Caroline`s motivation to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl as seen in Kim Edwars` The Memory Keeper`s Daughter - USD Repository







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

  By Anmaria Irmina Redy

  Student Number: 071214060












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

  By Anmaria Irmina Redy

  Student Number: 071214060







Courage is the most important of all

virtues, because without courage you can’t

practice any other virtues consistently

  • Maya Angelou-

  This thesis is dedicated to: my Mom up in heaven and my super Dad, who lets me be the luckiest daughter in the world



  First of all, I would like to thank God for blessing and guiding me so that I could finish doing my thesis. He never stops giving me strength to always get up every time I fall down. He accompanies me in all my days. He is the only reason everything is possible in my life.

  Next, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my major sponsor,


Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum., who had been so patient to answer every

  question that I had. I thank her for giving me so many suggestions and solutions in doing my thesis. I also give a very big appreciation to all of my lecturers of


English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University who

  shared a lot of knowledge since I was in the first semester until I graduate from this university. To English Language Education Study Program secretariat


staffs and Sanata Dharma University library staffs, I thank them for the best

service and help.

  My deepest gratitude also goes to my parents, Kukuh Sanyoto, S.Pd., and


Dyah Eti Budiati, S.Pd., who always mention my name in their prayer. I am

  really honored to have a chance to be their daughter. I also would like to say thank to my big brother and little sister, Yosafat Sinatriya Krisnanda and Helena Kris


Danindra, who are never tired of listening to my complaints about many things

for many times.

  A special gratitude goes to Koko Adityanto and Roreta Natalia, who have accompanied me in a bad and good time of my days. They always have ways to make me laugh and believe that I will not face this world alone.

  I thank all of the “LIE” crews (Andar, Agnes, Gaby, Kiki, Uci, Calvin,


Eli, Lui, Merici, Kania, Ajeng, Niko). It was a hard time to pass, but with all of

  them, it would be not impossible. I also would like to show my gratitude towards my SPD group, ROOTAFACTORY. I would not forget having a business experience with all of them. Next, I would like to give a great appreciation to my friends in SWA 3D boarding house (Ndong, Putri, Taju, Ida, Mbak Rizma,


Mbak Mui, Mbak Nancy, Mbak Indah, Mbak Menjeng, Mbak Bekti). I thank

them for letting me into their rooms.

  I also would like to thank all PBI students, class of 2007. It was a great time to have friends like them. They teach me love, patience, and understanding. I thank them for the greatest friendship ever. Finally, for all of people who cannot be mentioned one by one, I do not have anything to say but thank so much. God bless them all.

  Anmaria Irmina Redy




  ....................................................................................... i


  ............................................................................. ii


  .................................. iv


  ................................. v


  ......................................................................... vi


  ................................................................ vii


  ....................................................................... ix


  ...................................................................... xii


  ........................................................................................... xiii


  ................................................................................................ xv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ............................................................. 1 B. Problem Formulation ................................................................... 3 C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................ 3 D. Benefits of the Study ................................................................... 4 E. Definition of Terms ...................................................................... 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories.......................................................... 6

  1. Psychological Approach .................................................... 6

  2. Character and Characterization .......................................... 7

  3. Theory of Motivation ......................................................... 9

  B. Theoretical Framework .............................................................. 14

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study .................................................................... 16 B. Approach of the Study ................................................................ 17 C. Method of the Study ................................................................... 17 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. The Description of Caroline’s Characteristics ............................ 19

  1. Physical Description ........................................................ 20

  2. Personality Description ................................................... 20

  a. Responsibility ............................................................ 20

  b. Loving......................................................................... 22

  c. Calm............................................................................ 25

  d. Competent................................................................... 26

  e. Sensitive ..................................................................... 27

  f. Brave ........................................................................... 28

  g. Smart........................................................................... 30

  B. Caroline’s Motivations as a Foster Mother in Taking Care of Down Syndrome.......................................................................... 31

  1. Caroline’s Affiliative Motivation......................................32

  a. Caroline’s Responsibility after David Henry Refuses to Take Care of Phoebe.................................34

  b. The Protection Needed by Phoebe from Caroline.......37

  c. Caroline’s Need for Having a Good Relationship with Others..................................................................38

  2. Caroline’s Achievement Motivation.................................43

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions..................................................................................53 B. Suggestions ................................................................................. 55

  1. Suggestions for Future Researchers ............................... 55

  2. Suggestions for Teaching Learning Activity ................. 56


  ............................................................................................ 59


  ............................................................................................. 61


  Page Appendix 1 : Summary of The Memory Keeper’s Daughter ……......... 62 Appendix 2 : The Biography of Kim Edward........……………….....… 64 Appendix 3 : Lesson Plan of Teaching Basic Reading I........……........ 66 Appendix 4 : Teaching Material…………………………….....…....…. 68 Appendix 5 : Reading Text…………………………………………..... 70



  Redy, Anmaria I. (2012) Caroline’s Motivation to be a Foster Mother to a


Down Syndrome Girl as Seen in Kim Edwards’ The Memory Keeper’s

Daughter. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata

Dharma University.

  This study analyzes a novel written by Kim Edward, entitled The Memory


Keeper’s Daughter. This novel tells about a down syndrome girl named Phoebe

  who is separated from her family by her own father. He wants to keep him and his wife away from terrible grief to have this girl. Then, Caroline, a stranger to Phoebe, becomes a foster mother to Phoebe and loves her as her own child. Caroline is one of the major characters in the novel. She struggles for Phoebe’s life from injustice that is commonly experienced by the down syndrome people. Therefore, this study is about Caroline’s motivation to be a foster mother and to take care of a down syndrome girl.

  In this study, there are two problems to be answered. The first problem is how Caroline’s character is portrayed in this novel. The next problem is what motivate Caroline to be foster mother to a down syndrome girl. Accordingly, the aims of the study are to describe Caroline’s character and to reveal the motivation of Caroline to be a foster mother and take care of a down syndrome girl.

  This study employs library research to collect the data, which support the analysis. Psychological approach is employed to find out the motivation of Caroline as a foster mother to take care of Phoebe. There are two sources, which are used in this study. First, the primary source is the novel itself entitled The


memory Keeper’s Daughter. The secondary source is from psychological books

  and literary works. In this study, the writer employs theory of character and characterization, and theory of motivation.

  According to this study, the finding of the first problem is that Caroline’s character is portrayed as responsible, loving, calm, competent, sensitive, brave, and smart. These traits create a situation which makes this character is able to take the consequences to be a foster mother in taking care of a down syndrome girl.

  To answer the second problem, the writer employs McClelland’s theory of human motivation. Because this study focuses on Caroline’s relationship with others and how to reach goals in her life, affiliative and achievement motivation are employed to find out Caroline’s motivation to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl. Affiliative motivation becomes the major motivation in this study, while achievement motivation is the minor one.

  The writer finds three motivations of Caroline, which are included in the affiliative motivation. The first motivation is Caroline’s responsibility after David Henry refuses to take care of Phoebe. The second motivation is the protection needed by Phoebe from Caroline. The last motivation is Caroline’s need for having a good relationship with others.

  In the achievement motivation, the writer finds that Caroline wants to get a better life, which are happiness, togetherness, and warmth, which can only be not that easy to reach her dream. Since Phoebe came to her life, everything seems possible for Caroline to catch.

  This study provides some suggestions for future researchers who want to analyze the same novel. The writer suggests two topics to be discussed. The first topic is the influence of lying to David Henry’s personality development. The second topic is Norah’s struggle after losing her down syndrome daughter. This study also provides the teaching material and lesson plan for Basic Reading I class, which takes some parts in the novel as the reading text.



  Redy, Anmaria I. (2012) Caroline’s Motivation to be a Foster Mother to a


Down Syndrome Girl as Seen in Kim Edwards’ The Memory Keeper’s

Daughter. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata

Dharma University.

  Studi ini menganalisa sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh Kim Edward, berjudul The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. Novel ini menceritakan tentang anak penderita down syndrome bernama Phoebe yang dipisahkan dari keluarganya oleh ayahnya sendiri. Ayahnya tidak ingin merasakan kesedihan karena mengasuh anak tersebut. Kemudian, Caroline, orang yang asing bagi Phoebe, menjadi ibu angkat bagi Phoebe and mencintainya seperti anak kandungnya. Caroline adalah salah satu dari karakter-karakter utama di dalam novel ini. Dia berjuang untuh hidup Phoebe dari ketidakadilan yang biasanya dialami oleh penderita down


syndrome. Oleh karena itu, studi ini berisi tentang motivasi Caroline untuk

  menjadi ibu angkat dan mengasuh Phoebe sebagai seorang anak penderita down syndrome.

  Di dalam studi ini, terdapat dua permasalahan yang akan dijawab. Permasalahan pertama adalah bagaimana karakter Caroline digambarkan di dalam novel ini. Permasalahan selanjutnya adalah apa yang memotivasi Caroline untuk menjadi ibu angkat bagi anak penderita down syndrome. Karena itu, tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan karakter Caroline dan untuk mengungkap motivasi Caroline untuk menjadi ibu angkat dan mengasuh anak penderita down syndrome.

  Studi ini menggunakan studi pustaka untuk mengumpulkan data yang mendukung analisa. Pendekatan psikologi digunakan untuk mengetahui motivasti Caroline sebagai ibu angkat untuk mengasuh Phoebe. Terdapat dua sumber informasi yang digunakan di dalam studi ini. Pertama, sumber informasi yang pertama adalah novel ini sendiri yang berjudul The Memory Keeper’s daughter. Sumber informasi kedua adalah buku-buku sastra dan psikologi. Di dalam studi ini, penulis menggunakan teori karakter dan karakterisasi, dan teori motivasi.

  Menurut studi ini, penemuan dari permasalahan yang pertama adalah bahwa karakter Caroline digambarkan sebagai seorang yang bertanggungjawab, penyayang, tenang, kompeten, sensitif, berani, dan pintar. Sifat-sifat ini menciptakan suatu situasi yang membuat karakter ini mampu untuk mengambil resiko sebagai ibu angkat dalam mengasuh anak down syndrome.

  Untuk menjawab permasalahan kedua, penulis menggunakan teori motivasi manusia dari McClelland. Karena studi ini fokus terhadap hubungan Caroline dengan orang lain dan cara mencapai tujuan hidupnya, motivasi afiliasi dan motivasi pencapaian digunakan untuk mengetahui motivasi Caroline untuk menjadi ibu angkat bagi seorang anak down syndrome. Motivasi afiliasi adalah motivasi utama didalam studi ini, sedangkan motivasi pencapaian adalah motivasi tambahan.

  Penulis menemukan tiga motivasi Caroline yang termasuk dalam jenis perlindungan yang diperluakan Phoebe dari Caroline. Motivasi yang terakhir adalah kebutuhan Caroline untuk memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain.

  Di dalam motivasi pencapaian, penulis menemukan bahwa Caroline menginginkan kehidupan yang lebih baik yaitu kebahagiaan, kebersamaan, dan kehangatan yang hanya dapat ditemukan dalam sebuah keluarga. Masa lalunya yang sulit memberikan dia kekuatan untuk menemukan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Tidaklah mudah untuk mencapai mimpinya tersebut. Tetapi, sejak Phoebe hadir di dalam kehidupannya, segalanya terlihat mungkin bagi Caroline untuk diraih.

  Studi ini menyertakan beberapa saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya yang ingin menganalisa novel yang sama. Penulis menyarankan dua topik untuk didiskusikan. Topik pertama adalah pengaruh kebohongan bagi perkembangan kepribadian David Henry. Topik kedua adalah perjuangan Norah setelah kehilangan anaknya yang menderita down syndrome. Studi ini juga menyertakan materi pengajaran dan rencana pengajaran dan pembelajaran (RPP) bagi kelas Basic Reading I yang mengambil beberapa bagian di dalam novel sebagai teks bacaan.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five parts. They are background of the study,

  problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefit of the study, and definition of terms. Background of the study explains about the necessity of analyzing the topic and the reasons for choosing the topic. The objectives of the study explain about the aims of this study. Benefit of the study present about the advantages of conducting this study. The definition of terms explains about the terms that are used in this study.

A. Background of the Study Literature is always interesting to be discussed in every day of human life.

  Our life cannot be separated with literatures and its forms, such as poems, short stories, novels, and plays. These literary works really help us to have the right place to share what we feel about to others. Unconsciously, we have read many kinds of books and poems, and watched some dramas in television which take some parts of our life.

  Besides expressing human feeling, literature is also about pleasure. This is the way human shows his thought about this life. Thinking literary means we analyze something using the other perception. One thing that is very important to express the literary works is the language. The language has the aim to interrelate

  2 feeling. They can write a short story, a poem, a novel or do the play that correctly represents what they are feeling at that time.

  In literary works, the reader could analyze what is hidden by the writer. One of the ways to interpret the meaning is its symbol. Rohrberger, Marry and H Woods. Jr, Samuel (1971) stated, “One reason literature can be approached from so many different directions and by many readers of different generations is its symbolic nature” (p. 15). Literature does not mean to confuse the readers with many symbols in the literary works, but the authors of those literary works want to interrelate to the reader about their ideas and feelings so the readers can feel the sense of reality and get the meaning of their literary works. One of the literary works reflecting the reality life is novel. The story in a novel represents a part of human life.

  One of the topics in human life that can be raised in the novel is about motivation. Without motivation, human leads his life pointlessly. Motivation makes human understand the reason why they do something. The reason will underline what human does and give the right direction to the goal of it. A novel entitled The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards is one of the representatives of literary works that consist with human’s life and its motivations.

  Kim Edwards as the author of The Memory Keeper’s Daughter wrote a story of motivation about a woman who becomes a foster mother for a down syndrome girl, and loves her as if she is her own daughter. The story begins when

  3 David, the father, does not want to have a down syndrome daughter. That is why he gives the baby to his nurse to be brought away from his family. Since the nurse does not have a heart to leave the baby in the institution, she agrees to take care of his daughter. Then, David has kept this secret to his wife until the death comes to him. In the end, his wife finds evidence showing that her daughter is still alive. She meets her and the secret has been solved.

  This study is about the novel entitled The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, especially in the motivation of the Caroline as foster mother who takes care of a girl suffered from down syndrome. This motivation is important to be analyzed because Caroline has not any relationship at all with Phoebe, the down syndrome girl. There would be many factors supporting her action to do this whether it is from the inside or the outside of herself.

  B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the background of the study, the problem can be formulated into the following questions:

  1. How is Caroline’s character portrayed in this novel?

  2. What motivate Caroline to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The objectives of this study are to find the answers to the problem formulation. The first objective is to describe the character of Caroline. The

  4 second objective is to reveal the motivations of Caroline to be a foster mother in taking care of a down syndrome girl.

  D. Benefits of the Study

  There are three benefits that people can get from this study. First, it is useful for the writer because she can learn some important values from this novel.

  This novel portrays the reality. It is inspired the writer to live better and never discriminate disabled person. Second, the study will be useful for the readers. This study is expected to understand further about literature. Third, it is useful for other researchers who need this study to be the references to their study in the future.

  The suggestions given to help them develop or specify the topic.

  E. Definition of Terms

  There are two terms appeared in this study, which need to be clarified so that the perception for every term can be so clear for the writer and the reader, as follows:

  1. Motivation Motivation refers to the set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior, usually toward some goal (Huffman, 2010, p. 407). In this study, motivation refers to the forces within Caroline to take care of the down syndrome girl named Phoebe.


  2. Down Syndrome Down syndrome is a chromosomally transmitted form of mental retardation caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 (Santrock,

  2007, p. 68). In this novel, Phoebe suffers from down syndrome. This syndrome was recognized since she was born. It can be known by analyzing the physical appearance of the victims. They have a round face, a flat-tened skull, an extra fold of skin over the eyelids, a protruding tongue, and short limbs.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter discusses the review of related literature. This chapter

  consists of three parts. They are theoretical review, theory of psychology, and theoretical framework. In theoretical review, they are theory of critical approach, theory of character, theory of characterization. Theory of psychology contains with theory of motivation. Theoretical framework discusses about the reason putting the theories in this study.

A. Review of Related Theories

1. Psychological Approach

  This study employs psychological approach. The psychological approach is an approach, which can be interpreted through human’s experience. Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H Woods. Jr (1971) have describes the conclusion of the unconscious area of the human mind:

  Freud’s exploration of the unconscious area of human mind led him to the conclusion that it was this area that was wellspring of man’s rich imagination, his capacity for creation, the complexity of his thought and behavior and that the contents of this region of the mind found expression in symbolic words, thoughts, and actions (p. 14). Psychological approach is employed because this study needs some analyses using theory of human motivation. Through psychological approach, the Caroline’s motivation to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl can be

  7 revealed by his words, thoughts, and actions. It really helps the writer to interpret what is on Caroline’s mind when she takes her decision to take care of Phoebe.

2. Character and Characterization

  Character is one of the components, which has important role in literary works. Through character, a literary work gets its image from the participation of each character.

  Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue—and from what they do—the action. (Abrams, 1999, p. 33-34)

  Character is needed to be the subject of the literary work. In this case, novel is one of the literary works, which puts character to lead the story. Character gives very big influence in constructing reader’s view of the story in the novel. Klarer (1999) noted, “The individualization of a character, however, has evolved into a main feature of the genre of the novel” (p. 19). Each character has its own way in making the story alive, even though there are major and minor characters. The author must have reliable reasons why character is put into the story.

  To get to know further about the character itself, Eastman (1965) divides types of characters into flat and round character. The flat character is a type, which is consistent. This character avoids to make some problems in his surroundings. “He is unlikely to engage in inner conflict. Therefore he is not likely to change ; he is static; his responses are predictable (p. 18).”

  It is the opposite with round character, which is likely to change into

  8 behavior. “His desires and values are likely to pull in different directions. Because he is in tension, he is also dynamic: capable of new kinds of behavior under new strains” (p. 18).

  Klarer (1999) agrees with this theory of characters. In his book An


Introduction to Literary Studies, he states both typified character (flat) and

  individual character (round). The typified character is dominated by one specific trait. Otherwise, the individual character denotes a personal with more complex and differential features (p. 17).

  The figures in a literary text can either be characterized as types or individuals. Klarer (1999) states that characters can be rendered into showing and telling as two different method of presentation. First, it is explanatory characterization (telling) which describes a person through a narrator. In telling method, the author describes clearly about the character further by using words, for example: She is calm and well mannered. The reader easily knows the characteristics of the character by reading what are printed in the narration.

  Second, it is dramatic characterization (showing) which does away with the position of an obvious narrator, thus avoiding any overt influence on the reader by a narrative mediator (p. 19). In this method, the reader can freely guess what lies behind all of the actions and dialogs showed by the characters in the novel.

  A character is often described as the character in terms of character traits. This character traits commonly use the descriptive adjectives that tell the specific

  9 qualities of the character. The adjective words represent the personal description of a character learned in a literary work.

3. Theory of Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

  This study needs theory of motivation as one of its review literature. This theory could help answering the second problem formulation, which is about analyzing Caroline’s motivation as a foster mother to take care of the girl with down syndrome.

  According to Huffman (2010), motivation comes from the Latin movere, meaning ‘to move’ (p.406). From the meaning given, motivation is expected to help human move from one point to other points through a process of life. Motivation refers to the set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior, usually toward some goal (Huffman, 2010, p. 407). Motivation affects human action in order to achieve their goal. In other words, motivation arranges and gives strength to behavior.

  Murray (1964) stated that motivation could be influenced from other factors, which influence human behavior. He did not cover the reality that all of things happened in human life are able to get the portion of creating someone's behavior. Human behavior is susceptible. Any other unforgettable things, which leave impression, have a chance to change their behavior.

  Motivation is distinguished from other factors that also influence behavior, such as the past experience of the person, his physical capabilities, and the environmental situation in which he finds himself,


b. Human Motives

  McClelland (1985) categorizes motivation into four major classes. They are achievement motivation, affiliative motivation, power motivation, and avoidance motivation. Every action could have one or more motivations as their reason of doing that action. It is only distinguished by the standard in every motivation. There is a possibility for motivations to complete each other. Power, affiliative, and avoidance motivation are related to others in their surroundings. It is different from achievement motivation, which comes from his own self. That makes human needs to recognize him so that he can possibly understand what he wants for real.

  However, an action is only considered to be achievement motivated when the drive to perform emanates from within individuals themselves, i.e.,when individuals feel committed to a standard of excellence and pursue achievement goals on their own initiative.(McClelland, p. 137)

  Affiliative and achievement motivation are chosen to be the appropriate motivations because this study is aimed to analyze human relationship and how a person drives himself to reach a goal. After analyzing the problem formulation, the researcher decided to take these two motivations as the approach to answer the second question of the problem formulation.

  The first motivation employed in this research is affiliative motivation. This motive relates to human relationship. According to list of Murray social motives, affiliation is:

  To draw near and enjoyably co-operate or reciprocate with an allied other (an other who resembles the subject or who likes the subject). To please

  11 and win affection of a cathected abject. To adhere and remain loyal to a friend. (Murray 97)


Atkinson, Heyns, & Veroff in Charles P. Smith's Motivation and Personality (1992)

  stated, “T he affiliative motive is defined as the desire to establish, maintain, or restore


warm relationships with other people” (p. 53). This motivation is different with

achievement motivation which is centered upon other people not only himself. The high

affiliative-motivated person is fond to give priority to keep and make relationship because

the affiliative activity could fulfill his need of affiliation.

  Murray (1964) explains that people with high affiliation-motivated tend to prioritize in socializing with other people. They often make calls, write letters, and come to visit their friends and relatives. In the office, they also like interacting with others. By having this kind of relationship, people would create dependency between one to another. If the contacts happen intensively, it must be sure that affiliative motivation would affect the way how people treat each other.

  How does the affiliation motive affect performance? The individualistic, achievement-motivated individual works hard when he gets involved in a problem. The person motivated primarily by affiliation, however may not be so involve in getting the job done. People mean more to him than the task. In fact, this sort of person may find it difficult to stay in his room alone to study—he would much rather be at a bull session or out on a date. (Murray 102)

  Affiliative motivation appears in human characteristics through many ways. One of them is from their family. In the family, parents ordinarily offer many things related to affection, such as love, warmth, and security. According to Charles P. Smith (1992), children who experienced insecurity in the primary affiliative relationship very early in life are apt to grow up with an implicit fear of rejection

  12 interact and build affection to the other people. Children absorb anything they see and feel easily, and then they copy it in their life. This affection indirectly builds a comfort feeling to the children and makes them to be dependent.

  Some general observations suggest that the parents of affiliation- motivated children put more emphasis on close family ties and conformity to parental authority. They seem to encourage dependence rather than independence. (Murray 103)

  Murray (1964) agreed that different gender could bring the different way of living independently. Commonly, women are more dependent than men. They tend to gather with others and build human relationship as many as they could so that they feel safe and comfortable.

  For one thing, men and women differ in dependence according to some studies. In our cultures, it is less acceptable for a male to be dependent and to seek the comfort of others. (Murray 104)

  There would be possibility for men to be more dependent than women. It depends on how they passed their childhood and the surroundings treated them. From this explanation, it can be concluded that affiliative motivation indirectly affects human behavior.

  The second motivation which is employed in this study is achievement motivation. Heckhausen (2008) stated that a behavior can be considered achievement motivated when it involves “competition with a standard of excellence” (p. 137). Achievement motivation is the people’s needs of reaching and achieving the goal in their life. According to Murray in List of Murray's Social Motives, achievement is:

  To accomplish something difficult. To master, manipulate or organize

  13 independently as possible. To overcome obstacles and attain a high standard. To excel one’s self. To rival and surpass others. To increase self-regard by the successful exercise of talent. (Murray 97)

  Each person has different ways to develop their motives for motivation. These differences are influenced by many factors, such as the place where they live, how they are treated in their family, and so forth. Murray (1965) stated that some specific characters are familiar found in every high-achiever. These are the specifications:

  What are these high-achieving people like in other ways? They tend to have self-confidence, to like individual responsibility, and to prefer concrete knowledge of the result of their work. They get good grades. They are active in college and community activities, choose expert rather than friends as working partners, and are resistant to outside social pressure. They enjoy taking moderates risks in situations that depend on their own ability, but not when it comes to pure chance situations, such as horserace betting. (Murray 100)

  It is clear that this kind of person is not worried in many things. They are risk- takers, stubborn, and ambitious. Since achievement motivation is only from inside of the person, it is common for the high achiever to work by himself. Being an individual responsibility always becomes his habit because he is used to it. He truly believes in his own ability to solve the problem and it makes him having a high self-confidence. High-achiever gives important contributions to his surroundings but not a good person to live with. He tends to do everything better than before. They avoid doing something routine because it is not challenging.

  After they finished doing things successfully, it would not be their concern no more. Then, they will find other things to be done.

  14 McClelland (1985), explained the incentive for the achievement motive. It is emphasized that “doing something better” is the incentive for the achievement motive. People who have achievement motive will do anything better than they did before to achieve their goal. According to McClelland, there are many reasons related to this incentive, such as to please the teacher, to avoid criticism, to gain the approval of a loved one, or simply to get some time off from work (p. 228).

  The incentive is needed for them to show how capable they are in actualizing their goal.

B. Theoretical Framework

  The study of Kim Edwards’ The Memory of Keeper’s Daughter is a life analysis that becomes the major topic. This novel can be seen from many perspectives, but in this study, the readers can get further explanation from the psychological approach. The discussion would be about Caroline's motivation to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl. In order to answer the objective, I formulated two problems. The first problem is to identify how Caroline’s character is portrayed in this novel. The second problem is to analyze the motivation of Caroline to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl.

  This analysis is supported by some theories. The theories used are theory of character and characterization, and theory of motivation. Theory of character and characterization has the function to find out the characters of Caroline which defines as individual character (round). The theories used are by Klarer and Abrams. By using this theory, I could find out Caroline’s characters and

  15 divides human characterization into two. They are explanatory characterization (telling) and dramatic characterization (showing).

  The second theory is theory of motivation by McClelland, Heckhausen, and Murray. The explanations of these three researchers are complete enough to find the answer of the second problem formulation. From this theory, I could analyze the motivation of Caroline to be a foster mother to a down syndrome girl.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY In this chapter, there are three parts to be discussed. They are object of the

  study, approach of the study, and method of the study. The object of the study concerned with the object of this study, which is a novel of Kim Edwards, The


Memory Keepers’ Daughter. The approach of the study concerned with the

  approach used in this study. Method of study concerned with the method and procedure of this study.

A. Object of the Study

  The object of this study is The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards. This is the first novel of Kim Edwards. She is the author of short story collection The Secret of Fire King. This novel is published the first time in the United States of America by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 2005. It is published in Penguin Books (international edition) 2006. This novel consists of 513 pages.

  This novel tells about family, David Henry, a doctor, and his wife named Norah. His wife gave a birth to twins named Paul and Phoebe. Paul is a normal boy, but Phoebe has down syndrome. David keeps a secret not telling his wife about the daughter condition. He prefers to say that their daughter died. It is because of his memory when his sister was born with a heart defect, then she died

  17 because of it. David Hendry does not want his wife to have the same lost like what his mother had if Phoebe is still with them. A down syndrome person also has the possibility to die because of heart defect.

  David Henry asks his nurse, Caroline, to bring his daughter into the institution, but finally she takes Phoebe home. Then, Caroline decides to take care of her. After that, Caroline struggles to have a new life in a new place with Phoebe.

  B. Approach of the Study

  This novel is analyzed using psychological approach. This approach is employed to understand the behavior of characters in this novel which is considered by psychological aspect. It is really helpful to know Caroline’s motivation to be a foster mother in taking care of Phoebe, a girl with down syndrome.

  C. Method of the Study

  This study is a library study. This method is started with reading the primary source that is the novel for many times to get better understanding of this novel. The title of this novel is the Memory of Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards. After reading the novel for many times, I decided the topic of Caroline’s motivation to be a foster mother to Phoebe, a down syndrome girl. I noted some findings and data related to this topic.

  18 Then, I collected some secondary sources in the library to find books of literature and psychology. The secondary sources are books related to motivation and literature theories, and also some books from the internet to complete the sources that cannot be found in library. In the end, I use some theories that are suitable for this study to support my findings.

  In the process of analyzing the novel, I focused on the characters of Caroline and the motivations of Caroline to be a foster mother in taking care of the girl with down syndrome. In the first point, Caroline's characters are really needed to be discussed. By finding the characters, I could answer the second point and found out that Caroline’s characters affect her motivation in taking care of Phoebe. Then, I related these characters and motivation using psychological approach theory. In the end, the conclusion of this analysis can be achieved.

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS This chapter is to find out the two problems appeared in the problem

  formulation. First, it discusses the analysis of Caroline’s character portrayed in this novel. Second, it is about what motivate Caroline to be a foster mother to take care of the girl with down syndrome.

A. The Description of Caroline’s Character

  In the novel The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, Caroline Lorraine Gill becomes one of the major characters in this novel. Kim Edwards, the writer, employs the two methods of analyzing the character, which are telling and showing are included to tell the story. Klarer (1999), in his theory, supports this study to find the character and characterization implicitly and explicitly (p. 19).

  In the theory of character and characterization, it has been discussed that Klarer (1999) and Eastman (1965) represented two kinds of character, which are typified character (flat) and individualized character (round). From this novel, Caroline as one of the major characters is analyzed as an individualized character (round). This type of character experiences the changes of her character after encountering some problems in this novel. Kim Edwards clearly develops Caroline’s characteristics from the way she confronts all that happened in her life.

  1. Physical Description

  As written in the novel The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, David Henry describes Caroline as a blue-eyed woman with a pale face. In defining Caroline’s physical description, the theory employed is by Abrams (1999) who states that character can be interpreted by his dialogue and action (p. 33-34). It bears out that both dialogue and action are completed one another. In this case, Kim Edwards employs David Henry’s thought to portray her physical description. David Henry makes his judgment after looking at Caroline.

  The nurse met them. The moment he saw her, he knew something was wrong. She had large blue eyes in a pale face that might have been forty or twenty-five, and whenever something was not to her liking a thin vertical line formed across her forehead, just between her eyes. (14)