INTRODUCTION Classroom Techniques Used In Speaking Activities In English Classroom: A Naturalistic Study At SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura In 2015/2016 Academic Year.

A. Background of the Study
The language has a central role in the development of intellectual, social,
emotional and learners and it is supporting success in learning all areas of study.
Language learning is expected to help the learners know themselves, their
culture, and the culture of others. In addition, language learning also helps
learners able to put forward ideas and feelings, participate in the community, and
even find and use analytical capabilities and imaginative children who there is in
him. English language is a great tool to communicate orally and written.
English language learning in Junior High School targeted the learners to
reach the level of functional to communicate orally and written to resolve every
day. English language learning in Junior High School targeted the learners to
reach the level of functional i.e. communicating orally and written every day.
English language subjects in Junior High School have some purpose to
make the learners have such capabilities; develop the competence to
communicate in oral form and write to achieve the level of functional literacy,
have an awareness of the nature and importance of the language of the English
language to improve the nation's competitiveness in the global community,
develop an understanding of the interrelationship between learners of the
language with culture. English language is a great tool to communicate orally and

To communicate is to understand and disclose information, thoughts,
feelings, and develop science, technology, and culture. The ability to
communicate in the sense of intact is part ability, that is, the ability to understand
and produce spoken text or write realized in the four skills of speaking, i.e.
listening, speaking, reading and writing. The fourth skill used to respond to or
create a discourse in the life of society.
Therefore, English language subjects are directed to develop those skills so
that graduates are able to communicate. The level of literacy includes
performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. At the level of the



performative, the person is capable of reading, writing, listening, and speaking
with the symbols used. At the level of functional, people are able to use the
language to meet the needs of daily living such as reading newspapers, manuals
or instructions. At the level of informational, people are able to access knowledge
with the ability to speak, while at the level of epistemic people capable of

expressing knowledge into the target language (Wells,1987) in Winanto
(2010:277). So the ability to communicate in English is important, namely the
ability to speak.
Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is
developed in a child life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that period
the speaking skill is learned. Based on Competence Based Curriculum speaking
is one of the four basic competences that the students should gain as well. It has
an important role in communication. Speaking can be found in spoken cycle
especially in Joint Construction of Text stage (Department of national education,
2004). In carrying out speaking, students face some difficulties one of them is the
language its self. In fact, most of the students get difficulties to speak even
though they have a lot of vocabularies and have written them well. The problems
are the feeling afraid for the students to make mistakes.
Speaking is the productive skills. It could not be separated from listening.
When we speak we produce the text and it should be meaningful. In the nature of
communication, we can find the speaker, the listener, the message and the
feedback. Speaking could not be separated from pronunciation as it encourages
learners to learn the English sounds.
School education consists of several sub systems, i.e. including teachers as
natural resources plays an important role in the improvement of the learning

process in schools and have a big responsibility in providing education,
particularly in delivering knowledge to children everywhere. Teacher is not only
act as teacher who dominates the class, but also as facilitator and motivator for
the learners.
The role of the teachers means that overall the behavior that needs to be
done in the discharge of his duties as teacher (Tamsik Udin,2011:76) (Ratu


Linda,2014:5) The teacher has a broad role both in schools, families and the
community. The role of teachers in the process of teaching and learning is one of
the components of the core of the process i.e. the teaching of formal education in
schools which happen to interaction between various other components such as
contents or subjects and students. Based on the above quotation, it is clear that
the teacher is the instrument carrying out the process of teaching and learning in
schools. Teachers play a role central in the process of teaching and learning,
whether running the three kinds of the main task of such; The purpose of the plan
is achieved, learning materials, the learning process is created, and create or use a
tool to measure that goal achieved or not, carry out teaching should hold on to
what is stated in the planning, giving back, helping the students maintain the

interest and enthusiasm students in carrying out the task of learning (Muhammad
Ali, 2010:4).
Based on the explanation above, then it can be concluded that teachers
have a very important role in education because teachers are not just as teachers
who dominate events processed but the teacher acting as a facilitator and
coordinator of the learning activities of students.
Teaching speaking is as a part of teaching learning process which is mostly
done by a teacher who has an important role education. Teaching speaking is
different from writing. Teaching speaking has its own ways to make students
engaged. Such activities may include role playing, games, problem solving, song
and discussion (Fauziati, 2010:19). The teacher can use several methods to teach
speaking. It makes only few students speak English well, while others cannot
speak English well and even some others cannot speak English at all.
In the past, oral skills were not considered central in foreign language
pedagogy. In classes which utilized comprehension-based approaches to
language teaching, listening and reading skills were emphasized. However, with
the advent of the theory of communicative competence (Hymes, 1972) and the
practice of Communicative Language Teaching, the teaching of speaking skills
has become central in foreign language classrooms. To most people, then
mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a


second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to
carry out a conversation in the language; Ace Bailey and Savage (1994: vii) state
that "speaking in second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most
demanding of the four skills." As a result, the teaching of speaking skill should
be figured as central in foreign language pedagogy. The goal of teaching
speaking skills is communicative efficiency. This means that learners should be
able to make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest.
They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation,
grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in
each communication situation (Fauziati, 2010:15).
Speaking in a foreign language, however, is a challenging task for
language learners since speaking, according to Lazaraton in Celce Murcia, (2002:
103) is “an activity requiring the integration of many subsystems and all these
factors combine to make speaking a second or foreign language a formidable task
for language learners”(Fauziati, 2010:17).
In teaching speaking skill, the teachers are often difficult to encourage
their student to speak or pay their attention in teaching learning process. The

following suggestions are intended to help the teacher creates a classroom in
which students can feel comfortable, secure, willing to take risks, and ready to
test and share their ideas. There are some ways that the teacher can do to increase
the participations of student in order to speak in discussion: encourage your
students to learn each other's names, arrange the seating to promote discussion,
allowing your class time to warm up before you start the discussion, Limit your
own comments, give the student reward.
When teaching speaking teacher use technique in the class. It is used to
make easier in the teaching speaking. And then it is to improve speaking skills.
The technique is implementation which actually takes place in a classroom. It is
particular trick, strategy or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate
objective. Technique must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony
with an approach as well. (Anthony, 1963:96) in (Fauziati, 2014:13). Thus,
technique encompasses the actual moment-to-moment practices and behaviors


that operate in teaching language according to a particular method. In other word
technique is classroom practice done by the teacher when presenting a language
program. This is the way the classroom activities are integrated into lesson and

used as the basis for teaching and learning. Richard and Rodgers (1993:26) in
Fauziati (2014:13) state that there are three dimensions to a method at the level
procedures. “First, the use of teaching activities (drills, dialogues, information
gap) to present new language ; second, the ways in which particular teaching
activities are used for practicing language and; third, the procedures and
technique used in giving feedback to learners concerning the form or content of
their utterances or sentences.”
Based on the background above, the writer is interested in conducting a

B. Problem Statement
Based on the background of the study, the researcher proposes the
following problems:
1. What are the kinds of classroom techniques used in speaking activities in
English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in 2015/2016
Academic Year?
2. What is the purpose of using classroom techniques used in speaking activities

in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in 2015/2016
Academic Year?
3. What are the teacher’s roles in classroom techniques used in speaking activities
in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in 2015/2016
Academic Year?
4. What are the student’s roles in each classroom techniques in speaking activities
in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in 2015/2016
Academic Year?


5. What is the instructional material in classroom techniques used in speaking
activities in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in
2015/2016 Academic Year?

C. Objective of the Study
Based on the problem statement mentioned above, the researcher has the
general objective and specific objective as follows:
1. General Objective
The general objective of the study is to describe kind of techniques in speaking

activities in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in
2015/2016 Academic Year.
2. Specific Objective
a. The researcher describe the purpose of classroom techniques in speaking
activities in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in
2015/2016 Academic Year.
b. The researcher describes the teacher’s role in classroom techniques used in
speaking activities in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1
Kartasura in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
c. The researcher describes the student’s roles in classroom techniques in
speaking activities in English classroom at SMP Muhammadiyah 1
Kartasura in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
d. The researcher describes kind and the role of instructional material in
classroom techniques used in speaking activities in English classroom at
SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in 2015/2016 Academic Year.

D. Limitation of the Study
In this research, the writer makes limitation. The researcher only focuses
on describe the classroom techniques used in speaking activities in English
classroom: A Naturalistic Study at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura in

2015/2016 Academic Year. Because, the writer wants to know the teacher’s
competence to make a classroom techniques used in teaching of English speaking


skill in Junior High School uses speaking skill as a basic of the student’s ability,
and in their activities to learn English.
The data will be analyzed using classroom technique and speaking skill
theory by (Anthony (1963); Murcia (2004); Richard and Rodgers (1999); Harmer
(2005) and Hymes (2002) in Fauziati (2010) and Fauziati (2014))

E. Benefit of Study
1.Theoretical Benefit
a. The result of the research hopefully to use as the reference for those who
want to conduct a research in English teaching learning, especially in
teaching speaking.
b. The result of the research hopefully useful to enrich the technique of
teaching English speaking.
2. Practical Benefit
a. For the Teacher

The teacher can apply various techniques in teaching speaking so that
thestudents are motivated and interested to learn more.
b. For the Students
The writer hopes that the students are motivated in learning English
Speaking skill and they can enhance their speaking.

c. For the School
The result of this study is likely to be implemented by the teacher
based onthe curriculum of the school.
d. For Other Researchers
The result of this study can be used as a reference in conducting other
research, especially research on teaching speaking.


F. Research Paper Organization
This research consists of five chapters. Chapter I is introduction
thatdiscusses background of the study, scope of the study, problemstatement,
limitation of study, objective of the study, benefit of the study and research paper
Chapter II is review of related literature which covers previous studies,
underlying theory that discusses notion of approach, method and techniques,
classroom techniques of speaking, notion of speaking, component of speaking,
macro and micro of speaking, classroom interaction, teacher’s role, student’s role
and instructional material.
Chapter III is research method which discusses type of the study, site of
study, subjectof the study, object of the study, data and data source, method of
collecting data,and technique for analyzing data and then data validity.
Chapter IV is research finding and discussion. In this chapter the
writerpresents the data, data analysis, finding, and discussion.
Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.