"Handling Customers Who Speak English With Japanese and Korean Accents In Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung ".

Sebagai pribadi yang senang bergaul dan senang untuk menerima hal-hal yang baru,
saya memilih untuk magang di Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung. Selain karena saya
menikmati berkomunikasi dengan orang asing, juga karena saya ingin mencoba hal yang
baru. Dalam proses magang saya sebagai receptionist, saya mendapati masalah, yaitu
kesulitan dalam menghadapi konsumen yang berbicara Bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan logat Jepang dan Korea. Melalui penelitian dari sejumlah sumber, saya
berusaha untuk mencari penyebab masalah tersebut dan beberapa solusi yang dapat
diajukan untuk dapat diaplikasikan dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang saya hadapi.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa terdapat dua penyebab masalah.
Pertama saya tidak terbiasa dengan bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan aksen Jepang dan
Korea dan kedua saya tidak percaya diri ketika berhadapan dengan konsumen yang
berbicara Bahasa Inggris dengan logat Korea dan Jepang. Dampak dari masalah tersebut
pertama saya tidak dapat memberikan informasi yang tepat kepada konsumen dengan
baik dan kedua adalah saya merasa kecewa jika saya tidak dapat menangani konsumen.
Berdasarkan teori, saya mengajukan tiga buah solusi, yaitu: pertama saya membiasakan
diri saya dengan Bahasa Inggris berlogat Jepang maupun Korea dengan cara
mendengarkan dan menonton video dengan aksen Jepang atau Korea, kedua saya akan
meminta konsumen untuk mengulangi kata-kata yang mereka ucapkan ketika saya tidak
memahaminya dan ketiga saya akan meminta tolong kepada supervisor saya apabila saya
menemui kesulitan ketika menghadapi konsumen yang berbahasa Inggris dengan logat

Jepang atau Korea. Setelah mempertimbangkan kemungkinan dampak positif dan negatif
ketiga solusi tersebut, maka saya menyimpulkan penggabungan ketiga solusi tersebut
adalah cara terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi.

Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT............................................................................................... i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY...................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 1


Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS..................................................... 5
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ...............................................8
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ................................................................12

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A. Background of the Study
Interacting with foreigners has always been my passion. It allows me to
practise my English and that is why I chose Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung
which is the place for fitness and spa as a place where I did my internship.
My internship started from June 14th to July 14th , 2014. During my
internship, I was stationed as a receptionist and my responsibilities were to serve
customers who came to Grand Odiseus and to give them information such as what
facilites and services they needed.
During my internship, I encountered a problem. I had difficulty in
handling some customers from Korea and Japan who spoke English with strong
Korean and Japanese accents. I could not clearly understand what they were
saying and could not give the right information they needed, for example when
they asked for direction to another place. I chose this topic because I am really
interested in communicating with foreigners. And in this paper I will also like to
discuss potential solutions to overcome my problem in handling customers with
Japanese and Korean accent as a receptionist in Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung.

Maranatha Christian University

The discussion will include positive and negative effects of each solution.

B. Identification of the problem.
The problem that will be analyzed is formulated in the following questions:
1. Why did I have difficulty in handling Korean and Japanese customers?
2. How did the problem affect my work performance?
3. How should I overcome the problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of the study are to find out the causes and effects of the
problem I mentioned in section A and to find the best solution to overcome the
problem. The benefit of this study for me as the writer is that I can learn how to
handle customers with Korean and Japanese accents. As for the readers, they will
learn how to solve the problem if they have the same problem as I did. For the
company, Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung staff will gain some inputs on how
to handle customers with Korean and Japanese accents.

D. Description of the Institution
Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung is a club which specialized in the field
of fitness and spa services. It was established in 2006 in Novotel Bandung. It is
located at Cihampelas Street No. 23-25 Bandung. As a place that offers fitness
and spa services ( such as Javanese Lulur, Aromatheraphy or Swedish Massage),
it has complete and good facilities gym, weight training, studio aerobic or secured

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E. Method of the Study
I did both field and library research to do the study. The library research was
done to find theories from books and electronic sources; whereas, the field
research was done through a self observation during my internship to collect my

F. Limitation of the Study
The participant of this study is me when I was doing my internship at Grand

Odiseus Novotel. Therefore, the data was limited to what I observed. The study
focuses on my difficulty in handling some customers with Japanese and Korean
accents in Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung based on the data I got when I did my
internship from June 14th to July 14th , 2014. In other words, the data collection
was limited in terms of time and place.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
The term paper starts with the Abstract, which is the summary of the term
paper in Indonesian, continued by Acknowledgments. They are followed by the
four chapters. The first chapter is the Introduction, which contains Background of
the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study,
Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and
Organization of the Term Paper. The second chapter is Problem Analysis which
includes causes and effects of the problem. The third chapter is Potential
Solutions, which presents some potential solutions to the problem. The fourth
chapter is the Conclusion of the term paper. After that, there is a References,


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which lists the references used for the research. The term paper ends with
the Appendices, containing a flowchart and a brochure.


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In this final chapter, I will present the conclusion for the problem which I had
during my internship in Grand Odiseus Novotel Bandung. The problem was I had
difficulty in handling customers who speak English with strong Korean and
Japanese accents. There are two causes of my problem. The first cause was that I
could not understand clearly what the customers said and the second cause was
that I was not confident when dealing with customers, especially customers who
speak English with strong Korean and Japanese accents. I also found that the
problem creates several effects. First, I could not give the right information to the
customers. Second, I felt disappointed when I could not handle the customers.

I propose three potential solutions to solve my problem. First, I will familiarise
myself with Japanase and Korean accents by listening and watching more
English speaking videos with Korean and Japanese accents. Second, I will ask the
customers who speak with Japanese and Korean accents to repeat what they say.
Third I will ask my supervisor to help me handle the customers.

Maranatha Christian University

After analyzing the potential positive and negative effects of each potential
solution, I think combining the three potential solutions is the best solution to be
applied in solving my problem. The first thing I will do is that I will familiarise
myself with Japanese and Korean accents. By watching and listening more
English speaking videos with Korean and Japanese accents, I will be familiar with
the accents and will understand with what my customers say. If I still do not
understand what they say, I will ask the customers politely to repeat what they
say. For the last solution in handling my difficulty if I still have problem with the
customers, I will ask my supervisor to help me handle the situation. Therefore,
my customers will be served properly and they will satisfy with my service.
In conclusion, all the potential solutions are well connected with the problem

that I have, which is difficulty in handling customers with Korean and Japanese
accents. Those potential solutions might be effective in solving the problem.
Moreover, I can be a better person in handling my customers and can use my
experience to be a successful person.

Maranatha Christian University


A term paper
submitted to DIII Programme for English
at Maranatha Christian University

Yosua Evan

DIII Programme for English

Faculty of Letters
Maranatha Christian University


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Lord Jesus for giving me
this opportunity to write my term paper and give me strength to finish it.
My great thankfulness is also dedicated to my beloved parents, my father, Yo
Siong Beng and my mother, Wong Mie Lan. You are my inspiration, blessings
and spirit that always make my life wonderful. I would also like to thank my
sisters, Lydia Herawati, Hana Herawati and Erlinda Herawati for their affection
and support during the writing of this term paper.
I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, Fenty
L.S.,S.S., MA, who is always patient and helpful. She always supports me and
gives me valuable advice in the process of writing this paper. I am thankful for her
precious time by helping, correcting, supporting and guiding me until this term
paper is finished.
My special appreciation is also for all my friends who always give their best

support that I need during my hard times.
Bandung, February 2017



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Maranatha Christian University

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