game
on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text in eighth grade of
Junior High School. They are expected to be able to write the descriptive
text by following the Wholesome Scattering Game that shown.


E. The Significant of the Study
Findings of the research are expected useful for these people:
1. Theoretical Benefits
Theoretically, the result of the study is expected to be useful to
enlarge the theory of education and teaching especially in English subject
in school. So that can add the knowledge and give a reference for those who
want to conduct a research in teaching writing.
2. Practical Benefits
a) For English teacher, this study is expected to give information and
inspiration to be more creative in applying an effective strategy
especially in teaching descriptive text.
b) For students, this study is expected to help the student to produce
a good descriptive text that is stimulated by wholesome scattering
game and also motivated the students to have a better
achievement in writing descriptive text.
c) For next researcher, this study can be used as initial experience in
conducting a similar research widely.
d) For institution, this study will give them some information, data,
sources about Wholesome Scattering Game as a strategy of
teaching for English subject.



Based on the data analysis, it was found that the students’ score in

experimental group was higher than the students’ in control group. The total
score and the mean score in experimental group showed that there was a
significant improvement of the students’ score between the pre-test and posttest score.
Since the value of tobserved was 2.613 with df (58) at the level significance
(0,05) = 2.004, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So, from the
calculation of he data, it can be concluded that Wholesome Scattering Game
significantly affected students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

The result of this study showed that the use of the Wholesome

Scattering Game could improve the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text. So, the researcher point out some suggestion as following:
1. Wholesome Scattering Game can be used as one of strategy in teaching
learning process. It is suggested for the teacher to apply Wholesome
Scattering Game in writing descriptive text because it provides an



opportunity for the students to develop their ideas before they start to write.
2. It is suggested to the teacher to keep applying Wholesome Scattering Game
in writing descriptive text because this strategy is appropriate for students’ need
to improve their ability in writing descriptive text.
3. Other researcher could develop the related studies in different strategy and
different skill on genre.

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