The motivation of shizuka kanai for sustaining his normal sexual life under the pressure of his surroundings as reflected in Mori`s Vita sexualis - USD Repository









Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education



Febri Floreta Patiung

Student Number: 021214102












Perhaps you don’t need to change your job.

Change yourself and your work will seem different.


Determine to like your work,

then it will become a pleasure nor drudgery.

  • -Norman V. Peale- This thesis is dedicated to my family, to my friends, and to myself.






  I would like to thank those who have supported me with their affection, patience, guidance, and criticism in working on my thesis. First and foremost, I would like to bestow my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His plentiful love and never ending blessings in my life. His guidance has strengthened me to finish my thesis.

  My gratitude and respect go to my beloved parents, Papa Jan and Mama


Maya, who have encouraged me in composing my thesis and given me their

  endless affection and prayers. I thank them for always asking on the progress of my thesis patiently. I also would like to thank my brother and sister, Yosua and


Agitha, for sharing laughter with me everyday. Their care and support mean a lot

to me.

  My greatest appreciation goes to my major sponsor, Drs. L. Bambang


Hendarto Y., M.Hum, who has guided me in composing the thesis. I really thank

  him for the willingness to give his time, ideas, and suggestions. I would also like to thank all the lecturers of PBI for the knowledge and experiences I have gained during the years I passed as the student of PBI. My thanks are extended to Mbak


Dani and Mbak Tari for helping me in finishing every administration

requirement and problem.

  I sincerely express my big gratitude to Mawar, Sasha, Vivi, Itha, my best friends who always stay with me in every up and down along these years. They have made my life so colorful. I wish we will always have a beautiful friendship.


  My thanks go to my other companions, Ook, Udjo, Galih, Deddy, Lissa, Metty,


Emen, Miko, Jantri, Krisna, Rendy, Seto, and all the members of PBI 2002

  for those unforgettable stories and moments we have shared. I also thank them for the attention, advices, and support during the completion of my thesis. To all my friends in Jakarta and other places, Widhi, Vero, Erika, Vicky, Rene, Mila,


Debby, Ertina, Bran, Babam, Agung, I am very happy to know them. I thank

them for all of the time we have spent together.

  Last but not least, my gratitude goes to those who have helped me go through my life path in any way that I cannot mention one by one. I really thank them for everything that has been given to me.

  Yogyakarta, 18 December 2008 Febri Floreta Patiung



  TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGES .......................................................................................... ii DEDICATION PAGE......................................................................................... iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ................................................... v


LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI.................................... vi

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT........................................................................................................ xii


ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ xiii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1

  1.1. Background of the Study.................................................................. 1

  1.2. Problem Formulation........................................................................ 4

  1.3. Objectives of the Study .................................................................... 5

  1.4. Benefits of the Study ........................................................................ 5

  1.5. Definition of Terms .......................................................................... 6


CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE............................. 8

  2.1. Review of Related Theories ............................................................. 8

  2.1.1. Character ................................................................................ 9 Definitions of Character ............................................ 9 Types of Character..................................................... 10

  2.1.7. Goals in Life........................................................................... 20

  4.1. The Reasons of Shizuka Kanai for Sustaining His Normal Sexual Life ......................................................................................... 27


CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS................................................................................ 27

  3.3. Method of the Study......................................................................... 25

  3.2. Approach of the Study...................................................................... 25

  3.1. Subject Matter .................................................................................. 24


CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY................................................................... 24

  2.3. Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 22

  2.2. Criticism ........................................................................................... 21

  2.1.6. Hierarchy of Needs................................................................. 19

  2.1.2. Characterization ..................................................................... 11

  2.1.5. Motivation .............................................................................. 18 Causes of Abnormal Sexuality .................................. 17 Characteristics of People with Abnormal Sexuality.. 15 Characteristics of People with Normal Sexuality...... 15

  2.1.4. Sexuality................................................................................. 14

  2.1.3. Critical Approaches................................................................ 13 Methods of Characterization...................................... 12 Definitions of Characterization.................................. 12



  4.1.1. Getting Higher Education......................................................... 28

  4.1.2. Getting More Friends ............................................................... 33

  4.1.3. Having a Normal Life .............................................................. 35

  4.2. The Effects of Shizuka Kanai’s Action on His Life Achievement .... 36

  4.2.1. On His Study ............................................................................ 36

  4.2.2. On His Social Relationship ...................................................... 40


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................. 45

  5.1. Conclusions ........................................................................................ 45

  5.2. Suggestions......................................................................................... 47

  5.2.1. Suggestion for Future Researchers........................................... 47

  5.2.2. Suggestion for Teaching-Learning Activities .......................... 48


REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 50

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 52

  Summary of Vita Sexualis .................................................................................... 52 Ogai Mori’s Biography ......................................................................................... 55 Lesson Plan for Teaching Extensive Reading I .................................................... 60 Material for Teaching Extensive Reading I .......................................................... 62 Ogai Mori’s Works ............................................................................................... 64 Chronology of Ogai Mori’s Life ........................................................................... 66




Patiung, Febri Floreta. 2008. The Motivation of Shizuka Kanai for

Sustaining His Normal Sexual Life Under the Pressure of His Surroundings

as Reflected in Mori’s Vita Sexualis. Yogyakarta: English Language Education

  Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

  This study is conducted to reveal the motivation of Shizuka Kanai's action for sustaining his normal sexual life and the effect of his action on his life achievement in Mori’s Vita Sexualis. Vita Sexualis is categorized as a social novel, since it is a novel which mostly tells about the relationship between people in a society. Through the social novel, the readers are able to see not only a certain society’s life and shape but also the conflicts that exist within it. This study is composed based on the thought that through characters’ eyes, the readers may see the situation of the society or even the world.

  There are two main questions discussed in this study, namely (1) why Shizuka Kanai wants to sustain his normal sexual life under the pressure of his surroundings, and (2) how the action of sustaining his normal sexual life affects his achievement in life.

  The method of data gathering used was library research. The data was collected from the novel Vita Sexualis itself as the primary source and from related theories, criticisms, and other sources as the secondary data. This study used the psychological approach. The theory of character, characterization, motivation, and hierarchy of needs were employed in order to answer the first question. These theories were used to find out the motivation of Shizuka Kanai as the main character in sustaining his normal sexual life. To answer the second question, the theory of sexuality and goals in life were utilized.

  The result of the analysis shows that Shizuka Kanai wants to sustain his normal sexual life inspite of the bad surroundings because he has the motivation to get higher education, to get more friends, and to have a normal life. He realizes that getting involved in an improper sexual life may mislead him and scatter the focus of his life. Based on the action that he does, Kanai gains the positive effect on his study. He gets the government’s scholarship to study abroad in Germany. However, he does not make it well socially since his introvert and unconfident characteristics keep him from building a relationship, especially with women, due to his lack of experience in socializing.




Patiung, Febri Floreta. 2008. The Motivation of Shizuka Kanai for

Sustaining His Normal Sexual Life Under the Pressure of His Surroundings

as Reflected in Mori’s Vita Sexualis. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan

  Bahasa Inggris. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Studi ini disusun untuk mengungkap motivasi dari tindakan Shizuka Kanai mempertahankan kehidupan seksualnya yang normal dan pengaruh dari tindakan Kanai tersebut pada pencapaian hidupnya dalam novel Vita Sexualis karya Mori. Vita Sexualis termasuk dalam kategori novel sosial, karena merupakan novel yang kebanyakan menceritakan tentang hubungan antar orang dalam suatu masyarakat. Melalui novel sosial, para pembaca tidak hanya dapat melihat kehidupan dan bentuk dari masyarakat tertentu tetapi juga konflik-konflik yang terjadi didalamnya. Studi ini disusun berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa melalui mata para tokoh, pembaca bisa melihat situasi masyarakat atau bahkan dunia.

  Ada dua permasalahan mendasar yang dibahas dalam studi ini, yaitu (1) mengapa Shizuka Kanai ingin mempertahankan kehidupan seksualnya yang normal dibawah tekanan lingkungan sekitarnya, dan (2) bagaimana tindakannya untuk mempertahankan kehidupan seksual yang normal mempengaruhi pencapaian cita-cita hidupnya.

  Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka. Data dikumpulkan dari novel Vita Sexualis itu sendiri sebagai sumber utama dan dari teori-teori, kritik, dan sumber-sumber lainnya yang berhubungan dengan studi sebagai data tambahan. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologis. Teori karakter, karakteristik, motivasi, dan hirarki kebutuhan dipakai untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama. Teori-teori ini digunakan untuk mengetahui motivasi Shizuka Kanai sebagai tokoh utama dalam mempertahankan kehidupan seksualnya yang normal. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua, teori seksualitas dan cita-cita hidup yang digunakan.

  Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa Shizuka Kanai ingin mempertahankan kehidupan seksualnya yang normal meskipun lingkungan sekitarnya membawa beberapa pengaruh buruk karena ia memiliki motivasi untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, mendapatkan lebih banyak teman, dan memiliki hidup normal. Ia menyadari bahwa terlibat dengan kehidupan seksual yang salah bisa menyesatkan dan membuyarkan fokus hidupnya. Berdasarkan tindakan yang ia lakukan, Kanai memperoleh pengaruh positif pada studinya. Ia mendapatkan beasiswa pemerintah untuk melanjutkan studi ke Jerman. Namun, ia tidak berhasil dengan baik dalam hubungan sosial karena sifat sulit bergaul dan tidak percaya diri menghalanginya untuk membangun hubungan, khususnya dengan wanita, disebabkan ia kurang pengalaman dalam bersosialisasi.




  This chapter consists of five main parts, namely background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. The background of the study states the description of the topic in this study. The problem formulation contains two basic questions which describe the problems that will be analyzed in this study. The objectives of the study state the purpose of writing the study. The benefits of the study provide the explanation of those who can obtain the benefits from the study. The last part is the definition of terms. In this section, some explanations about several terms that are related to the study are explained to avoid any misunderstanding about them.

1.1 Background of the Study

  Sexuality can be divided into two, normal and abnormal. Normal sexuality is what people usually know as the common relationship between man and woman. While abnormal sexuality can be divided into some parts. Two of them are homosexuality and bisexuality. Homosexuality is the condition of a person who has a feeling of loving another person within the same gender. Bisexuality is always the middle ground between sexes, genders, and sexualities, rather than being a sexuality, or indeed a gender or sex, in itself, because it is the “middle” sexuality where a person not only likes to have a relationship with his opposite gender but also with the same gender (Hemmings 2).


  The sexuality matters can be portrayed in works of literature, such as what we find in novels. A novel can widely reflect the society and its various life within, characters of people, laws, norms, religions, or even science. According to Henkle, we come to literature to learn about other people. In literature, we can find so many aspects of life: values, emotions, the power of love, and so on. The works of literature are close to what people think, see, feel, and do in daily experiences (6).

  One of many novels which talk about similar realities connecting to sexuality is Vita Sexualis. This novel can be said not only as the best novel but also the most controversial novel by the author Ogai Mori. The novel attempts to wrestle with issues of sexual desire, sex education, and the proper place of sensuality. The author seems to tell his own journey into sexual awareness, spanning fifteen years, from the age of six when he first sees erotic woodcuts, to his first physical response to a woman, and also the moment he meets a professional courtesan.

  The setting of the novel is in Meiji era. During that time, pornographic works were secretly published, for the law of censorship was very strict. Many books were banned for describing the love affair of a brother and sister or born of the eta class and parents of a child, also an intercourse between the young wife of a high school principal and a dentist. Hence, this era was very controversial since the country regulations and the reality seen from the citizen’s life were contradictive. Sexual life was a daily life for them at the time, but they did it unpublishly. Mori explains that from the time where pornographic books were written exclusively by hand and passed around, a few unusual examples of


  widely circulated, of course that very significant change gave shocking value deviation to the Japanese culture and made Japan tighten the codes (9-11).

  Ogai Mori’s Vita Sexualis shares a story about the life journey of a man, especially his experiences in discovering things connected to sexual life. The story starts with the main character, Shizuka Kanai, who is playing around and finally comes to a widow’s house, his neighbor. Six year-old Kanai is an innocent boy that runs out quickly of the house of the widow because of her showing him erotic pictures and he knows that there is something strange and disagreeable with the pictures, even though he does not know for sure what it is. Four years later he finds out that his parents also have those kinds of pictures.

  When he is eleven, he sees geishas for the first time and feels they are not people whom he wants to interact with. He feels that even though he has a longing for love and affection, he does not feel, as others feel, any real sexual drive. Actually he does not suffer from any sexual disorientation. He is a normal man with an introvert characteristic, especially in his sexual life. Up to the age of sixteen, he knows only him and his friend, Kojima, who are still virgins to graduate from the English Academy. He is still innocent up to the time he graduates from the university when he is nineteen. But when he is twenty, misled by some accidental and silly inducement, he experiences his first sexual relationship with a prostitute. His sexual desire paralyzes his mind that even though he knows it is wrong, he cannot resist doing it. At the age of twenty one, he feels another sexual relationship with a geisha. Those experiences leave


  uneasiness to him that he does not want to do it again. He finally leaves Japan after receiving the government order allowing him to study abroad. He remains unmarried until the time he goes to Germany.

  This topic is very interesting to discuss since Shizuka Kanai is a unique character. It is described in the novel that during Meiji era where prostitutions spread and most people are involved in it, he is one of very few people who are not willing to join that kind of life along his study. He knows that it is not the right thing to do and he restricts himself not to ruin his own life and concentrates on achieving his goal, especially in education. Furthermore, this novel shows us the struggle of Shizuka Kanai to survive in the society which is unfriendly to the person like him who is considered strange and unusual only because of his physical appearance and his straight-thinking thought.

  Based on the facts that have been mentioned above, this study is going to underline the motivation of Shizuka Kanai who sustains his normal sexual life and the positive effects he gains as the results of his action. Hopefully, Kanai’s experiences can bring a reflection to the readers of the novel.

1.2 Problem Formulation

  Based on the background, there are two problems that will be discussed in the study:

  1.2.1. Why does Shizuka Kanai want to sustain his normal sexual life under the pressure of his surroundings?


  1.2.2. How does the action of sustaining his normal sexual life affect his achievement in life?

  1.3 Objectives of the Study

  The aims of the study are to find out why Shizuka Kanai wants to sustain his normal sexual life under the pressure of his surroundings and how this action affects his achievement in life as mentioned in the problem formulation above. Based on those problems, this study intends to reveal Kanai’s motivation and the positive effects of the action to his achievement in life. Moreover, the result of this study wants to enlarge the readers’ knowledge about Meiji era.

  1.4 Benefits of the Study

  From the study of the novel Vita Sexualis, there is an analysis about the motivation of the main character of the novel, Shizuka Kanai for sustaining his normal sexual life under the pressure of his surroundings and the results of this action to his future life. Hopefully, it will give the readers some benefits that are described as follows.

  First, the study of the novel Vita Sexualis presents important life values to the readers for their reference of further steps of life. Shizuka Kanai can be a good role model since he applies many life values which finally bring him to a success. Second, the study is expected to help anyone who wants to study more about literary works by having this as a reference which may enlarge their literature


  knowledge, especially about Vita Sexualis by Ogai Mori. It brings some additional information in understanding Vita Sexualis which may be useful to analyze the main character based on the psychological point of view.

  Finally, the study includes the suggestions of how to use the novel as a source in order to add the variety of language teaching methodology. Some parts of the novel can be used by the lecturer to teach Extensive Reading.

1.5 Definition of Terms

  In this section, there are further discussions on several terms. These terms need to be explained in order to give better understanding of the study.

  The first word is motivation. Motivation is the reason for doing something; it will influence someone to behave in a specific way. White, Wofford, and Gordon say that motivation refers to “the reasons that cause a character to act as he does” (734). It leads a person to achieve his goals or needs.

  The second word is sustain. Sustain has the essence of the situation “if you sustain something, you continue it or maintain it for a period of time” (Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Adult Learners 1574). Sustaining makes someone keep up a certain thing in order to stay the same or if possible, develop to be a better person.

  The third word is normal. Something is defined as normal if it is “regular, standard, natural” or in “the usual condition, level, or quantity” (Webster’s New Explorer Dictionary and Thesaurus 356). In this study, a person might be called sexually normal if he or she has the attraction with the sexually mature member of


  the opposite gender and does not have any sexual disorientation, as in homosexuality or bisexuality.

  The fourth word is abnormal. It is a certain behavior which depends upon time, culture, attitudes, and some other factors. Abnormal is labeled to those emotionally disturbed persons and described as “the unique in terms of the general” (Stone viii).

  The fifth word is surroundings. The term surroundings signifies “everything that surrounds a place or persons, especially as it influences the quality of life” (Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture 1336).

  Surroundings can affect people to live as what they see from it.

  The last is Vita Sexualis. The title Vita Sexualis is taken from Latin language. According to Moreland and Fleischer, the Latin word Vita means life (433). Therefore, Vita Sexualis means sexual life. In this study, the discussion is about the main character, Shizuka Kanai’s journey in sexual life as the main topic.





  This chapter consists of review of related theories, criticism, and theoretical framework. The review of related theories covers theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of critical approaches, theory of sexuality, theory of motivation, theory of hierarchy of needs, and theory of goals in life.

  Criticism contains information about the novel and the author from some sources. Further, theoretical framework describes some explanations of the reviewed theories used in employing the answers of the problems on the problem formulation.

2.1 Review of Related Theories

  Theories of related literature consist of seven important parts. The first is theory of character. The second is theory of characterization. The third part is theory of critical approaches. The fourth part is theory of sexuality. The fifth part is theory of motivation. The sixth is theory of hierarchy of needs, and the last part is the theory of goals in life. The theory of character consists of the definitions of character and the types of character. The theory of characterization consists of the definitions of characterization and the methods of characterization. Meanwhile, the theory of sexuality consists of the characteristics of people with normal sexuality, the characteristics of people with abnormal sexuality, and the causes of abnormal sexuality.


2.1.1 Character

  Theory of character contains some crucial parts to understand the characters in the novel. It is important to find out the answer to the first problem of this study. Those parts are definitions of character and types of character. Definitions of Character

  Character is one of the most important elements in literary works. Abrams defines character as “a literary genre: a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a distinctive type of person” or “the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say--the dialogue--and by what they do--the action” (20). In other words, characters are the people in the novel, including their personalities or characteristics. Through the eyes of the characters, the readers can experience not only the characters’ life but also see what Henkle says as “a vision of a world” (48). The characters show the picture of their world in the story and make the readers able to identify the novel’s world.

  The character in the novel, as Forster calls as “Homo Fictus” (38), has the qualities of ordinary human beings. They are named, given sexes, provided with personalities, including physical and psychological aspects. But, there is a difference since the characters in the novel can be understood completely because their inner and outer life can be exposed if the author wants to, something that cannot be found in real life (Forster 32).


  Characters have the essence of being stable or changed in the works of literature. One thing to remember is that characters need consistency. They cannot act in a way they impossibly do along the beginning up to the end of the works. It is one of the significant elements that should exist, because they are figures who make the works have the reason to tell something, which is about the characters themselves. Types of Character

  Character in literary works can be categorized into some types. Forster as quoted by Abrams divides characters into flat and round. He states a flat character is a character without many details which is built around “a single idea or quality” and can be described in a single phrase or sentence. Meanwhile, a round character is a complex character in temperament and motivation that it is difficult to describe him with any adequacy as a real person. He also has the capability to surprise the reader (20-21).

  Stanton differentiates character into main or central character and peripheral character. A main character is the person who is relevant to every event in the story, and usually the events cause some changes either in him or in the readers’ attitudes toward him. A main character always appears continuously, so it seems that he dominates the whole story. On the other hand, a peripheral character is the person who seems to appear rarely in the story. His presentation is not as many as the main character and less dominant in changing (17-18).


  Character also can be divided into protagonist and antagonist. Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. say that the most important character in a story, the one to whom all the events in the story have relevance is called protagonist. Usually, it is easy for the readers to identify him and give sympathy. When a protagonist is involved in conflict with another character, the other is called the antagonist. Antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist and usually the readers do not admire this kind of character (20).

  Finally, character has other types based on the development or changes. Perrine states two types of character, static and dynamic character. A static character is the same sort person at the end of the story as he was at the beginning.

  It means that the character does not change. While a dynamic character is the person who is capable to change in some aspects of his character. The change may be large or small, and may be for better or for worse (71).

  A character has its own characterization that is different with other characters. It may undergo a radical change or even does not change at all. Thus, it can bring a change in the characterization and opinion.

2.1.2 Characterization

  Theory of characterization consists of some important parts to assist in answering the first problem of this study. Those parts are definitions of characterization and methods of characterization.


  Abcarian and Klotz define characterization as “the process by which the characters are rendered to make them seem real to the reader” (6). From the definition, characterization means the way of the author in describing the characters so that the readers are able to differentiate a character from the others and figure out the ideas, thoughts, and information brought by each character. However, the more we think about characterization, we come to the fact that it cannot be separated from the other elements of fiction: tone, plot, theme, setting, and so on. Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. present characterization as “the process by which the author creates character, the device by which he makes us believe a character is the particular type of person he is” (20). It shows that the author has to introduce a certain character and create situations, so that the character can bring his role to life in the story. Methods of Characterization

  Murphy states that there are nine ways he attempts “to make the characters understandable to, and come alive for, his readers” (161). The first way is by personal description. The author is able to describe a person’s physical appearance and clothes in the story (161). The second is character as seen by another. The author describes the character through the eyes and opinions of another and therefore the readers get a reflected image (162). The third is by speech.

  Whenever a character speaks or is in conversation with another or puts forward an opinion, he is giving us some clues to his character (164). The fourth is past life.


  The author gives a clue to events that have to shape a person by letting the readers learn something about his character through past life. It is done by some ways like direct comment by the author, through the person’s thoughts, through his conversation, or through the medium of another person (166). Next is by conversation of others. We can get clues of characters through the conversations of other people and the things they say about him (167). The sixth is by reaction.

  It can be a clue for the readers to know how a character reacts to various situations and events (168). The seventh way is by direct comment. The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly (170). The eighth is by thought. The author gives direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. He can tell us about the thoughts of the characters in the story. He wants to show the characters’ personalities in a perspective way by coming into their inmost thoughts (171). The last way is by mannerism. The readers can get clues of one’s characters by his mannerisms, habits, or idiosyncrasies (173).

2.1.3 Critical Approaches

  According to Rohrberger and Woods, Jr., there are five kinds of critical approaches which are used as means of understanding the nature function and positive values of literature. The first approach is the formalist approach. It is based on the total integrity of the literary piece and concerned with the esthetic value of the work (6-7). The second is the biographical approach. It is concerned with the necessity for an appreciation of the ideas and personality of the author in order to understand the literary object. Biographical material may bring many


  useful facts that can help the readers to understand as well as appreciate the literary object (8-9). The third is the social cultural historical approach. It defines civilization as the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people. In literature, the attitudes and actions take part as its subject matter. Literature is also a criticism of life that affects human in society, and great literature should express the values of order, restraint, and human dignity (9-11). The fourth is the mythopoeic approach. It has the aim of discovering certain universally recurrent patterns of human thought (11-13). The last approach is the psychological approach. It involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns of human beings. The theories of psychology are applied in order to explain the character’s personality in the story (13-15).

2.1.4 Sexuality

  In sexuality, there are two main types to discuss. Those are normal and abnormal sexuality. People with normal sexuality are those who live their life in a common way, have an intimate relationship between opposite sexes. This type of sexuality is what people believe as the right orientation. On the other hand, abnormal sexuality is the sexuality with disorientation. There are some kinds of abnormal sexuality, but the most common are homosexuality and bisexuality.

  Hemmings defines homosexuality as the condition in which a person is sexually attracted to another person within the same sex, while bisexuality is a “middle” condition between normal and abnormal sexuality, since the person who has this disorientation is not only sexually attracted to the opposite gender but also the same gender (2).

PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Characteristics of People with Normal Sexuality

  Jim Smith presents the idea of normal and abnormal behavior, including sexuality, based on various theories in the area of psychology that have developed over the years. He finds that the existence of abnormal behavior depends upon several conditions such as time, culture, and attitudes (5). In sexuality, sexual dysfunctions and sexual variants are the so-called “abnormalities” of human. Hence, it can be concluded that normal sexuality means the state of sexually with no dysfunction or variant suffered by a person. Sexual orientation comes up unconsciously in human’s mind. It is a kind of archetypes that are not ready-made ideas because they are genetically psychic inheritances (Bressler 154-155).

  Sometimes the orientation also can be acquired through mental illness, interaction, and a process of learning (Smith 5-8). Therefore, heterosexuals, people with the desire of sexual engagement with a sexually mature member of the opposite gender, are those who are considered as normal (Smith 138). Characteristics of People with Abnormal Sexuality

  According to Smith, abnormal sexuality can be divided into two major parts, sexual dysfunctions and sexual variants. Sexual dysfunction refers to “impairment either in the desire for sexual gratification or in the ability to achieve it”. It is something that is related to someone’s personal health and background.

  For example, erectile insufficiency and frigidity (137). On the other hand, sexual variant is “behavior in which satisfaction is dependent primarily on something other than a mutually desired sexual engagement with a sexually mature member of the opposite gender” (138).


  Smith divides sexual variants into thirteen types. The first is male and female homosexuality. This condition is based on the sexual attraction of a person to another within the same gender (138). The second is bisexuality. Bisexuality is considered as one of homosexual types. Bisexuals are “individuals who engage in both homosexual and heterosexual practices during a sustained period”. Many homosexuals who are desperate with their homosexuality life would fit into this category (139). The third is transvestism and transsexualism. Transvestism covers those who achieve sexual excitement by dressing as a member of the opposite sex, while transsexualism is a case of “a person who feels “trapped” in a body of the opposite sex”. There is an indication that their cross-gender identity began in childhood and continued into adulthood (139). The fourth is prostitution. It is a kind of sexual relations as a transaction, in return for money (140). The fifth is fetishism. The sufferer is interested to some body parts of inanimate objects, such as an article of clothing (140). The sixth is sexual variants involving nonconsent or assault, which involves “a definite element of injury or significant risk of injury, physical or psychological, to one or more parties involved in a sexual encounter” (140). The seventh is voyeurism. It refers to the achievement of sexual pleasure through secretly looking at the forbidden; for example, undressing female (140). The eighth is exhibitionism. Exhibitionist gets sexual excitement by exposing the genital part to members of the opposite sex under inappropriate conditions; such as in parks or more public places (141). The ninth is sadism, in which the sufferer achieves sexual stimulation and gratification by inflicting physical pain on the sexual partner (141). The tenth is masochism; it “includes deriving pleasure from self-denial, expiatory physical suffering (such as that of


  religious flagellant), and suffering in general” (141). The eleventh is incest. It happens when there is a sexual relation between family members within the same blood (141). The twelfth is pedophilia, with children as the object of sexual pleasure (142). The last type is rape. Raping is “sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse by a person with another who is compelled to submit to force” (142). Causes of Abnormal Sexuality

  Abnormal sexuality or sexual perversions may happen because of some stimulation. According to Alan Stone and Sue Smart Stone, “perversions, like any other symptoms, are not simply fixations, but also represent an attempt to deal with anxiety or conflict” (319). Smith states that there are some factors which are seen as the causes of abnormal sexuality. Sexual dysfunctions may be affected by genital injuries, disease, fatigue, excessive alcohol, and others as follows (Smith 137).

  The first is faulty learning. It can lead young people to start out with wrong expectations and information that possibly impair their sexual adequacy (138). The second concerns feelings of fear, anxiety, and inadequacy. They are attributed to faulty learning and later aversive experiences (138). Interpersonal problems are also considered as a factor. Emotions and feelings take roles in this factor (138). The fourth is changing male-female roles and relationships.

  Sometimes men feel less dominant than women who expect too much in the relationship, so that it affects men sexually (138). Other factors are homosexuality, low sex drive, and rejection and disturbed family background


  which make it difficult for a person to get involved in an interpersonal relationship.

  Meanwhile, sexual variants may be affected by three factors. The first is the normal level absence of adults presence of the opposite sex (138). The second is individual’s lack of social skills which are actually important for adult heterosexual relationships (138). The last is the failure of creating a firm psychological gender identity inside oneself (138).

2.1.5 Motivation

  Motivation is the reason for a person to do something. It will cause someone to behave specifically. There are some definitions of motivation which come from various experts. Wright, Taylor, Davies, Sluckin, Lee, and Reasor say that motive is a particular level of reasons for doing something as when we discuss motives for a crime, for example. It refers to that which causes an individual to behave in a specific way (206). Jung states that sometimes we cannot separate motivation with emotion because emotion operates motives in generating responses. He simply considers both motives and emotions as motives (4).

  According to Bootzin, Loftus, Zajonc Black, La Piccolo, and Holahan, “motive is the dynamic property of behavior that gives it organization over time and that defines its end states”. It is the purpose that leads someone’s behavior in order to achieve goals or needs as the end state (367). They divide motivation into two parts, external and internal motivation. The external motivation or incentus is the motivation that comes because of the environment influences, while the internal motivation or drives comes from the person himself (368). They also have


  the theory of extrinsic motivation for the behavior that is motivated by external reward, while intrinsic motivation is for the behavior motivated by an individual’s established persons (383).