Smart City.pdf Official Site of Achmad Benny Mutiara Gunadarma University Smart City

Konsep Pengem bangan Sm art City
a m u tia ra @s ta n a d a rm a .a

2 . Fro m D igital City to Sm art City
 Sm art Cities have attracted worldwide attention in

recent years, as they m ay provide solutions to the
problem s that urbanization brings to global society.
 Sm art Citie s aim to develop system s for intelligent
m anagement of population, industry, space, land,
environment, social life and public service, etc.
 The Sm art City concept itself is still em erging, and
the work of defining it is in progress.
 Various cases also contain different approaches.
Som e sim ilar term s are digital com m unity, sm art
com m unity, digital city, inform ation city, e-city.

 But, Digital City and Sm art City refer to entirely

different definitions.

The dem arcation of Digital City and Sm art City occurred in
20 0 8 w h e n th e id e a o f a Sm art Plan e t was proposed by
IBM defined its view of a Sm arter Planet system through three
IT characteristics or dim ensions: Instrum ented,
Interconnected, and Intelligent

(a) Digital City
 Digital Cities integrate urban inform ation and create

public spaces for people living in the cities, using
digitization, inform ation, networking, and visualization
technologies to attain urban inform ation about
population, resources, environm ent, econom ics and
social statistics.
 Digital Cities refer to t h e h u g e in fo r m a t io n s y s t e m s
o f a n e n t ir e cit y w h ich is m a n a g e d b y co m p u t e r

d a t a b a s e s a n d co m m u n ica t io n n e t w o r k s
t h r o u g h d ig it a l p r o ce s s in g .

It is on the foundation of a broadband m etropolitan area network
and geo-spatial data, supported by a global positioning system ,
rem ote sensing, a geographic inform ation system , virtual reality,
data fusion, dynam ic interoperability and other technology.

 Digital Cities constitute data fusion from m ultiple

sources of various levels with m ultim edia and virtual
reality technology.
 Prim e exam ples are as follows:

Digital City Am sterdam (1996),
Helsinki Arena 20 0 0 Project (1996), and

Digital City Kyoto (1998).

(b) Sm art City
 The concept of Sm art Cities was born from IBM's

Sm arter Planet.
 A Sm art City m akes fu ll u s e of the IT technology in all
walks of life, in te gratin g D igital City, In te rn e t an d
th e In te rn e t o f Th in gs ( IOT) , which e m be d s
s e n s o rs into all corners of the city through power grids,
railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water
supply system s, dam s, oil and gas pipelines, etc.

Th e n t h r o u g h s u p e r co m p u t in g a n d clo u d co m p u t in g , a n
u r b a n s y s t e m in t e g r a t e s d a t a t r a n s fe r a n d in fo r m a t io n ,
e n a b lin g s m a r t m a n a g e m e n t a n d s e r v ice .

 In short, "Sm art Citie s = In te rn e t o f Th in gs +

In te rn e t".

 Th e u n iqu e fe atu re lie s in th e "s ys te m o f s ys te m "

breaking the "inform ation island" barriers which results from
unbalanced regional developm ent and departm ent interest
divisions. Breaking these barriers would result in functional
subsystem s sharing resources as well as collaborative
operations am ong every region or industry.
 Typ ical p ro je cts o f Sm art Citie s in clu d e :

the “I-J apan 20 15” in J apan,
the W e s tOran ge p ro je ct, th e Ge u ze n ve ld p ro je ct, th e

En e rgyD o ck p ro je ct, an d th e ITOTo w e r p ro je ct in Netherlands,
the Sto ckh o lm In te llige n t Tran s p o rtatio n Sys te m in Sweden,
the U -Ko re a an d Se o u l IPTV go ve rn m e n t in Korea,
the “iN 2 0 15” in Singapore,
the Mu ltim e d ia Su p e r Co rrid o r in Malaysia and
the T-city in Germ any.

3 . Ge n e ral Co n ce p ts

3 .1 Blu e p r in t a n d Pe r s p e ct iv e
 Considering the Internet of Things is the basis of a

Sm art City, Sm art Cities will enhance the urban
com prehensive m anagem ent level while im proving
the ability of reducing and preventing disasters and
handling em ergencies.
 A Sm art City operates with the interaction of water,
energy, com m unication, transport, business, and
people through integration system s.

Extensive application of sm art technology in these core areas
m axim izes the benefits of the resources.
It is a new city m ode full of inter-com m unication, integration,
collaboration and innovation. The current stage in China is to

 Sm art Cities will prom ote city-wide public resource

sharing and enhance the flow-ability of people, m aterials,
inform ation and funds.
 Sm art Cities show us a blueprint of what will be: that
governm ent operation can be m ore efficient, industries
m ore advanced, higher quality of life for citizens, and the
public service and inform ation infrastructure can be near
 Through further m ining, integrating and allocating of
relevant tangible and intangible resources of political and
econom ic society, deep integration will arrive

3 .2 K e y Te ch n o lo g y , M o d e l a n d Fr a m e w o r k
A Sm art City can be described as an ISGBP m odel.
 It consists of five parts: Infrastructure (I), Service (S),
Governm ent (G), Business (B), and Public (P).
 Am ong them , the G, B and P com pose the m ain body,
 the intelligent service is em phasized and is divided into
three parts: data service, function service and m odel

Between the substance elem ent of I and the people elem ent of G, B,
P, there exists a variety of related relationships: G-I, B-I, P-I, G-B, GP, B-P, B-B, P-P relations, etc., which associate through the
intelligent service.
Each relationship extends to a series of specific services that com bine
with each other to m ake up a higher level of services and a m ore
com plex relationship structure, finally form ing a stereoscopic-cross
intelligent service system .

 Sm art Cities involve a large num ber of technologies:
 the Internet of Things,
 cloud com puting,
 com m unication,
 networking,
 GIS,
 satellite positioning,
 high perform ance com puting,
 Artificial intelligence,
 software engineering,
 system engineering,
 inform ation security technology,
 m odeling and sim ulation, etc.
 For the m om ent, the IOT and cloud com puting technology is

em phasized as the key technologies

 The IOT collects real-world object inform ation by

sensing equipment such as RFID.

It also transm its inform ation to a processing center with the
aid of the internet, wireless networks or optical fiber
After com prehensive analysis of the huge am ount of
inform ation, intelligent control and m anagem ent can be
realized and the urban efficiency operations are im proved.

 The IOT integrated the contact relationship of

people-object and object-object.

It m akes them “com m unicate” with each other, thus allowing
the whole city to display and utilize intelligent characteristics.

 Research and em ploym ent of IOT will m ainly focus on

the wireless sensor network node technology,
the WSN Gateway,
system m iniaturization,
intelligent wireless technology,
the com m unication and heterogeneous network,

network planning and deploym ent,
com prehensive perception and inform ation processing,
the m iddle ware platform ,
code resolution service,
search, tracking, and inform ation distribution.

Cloud com puting
 Cloud com puting develops on the basis of
 parallel com puting,
 distributed com puting and
 grid com puting.

 It is a m ixed bag of technologies which evolves from
 virtualization,
 utility Com puting,
 SaaS,
 SOA and m ore related technologies.

 Cloud storage refers to a system that, through cluster

application, grid technology, and the distributed file
system , interconnects and facilitates collaboration
am ong different types of storage equipm ent of networks,
providing data storage and transaction access servers.

Cloud storage has unlim ited expansion ability which can support
m ass data of hundreds of TB to PB.
It uses parallel com puting so as to achieve m assive data com puting
It em ploys high-availability, guaranteeing the system at any tim e
norm al operating conditions are available, even with hardware
m alfunction.

 Cloud storage system

architecture usually consists of
four layers: the storage layer, basic m anagem ent layer,
application interface layer, and the access layer

 The solution of cloud com puting provides
 public cloud, private cloud and m ixed cloud (public&private)
com puting environm ents with
 three-level services at the sam e tim e throughout
 SaaS

( Software as a Service),
 PaaS (Platform as a Service), and
 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

Sm art network
 Sm art network is an im portant and integral part of a

Sm art City.
 CPSM is developing to help realize sm art m anagem ent of
city pipelines, which carry out the web-integration of
urban network resources.

It also offers application sharing and supports assistant decision m aking.
It links the intelligent sensors which are im planted in network
facilities, realizes full perception of pipelines and associated
networks, and processes intelligent analysis on perceived
inform ation with cloud com puting technology.
The key technology of CPSM covers:
 portal integration, web service,
 data warehouse, data acquisition,
 network com m unication, intelligent software and sensor technology.

Architecture of a Sm art City
 The architecture of a Sm art City basically follows the"3 I" features proposed

by IBM: Instrum ented, Interconnected and Intelligent.
Therefore, it is logically divided into a Sensing Layer, Network Layer and
Application Layer.
In fact, putting the inform ation transm ission and processing at the sam e
layer or the processing and application at the sam e layer effectively lim its
the scope of inform ation processing. This results in a closed loop
It is not conducive to sharing and reusing resources am ong different
applications or different item s.
Therefore, inform ation transm ission and processing both tend to be
The general and public inform ation processing are independent in IOT
infrastructure, and can be com m only used by m ultiple applications.
Thus the architecture is divided into four levels as shown in the figure1: a
Sensing Layer, Transm ission Layer, Processing Layer and Application

Figure 1. The four-layer architecture of a Sm art City

( 1) Th e Se n s in g Laye r is m ainly responsible for the object
identification and inform ation collection with the IOT as its
 It has two m ain com ponents: a basic identifier or sensor (such
as RFID tags, reader-writers, m ultiple kinds of sensors,
cam eras, GPS, two dim ensional barcode labels, etc.), as well
as a fusion network with inductors (such as sensor network).
 The Sensing Layer involves the technologies of electronic
radio frequency, em erging sensors, wireless networking , field
bus control.
 It also has a part in the products of sensors, electronic
tagging, sensor nodes, wireless routers, wireless gateways,
and m ore.

( 2 ) Th e Tran s m is s io n Laye r undertakes all kinds of
access and transport options.
 It is the path of inform ation exchange and data
transm ission, including the Transm ission Network and
Access Network.

The Transm ission Network includes a telecom m unication network,
broadcast and television network, the Internet, electric power
telecom m unication network, private network, and a digital trunked
system .
The Access Network includes fiber access, wireless access, Ethernet
access, satellite access and other kinds of access, com pleting the
bottom of the sensor network as well as the last aspect of accessing of
RFID networks

( 3 ) Th e Pro ce s s in g Laye r plays an intelligent function of
processing and controlling perceived inform ation as well as
utilizing decision m aking.
 The Processing Layer is co m po s e d o f a business support
platform , m iddleware platform , network m anagem ent
platform (such as M2M m anagem ent platform ), inform ation
processing platform , inform ation security platform , service
support platform , and m ore.
 It im plem ents coordination, m anagem ent, com puting,
storage, analysis, m ining, and provides services and other
functions for industries and public users.
 Typical technology and the service m odel include m iddleware
technology, virtual technology, high-reliable technology, a
cloud com puting service m odel, and the SOA system
architecture approach.

(4 ) Th e Applicatio n Laye r offers solution sets of widely
intelligent applications, com bining the network and
industry field.
 Sm art Cities can finally realize the depth of fusion
between inform ation technologies and industryspecialized technologies through the Application Layer.
 It has an extensive effect on the national econom y as well
as social developm ent.
 This layer ’s key problem s are socialization of
inform ation resources sharing, and safeguarding
inform ation security.

3 .3 Ap p lica t io n R a n g e a n d Sco p e
The application of Sm art Cities m ainly includes:
Sm art m e s h in g re gio n alize d m an age m e n t: The city can be
m ore effective in m anagem ent and service.
2 . Sm art fo o d : It ensures the food safe and free from
contam ination from the source to the consum er through the
sm art safety m anagem ent system and tracking control system ,
production evaluating system , and em ergency system , etc.
Citizens just need to press the keys of their m obile phones,
learning about food origin, growth condition, nutrition facts, even
cooking m ethods and recipe suggestions.
3 . Sm art w ate r re s o u rce : With the help of m anagem ent system s,
relevant organizations can bring the water situation under realtim e m onitoring, providing fast response tim es to water pollution
em ergencies. Sm art water resources also ensure intelligent
deploym ent of lim ited water reserves, thus providing proper




Sm art traffic: As people, vehicles, roads and the environm ent m utually
exchange the inform ation on traffic, flow, noise, accidents, weather,
tem perature, etc., Sm art traffic im proves the efficiency aspect of m obility
and accessibility as well as reduces the energy consum ption and protects
the environm ent. The transportation system predicts traffic flow and gets
dynam ic control of road conditions in advance so that diversions appear
before congestion, allowing drivers alternative routes to alleviate traffic
Sm art m e d ical: All kinds of m edical inform ation and resources
integrate through the electronic m edical record and m edical inform ation
integration platform , so doctors can refer to patients’ history records in
which they find out sym ptom atic regularity. This helps ensure that
patients get fast, consistent and accurate health care in different
Sm art e le ctric p o w e r: There is not only the current flow, but also the
inform ation flow in the power grid. Through effective inform ation
retrieval, the sm art electric power system can be constructed by clean
power transm ission, dynam ic distribution and reasonable usage, thus
allowing on-dem and electric use without a risk of overload

Sm art p u blic s e cu rity s e rvice : Urban security m onitoring is
established in public places, residential districts, transport facilities,
cam puses, construction sites, etc.
Sm art h o m e : Inter-com m unication com es into effect when data is
exchanged am ong various of hom e appliances through different
com m unicative m ethods. Every fam ily enjoys m ore convenient style of
living and a higher quality of life through these aspects.
Sm art e d u catio n , s m art p arks , an d s m art e n te rp ris e s :
Em bedding, connecting, sensing and m ass inform ation processing
technologies apply in all aspects of work and life. They enable cities to
step into a new stage of m anagem ent and developm ent of urban
infrastructure, education, scientific and technological activities, public
safety, com m unity service, etc.
10 . Oth e r typ ical ap p licatio n s an d p ractice s in clu d e o u td o o r
s tre am in g o f m e d ia an d e m e rge n cy re s p o n s e lin kage s ys te m s .
Sm art Cities attem pt to achieve the com prehensive intelligence that
elim inates the gap between urban and rural areas, as well as prom ote
econom ic developm ent , and im prove governm ent efficiency and public

4 . D is cu s s io n an d Su gge s tio n
 Sm art Cities involve technology and system s that, once

they are out of control, cause panic and disaster which
can affect the national level dram atically
 Data is heavily dependent on the system . How the data
will be used for other system s in the future is a question
on account of close correlation between data design and
software system s. The m ore the data exists, the greater
the risk will run
 If a Sm art City upgrades, huge costs will be hard to bear
considering as presently m any technology schem es have
not been clearly defined. An exam ple is the design
schem e of cloud com puting.

 The construction of Sm art Cities is the com plicated

system engineering with difficulties which persist for
a long period and dem and large capitals. Any
problem in any part will bring huge losses.
Therefore, overall planning and gradual
development are necessary.

Som e suggestions
 There are som e suggestions about how to form the Sm art

City strategy suited for local situations, m aking reference
to the experience of cases and lessons we learned.
1. Policy guidance and top design at the national level
should com e earlier
2. National standard on the Internet of Things and other
inform ation m anagem ent system should com e earlier
3. Urban and regional planning should be m ore far-seeing
and coherent, while also paying attention to actual local

4. The national broadband plan and infrastructure

construction should be set up and strengthened as
soon as possible.
5. Inform ation security should be considered all the
tim es.
6. The im plem entation of Sm art Cities should be
people-oriented, stage-by-stage and step-by-step.
7. Great attention m ust be paid to the cultivation and
m anagement of talented persons and professionals.

 The process of constructing Sm art Cities is also an

evolution of the institutional system and technical
standards on a large scale involvem ent of capital,
technology, talents, cities, industry, academ ia,
organizations, and society.
 Som e organizations such as the City Protocol are
m aking effort for the developm ent of better cities
worldwide, which is an international group of cities
and technology com panies that will develop
standards for Sm art Cities using m ethods sim ilar to
those used to develop the Internet Protocols.

5 . Co n clu s io n an d Pro s p e ct
Sm art Cities change the interactive way am ong the governm ent,
enterprises and people, m aking quick and intelligent response
to all kinds of dem ands of people's livelihood, environm ent
protection, public security, urban services and industrial and
com m ercial activities.
Sm art Cities im prove urban efficiency, and outline a vision for a
better urban life. They will m ake a difference in the future:
1. Com prehensive perception. The IOT, as an im portant part
of Sm art Cities, will interconnect urban public facilities,
hom e appliances, office Supplies, etc., and m ake a real-tim e
sensing m ethod for urban operation system .
2. Integration in full. The IOT and the Internet will be
completely connected and combined, integrating data in to
the full view of core urban operation system , and providing
the foundation of sm art facilities.






Collaborative operation. Each operation system , platform and participant
cooperates harm oniously and efficiently. The city will be in the best
cooperating condition.
Clean energy will becom e the m ajor use of urban energy. Solar
photovoltaic power, wind energy, biom ass energy, tidal energy, and other
new energy of advanced technologies will be applied on a large-scale.
Knowledge-based service industry will becom e the m ain form of future
urban industry as a whole. dustry around the Knowledge-intensive
services industry will flourish in future cities, such as financial service,
m odern logistics, inform ation service, education and research service,
and idea and product design.
Megalopolis, urban agglom eration and city group will boom . Convenient
inform ation and traffic network will close cities which develop
cooperatively and com plem ent each other with respective characteristics.
There have form ed London Metropolitan Area, North Am erican Great
Lakes cities group, Germ an Ruhr cities group, Chinese Yangtze River
Delta, Pearl River Delta, etc.
Active service. Personalized service will be provided and prepared in
advance, as finding out the dem ands of enterprises and the public is
autom atic.

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