development of a desktop (3)

Human Development
Our topic is Human development, that we will focus on Erikson’s psychosocial stages.
Erikson believed that humans beings everywhere face eight major psychosocial crises
or conflict during their lives. A person finishes each crises with either good or poor
resolution such as in late adulthood people either generativity or stagnation. The
strengths of this theory is that helps explain the role of culture in personality
development and it is an useful description of major development at different ages.
The key idea underlying Erikson’s theory is that each new crises,our individual is
pushed by biological maturation and social demands into the next stage. However,
the unsuccessful resolution of the conflict will influence how subsequent stages play
out[ CITATION Car \l 1033 ]. Middle childhood, adolescence and early childhood are
our focus.
Industey versus inferiority
In middle childhood, children face the conflict of Industry versus Inferiority. The
major question they always ask themselves ‘how can I be better’ because they need
to establish self esteem under competence in school, peers and friends. If children
have high self esteem, they are in industry status, if not they are in inferiority status.
This will affect the next stages of children. Also, the motivation of pushing them to be
better depending on peers and adult. Thus, schools and adults need to pay more
attention on them in middle childhood. Sometime, get them more encouragement
when they did well.

Relationship with parents
Children are dependent on their parent in Infancy. And now parents become a ‘goalcorrected partnership’ in which parent and children accommodate to each other’s
needs and the child becomes more independent of the parent.[ CITATION Car \l 1033
] Children are self-regulation that they have the ability to conform to parental
standard of behavior without direct supervision. Moreover, children are allowed to
participate different kinds of activities such as dancing or bicycle riding without
supervision.[CITATION Den \l 1033 ](p.271 book) Furthermore, sex differences are
existed that parents have different standards of behavior towards boys and girls.
Boys are given more autonomy. Girls are held more accountable for failure.
Researchers have learned that serval parenting variables contribute to development

of self-regulation. (Vazsony&huang 2010) But when they are frightened or hurt, they
most find their parent for comfort. Also they become increasingly dependent on peer
for social and emotional support (Furman&Buhrmeater,1992)
Relationship wirh peers
Over the year from age 2-12,children spend most of the time with peers but less time
with adults. They tend to have ‘best friend’ relationship. Cross-cultural studies show
that best-friend is important, are universal features of school-aged children’s social
development. ( Schraf & Hertz-Lazorowitz, 2003) Three quarter of school-aged
children tell researchers that they have at least one beat friend even children who

are shy and socially withdrawn and that best friendship in this age group persist for
months or even years. (McChristian, Ray, Tidwell, & LoBello, 2012) Young school-aged
children are seeking friends that have the same gender and age also they ply
together or spend time physically near each other. In the late years of middle
childhood, friendship depend on reciprocal trust by age 10. They will find friends who
can trust that always be there when you are feeling down and they have emotional
support and loyalty.
The self esteem of children are affected by external and internal factors. It is stable in
short term but it is fluctuate over long period. In this period, children will learn
different kind of skills and activities such as sports, music instrument, writing skills
and listening skills. By doing so, the chance of children encountering difficulties will
be enhanced. If they can’t get a good performance, they will be frustrated. If they
have a good performance, they will be confident. Parent and school are necessary to
praise and encourage them to persist such things, that will be a motivation for
children. Also, the competence among children will be increased in various domains
such as athletic skills, friendship, romantic appeal. Through competence children can
develop their self esteem if they are the winner. Age of 6 year-old more likely use
‘smart’ or ‘dumb’ to describe themselves, age of 10 children are more likely use
comparisons in self-descriptions ‘I am smarter than other kids’.

Other than the review of school, parents and peers, children self esteem is strongly
influenced by mental comparison of children’s ideal selves and their actual

experiences. For example, a girl’s academic work are not better than other children.
Her self esteem may not be down as different children value each component of self
esteem differently.([ CITATION Den \l 1033 ]She maybe put more emphasis on
dancing that if she can get better performance in this field she develop a higher self
esteem. It is vital of the discrepancy between what one desire and perceived
achievement. If she value sports as a important status ,but she cannot be good
enough at sports will have lower self esteem than other children who do not place
emphasis on sports.
The influence of children children are exploring their independence
and developing a sense of self.
Children unsuccessfully to industry will affect their development of next stage in
adolescence. They are difficult to identity themselves and exploring their
independence and developing a sense of self because children are
inferior to do things individually. This will be an limitation of teens
exploring their own talent. Finally, teens cannot know what
advantages and disadvantages they have.

BeeBoyd&HelenDenise. Lifespan Development.
K.SigelmanCarol. Life-Span Human Development (第 3 冊).