Dokumen yang terkait

Improving the students' vocabulary achievement through the use of real objects of the first year students of SLTP Negeri 1 Tekung Lumajang In the Academic year 1999/2000

0 2 60

Developing students ability in using imperative sentences through total physical response (TPR) (A Classroom action research in the first year 1 class of MTs Islamiyah Sawangan)

1 7 150

The efectiveness of using dialogue techique in teaching simple present tense: a pre-experimental study at the first grade of the students in MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang

0 11 61

Enriching vocabulary for the first grade students of MI Darul Ihya using total physical response method

0 6 54

The teaching of functional expression for the first grade students at MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on KTSP Syllabus

0 5 56

The relationship between students’ learning style and their achievement in listening skill (a correlational research at the first grade of the SMAN 01 Pamijahan Bogor)

0 16 86

Translation methods and meaning equivalence of idiomatic phrasal verbs in X-Men first class movie

0 16 67

Teaching Reported speech using combination of derect method and grammar-translation method : a case study on the first year of SMU Wijaya Kasuma Jakarta Utara

0 4 52

The analysis of English texbook used at the first grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on curriculum 2004 and guidline of English textbook assessment

1 22 54

Peranan united nations of children's fund (UNICEF) melalui kampanye women and children first pada Tahun 2004 dalam mengurangi dampak kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak-anak di Cina

2 21 144