Lack of Coordination Among Nine Front Office Staff Members at The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa Bandung.

Selama saya mengikuti program magang di The Ardjuna Boutique
Hotel and Spa, saya melihat adanya masalah koordinasi yang terjadi di
antara para staf Front Office. Koordinasi di antara staf Front Office hotel
sangat penting karena merekalah ujung tombak perusahaan. Masalah ini
timbul karena kurangnya komunikasi di antara mereka, sistem
komputerisasi yang kurang lengkap, juga kurangnya supervisi kepada
para staf.
Kurangnya koordinasi sesama staf Front Office ini mengakibatkan
kebutuhan dan permintaan tamu terbengkalai sehingga akhirnya tidak
terpenuhi dan membuat tamu kecewa. Jika hal ini terus dibiarkan terjadi,
maka jumlah tamu hotel yang datang menginap di The Ardjuna Boutiqeu
Hotel and Spa akan menurun. Saya mempunyai tiga pilihan solusi untuk
menyelesaikan permasalahan ini. Solusi pertama adalah supervisor
menambahkan material tentang komunikasi di sela-sela pelatihan yang
rutin diadakan sebulan sekali. Solusi kedua adalah departemen IT
membuat sistem komputerisasi yang lebih lengkap dengan menambahkan
formulir permintaan tamu. Solusi ketiga adalah para staf Front Office
memberikan masukan dan komentar kepada supervisor hal-hal yang
terjadi di area Front Office.
Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, saya mencoba menggabungkan

solusi pertama dan kedua. Pertama, supervisor menambahkan material
tentang pentingnya komunikasi di antara para staf di sela-sela pelatihan
rutin yang diadakan. Kedua, departemen IT menambahkan formulir yang
berisi kebutuhan dan permintaan para tamu yang dapat diakses oleh
semua staf Front Office.


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ......... .......................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................. iii-iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................... .............................. v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1-7
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C.Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D.Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study

G.Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS .................................................. 8-11
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS........................................... 12-20
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ............................................................ 21-23




Background of the Study
In the recent years, a lot of people come to Bandung to spend their

weekends and holidays. As stated in the article “Search for Cheap Flight to
Bandung at Wego Indonesia”, it is because Bandung has become one of the
most visited holiday destinations in Indonesia (par. 1). The number of tourists
that keeps increasing causes the increase of the numbers of hotels built in
Bandung. Every hotel has different services, facilities, and prices. On the
other hand, it is obvious that all hotels offer a comfort for the tourists who are
tired and want some rest before they continue their trip in Bandung.
One of those hotels is The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa. I did my
internship there and got a chance to learn about the workfield and the hotel
system. I worked as one of the Front Office staff members, specifically as a
phone operator. Front Office staff members consist of two concierges, six
receptionists, one reservation staff, and two phone operators. However, I do
not include the concierges in my analysis, because they were not involved in


this problem. That makes the number of people who are my study’s objects is
nine. There are three shifts a day. The first shift is from 8 AM to 4 PM. The
staff members who work in the first shift are two receptionists, a concierge, a

phone operator, and a reservation staff. The second shift is from 4 PM to 12
AM. The staff members who work in the second shift are two receptionists, a
concierge, and a phone operator. The last shift is from 12 AM to 8 AM. The
staff members who work in the third shift are only two receptionists. During
the internship, as the phone operator, I usually worked in the first shift.
While I was working there, I realized that the Front Office department is a
vital department in a hotel business. It is a mediator between the hotel and
the guests. The receptionist staff has to “ensure guest satisfaction, access all
functions of the computer system, and communicate anticipated business
demands daily with each employee” (Belt par. 13). Then, based on my
experience working at The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa, a phone operator
has two jobs. First, she has to handle outgoing and incoming phone calls.
Second, she has to check and collect the guests’ arrival date, as stated by
Belt that the phone operator is also responsible for “collecting and checking
guests arrival and departure list” (par.10). A receptionist must “understand the
hotel's facilities, products and services, it is her job to do everything possible
to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel
service”. Furthermore, “she needs to anticipate guest needs, handle guest
requires, and solve problems” (Belt par. 7). Among these nine Front office


staff members, it is necessary to have a good team work to give the best
service to the customers because their responsibilities are related to each
For example, when the phone operator receives phone calls from potential
guests, she will transfer the phone line to the reservation staff, then after the
reservation staff receives requests of reservation from potential guests, she
inputs the guests’ reservation data to the computer system to be available for
the other staff to access. The phone operator accesses the computer system
data of guests’ arrival time and dates to help receptioinist prepare guests’
incoming form. Sometimes, when the phone operator’s line is busy, the
receptionist can help the operator in handling outgoing and incoming phone
However, during my internship, I noticed that there was lack of
coordination among nine Front Office staff members in The Ardjuna Boutique
Hotel and Spa. For example, when I worked as phone operator, there was a
Korean hotel guest who called asking for picking up service from the airport to
the hotel for the next week when he came to Bandung. I took a note of the
request on my desk and told the other front office staff about the guest’s

request, to pick him up at the airport on that certain day. In the next week, the
guest came to the hotel and became angry because there was no pick up
service for him. I was absent on the day, and was replaced by the hotel’s


other phone operator staff. That was the reason that nobody picked up the
guest on that day.
Based on my experience above, I choose lack of coordination among nine
Front Office staff members in The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa as my
topic. The reason why I choose this topic is because lack of coordination
among nine Front Office staff members made the guests receive bad
services, and it affected the Hotel’s image. As Larmore discusses, "First and
foremost, bad customer service will automatically give your business a bad
reputation. Unhappy customers will not only recount their unpleasant
experience to everyone they know, but also have access to hundreds of ways
to take their complaint viral" (par. 2). This is the reason why the Front Office
staff, as front liners at the hotel have to give the best service, with a good
coordination among them all.
This problem will be analyzed by looking at the causes and effects. Then, I

will try to find the best solution among several potential solutions to solve the


Identification of the Problem
Based on the above description, I would like to identify the problem using

the following questions:
1. Why did lack of coordination among nine Front Office staff members
happen in The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa?


2. How did the problem affect the hotel and the guests?
3. What are the solution options for The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa to
solve the problem?
4. What is the best solution that can be possibly applied to solve the

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
There are three objectives of this term paper. The first objective is to find
the reasons why lack of coordination among Front Office staff members
happens in The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa. The second objective is to
analyze the effects of the problem. The third one is to look for the solution that
could be given to solve this problem.
There are some benefits of this research for The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel
and Spa, for me as the writer, and also for the readers. The benefit for the
staff of The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa is they will get some solutions
they can apply if they have to deal with this problem. The first benefit for me
as the writer is the result of the research will be useful for me when I work in a
hotel environment after I graduate from DIII English Programme, Maranatha
Christian University. By writing this term paper, I have an opportunity to
expand my knowledge and understand more about the significance of
coordination in the Front Office department. I also learn to think more critically
and solve a problem more systematically. The benefit for the readers is they


will be capable to handle a similar problem when they have to work in an

organization or institution which has a problem with staff members’

D. Description of the Institution
As stated in the hotel’s brochure, The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa, the
hotel which is located in North Bandung is a four-star hotel. Its address is on
Jalan Ciumbuleuit no. 152, Bandung. As one of the executors in the hotels
business, it offers luxury and comfort for the guests who choose to stay there.
Although the hotel is located at the north side of Bandung, it is close to the
downtown and some entertainment centers such as malls and factory outlets.
In the interview with Efa W. Rahayu, one of the Front Office staff members,
she says that The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel was founded in 1970. At first, it was
named “Ardjuna Plaza”, but in 2002 the name changed to “The Ardjuna
Boutique Hotel and Spa”. It has 71 rooms and 6 royal suites which give the
great view of Bandung. The uniqueness of The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and
Spa is that it provides free Wi-fi for all type of rooms in the hotel area.


Method of the Study

I use three methods to collect data for the research. The first method is

recording the observation in an internship journal which I wrote every day.
The second method is interviewing the staff and the Front Office supervisor.


The last method is finding data and theories in some books and on the
Internet to support my analysis.


Limitations of the Study
In writing my term paper, I make limitations of the study in order to stay in

context of writing. I did some research in the Front Office department where I
worked as a phone operator. The observation was done during my internship
from June 21st 2010 to July 21st 2010, Monday to Saturday from 8 AM to 15
PM. The focus of my study is nine people who are staff members of the Front
Office Department. They are six receptionists, a reservation staff, and two

phone operators, including me.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper consists of five chapters. Chapter one is Introduction,
where I provide information about Background of the Study, Identification of
the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study, Description of the
Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and Organization of
the Term Paper. Chapter two is Problem Analysis, which consists of causes
and effects of the problem. Chapter three is Potential Solutions, which
discusses some potential solutions that might solve the problem, with their
potential positive effects and potential negative effects. Chapter four is


Conclusion, which gives the chosen best solution to solve the problem. The
last part of the term paper is Bibliography and Appendices.



When I worked as part of the Front Office staff as a phone operator, I
learned that coordination and communication among the staff members is
the key of successful team. However, I experienced lack of coordination
among nine Front Office staff members. The causes are there was lack of
communication among Front Office staff members, the computer system
was not complete, and the supervisor did not give enough supervision to
his Front Office staff members. Then, there are effects of the problem,
which are the guests’ requests could not be fulfilled, the guests got angry,
and it decreased the number of guests. To solve this problem, I suggest
three potential solutions. The first solution is supervisor adds learning
material about communication and team work between staff members in
the hotel’s regular training for the staff. The second one is IT department
makes the hotel’s computer system complete by adding a form for details
of guests’ requests and reminders about the guests’ needs. The last
solution is the staff members give inputs to the Supervisor about the
situation in the Front Office by talking personally face to face.


I think the best solution for the problem is to combine the first and
second potential solution, which are the supervisor adds learning material


about communication and team work between staff members in the hotel’s
regular training for the staff, and IT department makes the hotel’s
computer system complete by adding a form for details of guests’ requests
and reminders about the guests’ needs.
There are some reasons why I choose those two potential solutions.
The reasons are by adding a material about communication and team
work in the training, the staff will communicate better with each other and it
will create a better team work. A better team work of Front Office staff
members automatically will make the guests happy because they are
served well. Furthermore, making the hotel’s system complete by adding a
form for details of guests’ requests will help the staff to fulfill the guests’
needs. When the guests’ needs are fulfilled, they will be happy. It is true
that Francis says, “Keeping customers happy, and getting them to tell
others about the great service they received, will propel a business
forward” (par. 1). At the end, it comes to guests’ satisfaction and
consideration to come back to the hotel with the great service, also it is
possible for them to tell their relatives and friends about the hotel. In a
further result, it will increase the number of the hotel’s guests and the
hotel’s profit. The third solution is not as effective as the other ones
because it is difficult to push someone to give a comment about his/her
senior. It can create a lot of prejudice from the supervisor as mentioned in
its negative solution.
To sum up, the combination of these potential solutions hopefully will
help the Front Office staff members at The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and


Spa to deal with their problem in coordinating the Front Office staff
members. These solution also could be taken by the readers who have the
same problem as The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel and Spa.



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