Worksheet Uji Ranking Hedonik

  • – padat
  • – padat

  9.2 Salmonella - Negatif / 25 g Negatif / 25 g

  7.2 Tembaga mg/kg Maks 20,0 Maks 20,0

  7.3 Timah mg/kg Maks 40,0 Maks 40,0

  7.4 Raksa mg/kg Maks 0,03 Maks 0,03

  8. Arsen mg/kg Maks 0,1 Maks 0,1

  9. Cemaran mikroba

  9.1 Bakteri coliform APM/g atau koloni/ g

  Maks 10 Maks 10

  9.3 Listeria

  7 Cemaran Logam

  monocytogen es

  10. Jumlah baktteri starter*

  Koloni/ g





  7.1 Timbal mg/kg Maks 0,3 Maks 0,3

  % 0,5-2,0 0,5-2,0

  Y: Yoghurt YRL: Yoghurt Rendah Lemak YTL: Yoghurt Tanpa Lemak

  1.3 Rasa - Asam/khas Asam/khas

  LAMPIRAN Lampiran 1. SNI Yoghurt (2009)

  No Kriteria Satuan Yoghurt tanpa perlakuan panas setelah fermentasi Yoghurt dengan perlakuan panas setelah fermentasi


  1. Keadaan -

  1.1 Penampakan - Cairan kental

  Cairan kental

  1.2 Bau - Normal/khas Normal/khas

  1.4 Konsistensi - Homogen Homogen

  6. Keasaman (dihitung sebagai asam laktat)(b/b)

  2. Kadar Lemak (b/b)

  % 3,0 0,6-2,9 Maks 0,5

  3,0 0,6-2,9 Maks 0,5

  3. Total padatan susu bukan lemak(b/b)

  % Min 8,2 Min 8,2

  4. Protein (b/b) % Min 2,7 Min 2,7

  5. Kadar Abu (b/b)

  % Maks 1,0 Maks 1,0

  • Negatif / 25 g Negatif / 25 g
  • Sesuai dengan pasal 2 istilah dan definisi

  Lampiran 2. Worksheet Uji Sensori

Worksheet Uji Ranking Hedonik

  Tanggal uji : 10 Maret 2016 Jenis sampel : Minuman Fermentasi Susu Kacang Hijau

  Identifikasi sampel Kode

  Fermentasi susu kacang hijau dengan Kultur murni L.bulgaricus dan

  A S.thermophilus

  Fermentasi susu kacang hijau dengan Kultur backslope yoghurt plan merk B “Biokul” Backslope I) Fermentasi susu kacang hijau dengan Kultur backslope I (Backslope II) C Fermentasi susu kacang hijau dengan Kultur backslope II (Backslope III) D

  Kode kombinasi urutan penyajian

  ABCD = 1 BACD = 7 CABD = 13 DABC = 19 ABDC = 2 BADC = 8 CADB = 14 DACB = 20 ACBD = 3 BCAD = 9 CBAD = 15 DBAC = 21 ACDB = 4 BCDA = 10 CBDA = 16 DBCA =22 ADBC = 5 BDCA =11 CDAB = 17 DCAB = 23 ADCB = 6 BDAC = 12 CDBA = 18 DCBA =24

  Penyajian : urutan penyajian

  Booth Panelis Kode sampel

  1 # 1, #25, #49 862, 245, 458, 396 2 # 2, #26, #50 522, 498, 665, 298 3 # 3, #27, #51 223, 183,398, 765 4 #4, #28, #52 138, 163, 743, 369 5 #5, #29, #53 756, 174, 954, 266 6 #6, #30, #54 496, 488, 759, 133 1 #7, #31, #55 537, 544, 523, 459 2 #8, #32 585, 984, 127, 946 3 #9, #33 829, 614, 681, 547 4 #10, #34 742, 822, 554, 869

  5 #11, #35 113, 933, 941, 199 6 #12, #36 651, 891, 375, 414 1 #13, #37 797, 918, 481, 621 2 #14, #38 377, 743, 916, 827 3 #15, #39 875, 667, 335, 282 4 #16, #40 635, 274, 379, 617 5 #17, #41 339, 818, 477, 776 6 #18, #42 581, 232, 916, 251 1 #19, #43 216, 653, 489, 538 2 #20, #44 337, 446, 914, 849 3 #21, #45 967, 824, 749, 721 4 #22, #46 843, 556, 628, 287 5 #23, #47 532, 259, 524, 967 6 #24, #48 562, 396, 624, 618

  Rekap kode sampel :

  Sampel A 862, 522, 223, 138, 756, 496, 544, 984, 681, 869, 199, 375, 918, 743, 335, 617, 477, 251, 653, 446,

  749, 287, 524, 618 Sampel B 245, 498, 398, 369, 954, 133, 537, 585, 829, 742,

  113, 651, 481, 827, 662, 274, 776, 916, 489, 849, 824, 556, 967, 624

  Sampel C 458, 298, 183, 163, 266, 759, 523, 946, 614, 822, 941, 414, 797, 377, 875, 635, 339, 581, 538, 914,

  721, 628, 259, 396 Sampel D 396, 665, 765, 743, 174, 488, 459, 127, 547, 554,

  933, 891, 621, 916, 282, 379, 818, 232, 216, 337, 967, 843, 532, 562

  Lampiran 3. Analisa Total Asam dengan SPSS

Tests of Normality


  Perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  • ,200 ,897

  6 ,355 KONTROL ,196


  • ,200 ,964

  6 ,852 Total



  • Asam ,200 ,887

  6 ,305 BACKSLOPE2 ,244


  • ,200 ,940

  6 ,656 BACKSLOPE3 ,248

  6 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  TotalAsam Sum of df Mean F Sig.

  Squares Square Between

  1,409 3 ,470 66,166 ,000 Groups Within Groups ,142 20 ,007 Total 1,551

  23 TotalAsam Duncan

  Perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 BACKSLOPE3 6 1,13850 BACKSLOPE2 6 1,39350 KONTROL 6 1,67250 BACKSLOPE1 6 1,75200 Sig. 1,000 1,000 ,118 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6,000.

  Lampiran 4. Analisa pH dengan SPSS

Tests of Normality


  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. KONTROL ,299 6 ,100 ,881 6 ,274 BACKSLOPE1 ,317 6 ,060 ,791 6 ,048 pH BACKSLOPE2 ,277 6 ,168 ,773 6 ,033 BACKSLOPE3 ,276 6 ,172 ,842 6 ,136

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  pH Sum of df Mean F Sig.

  Squares Square Between

  8,064 3 2,688 57,800 ,000 Groups Within Groups ,930 20 ,047 Total 8,994



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05




  4 BACKSLOPE1 6 4,3167 KONTROL 6 4,6567 BACKSLOPE2 6 5,2833 BACKSLOPE3 6 5,8250 Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6,000.

  Lampiran 5. Analisa Protein dengan SPSS Tests of Normality a

  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  • kontrol ,226

  6 ,200 ,936 6 ,626

  • backslope1 ,258

  6 ,200 ,845 6 ,142 protein

  • backslope2 ,268

  6 ,200 ,835 6 ,118

  • backslope3 ,176

  6 ,200 ,967 6 ,869 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  protein Sum of df Mean F Sig.

  Squares Square Between

  ,486 3 ,162 20,447 ,000 Groups Within Groups ,158 20 ,008 Total ,644



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 kontrol 6 2,88617 backslope1 6 3,00382 backslope2

  6 3,02617 backslope3 6 3,27679

  Sig. 1,000 ,668 1,000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6,000.

  Lampiran 6. Analisa Zona Bening E.coli dengan SPSS

Tests of Normality


  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  • kontrol ,185

  6 ,200 ,951 6 ,748

  • backslope1 ,253

  6 ,200 ,843 6 ,139 zonabening_m m backslope2 ,283

  6 ,145 ,873 6 ,237 backslope3 ,285 6 ,139 ,835 6 ,118 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  zonabening_mm Sum of df Mean F Sig.

  Squares Square Between

  55,570 3 18,523 167,270 ,000 Groups Within Groups 2,215 20 ,111 Total 57,785



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05




  4 backslope3 6 8,97833 backslope2 6 11,01833 kontrol

  6 12,26500 backslope1 6 12,99167

  Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6,000. Analisa Zona Bening S.aureus dengan SPSS


Tests of Normality


  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  • kontrol ,204

  6 ,200 ,909 6 ,433

  • backslope1 ,172

  6 ,200 ,934 6 ,615 zonabening_m

  • m backslope2 ,208

  6 ,200 ,905 6 ,407

  • backslope3 ,146

  6 ,200 ,976 6 ,930 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  zonabening_mm Sum of df Mean F Sig.

  Squares Square Between

  43,153 3 14,384 803,670 ,000 Groups Within Groups ,358 20 ,018 Total 43,511



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 backslope3 6 9,99000 backslope2 6 11,97000 kontrol

  6 13,19167 backslope1 6 13,33833

  Sig. 1,000 1,000 ,072 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6,000.

  Lampiran 7. Analisa Sensori dengan SPSS Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Penampakan

  Kontrol 55 117,00 Backslope_1 55 117,00 Backslope_2 55 95,00 Backslope_3 55 113,00 Total 220

  Warna Kontrol 55 124,29 Backslope_1 55 111,24 Backslope_2 55 105,30 Backslope_3 55 101,17 Total 220

  Aroma Kontrol 55 102,00 Backslope_1 55 112,00 Backslope_2 55 113,00 Backslope_3 55 115,00 Total 220 tekstur Kontrol 55 125,00 Backslope_1 55 121,00 Backslope_2 55 102,00 Backslope_3 55 94,00 Total 220

  Rasa Kontrol 55 106,00 Backslope_1 55 133,00 Backslope_2 55 102,00 Backslope_3 55 101,00 Total 220

  Mouthfeel Kontrol 55 118,00 Backslope_1 55 126,00 Backslope_2 55 103,00 Backslope_3 55 95,00 Total 220

  OverAll Kontrol 55 110,00 Backslope_1 55 125,00 Backslope_2 55 106,00 Backslope_3 55 101,00 Total 220

  a,b Test Statistics

  Penampakan Warna Aroma tekstur Rasa Mouthfeel OverAll Chi-Square

  4,793 4,413 1,462 9,629 9,976 8,586 4,648 df







  3 Asymp. Sig. ,188 ,220 ,691 ,022 ,019 ,035 ,199

  c c c c c c c Sig.

  ,180 ,214 ,698 ,021 ,018 ,032 ,195 Monte Carlo

  Lower Bound ,172 ,206 ,689 ,018 ,015 ,029 ,187 95% Confidence Sig.

  Interval Upper Bound ,187 ,222 ,707 ,023 ,021 ,036 ,202

  a. Kruskal Wallis Test

  b. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan c. Based on 10000 sampled tables with starting seed 743671174.

  Penampakan Kontrol dan Backslope 1 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 55,45 3049,50

  Penampakan Backslope_1 55 55,55 3055,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Penampakan Mann-Whitney U

  1509,500 Wilcoxon W

  3049,500 Z

  • ,019 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,985 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,983

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,988

  b Sig.

  ,499 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,489

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,508

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan b. Based on 10000 sampled tables with starting seed 79654295.

  Penampakan Kontrol dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 60,97 3353,50

  Penampakan Backslope_2 55 50,03 2751,50 Total 110


Test Statistics

  Penampakan Mann-Whitney U

  1211,500 Wilcoxon W

  2751,500 Z

  • 1,860 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,074 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,068

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,079

  b Sig.

  ,035 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,031

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,038

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Penampakan Kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 56,58 3112,00

  Penampakan Backslope_3 55 54,42 2993,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Penampakan Mann-Whitney U

  1453,000 Wilcoxon W

  2993,000 Z

  • ,368 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,707 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,698

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,716

  b Sig.

  ,360 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,350

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,369

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Penampakan Backslope 1 dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 60,75 3341,50

  Penampakan Backslope_2 55 50,25 2763,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Penampakan Mann-Whitney U

  1223,500 Wilcoxon W

  2763,500 Z

  • 1,786 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,080 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,074

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,085

  b Sig.

  ,038 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,034

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,042

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Penampakan Backslope 1 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 56,69 3118,00

  Penampakan Backslope_3 55 54,31 2987,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Penampakan Mann-Whitney U

  1447,000 Wilcoxon W

  2987,000 Z

  • ,405 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,682 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,673

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,691

  b Sig.

  ,342 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,333

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,351

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Penampakan Backslope 2 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_2 55 50,73 2790,00

  Penampakan Backslope_3 55 60,27 3315,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Penampakan Mann-Whitney U

  1250,000 Wilcoxon W

  2790,000 Z

  • 1,626 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,109 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-

  95% Confidence Lower Bound ,103 tailed) Interval Upper Bound ,115

  b Sig.

  ,054 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-

  Lower Bound ,050 95% Confidence tailed) Interval

  Upper Bound ,059

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Warna Kontrol dan Backslope 1 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 58,68 3227,50

  Warna Backslope_1 55 52,32 2877,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Warna Mann-Whitney U

  1337,500 Wilcoxon W

  2877,500 Z

  • 1,082 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,287 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,278

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,296

  b Sig.

  ,146 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,139

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,153

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Warna Kontrol dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 60,72 3339,50

  Warna Backslope_2 55 50,28 2765,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Warna Mann-Whitney U

  1225,500 Wilcoxon W

  2765,500 Z

  • 1,778 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,073 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,068

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,078

  b Sig.

  ,038 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,034

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,041

  Warna Kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 60,89 3349,00

  Warna Backslope_3 55 50,11 2756,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Warna Mann-Whitney U

  1216,000 Wilcoxon W

  2756,000 Z

  • 1,832 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,071 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,066

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,076

  b Sig.

  ,038 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,034

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,041

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Warna Backslope 1 dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 56,93 3131,00

  Warna Backslope_2 55 54,07 2974,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Warna Mann-Whitney U

  1434,000 Wilcoxon W

  2974,000 Z

  • ,485 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,656 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,647

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,666

  b Sig.

  ,326 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,317

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,335

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Warna Backslope 1 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 57,99 3189,50

  Warna Backslope_3 55 53,01 2915,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Warna Mann-Whitney U

  1375,500 Wilcoxon W

  2915,500 Z

  • ,849 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,395 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,385

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,404

  b Sig.

  ,196 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,188

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,204

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Warna Backslope 2 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_2 55 56,95 3132,00

  Warna Backslope_3 55 54,05 2973,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Warna Mann-Whitney U

  1433,000 Wilcoxon W

  2973,000 Z

  • ,492 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,622 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,612

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,631

  b Sig.

  ,308 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,299

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,317

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Aroma Kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 52,32 2877,50

  Aroma Backslope_3 55 58,68 3227,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Aroma Mann-Whitney U

  1337,500 Wilcoxon W

  2877,500 Z

  • 1,081 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,298 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,289

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,307

  b Sig.

  ,152 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed)

  Lower Bound ,145 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,159

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Tekstur Kontrol dan Backslope 1 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 56,88 3128,50 tekstur Backslope_1

  55 54,12 2976,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  tekstur Mann-Whitney U

  1436,500 Wilcoxon W

  2976,500 Z

  • ,471 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,646 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,637

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,655

  b Sig.

  ,327 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,318

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,336

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Tekstur Kontrol dan Backslope2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 61,28 3370,50 tekstur Backslope_2 55 49,72 2734,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  tekstur Mann-Whitney U

  1194,500 Wilcoxon W

  2734,500 Z

  • 1,966 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,057 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,053

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,062

  b Sig.

  ,028 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,025

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,032

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Tekstur Kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 62,84 3456,00 tekstur Backslope_3

  55 48,16 2649,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  tekstur Mann-Whitney U

  1109,000 Wilcoxon W

  2649,000 Z

  • 2,502 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,012 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,010

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,014

  b Sig.

  ,007 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,006

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,009

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Tekstur Backslope 1 dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 60,70 3338,50 tekstur Backslope_2 55 50,30 2766,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  tekstur Mann-Whitney U

  1226,500 Wilcoxon W

  2766,500 Z

  • 1,774 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,074 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,069

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,079

  b Sig.

  ,036 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,033

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,040

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Tekstur Backslope 1 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 62,18 3420,00 tekstur Backslope_3 55 48,82 2685,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  tekstur Mann-Whitney U

  1145,000 Wilcoxon W

  2685,000 Z

  • 2,272 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,027 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-

  Lower Bound ,024 tailed) 95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,030

  b Sig.

  ,014 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-

  Lower Bound ,012 tailed) 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,017

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Tekstur Backslope 2 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_2 55 57,98 3189,00 tekstur Backslope_3 55 53,02 2916,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  tekstur Mann-Whitney U

  1376,000 Wilcoxon W

  2916,000 Z

  • ,846 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,408 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,398

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,417

  b Sig.

  ,206 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,198

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,214

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Rasa Kontrol dan Backslope 1 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 48,44 2664,00

  Rasa Backslope_1 55 62,56 3441,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Rasa Mann-Whitney U

  1124,000 Wilcoxon W

  2664,000 Z

  • 2,404 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,015 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed)

  Lower Bound ,013 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,017

  b Sig.

  ,007 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed)

  Lower Bound ,005 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,009

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Rasa Kontrol dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 56,50 3107,50

  Rasa Backslope_2 55 54,50 2997,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Rasa Mann-Whitney U

  1457,500 Wilcoxon W

  2997,500 Z

  • ,341 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,753 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,745

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,761

  b Sig.

  ,380 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed)

  Lower Bound ,370 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,389 a.

  Grouping Variable: Perlakuan b.

  Rasa Kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 57,06 3138,50

  Rasa Backslope_3 55 53,94 2966,50 Total 110


Test Statistics

  Rasa Mann-Whitney U

  1426,500 Wilcoxon W

  2966,500 Z

  • ,532 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,601 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,592

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,611

  b Sig.

  ,301 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,292

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,309

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Rasa Backslope 1 dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Perlakuan 55 63,56 3496,00 Backslope_1 55 47,44 2609,00

  Rasa Backslope_2 110


  a Test Statistics

  Rasa Mann-Whitney U

  1069,000 Wilcoxon W

  2609,000 Z

  • 2,743 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,006 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed)

  Lower Bound ,004 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,007

  b Sig.

  ,002 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed)

  Lower Bound ,001 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,003

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Rasa Backslope 1 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 62,87 3458,00

  Rasa Backslope_3 55 48,13 2647,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Rasa Mann-Whitney U

  1107,000 Wilcoxon W

  2647,000 Z

  • 2,516 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,011 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,009

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,013

  b Sig.

  ,006 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,005

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,008

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Rasa Backslope 2 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_2 55 56,06 3083,50

  Rasa Backslope_3 55 54,94 3021,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Rasa Mann-Whitney U

  1481,500 Wilcoxon W

  3021,500 Z

  • ,192 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,857 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,850

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,864

  b Sig.

  ,434 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,424

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,444

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Mouth feel Kontrol dan Backslope 1 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 53,32 2932,50

  Mouthfeel Backslope_1 55 57,68 3172,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Mouthfeel Mann-Whitney U

  1392,500 Wilcoxon W

  2932,500 Z

  • ,744 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,453 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-

  Lower Bound ,443 tailed) 95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,462

  b Sig.

  ,222 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-

  Lower Bound ,214 tailed) 95% Confidence Interval

  Upper Bound ,230

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Mouth feel Kontrol dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 59,41 3267,50

  Mouthfeel Backslope_2 55 51,59 2837,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Mouthfeel Mann-Whitney U

  1297,500 Wilcoxon W

  2837,500 Z

  • 1,330 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,202 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,194

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,210

  b Sig.

  ,098 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,092

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,103

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Mouth feel Kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 61,27 3370,00

  Mouthfeel Backslope_3 55 49,73 2735,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Mouthfeel Mann-Whitney U

  1195,000 Wilcoxon W

  2735,000 Z

  • 1,963 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,046 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,042

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,050

  b Sig.

  ,023 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,020

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,026

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Mouth feel Backslope 1 dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 61,55 3385,00

  Mouthfeel Backslope_2 55 49,45 2720,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Mouthfeel Mann-Whitney U

  1180,000 Wilcoxon W

  2720,000 Z

  • 2,056 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,042 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,038

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,046

  b Sig.

  ,022 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,019

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,024

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Mouth feel Backslope 1 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 62,77 3452,50

  Mouthfeel Backslope_3 55 48,23 2652,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Mouthfeel Mann-Whitney U

  1112,500 Wilcoxon W

  2652,500 Z

  • 2,474 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,014 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,012

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,017

  b Sig.

  ,007 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,006

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,009

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Mouth feel Backslope 2 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_2 55 57,95 3187,50

  Mouthfeel Backslope_3 55 53,05 2917,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  Mouthfeel Mann-Whitney U

  1377,500 Wilcoxon W

  2917,500 Z

  • ,837 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,402 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,392

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,412

  b Sig.

  ,203 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,196

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,211

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Over all kontrol dan Backslope1 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 52,32 2877,50

  OverAll Backslope_1 55 58,68 3227,50 Total 110


Test Statistics

  OverAll Mann-Whitney U

  1337,500 Wilcoxon W

  2877,500 Z

  • 1,083 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,277 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,268

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,286

  b Sig.

  ,138 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,131

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,145

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Over all kontrol dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 56,28 3095,50

  OverAll Backslope_2 55 54,72 3009,50 Total 110


Test Statistics

  OverAll Mann-Whitney U

  1469,500 Wilcoxon W

  3009,500 Z

  • ,266 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,806 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,798

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,814

  b Sig.

  ,407 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,398

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,417

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Over all kontrol dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Kontrol 55 57,40 3157,00

  OverAll Backslope_3 55 53,60 2948,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  OverAll Mann-Whitney U

  1408,000 Wilcoxon W

  2948,000 Z

  • ,647 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,516 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,506

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,526

  b Sig.

  ,258 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,249

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,266

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Over all Backslope 1 dan Backslope 2 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 60,68 3337,50

  OverAll Backslope_2 55 50,32 2767,50 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  OverAll Mann-Whitney U

  1227,500 Wilcoxon W

  2767,500 Z

  • 1,765 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,070 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,065

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,075

  b Sig.

  ,033 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,029

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,036

  a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Over all Backslope 1 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_1 55 61,64 3390,00

  OverAll Backslope_3 55 49,36 2715,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  OverAll Mann-Whitney U

  1175,000 Wilcoxon W

  2715,000 Z

  • 2,085 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,039 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,035

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,043

  b Sig.

  ,020 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,017

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,022 a. Grouping Variable: Perlakuan

  Over all Backslope 2 dan Backslope 3 Ranks

  Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Backslope_2 55 56,96 3133,00

  OverAll Backslope_3 55 54,04 2972,00 Total 110

  a Test Statistics

  OverAll Mann-Whitney U

  1432,000 Wilcoxon W

  2972,000 Z

  • ,498 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


  b Sig.

  ,614 Monte Carlo Sig. (2-tailed) Lower Bound ,605

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,624

  b Sig.

  ,308 Monte Carlo Sig. (1-tailed) Lower Bound ,299

  95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound ,317