Having Problem with Linguistic Feature with English Users in Malaysia.


Tugas akhir ini akan membahas kesulitan saya dalam mengunakan linguistic
feature dalam berkomunikasi dengan pemakai bahasa Inggris di Malaysia ketika
saya melaksanakan magang di Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia. Topik yang
akan diangkat dalam tugas akhir ini adalah fitur linguistik.Fitur linguistik sangat
penting untuk dibahas karena mempengaruhi bagaimana kita berkomunikasi
dengan orang lain. Dengan mengetahui cara berkomunikasi yang tepat,
kemungkinan untuk melakukan kesalahan dapat diminimalisir.Tugas akhir ini
membahas penyebab kesulitan saya dalam menggunakan‘His Excellency’; arti
bersalaman dalam tindakan sosial tertentu; bagaimana penggunaan ‘His
Excellency’ dan bersalaman dalam komunikasi non-verbal.
Ada dua penyebab yang melatarbelakangi masalah yang saya hadapi. Penyebab
pertama, kurangnya kesadaran saya pada social deixis, khususnya ketika
mengerjakan tugas membuat surat ke Kedutaan Malaysia di Turki. Penyebab
kedua kurangnya kesadaran dalam komunikasi non-verbal
Masalah yang saya hadapi menimbulkan dua dampak. Dampak pertama,
supervisor saya memberikan koreksi pada pekerjaan saya. Dampak kedua, saya
merasa canggung ketika teman supervisor saya menolak untuk bersalaman. Untuk
mengatasi masalah saya, terdapat tiga kemungkinan solusi yang dapat digunakan.
Kemungkinan solusi pertama adalah meningkatkan kesadaran saya dalam social

deixis dengan membaca. Kemungkinan solusi kedua adalah meningkatkan
kesadaran saya dengan mengetahui variasi sub-budaya. Kemungkinan solusi
ketiga adalah saya bertanya kepada supervisor saya tentang budayanya.
Sebagai kesimpulan, saya memutuskan untuk menerapkan solusi ketiga saja.
Harapannya, setelah ketiga solusi tersebut dilakukan, permasalahan dalam fitur
linguistik dapat dikurangi seminimal mungkin.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................ 5

Background of Study ................................................................................ 5


Identification of the Problem .................................................................... 6


Objectives and Benefits of the Study ....................................................... 6


Description of the Institution .................................................................... 7


Method of the Study ................................................................................. 7


Limitation of the Study ............................................................................. 8


Organization of Term Paper ..................................................................... 8

CHAPTER II PROBLEM ANALYSIS .................................................................. 9
CHAPTER III POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ......................................................... 12
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION............................................................................. 16
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 18
A. Flowchart
B. Internship Journal
C. Draft Letter to Turkey Embassy
Universitas Kristen Maranatha



A. Background of Study
The topic of this term paper is based on my apprentice that I did from 12 July
until 11 August 2016, at Universiti Teknologi Mara in Shah Alam, Selangor,
Malaysia. I was an apprentice in Office of International Affairs. I wrote
announcement letter to the Turkey Embassy. When I wrote it, I chose ‘Dear Sir/
Madam’ as salutation for the honorifics, but my supervisor told me to change it
into ‘His/ Her Excellency’. Another experience that happened to me was
handshake. When I tried to greet my supervisor’s friend with handshake, my
supervisor’s friend rejected my handshake and said haram directly. These two
experiences happened during my apprentice. These experiences are a part of
linguistic features, particularly social deixis. As stated by Martin (2008) that
social deixis [/ˈdaɪksᵻs/] is a part of aspect of languages that encodes some
information related to the relationship between participants in linguistic
communication. Social deixis also encodes information about the social setting.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha


encodes information about the social setting, like selection of the speech levels,
formal or informal. In addition, some social acts such as greeting, insult, gratitude.
could represent reflection of social deixis. Therefore, this term paper aims to
discuss social deixis and handshake that I mention in the previous paragraph, find
the potential solution and solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
In this term paper, I would like to analyze the problem by answering the following
questions. The research questions are as follows:

1. Why has the writer lacked of knowledge in using honorific and handshake?
2. What are possible solutions and the best potential solutions to take and
anticipate if such problem occurs in the future?
3. How do the use of ‘His excellency’ and handshake influence the writer in
nonverbal communication?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
This term paper has one objective and one benefit. The objective is to discuss
the causes, the effects, and the potential solutions of the problem found during the
internship. This benefit is both the reader and the writer will know more about

social deixis and handshake in social context.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha


D. Description of the Institution
Office of international affairs is part of Universiti Teknologi Mara, which
handles fields of international relations with other universities. Office of
International Affairs was established in August 2007. It consists of two
departments; they are ICTD (International Cooperation, Training and
Development) and ISD (International Students and Development). Both divisions
are interrelated to each other. ICTD is responsible for creating memorandum of
understanding and development of employee and curricular. ISD’s task is to
manage the development of the students who are studying at Universiti Teknologi
Mara. Universiti Teknologi MARA ( n.d.)

E. Method of the Study
The term paper data is taken from an internship journal. During the internship,
I wrote a daily journal for about four weeks. Reflecting on the content of the

journal, I found out a problem, which I believe is important to be discussed. I
looked for theories that could support my analysis from the Internet and library

Universitas Kristen Maranatha


F. Limitation of the Study
This term paper has limitations. The first limitation is that I only use literature as
an instrument to collect data. The second limitation is that I only focus on social
deixis in honorifics and non-verbal communication in handshaking. I chose to focus
on them because I had these experiences and they would help me when I
communicate with other English users later on.

G. Organization of Term Paper
This term paper contains four chapters. The first chapter is Background of the
Study, Identification of the Study, Objectives and Benefits of the Study,
Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the study and
Organization of the Term Paper. The second chapter comprises Problem Analysis

with further explanation about causes and effects of the problem. The third
chapter is Potential Solutions. The last chapter is Conclusion, which is followed
by References, Appendices, and Evaluation sheets.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha



In this chapter, I will discuss the summary of my previous chapters, chosen
solutions and justification of my problem, which was having a problem with
linguistic features with English users in Malaysia. In Chapter II, there are two
causes of my problem. First, I lacked of awareness in social deixis. Second, I
lacked of awareness in nonverbal communication. Moreover, there are two
effects on my problem. First, my supervisor gave a correction to my writing.
Second, I felt awkward when my supervisor’s friend rejected my handshake.
Chapter III explains my three potential solutions with one positive and one
negative potential effects. The first potential solution is I have to increase my

awareness of social deixis by reading. Second, I have to increase my awareness of
handshake by knowing sub-cultural variations. Finally, I will ask my supervisor
about their culture. These are the summary of my previous chapters.
After analyzing the problem in the previous chapter, I would like to choose the
best potential solution. I decided to choose all potential solutions for my problem.
I decided to choose all the potential solutions based on some considerations. First,
it is already mentioned that reading is open sesame to acquire knowledge.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha


Second, after knowing some sub-cultural variation, I will understand how to react
when I communicate with other people. Lastly, by asking the supervisor, I have
less possibility of making mistake.
To conclude this term paper, social deixis is one part of linguistics that explains
about how to communicate. I have a lack of using salutation, especially in ‘His
Excellency’ because I have never learned it in class (Correspondence in English)
in Third semester in DIII Programme for English, Maranatha Christian University.
In addition, this problem encourages me to get more knowledge about linguistics,

especially about salutation and handshakes, which are different from one to
another. Finally, I hope this term paper could give the readers more knowledge
about linguistics feature.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha



Foremost, all praise and honor to my Savior Jesus Christ for His blessing and
guiding in the accomplishment of this term paper. It was only by His grace that
eventually I could finish this term paper.

First, I wish to express my sincere thanks to Ms. Dianita, S.S., M.Hum for her
guidance, patience and her support to me for finishing this term paper. Also for all
the lecturers at DIII Programme for English that gave me support, valuable
knowledge in English, hard skills, soft skills and all the new experiences that I got
in campus.
Second, I would like to express my special gratitude to Ms. Penelope Tan and

Ms. Nadiah Thanthawi Jauhari, who guided me during my internship in Malaysia.
Finally, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me
a lot in finalizing this term paper within the limited period.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha



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Martin Loredana. (n.d.). Deixis for Social Purposes. ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII
Universitas Kristen Maranatha


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Universitas Kristen Maranatha