Karakteristik Penderita Hipertensi dengan Stroke yang Dirawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Kabanjahe Tahun 2011-2015

Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) merupakan penyebab utama kematian
secara menyeluruh. Hipertensi sebagai penyakit The Sillent Killer, apabila tidak
terkendali dapat menimbulkan komplikasi yaitu Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK),
GagaI Ginjal dan Stroke. Hipertensi sebagai penyumbang kematian terbanyak
pada penderita stroke (51%) sedangkan pada penderita PJK (45%). Di Indonesia
data prevalensi kompilkasi hipertensi terbesar yaitu penderita stroke (12,1%),
penderita PJK (1,5%), penderita GGK (0,2%).
Untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita hipertensi dengan stroke yang
dirawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Kabanjahe tahun 2011-2015, dilakukan
dengan penelitian deskriptif, desain case series dilanjutkan analisis statistik.
Jumlah populasi sam dengan sampel yaitu 115 data penderita hipertensi dengan
stroke yang dirawat inap.
Dari data yang tercatat diperoleh hasil proporsi penderita terbanyak pada
umur ≥55 tahun (72,2%), perempuan (51,3%), Kristen Protestan (65,2%), petani
(45,2%), kawin (80,0%), derajat 2 (62,6%), stroke non hemoragik (70,4%),
hemiparesis sinistra (54,8%), lama rawatan rata-rata 6,99 hari, dan keadaan
sewaktu pulang yaitu PBJ (Pulang Berobat Jalan) (74,8%). Tidak ada perbedaan
proporsi umur berdasarkan derajat hipertensi (p=0,382), umur berdasarkan tipe
stroke (p=0,505), jenis kelamin berdasarkan derajat hipertensi (p=0,257), jenis
kelamin berdasarkan tipe stroke (p=0,062), derajat hipertensi berdasarkan keadaan

sewaktu pulang (p=0,501), lama rawatan rata-rata berdasarkan tipe stroke
(p=0,772). Ada perbedaan proporsi tipe stroke berdasarkan keadaan sewaktu
pulang (p=0,008), dan tipe stroke berdasarkan derajat hipertensi (p=0,005).
Diharapkan kepada pihak Rumah Sakit Umum Kabanjahe memberikan
pemahaman kepada keluarga pasien yang menderita hipetensi dengan stroke
tentang kondisi pasien yang sebenarnya, faktor-faktor risikonya dan pencegahan
yang bisa dilakukan. Serta melengkapi data-data rekam medik seperti riwayat
penyakit keluarga, tinggi dan kebiasaan ada tidaknya faktor risiko merokok atau
tidak merokok.
Kata Kunci : Hipertensi dengan Stroke, Karakteristik Penderita


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Non Communicabke Disease (NCD) is the priming cause of death
globally. Hypertension is called as The Silent Killer Disease, if it cant be
controlled, will envolve and give rising to complication which are Coronary
Disease, Chronic Renal Failure (CRF), and Stroke. Hypertension was the biggest

cause death of stroke (51%), while coronary disease (45%). In Indonesian the
highest prevalence complication of hypertension is stroke (12,1%), then coronory
disease (1,5%), CRF (0,2%) (In Kemenkes RI, 2015).
The objective study is to know the characteristic of patient Hypertension
with Stroke which was hospitalized at Kabanjahe General Hospital in 2011-2015.
This study was adopted descriptive research with case series design. The
population was as same as with the sample were 115 patients.
The result of this study obtained that the highest proportions of suffers
result in the age group ≥ 55 years old (72,2%), sex woman (51,3%), Protestant
(62,5%), farmer (45,2%), married (80,0%), degree 2 (62,6%), stroke non
haemorragic (70,4%), hemiparese sinistra (54,8%), the length of average
treatment was 6,99 days, and coming home condition was by PBJ (74,8%). There
are no significant differences between the age based on the degree of
hypertension (p=0,382), type of stroke (p=0,062), between sex based on the
degree of hypertension (p=0,257), type of stroke (p=0,772),between degree of
hypertension based on the coming home condition (p=0,501), there is a
significant differences between type of stroke based on the coming home condition
(p=0,008), and between type of stroke based on the degree of hypertension
Recommended to the staff of Kabanjahe General Hospital to give

conseling to the family of the patients about the real condition of the patients, the
risky factors of Hypertension with Stroke and the preventions of it that can be
done, and write medical record data such as family history of disease, smoking or
Keywods : Hypertension of Stroke, Characteristic of patients


Universitas Sumatera Utara