Translation Techniques Between The Translation Of English Novel Coco Simon’s Cupcake Diaries 2: Mia In The Mix Into Bahasa Indonesia And The Translation Of Indonesian Novel Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi Into English



Appendix 1: English - Bahasa Indonesia (MTM - MCG) No. Source Text Target Text Translation Techniques

  10 So it’s weird when I wake

  Established Equivalent & Borrowing

  8 I miss Manhattan, too, and all of my friends there.

  Aku rindu Manhattan dan semua teman-temanku.

  Linguistic Compression

  9 On the weekends I visit

  my dad, he drives me back to my mom’s house late on Sunday nights.

  Pada akhir pekan aku mengunjungi Dad, dan Dan mengantarku kembali ke rumah Mom pada

minggu malam.

  Borrowing, Linguistic Compression

  up on Monday and I realize I’m not in New York anymore.

  mom, but I miss my dad a lot.

  Jadi, aneh rasanya ketika bangun di hari Senin dan menyadari aku tak lagi berada di New York.

  Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  11 Every two weeks I wake

  up all confused, which is not a good way to start a Monday.

  Tiap dua minggu aku

bangun dengan

kebingungan dan itu bukan cara yang baik untuk memulai hari Senin.


  12 Another reason I don’t like

  Mondays is that it’s the first day of the school week.

  Alasan lain mengapa aku nggak suka Senin adalah karena itu hari pertama sekolah.

  Aku senang tinggal dengan Mom, tapi aku juga sangat rindu Dad.

  7 I really like living with my

  1 An Interesting Remark Komentar yang Menarik Established

  4 But I think I have some


  2 My Name is Mia Velaz- Cruz, and I hate Mondays.

  Namaku Mia Velaz-Cruz, dan aku benci hari Senin.

  Literal Translation

  3 I know, everybody says

  that, right?

  Aku tahu, semua orang pasti bilang begitu, kan?

  Linguistic Amplification

  very compeling reasons for hating Mondays.

  Modulation, Borrowing & Compensation

  Tapi aku punya beberapa alasan khusus untuk membenci Senin.

  Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  5 For example, every other

  weekend I go to Manhattan to see my dad.

  Contohnya, setiap dua minggu aku pergi ke Manhattan menemui ayahku.

  Established Equivalent

  6 My parents are divorced,

  and my mom and I moved out to a town in the suburbs, an hour outside the city.

  Orangtuaku bercerai, lalu aku dan Mom pindah ke sebuah kota kecil di daerah pinggiran, satu jam dari Manhattan.

  Linguistic Amplification & Linguistic Compression

  13 That means five days of school until I get a day off.

  Linguistic Amplification

  Established Equivalent

  21 When I ruined my new

  suede boots because of a sudden rain storm, it was on a Monday.

  Saat sepatu bot kulitku rusak karena hujan badai,

itu hari Senin.


  22 And the last time I lost my cell phone, it was Monday.

  Dan terakhir kali aku kehilangan ponselku, itu hari Senin

  Literal translation

  23 And when did I find it? Lalu kapan aku menemukannya lagi?

  24 Friday, of course. Jumat, tentunya. Literal translation

  told me on a Monday night that we were moving out of New York.

  25 Because Friday is an awesome day.

  Karena Jumat adalah hari yang hebat.

  Literal translation

  26 Then there was that bad

  Monday I had a few weeks ago.

  Lalu ada lagi Senin buruk yang baru kualami beberapa minggu yang lalu.

  Literal Translation

  27 It should have been a good Monday.

  Harusnya hari itu jadi Senin yang


  Bulan Mei lalu, ibuku mengatakan pada Senin malam kami bakal pindah

dari New York.

  20 Back in May, my mom

  Artinya, lima hari sekolah baru libur satu hari.

  one of my friends brings in cupcakes to eat at lunch.

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  14 Five days of Mrs. Moore’s hard math quizzes.

  Lima hari untuk kuis matematika Mrs. Moore yang sulit.


  15 And I have to wait all the

  way till the end of the week for Cupcake Friday.

  Dan aku harus menunggu sampai akhir pekan untuk Cupcake Friday,

  Linguistic Compression

  16 That’s the day either I or

  Hari dimana aku atau salah satu teman-temanku membawa cupcake untuk dimakan pada jam makan siang.

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  Linguistic Compression

  17 That’s how we formed the Cupcake Club.

  Begitulah Cupcake Club

kami terbentuk.


  18 But I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.


Tapi aku akan

menceritakan tentang hal itu sebentar lagi.

  Linguistic Compression

  19 Lately I’ve been looking

  over a bunch of journal entries, and I’ve realized that when annoying things happen, they usually happen on Monday.

  Setelah melihat-lihat catatanku, aku jadi sadar, kalau terjadi sesuatu yang menyebalkan itu biasanya jatuh di hari Senin.

  Literal Translation

  28 A great Monday, even,

  cupcake baker too, and she and her mom taught us all how to make them, so we decided to form our own club and make them together.

  Kami sebenarnya tak punya rencana untuk

ikutan dalam

penggalangan dana itu, tapi ada kelompok lain di kelas satu, Popular Girls Club, yang terus berkoar- koar kepada semua orang

  on participating in the fund-raiser, but then this other group in our class, the Popular Girls Club, kept telling everyone they were going to win.

  36 We hadn’t really planned

  Linguistic Compression

  Ada acara penggalangan dana di pelataran parkir sekolah, dan kelompok yang menggalang dana

terbanyak akan

memenangkan hadiah di

pesta dansa.

  fund-raising fair in the school parking lot, and the group that raised the most funds would win a prize at the dance.

  35 There would be a big


  Tak lama setelah Cupcake Club terbentuk, Kepala Sekolah LaCosta mengumumkan aka nada perlombaan pada hari pesta dansa sekolah.

  formed the club, Principal LaCosta announced there was going to be a contest the day of the first school dance.

  34 A little while after we

  33 Fun, right? Asyik, bukan? Literal translation

  Borrowing & Established Equivalent

  Katie ahli membuat cupcake, dia dan ibunya juga mengajari kami cara membuatnya. Lalu kami

putuskan untuk

membentuk klub dan membuat cupcake


  32 Katie is a fabulous

  because that was my first day back at school after the Cupcake Club won the contest.

  Established Equivalent & Borrowing

  Awal terbentuknya klub itu adalah waktu kami makan siang bersama di hari pertama masuk SMP, Katie membawa cupcake selai kacang dengan isi selai anggur yang lezat

buatan ibunya.

  eat lunch together, and on the first day of school Katie brought in this amazing peanut-butter- and-jelly cupcake that her mom made.

  31 It started because we all

  Established Equivalent

  Aku tergabung di dalamnya bersama teman- temanku Katie, Alexis dan Emma.

  friends Katie, Alexis, and Emma.

  30 I’m in the club with my

  Literal Translation

  Ingat kan saat aku menyebut Cupcake Club?

  mentioned Cupcake Club?

  29 Remember when I

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  Menakjubkan bahkan, karena itu hari pertama masuk sekolah setelah Cupcake Club menang kontes.

  Transposition & Established Equivalent

  kalau mereka akan menang.

  or anything, but it fells really good to win.

  cupcakes and won the contest.

  Kami menjual dua ratus

cupcake dan

memenangkan lombanya.


  44 At the dance that night,

  Principal LaCosta gave us our prizes: four Park Street Middle School sweatshirts.

  Dalam pesta dansa di malam harinya, Kepala Sekolah LaCosta menyerahkan hadian kepada kami: empat baju hangat Park Street Middle School.


  45 I know it’s not a huge deal

  Aku tahu ini bukan hal besar atau apa lah, tapi rasanya gembira banget

jadi pemenang.


  Established Equivalent & Transposition

  46 Back at my old school,

  things were really competitive.

  Di sekolah lamaku, suasananya sangat kompetitif.

  Established Equivalent

  47 Just about every kid took

  singing lessons or art lessons or violin lessons or

  Hampir semua murid mengambil kelas menyanyi atau seni atau biola atau

  43 We sold two hundred

  Sebaliknya, kami sangat ahli membuat cupcake.

  37 The leader of the group,

  cupcakes decorated with the school colors (that part was my idea).

  Sydney, bragged that they had some “top-secret” idea that was going to blow everyone away.

  Pemimpin kelompok itu, Sydney, menggembar- gemborkan kalau mereka memiliki ide “sangat rahasia” yang bakal membuat semua orang terkesima.

  Established Equivalent

  38 It’s not like we’re rivals or

  anything, but once we heard that, we decided to enter the contest too.

  Bukan berarti kami ini bersaing atau apa lah, tapi begitu mendengarnya, kami putuskan untuk ikut perlombaan juga.


  39 Our idea was to sell

  Ide kami adalah menjual cupcake yang dihias dengan warna-warna sekolah (itu adalah ideku).

  42 But we were very good at baking cupcakes.

  Borrowing & Linguistic Compression

  40 The PGC’s big secret

  ended up being a makeover booth, which would have been a cool idea except they weren’t very good at doing makeovers.

  Rahasia besar PGC ternyata adalah stan riasan, yang harusnya jadi ide yang keren kalau mereka mahir merias.

  Established Equivalent & Modulation

  41 In fact, they were terrible at it.

  Nyatanya riasan mereka payah.


  Linguistic Compression French lessons. bahasa Prancis.

  48 Everyone is good at something.

  61 We should be proud. Kami harus bangga. Literal translation


  “All the football guys wear their jerseys when they win a game.

  “Anak-anak klub sepak bola memakai baju bola mereka saat menang


  Linguistic Compression

  57 We won. Kita menang. Literal translation

  58 We should be proud.” Kita harus bangga.” Literal translation

  59 Yes, definitely,” I agreed. “Ya, tentu saja,” kataku setuju.

  Established Equivalent

  60 I mean, Katie was right. Maksudku, Katie benar. Literal translation

  62 Making two hundred

  “Harus,” kata Katie. Linguistic

  cupcakes is a lot of work!

  Membuat dua ratus

cupcake adalah

pekerjaaan berat!

  Borrowing & Established Equivalent

  63 Except for one problem. Hanya saja, ada satu masalah.

  Established Equivalent

  64 I don’t do sweatshirts. Aku tak suka pakai baju hangat.

  Established Equivalent

  65 I’m sorry, but the last time

  I wore one I was five, and it made me look like a steamed dumpling.

  Maaf, tapi terakhir kali aku memakainya waktu umur 5 tahun dan itu membuatku terlihat seperti

bakpao kukus.


  55 “We should do it,” Katie said.

  Setiap murid punya keahliannya masing- masing.

   Kemenanganku itu membuatku berpikir mungkin kepindahan kami kesini tak ada salahnya.


  49 It was hard to stand out

  there, and I never won a prize before.

  Sulit untuk menonjol disana, dan aku belum pernah memenangkan apa pun sebelumnya.

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  50 I was really happy that we won.

  Jadi, aku sangat senang kami bisa menang.

  Linguistic Amplification

  51 It made me think maybe it

  wasn’t bad that we moved out here.

  Established Equivalent

  Established Equivalent

  52 Just before my mom

  picked me up the night of our big win, Alexis had an idea.

  Tepat sebelum Mom menjemputku pada malam kemenangan besar kami, Alexis melontarkan sebuah ide.

  Borrowing & Established Equivalent

  53 “We should all wear our

  sweatshirts to school on Monday,” she said.

  “Kita semua harus pakai baju hangat ini ke sekolah Senin nanti,” katanya.

  Established Equivalent

  54 “Isn’t that kind of like bragging?” Emma asked.

  “Bukannya itu terkesan pamer?” Tanya Emma.

  Linguistic Compression

  66 They are all lumpy and the

  “Kau kan sering mengubah pakaian lamamu jadi lebih bagus dengan kreasi baru.

  73 I told Mom about my

  sweatshirt issue on the drive home.

  Kuceritakan kepada Mom soal rencana kami memakai baju hangat dalam perjalanan pulang.

  Borrowing & Established Equivalent

  74 “Mia, I’m surprised by you,” she said.

  “Mia, ibu heran denganmu,” katanya.

  Literal Translation


  “You’re great at transforming your old clothes into new and amazing creations.

  Established Equivalent & Compensation

  Jadi buatku, baju hangat akan mengatakan, “Aku sedang ingin kepanasan!”

  76 Think of your old school uniform.

  Coba ingat seragam sekolah lamamu.

  Established Equivalent

  77 You made that look great and like you everyday.

  Kau membuatnya terlihat bagus dan mencirikan dirimu.

  Established Equivalent

  78 If you had to wear a

  sweatshirt, I’d bet you could come up with something really cool and

  Kalau kau harus pakai baju hangat, Ibu yakin kau akan dapat ide yang bagus dan keren.”


  just says “I’m in the mood to sweat!”

  sleeves are always too long.

  Established Equivalent & Borrowing

  Bahannya kasar dan lengannya selalu


  Established Equivalent

  67 Even though I wanted to

  show how proud I was of winning, I also knew there was no way I could wear that sweatshirt on Monday.

  Meskipun aku ingin menunjukkan betapa aku bangga jadi pemenang, aku juga tahu aku tidak akan mungkin memakai baju hangat itu Senin nanti.

  Established Equivalent

  68 I really care about what I

  wear, probably because my mom used to work for a big fashion magazine.

  Aku peduli banget sama apa yang kupakai, mungkin karena Mom pernah bekerja di majalah fashion terkenal.

  69 So fashion is in my blood. Jadi fashion mengalir

dalam darahku.

  72 And so to me a sweatshirt

  Borrowing & Linguistic Amplification

  70 But I also think clothes are

  a fun way to express yourself.

  Dan menurutku pakaian adalah salah satu cara menyenangkan untuk mengekspresikan diri.

  Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  71 You can seriously tell a lot

  about a person by what they choose to wear, like their mood for instance.

  Kau bisa tahu dengan jelas tentang seseorang dari apa yang mereka pilih untuk dipakai, misalnya mood mereka.

  Modulation & Borrowing

  Established Equivalent great.”

  79 Mom was right, to be


  Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  85 I added a few cool studs to

  the strap and around the school logo to funk it up a little.

  Aku tambah beberapa hiasan keren pada tali dan sekitar logo sekolah agar

lebih menarik.

  Established Equivalent

  86 I was really proud of how it looked.

  Aku sangat bangga melihat hasilnya.

  87 On Monday morning I

  bag, the kind with a big pouch and a long strap.

  picked out an outfit to go with the bag: a denim skirt, a blue knit shirt with a brown leather belt around the waist, and a dark-grey-and-white- striped-blazer.

  Senin paginya, aku memilih pakaian yang cocok dengan tas itu; rok jins, kaus rajut warna biru dengan ikat pinggang kulit berwarna cokelat dan blazer garis-garis abu-abu

tua dan putih.

  Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  88 I rolled up the sleeves of

  the blazer, then put the bag over my shoulder and checked out my reflection in the long mirror attached to my closet.

  Kugulung lengan blazer,

kusandang tas

selempangku, lalu kuperhatikan bayanganku di cermin panjang yang menyatu dengan lemari.

  Established Equivalent

  Aku membuatnya jadi tas hobo yang keren, dengan kantong besar dan tali panjang.

  84 I turned it into a cool hobo

  honest, and I was a little surprised I hadn’t thought of it first.

  sweater or a jacket and any shoes, so you could get pretty creative with it and not look gross on a daily basis.

  Mom benar, jujur saja, dan aku sedikit heran kenapa hal itu tak terpikir olehku.

  Borrowing & Linguistic Compression

  80 Our old school uniform

  was terrible: ugly plaid skirts with plain white, itchy tops.

  Seragam sekolah lama kami sangat jelek: rok kotak-kotak jelek dengan atasan putih polos.

  Linguistic Compression

  81 But you could wear a

  Namun kau bisa pakai jaket dan sepatu apapun, jadi kau bisa berkreatif- ria mengakalinya dan nggak terlihat menjijikkan setiap hari.

  Established Equivalent

  Reduction, Linguistic Amplification & Established Equivalent

  82 That’s one of the good

  things about my new school—you can wear whatever you want.

  Itu salah satu hal terbaik menganai sekolahku-kau bisa pakai apa pun yang kau mau.

  Linguistic Compression

  83 Inspired, I sat at my

  sewing table the next day and cut up the sweatshirt.

  Setelah dapat ide, aku duduk di meja jahitku keesokan harinya dan menggunting baju hangat itu.

  89 To much blue, I decided. Terlalu banyak biru, Established

  pikirku. Equivalent

  Linguistic Compression

  something I still need to get used to.

  Naik bus ke sekolah adalah satu hal yang harus kubiasakan.

  Linguistic Compression

  100 When I went to my school

  in New York, I took the subway.

  Saat sekolah di New York, aku naik kereta bawah tanah.

  Established Equivalent

  101 A lot of people don’t like

  the subway because of how crowded it is, but I love it.

  Banyak yang tidak suka kereta bawah tanah karena sangat ramai, tapi aku suka.

  102 I like to study the people

  Established Equivalent

  and see what they’re wearing.

  Aku suka mengamati orang-orang dan melihat apa yang mereka pakai.

  Literal Translation

  103 Everyone has their own

  distinct style and things that they’re into.

  Setiap orang punya gaya berbeda dan menyukai hal yang berbeda pula.

  Established Equivalent

  104 And there are all kinds of

  people on a subway—old people, moms with little kids, kids going to school like me, people from the suburbs going to work.

  Dan segala jenis orang ada disana-orang tua, ibu- ibu dengan anak kecil, anak-anak yang mau ke sekolah sepertiku, orang- orang dari daerah

  99 Taking a bus to school is

  Aku putuskan untuk menggerai rambutku dan berlari ke bawah.

  90 I changed the blue shirt to

  Linguistic Amplification

  a white one, then changed the belt to a braided silver belt and checked again.

  Kuganti kaus biruku dengan kaus putih lalu ikat pinggang cokelat dengan ikat pinggang braided (berbentuk jalinan) berwarna silver dan kuperiksa sekali lagi.


  91 Better, I thought. Lebih baik, pikirku. Literal translation

  92 I pulled my long black hair back into a ponytail.

  Ku ikat rambut hitam panjangku jadi ekor kuda.

  Established Equivalent

  93 Maybe a headband…or

  maybe braid it to the side…

  Mungkin pakai bandana…

atau mungkin

mengepangnya ke samping…

  94 “Mia! “Mia! Literal translation

  down and hurried downstairs.

  95 You’ll be late for your

  bus!” Mom called from downstairs.

  Kau akan ketinggalan bus!” panggil Mom dari bawah.

  Borrowing & Linguistic Compression

  96 I sighed. Aku menghela napas. Literal translation

  97 I’m almost always late for

  the bus, no matter how early I wake up.

  Aku selalu ketinggalan bus, tak peduli sepagi apa pun aku bangun.

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  98 I decided to leave my hair

  Established Equivalent

  pinggiran yang mau pergi bekerja.

  114 She has natural highlights,


111 Katie is really cool. Katie benar-benar keren. Literal Translation

112 When Katie got on the bus

  that morning she was wearing her Park Street sweatshirt with lightly ripped jeans and her favorite blue canvas sneakers.

  Saat Katie menaiki bus pagi itu, dia memakai baju hangat Park Street dengan jins terang sobek-sobek dan sepatu kets kanvas biru kesukaannya.

  Linguistic Compression

  113 Her wavy brown hair was down.


Rambut cokelat

bergelombangnya terurai.

  Literal Translation

  as if she hung out everyday at the beach.

  Aku merasa kasihan padanya, tapi juga merasa beruntung.

  Rambutnya punya highlight alami seolah- olah dia ke pantai setiap hari.

  Borrowing & Compensation

  115 If I didn’t know Katie, I

  would have guessed she was from California.


Kalau saja tak

mengenalnya, pasti kusangka dia berasal dari California.

  Linguistic Compression

  116 “Hey!” Katie said, sliding into the seat next to me.

  “Hai”! sapa Katie sambil duduk di sebelahku.


  110 I felt bad for Katie, but it was lucky for me.

  105 Also, on the subway,

  107 The best thing about the

  nobody whispers about you behind your back like they do on the bus.

  Selain itu, di kereta bawah tanah, nggak ada yang berbisik-bisik ngomongin kamu seperti di atas bus.

  Linguistic Compression

  106 Nobody makes loud

  burping noises either, like Wes Kinney does every single day in the back of the school bus, which is extremely disgusting.

  Enggak ada yang bersendawa dengan suara keras, seperti yang dilakukan Wes Kinney setiap hari dari belakang bus sekolah, dan itu menjijikkan banget.


  bus, though, is that my friend Katie takes it with me.


  Yang terbaik dari bus itu, setidaknya, adalah temanku, Katie juga


  Linguistic Compression

  108 That’s how we met, on the first day of school.


Begitulah kami

berkenalan, di hari pertama sekolah.

  Literal Translation

  109 Her best friend was

  supposed to ride with her, but she walked to school instead, so I asked Katie to sit with me.

  Katie harusnya naik bus bersama teman baiknya, tapi temannya ini memilih berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Jadi aku menawarkannya untuk duduk bersama.

  Established Equivalent

  117 She pointed to her sweatshirt.

  than making cupcakes.”

  Literal Translation

  130 “I did,” I replied. “Aku,” jawabku. Linguistic


  131 “That is awesome,” Katie said.

  “Menakjubkan!” kata Katie

  Linguistic Compression

  132 “I didn’t know you could sew.

  “Aku tak tahu kau bisa menjahit.

  Literal Translation

  133 That’s got to be harder

  Pasti lebih susah daripada membuat cupcake.”


  Linguistic Compression & Borrowing


134 I shrugged. Aku mengangkat bahu. Literal Translation

135 “I don’t know. “Entahlah. Established


  136 It just takes practice.” Cuma butuh latihan saja.” Linguistic


  137 Braaap! Eeerrgghh! Established


  138 Wes Kinney made a big fake burp just then.

  Wes Kinney baru saja membuat-buat suara

sendawa besar.

  Established Equivalent

  129 “Did your mom do this?” “Apakah ibumu yang


  Katie mengambilnya untuk melihat lebih dekat.

  Dia menunjuk bajunya. Generalization 118 “I still can’t believe we

  your shirt?”


  “Aku masih tak percaya

kita menang!”

  Literal Translation 119 “Me either,” I said.

  “Aku juga,” kataku. Literal Translation 120 “But we did make some

  really fabulous cupcakes.”

  “Tapi kita memang membuat cupcake yang

luar biasa.”

  Linguistic Compression & Borrowing

  121 “Totally,” Katie agreed. “Sangat,” ujar Katie setuju.

  Linguistic Amplification & Established Equivalent


122 Then she frowned. Lalu dia cemberut. Literal Translation

123 “Did you forget to wear

  “Apakah kau lupa untuk

memakai baju


  128 Katie grabbed it to get a closer look.

  Literal Translation

  124 “I’m wearing it,” I told her.

  “Aku memakainya,” kataku padanya.

  Literal Translation

  125 I showed her the bag. Kutunjukkan tasku padanya.

  Literal Translation

  126 “What do you think?” “Gimana?” Linguistic


  127 “No way!” “Tak mungkin!” Established


  139 His friends all started Teman-temanya mulai Linguistic laughing. tertawa. Compression

  140 “That is so gross,” Katie said, shaking her head.

  Sydney adalah salah satu pembentuk Popular Girls Club.

  best friend, Lucy, and in homeroom they’re always in a huddle, whispering to each other.

  Tapi dia selalu duduk bersama teman baiknya, Lucy, dan mereka selalu berdua, saling berbisik.

  Established Equivalent

  149 Then there is Sydney

  Whitman and Callie Wilson.

  Juga ada Sydney Whitman dan Callie Wilson.

  Established Equivalent

  150 Sydney is the one who

  started the Popular Girls Club.


  Literal Translation

  151 Callie is in the club too,

  and she’s also the girl who used to be Katie’s best friend.

  Callie juga ikutan klub itu, dia adalah cewek yang pernah jadi sahabat Katie.

  Compensation, Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  152 I can see why, because she’s nice, like Katie.

  Aku bisa mengerti kenapa mereka bersahabat, karena dia baik, seperti Katie.

  Linguistic Amplification

  153 Katie, Alexis, and Emma

  all think Sydney is

  Katie, Alexis, dan Emma sama-sama berpikir

  148 But she sits next to her

  Ada Sophie, yang sangat kusukai.

  “Menjijikkan,” kata Katie,



  Linguistic Compression

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  141 “Seriously!” I agreed. “Bener!” ujarku menyetujui.

  Established Equivalent

  142 This Monday was starting

  out okay (except for the part when I didn’t get to wear my headband).

  Senin ini berawal baik- baik saja (kecuali aku tak jaadi pakai bandana).

  Linguistic Compression

  143 But it got annoying pretty fast in homeroom.

  Namun berubah menjadi menyebalkan ketika di

kelas umum.

  144 None of my Cupcake Club

  147 There’s Sophie, who I like a lot.

  friends are in my homeroom, but I do know some kids.

  Tak satupun teman-teman Cupcake Club berada di kelas umum yang sama denganku, tapi aku kenal beberapa orang.

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  145 There’s George Martinez,

  who’s kind of cute and really funny.

  Ada George Martinez, yang lumayan cakep dan

sangat lucu.

  Established Equivalent

  146 He’s in my science and social studies classes too.

  Kami juga sekelas di pelajaran sains dan ilmu sosial.


  Established Equivalent horrible. Sydney jahat.

  154 They say she’s always

  Linguistic Compression & Transposition

  161 But none of them are into fashion the way I am.

  Tapi tak satupun dari mereka yang suka fashion sepertiku.

  Established Equivalent & Borrowing

  162 Sydney and Callie sit right across from me.

  Sydney dan Callie duduk

di seberangku.

  Linguistic Compression

  163 Callie gave me a smile when I sat down.

  Callie tersenyum saat aku duduk.

  164 “Those were great

  Jangan salah tanggap- cewek-cewek Cupcake Club adalah sahabat terbaikku, dan aku menyayangi mereka.

  cupcakes you guys made on Saturday,” Callie told me.

  “Cupcake yang kalian buat Sabtu kemarin enak banget,” ujar Callie padaku.

  Borrowing, Linguistic Compression & Compensation


165 “Thanks,” I said. “Makasih,” jawabku. Literal Translation

166 I thought I saw Sydney

  give Callie a glare.

  Sepertinya aku melihat Sydney melotot pada Callie.

  Linguistic Compression & Transposition

  167 But when she turned to me, she was smiling too.

  Tapi ketika menoleh padaku, dia tersenyum.

  Established Equivalent

  girls in the Cupcake Club are my BFFs, and I love them.

  making mean comments to them.

  of fashion, which is something we have in common.

  Katanya, Sydney selalu berkomentar jelek tentang mereka.


  155 She’s never said anything really mean to me.

  Tapi dia nggak pernah mengatakan apa pun yang jahat tentang diriku.

  Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

  156 And to be honest, I like the way she dresses.

  Dan jujur saja, aku suka caranya berpakaian.

  Literal Translation

  157 She has a really god sense

  Selera fashion-nya bagus, satu kesamaan kami.

  160 Don’t get me wrong—the

  Borrowing & Established equivalent

  158 Like today, she was

  wearing a scoop-neck T- shirt with a floral chiffon skirt, black leggings, and an awesome wraparound belt that had a large pewter flower as the buckle.

  Seperti sekarang, dia memakai kaus berkerah bulat dengan rok berbahan sutra lembut dengn motif bunga-bunga, legging hitam, dan sabuk kain yang cantik dengan bunga besar yang terbuat dari timah sebagai gesper.


  159 So sometimes I think, you

  know, that maybe we could be friends.

  Jadi kadang, kurasa, kau tahu, mungkin kami bisa

berteman baik.

  Literal Translation

  Linguistic Compression

  168 “That was a really

  Linguistic Compression

  Aku sangat mengerti apa yang sedang Sydney lakukan.

  Established Equivalent

  178 She was insulting me, but in a “nice” way.

  Dia menghinaku dengan

cara “halus”.

  Linguistic Compression


179 Sort of. Seperti itulah. Literal Translation

180 I know my outfit might

  have been a little too sophisticated for a middle school dance, but so what?

  Aku tahu pakaianku

mungkin sedikit

berlebihan untuk pesta dansa SMP, lalu kenapa?

  Linguistic Compression 181 I liked it. Aku suka.

  182 “There’s no such thing as


  being overdressed,” I replied calmly.

  “Tak ada istilah busana yang terlalu heboh,”

jawabku kalem.


  183 “That’s what my mom taught me.

  “Itulah yang diajarkan ibuku.

  Linguistic Compression

  184 She used to be an editor at

  flair Magazine.”

  Dia adalah mantan editor di majalah Flair.”

  177 I knew exactly what Sydney was doing.

  Kau tahu, kalau busana yang terlalu heboh bisa jadi sama buruknya dengan busana yang

terlalu biasa.”

  interesting dress you wore to the dance, Mia,” Sydney said.


  “Gaun yang kau pakai waktu pesta dansa kemarin itu menarik sekali, Mia,” kata Sydney.



169 Hmm. Hmm. Literal Translation

170 I wasn’t sure what

  “interesting” meant.

  Aku nggak gitu mengerti maksud kata “menarik”.

  Established Equivalent

  171 I had worn a minidress

  with black, purple, and turquoise panels, a black sequined jacket, and black patent leather peep toe flats.

  Aku memakai gaun mini dengan panel berwarna hitam, ungu, dan biru laut, jaket hitam berpayet dan sepatu kulit hitam peep toe yang flat.

  172 “Perfectly chic,” my mom had said.

  overdressed can be just as bad as being underdressed.”

  “Sangat chic,” kata ibuku. Borrowing 173 “Thanks.” “Makasih,” ujarku. Linguistic


  174 “Very . . . red carpet maybe?” Sydney went on.

  “Sangat… red carpet, mungkin?” lanjut Sydney.


  175 “Although, I was reading

  this really interesting article in Fashionista magazine all about choosing the right outfit for the right event.

  “Tapi, aku pernah membaca artikel menarik di majalah Fashionista tentang memilih busana yang tepat dengan acaranya.

  Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

  176 You know, like how being

  Established Equivalent

  185 Then I opened up my

  Established Equivalent

  Linguistic Compression

  197 I thought I looked good

  and that outfit made me feel great.

  Kurasa aku terlihat keren

dan pakaian itu

membuatku percaya diri.

  Established Equivalent

  198 I wasn’t mad at Sydney— just annoyed.

  Aku gak marah sama Sydney-hanya sedikit kesal.

  Literal Translation

  199 Which is not a fabulous way to start the day.

  Dan itu bukan cara yang bagus untuk memulai hari Senin.

  200 But what can you expect

  196 I honestly didn’t really care if they liked it or not.

  from a Monday?

  Tapi apa yang bisa kau harapkan dari hari Senin?

  Literal Translation

  201 Meat Loaf Monday
