Kelompok IV SIKMRN + Kitosan Blangkas Nano Penanaman sampel gigi P dalam pipa paralon Preparasi kavitas Klas I Aplikasi Bahan Uji yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 6 sampel

  Alur Penelitian

  I II Kelompok I SIKMR

  Persiapan sampel gigi P Kelompok


  • Kitosan Blangkas Nano Kelompok IV SIKMRN
  • Kitosan Blangkas Nano Penanaman sampel gigi P dalam pipa paralon Preparasi kavitas Klas I Aplikasi Bahan Uji yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 6 sampel Potongan sampel gigi P ditanam di dalam mould Hasil cetakan dikeluarkan dari mould Sampel gigi P di potong pada bagian akar dan gigi di bagi dua pada

  arah bukal-lingual Dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan SEM dan EDX Pembuatan pasta kitosan nanopartikel

  1 gram kitosan + 50 ml larutan asam asetat 1%  Diaduk pada kecepatan 200 rpm (± 30 menit) Pasta kitosan.

  Pasta kitosan dimasukkan dalam ultrasonic bath

  Pasta Kitosan blangkas Nanopartikel

  Lampiran 8 SIKMR


  SIKMR + Kitosan

  SIKMRn + Kitosan

  • .892
  • .898
  • .879
  • .968
  • .951
  • .942
  • .914
  • .820
  • .935
  • .923
  • .890
  • .878
  • .970
  • .925
  • .961
  • .869
  • .902
  • .925
  • .980
  • .950
  • .963
  • .906

  6 .619 SIKMRn + Kitosan .234 6 .200

  6 .845 N SIKMR .338 6 .031 .797

  6 .738 SIKMRn + Kitosan .161 6 .200

  6 .954 SIKMR + Kitosan .176 6 .200

  6 .542 SIKMRn .145 6 .200

  6 .385 Si SIKMR .222 6 .200

  6 .220 SIKMRn + Kitosan .250 6 .200

  6 .828 SIKMRn .305 6 .086 .783 6 .051 SIKMR + Kitosan .223 6 .200

  6 .542 Al SIKMR .198 6 .200

  6 .896 SIKMRn + Kitosan .202 6 .200

  6 .260 SIKMR + Kitosan .177 6 .200

  6 .317 SIKMRn .260 6 .200

  6 .527 Na SIKMR .253 6 .200

  6 .088 SIKMR + Kitosan .220 6 .200


Tests of Normality

  6 .067 SIKMRn .254 6 .200

  6 .465 F SIKMR .300 6 .098 .702

  6 .672 SIKMRn + Kitosan .256 6 .200

  6 .752 SIKMR + Kitosan .168 6 .200

  6 .877 SIKMRn .166 6 .200

  6 .267 O SIKMR .178 6 .200

  6 .362 SIKMRn + Kitosan .200 6 .200

  6 .329 SIKMR + Kitosan .238 6 .200

  6 .057 SIKMRn .194 6 .200

  Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. C SIKMR .384 6 .006 .763


  Kelompok Kolmogorov-Smirnov

  6 .055 SIKMRn .340 6 .029 .802 6 .061

  SIKMR + Kitosan .253 6 .200

  6 .412 SIKMRn + Kitosan .254 6 .200

  • .830
  • .960
  • .815
  • .979
  • .941
  • .863
  • .855
  • .885

  6 .107 P SIKMR .189 6 .200

  6 .822 SIKMRn .267 6 .200

  6 .080 SIKMR + Kitosan .141 6 .200

  6 .949 SIKMRn + Kitosan .217 6 .200

  6 .664 Ca SIKMR .259 6 .200

  6 .201 SIKMRn .353 6 .018 .744 6 .057 SIKMR + Kitosan .221 6 .200

  6 .171 SIKMRn + Kitosan .253 6 .200

  6 .291

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.




  C 95% Confidence Interval for

  Mean Maxim

  N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum um SIKMR 6 3.0117 .40975 .16728 2.5817 3.4417


  3.81 SIKMRn 6 2.8850 .22251 .09084 2.6515 3.1185


  3.17 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 2.8350 .18019 .07356 2.6459 3.0241


  3.12 SIKMRn + Kitosan 6 2.7383 .13333 .05443 2.5984 2.8783


  2.89 Total 24 2.8675 .26137 .05335 2.7571 2.9779


  3.81 Test of Homogeneity of Variances C Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .412


  C Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups .233 3 .078 1.161 .349 Within Groups 1.338 20 .067 Total 1.571


Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons

  C LSD (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  SIKMR SIKMRn .12667 .14935 .406 -.1849 .4382 SIKMR + Kitosan .17667 .14935 .251 -.1349 .4882 SIKMRn + Kitosan .27333 .14935 .082 -.0382 .5849

  SIKMRn SIKMR -.12667 .14935 .406 -.4382 .1849 SIKMR + Kitosan .05000 .14935 .741 -.2615 .3615 SIKMRn + Kitosan .14667 .14935 .338 -.1649 .4582

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR -.17667 .14935 .251 -.4882 .1349 SIKMRn -.05000 .14935 .741 -.3615 .2615 SIKMRn + Kitosan .09667 .14935 .525 -.2149 .4082

  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR -.27333 .14935 .082 -.5849 .0382 SIKMRn -.14667 .14935 .338 -.4582 .1649 SIKMR + Kitosan -.09667 .14935 .525 -.4082 .2149


  O N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

  Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound SIKMR 6 21.7550 .22705 .09269 21.5167 21.9933


  22.12 SIKMRn 6 21.7817 1.39558 .56975 20.3171 23.2462


  23.43 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 21.0783 .96543 .39414 20.0652 22.0915





  95% Confidence Interval for Mean SIKMRn + 6 19.4550 1.63336 .66682 17.7409 21.1691


  22.03 Kitosan Total 24 21.0175 1.46604 .29925 20.3984 21.6366


  23.43 Test of Homogeneity of Variances O Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .053


  O Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 21.438 3 7.146 5.105 .009 Within Groups 27.996 20 1.400 Total 49.433

  23 Post Hoc Tests

  Multiple Comparisons

  O LSD 95% Confidence Interval

  Mean (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound SIKMR SIKMRn -.02667 .68308 .969 -1.4515 1.3982

  SIKMR + Kitosan .67667 .68308 .334 -.7482 2.1015

  • SIKMRn + Kitosan 2.30000 .68308 .003 .8751 3.7249

  SIKMRn SIKMR .02667 .68308 .969 -1.3982 1.4515 SIKMR + Kitosan .70333 .68308 .315 -.7215 2.1282

  • SIKMRn + Kitosan 2.32667 .68308 .003 .9018 3.7515

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR -.67667 .68308 .334 -2.1015 .7482 SIKMRn -.70333 .68308 .315 -2.1282 .7215

  • *

    SIKMRn + Kitosan 1.62333 .68308 .028 .1985 3.0482
  • *

    SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR -2.30000 .68308 .003 -3.7249 -.8751
  • *

    SIKMRn -2.32667 .68308 .003 -3.7515 -.9018
  • *

    SIKMR + Kitosan -1.62333 .68308 .028 -3.0482 -.1985 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.





  F 95% Confidence Interval for

  Mean Maxi

  N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum mum SIKMR 6 7.8550 1.45169 .59265 6.3315 9.3785 5.00 8.76 SIKMRn 6 6.9767 .34431 .14056 6.6153 7.3380 6.67 7.44 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 7.2533 2.06499 .84303 5.0863 9.4204 4.62 9.89 SIKMRn + Kitosan 6 7.2117 .69223 .28260 6.4852 7.9381 6.49 8.25 Total 24 7.3242 1.27463 .26018 6.7859 7.8624 4.62 9.89

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances

  F Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .053


  F Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 2.521 3 .840 .482 .698

  Within Groups 34.847 20 1.742 Total 37.368




  Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound SIKMR 6 2.3800 .33598 .13716 2.0274 2.7326

  95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Na N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error



  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR -.64333 .76209 .409 -2.2330 .9464 SIKMRn .23500 .76209 .761 -1.3547 1.8247 SIKMR + Kitosan -.04167 .76209 .957 -1.6314 1.5480

  23 Post Hoc Tests

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR -.60167 .76209 .439 -2.1914 .9880 SIKMRn .27667 .76209 .720 -1.3130 1.8664 SIKMRn + Kitosan .04167 .76209 .957 -1.5480 1.6314

  SIKMRn SIKMR -.87833 .76209 .263 -2.4680 .7114 SIKMR + Kitosan -.27667 .76209 .720 -1.8664 1.3130 SIKMRn + Kitosan -.23500 .76209 .761 -1.8247 1.3547

  SIKMR SIKMRn .87833 .76209 .263 -.7114 2.4680 SIKMR + Kitosan .60167 .76209 .439 -.9880 2.1914 SIKMRn + Kitosan .64333 .76209 .409 -.9464 2.2330

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

  F LSD (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok


Multiple Comparisons


  SIKMRn 6 6.4883 .28820 .11766 6.1859 6.7908


  6.86 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 4.2017 .30189 .12325 3.8849 4.5185


  4.59 SIKMRn + 6 7.2867 .46809 .19110 6.7954 7.7779


  7.78 Kitosan Total 24 5.0892 2.00016 .40828 4.2446 5.9338


  7.78 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Na Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .591


  Na Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 89.483 3 29.828 235.709 .000 Within Groups 2.531 20 .127 Total 92.014

  23 Post Hoc Tests

  Multiple Comparisons

  Na LSD

  95% Confidence Interval Mean

  (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

  • SIKMR SIKMRn -4.10833 .20538 .000 -4.5368 -3.6799
  • SIKMR + Kitosan -1.82167 .20538 .000 -2.2501 -1.3932
  • SIKMRn + Kitosan -4.90667 .20538 .000 -5.3351 -4.4782
  • SIKMRn SIKMR 4.10833 .20538 .000 3.6799 4.5368
  • SIKMR + Kitosan 2.28667 .20538 .000 1.8582 2.7151

  • SIKMRn + Kitosan -.79833 .20538 .001 -1.2268 -.3699
  • SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR 1.82167 .20538 .000 1.3932 2.2501
  • SIKMRn -2.28667 .20538 .000 -2.7151 -1.8582
  • SIKMRn + Kitosan -3.08500 .20538 .000 -3.5134 -2.6566
  • SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR 4.90667 .20538 .000 4.4782 5.3351
  • SIKMRn .79833 .20538 .001 .3699 1.2268
  • SIKMR + Kitosan 3.08500 .20538 .000 2.6566 3.5134 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.





  Al 95% Confidence Interval for

  Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

  SIKMR 6 13.2350 .37650 .15370 12.8399 13.6301


  13.80 SIKMRn 6 7.4300 .28348 .11573 7.1325 7.7275


  7.66 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 10.8167 .82111 .33522 9.9550 11.6784


  11.90 SIKMRn + 6 4.5350 .31930 .13035 4.1999 4.8701


  4.86 Kitosan Total 24 9.0042 3.40595 .69524 7.5660 10.4424


  13.80 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Al Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.



  • *

    .28843 .000 5.2034 6.4066
  • *

    .28843 .000 1.8167 3.0200
  • *

    .28843 .000 8.0984 9.3016
  • *

    .28843 .000 -6.4066 -5.2034
  • *

    .28843 .000 -3.9883 -2.7850
  • *

    .28843 .000 2.2934 3.4966
  • *

    .28843 .000 -3.0200 -1.8167
  • *

    .28843 .000 2.7850 3.9883
  • *

    .28843 .000 5.6800 6.8833
  • *

    .28843 .000 -9.3016 -8.0984
  • *

    .28843 .000 -3.4966 -2.2934
  • *

    .28843 .000 -6.8833 -5.6800 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

  SIKMRn SIKMR -5.80500

  SIKMRn -2.89500

  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR -8.70000

  SIKMRn + Kitosan 6.28167

  SIKMRn 3.38667

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR -2.41833

  SIKMRn + Kitosan 2.89500

  SIKMR + Kitosan -3.38667

  SIKMRn + Kitosan 8.70000


  SIKMR + Kitosan 2.41833

  SIKMR SIKMRn 5.80500

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

  Al LSD (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok


Multiple Comparisons

  23 Post Hoc Tests

  Al Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 261.819 3 87.273 349.692 .000 Within Groups 4.991 20 .250 Total 266.811

  SIKMR + Kitosan -6.28167




  Si 95% Confidence Interval for

  Mean Std. N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

  SIKMR 6 5.2983 .22400 .09145 5.0633 5.5334


  5.57 SIKMRn 6 7.5600 .28298 .11553 7.2630 7.8570


  7.97 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 7.4533 .32129 .13117 7.1162 7.7905


  7.94 SIKMRn + 6 9.7000 .24075 .09829 9.4473 9.9527


  9.98 Kitosan

  24 7.5029 1.60996 .32863 6.8231 8.1827

  5.01 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Si Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

  9.98 Total


  3 20 .843


  Si Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 58.158 3 19.386 266.071 .000 Within Groups 1.457 20 .073 Total 59.616


Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons

  Si LSD (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  • *

    .15584 .000 -2.5867 -1.9366
  • *

    .15584 .000 -2.4801 -1.8299
  • *

    .15584 .000 -4.7267 -4.0766
  • *

    .15584 .000 1.9366 2.5867
  • *

    .15584 .000 -2.4651 -1.8149
  • *

    .15584 .000 1.8299 2.4801
  • *

    .15584 .000 -2.5717 -1.9216
  • *

    .15584 .000 4.0766 4.7267
  • *

    .15584 .000 1.8149 2.4651
  • *

    .15584 .000 1.9216 2.5717 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

  SIKMR + Kitosan -2.15500

  SIKMRn + Kitosan -4.40167

  SIKMR SIKMRn -2.26167

  SIKMR + Kitosan .10667 .15584 .502 -.2184 .4317 SIKMRn + Kitosan -2.14000

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR 2.15500

  SIKMRn -.10667 .15584 .502 -.4317 .2184 SIKMRn + Kitosan -2.24667

  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR 4.40167

  SIKMRn 2.14000

  SIKMR + Kitosan 2.24667


  SIKMRn SIKMR 2.26167




  N 95% Confidence Interval for

  Mean Std. N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

  SIKMR 6 24.4017 3.14210 1.28276 21.1042 27.6991


  30.18 SIKMRn 6 22.8800 3.05259 1.24621 19.6765 26.0835


  27.50 SIKMR + 6 22.0233 1.81696 .74177 20.1165 23.9301


  25.24 Kitosan SIKMRn + 6 23.6583 2.30479 .94093 21.2396 26.0771


  27.05 Kitosan Total 24 23.2408 2.61956 .53472 22.1347 24.3470


  30.18 Test of Homogeneity of Variances N Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .306


  N Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 18.806 3 6.269 .902 .458 Within Groups 139.022 20 6.951 Total 157.828


Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons

  N LSD (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  SIKMR SIKMRn 1.52167 1.52218 .329 -1.6535 4.6969 SIKMR + Kitosan 2.37833 1.52218 .134 -.7969 5.5535 SIKMRn + Kitosan .74333 1.52218 .631 -2.4319 3.9185

  SIKMRn SIKMR -1.52167 1.52218 .329 -4.6969 1.6535 SIKMR + Kitosan .85667 1.52218 .580 -2.3185 4.0319 SIKMRn + Kitosan -.77833 1.52218 .615 -3.9535 2.3969

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR -2.37833 1.52218 .134 -5.5535 .7969 SIKMRn -.85667 1.52218 .580 -4.0319 2.3185 SIKMRn + Kitosan -1.63500 1.52218 .296 -4.8102 1.5402

  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR -.74333 1.52218 .631 -3.9185 2.4319 SIKMRn .77833 1.52218 .615 -2.3969 3.9535 SIKMR + Kitosan 1.63500 1.52218 .296 -1.5402 4.8102



  Deviation Std.

  Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound SIKMR 6 16.4867 2.01713 .82349 14.3698 18.6035


  18.85 SIKMRn 6 16.7233 .69261 .28276 15.9965 17.4502





  P N Mean Std.

  SIKMR + 6 18.0767 1.24069 .50651 16.7746 19.3787


  19.92 Kitosan SIKMRn + 6 17.0517 1.07620 .43936 15.9223 18.1811


  18.93 Kitosan Total 24 17.0846 1.39985 .28574 16.4935 17.6757


  19.92 Test of Homogeneity of Variances P Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .154


  P Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 8.840 3 2.947 1.627 .215 Within Groups 36.230 20 1.812 Total 45.070

  23 Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons

  P LSD 95% Confidence Interval

  Mean (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound SIKMR SIKMRn -.23667 .77707 .764 -1.8576 1.3843

  SIKMR + Kitosan -1.59000 .77707 .054 -3.2109 .0309 SIKMRn + Kitosan -.56500 .77707 .476 -2.1859 1.0559

  SIKMRn SIKMR .23667 .77707 .764 -1.3843 1.8576 SIKMR + Kitosan -1.35333 .77707 .097 -2.9743 .2676 SIKMRn + Kitosan -.32833 .77707 .677 -1.9493 1.2926

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR 1.59000 .77707 .054 -.0309 3.2109 SIKMRn 1.35333 .77707 .097 -.2676 2.9743 SIKMRn + Kitosan 1.02500 .77707 .202 -.5959 2.6459

  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR .56500 .77707 .476 -1.0559 2.1859 SIKMRn .32833 .77707 .677 -1.2926 1.9493 SIKMR + Kitosan -1.02500 .77707 .202 -2.6459 .5959





  Ca 95% Confidence Interval for

  Mean Maxim

  N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum um SIKMR 6 5.6433 .18554 .07575 5.4486 5.8381


  5.93 SIKMRn 6 7.1800 .19839 .08099 6.9718 7.3882


  7.57 SIKMR + Kitosan 6 6.5083 .37876 .15463 6.1109 6.9058


  6.89 SIKMRn + Kitosan 6 8.3450 .57180 .23343 7.7449 8.9451


  8.95 Total 24 6.9192 1.06539 .21747 6.4693 7.3690


  8.95 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Ca Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.


  3 20 .080 SIKMR + Kitosan 1.83667

  • *

    .21295 .000 -1.9809 -1.0925
  • *

    .21295 .001 -1.3092 -.4208
  • *

    .21295 .000 -3.1459 -2.2575
  • *

    .21295 .000 1.0925 1.9809
  • *

    .21295 .005 .2275 1.1159
  • *

    .21295 .000 -1.6092 -.7208
  • *

    .21295 .001 .4208 1.3092
  • *

    .21295 .005 -1.1159 -.2275
  • *

    .21295 .000 -2.2809 -1.3925
  • *

    .21295 .000 2.2575 3.1459
  • *

    .21295 .000 .7208 1.6092
  • *

    .21295 .000 1.3925 2.2809 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

  SIKMRn + Kitosan -2.70167

  SIKMRn + Kitosan SIKMR 2.70167

  SIKMRn + Kitosan -1.83667

  SIKMRn -.67167

  SIKMR + Kitosan SIKMR .86500

  SIKMRn + Kitosan -1.16500

  SIKMR + Kitosan .67167

  SIKMRn SIKMR 1.53667

  SIKMR + Kitosan -.86500


  SIKMR SIKMRn -1.53667

  95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound

  Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

  Ca LSD (I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok


Multiple Comparisons

  23 Post Hoc Tests

  Ca Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 23.385 3 7.795 57.297 .000 Within Groups 2.721 20 .136 Total 26.106

  SIKMRn 1.16500