Handling an Aggressive Student in New Concept English Education Centre.

Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk membahas masalah yang saya hadapi
saat magang di New Concept English Education Centre. Masalah yang
dihadapi adalah kesulitan saya dalam mengatasi seorang siswa yang
Di dalam Tugas Akhir ini dianalisa sebab dan akibat dari masalah yang
saya hadapi . Karena saya belum pernah memiliki pengalaman dan tidak
memiliki pengetahuan dalam menangani anak yang agresif, saya
merasakan kesulitan dalam menangani anak tersebut. Akibatnya anak
tersebut tidak mau mendengarkan saya, saya tidak bisa mengontrol anak
tersebut sehingga kelas menjadi kacau, dan anak-anak lain tidak dapat
belajar dengan maksimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, ada beberapa
solusi yang saya ajukan, yaitu saya berusaha untuk membimbing dia
ketika berlaku tidak pantas di dalam kelas, saya akan membangun
hubungan yang positif dengan anak yang agresif tersebut, dan saya
mengabaikan anak tersebut ketika dia berkelakuan tidak pantas.
Di bagian akhir, Tugas Akhir ini juga menyatakan solusi terbaik dan
alasan-alasannya. Saya memilih salah satu dari tiga solusi potensial, yaitu
saya berusaha membimbing anak tersebut ketika dia berlaku tidak pantas
di dalam kelas.


Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY............................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................ iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................1-5
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS........................................................ 6-8
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS................................................ 9-14

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION................................................................. 15-17


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A. Appendix
1. I did not have any
experience in handling an
aggressive student.
2. I did not have any
knowledge of how to
handle an aggressive

Potential Negative effects
1. The student will not feel
comfortable with me as his
2. The student might not
want to accept my

Potential Negative effects
1. The other students in the
class will not respect me
because they think I show
favoritism to him.

Potential Negative effects
It can cause the other
students to do what the
aggressive student does
because they think that they
will not be punished for

misbehaving in class.
2. His misbehavior might get

Handling an aggressive student
aged 9 in New Concept English
Education Centre.

The aggressive student
never listened to me as
his teacher.
2. I lost control of the
3. The other students
were not able to learn

Potential Solution I

I will try to guide him firmly but
in a friendly way when he

Potential Positive effects
1. The student will respect
me as his teacher.
2. The student will pay
more attention to the



Potential Solution II
Developing a positive
relationship with the

Potential Positive effects
1. I can make the student
study well in the
2. I can gain trust from
him to make him
understand the need of

Potential Solution III
I Ignore the
aggressive student
when he misbehaves.

Potential Positive effects
1. He will stop

Chosen Solution:
I will try to guide him firmly

but in a friendly way when
he misbehaves.

Name of respondent

: Elang

Day/date of interview

: 28 Oktober 2011

Place of interview

: New Concept at Sarijadi


: Menurut Mister Prian, Elang itu anak seperti apa?

Mr. Prian

: Menurut saya, sebenarnya Elang itu anak yang pintar,

kekurangannya adalah kelakuannya yang aggresif

dan terlalu mencari perhatian yang berlebihan baik itu dari
temannya didalam kelas, ataupun dari saya sebagai

: Biasanya tindakan seperti apa yang Mr. Prian lakukan
untuk mengatasi sifat nya berperilaku aggresif didalam kelas

Mr. Prian

: Sebenarnya pertama sekali melihat kelakuannya seperti itu
saya sangat terkejut. Tetapi setelah beberapa lama saya

memperhatikan sifatnya saya jadi terbiasa. Pertama yang
akan saya lakukan adalah membimbing dia dalam belajar,
kalau dia merasa kesulitan dalam tugas yang saya berikan,
tetapi jikalau dia tetap aggresif, saya akan mendiamkan dia
dan membiarkan dia melakukan apa yang dia mau, tetapi
dengan catatan tidak boleh menggangu teman yang lain
didalam kelas.


: Apakah di setiap pertemuan didalam kelas dia selalu
berperilaku seperti itu (aggresif)?

Mr. Prian

: Ya, di setiap pertemuan dia akan selalu berkelakuan seperti
itu(aggresif) tidak hanya dengan perilaku dia yang
mengganggu teman-temannya, tetapi dengan kata-kata yang


: Apakah dia pernah melakukan sesuatu yang membuat Mr.
Prian benar-benar marah?

Mr. Prian

: Ya, pernah. Itu karena dia meludahi saya, saya tidak
berkata apa-apa, tetapi saya langsung melihat matanya
mengungkapkan kalau saya sedang marah kepadanya.


: Dengan sifatnya yang sangat aggresif. apakah dia pernah
merusak barang di dalam kelas?

Mr. Prian

: Ya, pernah suatu kali karena perilakunya yang aggresif, dia
naik ke atas kursi dan pegang-pegang whiteboard dan

whiteboard tersebut jatuh, dan harus diperbaiki.


A. Background of the Study
One of students’ behavioural problems that teachers may face is
student’s being aggressive. Based on the article “Intervensi Perilaku
Agresif (Aggressive Behavior) Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Keterampilan
Sosial Dan Emosional”, Ma’ruf states that “Aggressive behavior
manifested into two forms, namely, Physical form (example, pushing,
pulling, kicking, pinch, hair pulling, etc), and Mental form (example,
threatening, staring, mocking, name-calling, yelling, shouting, spreading
rumors, etc)” (par. 16). Therefore, students with this behaviour are difficult
to handle. This kind of behaviour can disturb the teaching and learning
process, because it can make the class noisy and the other students will
not focus on learning.
When I did my internship as a teacher at New Concept English
Education Centre (henceforth, NCEEC) in the Pre-Introduction 2 class
between January and February 2011, I had a difficulty in handling an
aggressive student. He is a nine-year-old boy in the Pre-Introduction 2


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class. His name is Elang. He always made problems in the class. In this
class has 10 students the age about 7/9 years old. For example, he
mocked his friends, fought with his friend, spread rumours, etc. I was
shocked because it was my first time as a teacher, and I did not know how
to handle it.
This topic is interesting to be discussed because it may also happen to
other teachers. Therefore, I would like to find out the solution for this
problem based on data and theories from my observation, the Internet,
books, and interviews.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem is going to be discussed and analyzed to answer the
following questions:
1. Why did I have a difficulty in handling an aggressive student in NCEEC?
2. How did my difficulty affect the teaching and learning process?
3. How can I handle the aggressive student in NCEEC?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of this term paper are to identify the causes of difficulty
in handling an aggressive student in NCEEC, to identify the effects of it,
and to find out the best solution for my problem in handling an aggressive
student in NCEEC.
The benefit of this research for NCEEC teachers is that it will help
them when they handle the same problem which is difficulty in handling an


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aggressive student. For the readers, it can give some new information to
help them if they have to face the same problem. For me as the writer it
can give me some possible solutions to face the problem, and it can help
me if I have to cope with a similar problem in the future.

D. Description of the Institution
New Concept English Education Centre is an English language course
which has a lot of braches in many cities in Indonesia. NCEEC was
founded in 1983, and is located on Jl. Raya Bunga Rampai no. 4, Duren
Sawit, East Jakarta. This institution has educated tens of thousands of
students, consisting of various levels of education, such as kindergarten,
elementary school, junior high school and university students. The
teaching method that NCEEC has applied is the "Communicative
Language Teaching", which is based on the students’ needs in
communicating orally and in writing. NCEEC has levels of learning which
are Pre School 1-3, Pre Introduction 1-3, Introduction 1-3, Pre Beginner 13, Beginner 1-3, Elementary 1-3, Pre Intermediate 1-3, Intermediate 1-3,
Higher Intermediate 1-3, Advanced 1-3.
The vision of NCEEC is to become an English educational institution
which is reliable and trustworthy. Also, NCEEC wants to reach all levels of
society, create jobs, and create professional human resources who will be
tutored by teachers from the NCEEC with training and development.


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E. Method of the Study
To get the needed information for the research, I use some articles
from the Internet, books, and I do interviews. I also do observation to get
the data to support my analysis. The observation is recorded in an
internship journal which I wrote during my internship.

F. Limitation of the Study
This study focuses on my experience as a teacher when I was doing
my internship in NCEEC between January and February 2011. The
subject is a boy who is nine years old, in the Pre-Introduction 2 level in

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper starts with an abstract which contains the summary of
this paper. Then, it is followed by four chapters.
Chapter one, which is the Introduction, contains the following parts.
First, Background of the Study discusses the reason of the chosen topic
and the definition of the discussed topic. Then, Identification of the
Problem states the research questions that will be answered in the term
paper. The Objectives and Benefits of the Study states the aims that I
want to reach at the end of this term paper. Afterwards, Description of the
Institution provides information about the institution. Then, Method of the
Study explains the process of data gathering. Limitation of the Study


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states the limit of the discussed topic. Finally, Organization of the Term
Paper describes the chapters and parts of the term paper briefly.
The second chapter discusses Problem Analysis. It explains the
causes and the effects of the problem. The third chapter discusses the
Potential Solutions. It also presents the possible positive and negative
effects of each potential solution. The fourth chapter discusses the
Conclusion. It states the best solution, supported by logical and systematic
At the end, Bibliography is given which contains the publishing
information for all of the sources used throughout the paper. Then, the
Flowchart and an interview transcript are added as appendices.


Maranatha Christian University


In the previous chapters, I have explained the causes and effects of my
difficulty in handling an aggressive student aged nine years old in New
Concept English Education Centre. The causes are I did not have any
experience in handling an aggressive student, and I did not have any
knowledge of how to handle an aggressive student. Then, I have also
explained the potential solutions for this problem. The potential solutions
for my problem are I try to guide him firmly but friendly when he
misbehaves in the class, developing a positive relationship with the
student, and ignore the aggressive student when he misbehaves in the
In this chapter I would like to present my chosen solution based on my
analyses. I choose one of my potential solutions, which is I will try to guide
him firmly but in a friendly way when he misbehaves. One of the reasons I
choose this solution is because I think my duty as a teacher is not only to
give the lessons in the class, but also to give him lessons about life. The
other reason is I believe that this potential solution is effective because
from his

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behaviour in class he always wants to get more attention, not only from his
friends but also from his teacher, and when I guide him, he will respect me
as his teacher, and he will pay more attention to the lessons. This solution
has negative effects, which are the student will not feel comfortable with
me as his teacher and the student might not want to accept my guidance.
Nevertheless, I will try to give my best and I will be patient when I guide
him until he feels comfortable with me and accept my guidance. I think the
reason he does not feel comfortable with me is because he does not know
me well. To overcome this, I can ask him, as a friend, something about
himself, such as his hobbies, his Facebook account, or his favorite game,
because I think when I try to know him better, he can begin feeling
comfortable with me. I want him to know I am not only his teacher, but I
can also become his friend.
If I choose the second potential solution, which is developing a positive
relationship with the student, other students in class will not respect me
because they think I show favoritism to him. If I choose the third potential
solution, which is I ignore the student when he misbehaves in the class, it
can cause the other students to do what the aggressive student does
because they think that they will not be punished for misbehaving in class
and his misbehavior might get worse. Therefore, I choose to guide him
when he misbehaves as the best solution.
This chosen solution can help teachers to handle this problem when
they have an aggressive student in the class. However, this solution also
has a constraint. The student might not want to accept the teacher’s


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guidance. In this case, the teacher must be patient and keep motivating
his or herself in guiding the student.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Gartrell, Dan. The Power of Guidance. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning,

Electronic Sources
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“Classroom Management Strategies.” 18 November 2011.
Fischer, Natalie. “How To earn Students’ Respect.” 20 November
2011. .
“Guide.” Merriam-Webster. 2011. 19 December 2011.

Maranatha Christian University

Guetzloe, Eleanor. “Practical Strategies for Working With Students Who
Display Aggression and Violence.” CYC-ONLINE. 2006. 8 November
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“Getting a Handle on Student Talking.” 3 November 2011.
“Ignoring Inappropriate Behaviour.” 29 Oktober 2011.
Lyness, D’Arcy. “Getting Along with Teacher.”. Nomeours. 2010.
18 October 2011.
Kaufman, Sara Rimm. “Improving Students’ Relationship with Teacher to
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2011American Psychological Association. 2 November 2011.
Mann, Sean “How to Discipline in the Classroom.” eHow contributor.
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Melalui Pembelajaran Keterampilan Sosial Dan Emosional.” 2009. 31
Agustus 2011. .

Maranatha Christian University

Ogonosky, Andrea. “Emotionally Disturbed Students.” 3 November 2011.

Stanley, Kathryn. “The Effects of Uncontrolled Aggressive Behavior in the
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Wagaman, Jennifer. “When to Ignore Student Behavior.” 2008. 18
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Prian. Personal interview. 28 Oktober 2011
Nabil. Personal interview. 28 Oktober 2011

Maranatha Christian University