A Thesis

Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

  Sarjana Pendidikan Degree to Obtain the

in English Language Education



Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto

Student Number: 041214139












Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the

  Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education



Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto

Student Number: 041214139










  I honestly declare that this thesis, I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, 23 June 2010 The Writer

  Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto 04 1214 139



  Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto, (2010).Code-Switching Study in Bukan Empat Mata Entertainment Program. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

  Code-switching is one of the phenomena in sociolinguistics. Code- switching normally occurs in multilingual community. People from different backgrounds and languages may switch to each other’s language. One of the purposes is to smooth communication.

  This study was aimed at accomplishing two major objectives: (1) to analyze the types of code-switching in Bukan Empat Mata; (2) to identify the possible reasons for code-switching in Bukan Empat Mata entertainment program.

  In order to accomplish the research objectives, the researcher conducted descriptive study in which qualitative data analysis was employed. To answer the first question, the researcher used content analysis. The researcher used library study to answer the second question. The steps were: 1) organize the data, 2) peruse the data, 3) identify the data, 4) integrate and summarize the data. The steps were done to answer the first research questions. In order to reveal the answers to the second research question, further interpretation of the data of code- switching and the answer to the first research question was conducted.

  After perusing all necessary data from 3 episodes of Bukan Empat Mata and going through in depth analysis, the researcher found 3 findings. First, the answer to the first question was there were three types of code-switching which occurred in Bukan Empat Mata namely, conversational code-switching, single- word code-switching and integrated loanwords. Among 76 code-switching cases found in the Bukan Empat Mata, 41 cases were conversational code-switching, 31 cases were single-word code-switching and 4 cases were integrated loanwords. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that conversational code-switching was the most frequent type in the occurrence. Second, the answer to the second question was there were three possible reasons for code-switching namely topic under discussion, building intimate relationship and efficiency. Among 76 possible reasons cases found in the Bukan Empat Mata, 38 cases were building intimate relationship, 30 cases were efficiency and 8 cases were topic under discussion. Building intimate relationship was the most frequent possible reason occurred in Bukan Empat Mata. Third, the researcher found the answer to ungrammaticality in code-switching. The researcher found that the word gesture followed by the word tubuh asserted ineffectiveness in code-switching happened in Bukan Empat Mata.

  From the research findings, the researcher would like to suggest the future researcher to conduct further study on code-switching.



  Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto. (2010). Code-Switching Study in Bukan Empat Mata Entertainment Program . Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Alih kode adalah salah satu fenomena sosiolinguistik. Alih kode biasanya terjadi di masyarakat multilingual. Orang berasal dari latar belakang berbeda dan bahasa ibu yang berbeda dapat mengalihkan bahasa satu sama lain untuk memperlancar komunikasi.

  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencapai dua tujuan utama: (1) untuk menganalisa tipe alih kode di Bukan Empat Mata; (2) untuk mengidentifikasi alasan yang memungkinkan dari alih kode di Bukan Empat Mata.

  Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, peneliti menggunkan deskriptif dimana analisis data kualitatif diterapkan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, peneliti menggunakan konten analisis. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua, peneliti menggunakan studi pustaka. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan peneliti adalah sebagai berikut 1) menggorganisir data, 2) mengkaji data, 3) mengidentifikasi data, 4) mengkaitkan semua data dan merangkum kesimpulan. Langkah-langkah tersebut dilakasanakan guna menjawab pertanyaan yang pertama. Sedangkan untuk menguak jawaban dari pertanyaan yang kedua, proses interprestasi lebih jauh dari data mengenai code-switching dan jawaban dari pertanyaan penelitian yang pertama dilaksanakan.

  Setelah membaca dengan seksama seluruh data yang dibutuhkan dari 3 episode di Bukan Empat Mata dan melakukan analisa yang mendalam, peneliti menemukan tiga penemuan. Pertama, jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama adalah ada tiga tipe alih kode yaitu conversational code-switching, single-word code- switching dan integrated loanwords. Di antara 76 kasus alih kode di Bukan Empat


Mata, 41 kasus adalah conversational code-switching, 31 kasus adalah single-

  word code switching, dan 4 kasus adalah integrated loanwords. Dari analisa data conversational code-switching merupakan tipe alih kode yang paling sering muncul di Bukan Empat Mata. Kedua, jawaban dari pertanyaan kedua adalah ada tiga alasan alih kode: topik yang di bahas, membina hubungan yang akrab, dan efisiensi. Dari 76 kasus, 38 kasus adalah membina hubungan akrab, 30 kasus adalah efisiensi, dan 8 kasus adalah topik yang di bahas. Membina hubungan akrab adalah alasan alih kode yang paling sering muncul di Bukan Empat Mata. Ketiga, peneliti menemukan jawaban atas kesalahan tata bahasa dalam alih bahasa. Peneliti menemukan bahwa kata gesture yang di ikuti kata tubuh merupakan kesalahan tata bahasa yang muncul dalam acara Bukan Empat Mata.

  Dari hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan pada peneliti lain untuk melakukan studi lebih mendalam tentang alih kode.

  Dedicated to My beloved father and mother

  Bejo Riyanto & Niken Kristiani

  My wife and my daughter

  Sonya Vera Novita and Filia Yafa Shalomita Imanuela Thank you for your support.

  I’ll do my best.




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto Nomor Mahasiswa : 04 1214 139

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

  Code-Switching Study in Bukan Empat Mata Entertainment Program

  Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta, Pada tanggal: 23 Juni 2010 Yang menyatakan Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto



  I would like to praise Elohim YAHWEH for giving me the belief that encourages me to always keep doing the right things. I thank Him for the belief that I have which whispers that there is something I can admire at the end of this exhausting process so I have good reasons why I have to finish my study. I also would like to express my gratitude to those who have supported me.

  First, I thank Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum., my sponsor, for her guidance in the process of completing my thesis. I thank her for her kindness and patience in correcting simple-minor errors in which I should have been able to produce everything correctly.

  Second, I thank Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M.A. for giving me a new hope in the new topic for my thesis. I thank him for his trust that I can produce a fruitful research on code-switching in Bukan Empat Mata entertainment program. I hope that I have given beneficial interpretations of language phenomenon.

  Third, I thank all lecturers and staff of the English Language Education Study Program for their care and guidance. I thank them for the shared knowledge and experience that would be very useful for me in the future.

  Next, I also would like to give my never-ending thanks to my parents, Bejo Riyanto & Niken Kristiani, for all of the opportunity that I have had. My warmest thanks are addressed to my wife, Sonya Vera Novita and my daughter, Filia Yafa Shalomita Imanuela. I thank them very much for giving me another reason for finishing my study.

  Last, I also express my big thanks to all my friends in PBI, especially Hebi, Riko, Lexi, Bekti, Vensi, Sigit, Linda, Susan, Alit, Dika, Dita, Pebni, Agnes, Ayu, and Esti. I thank them for their willingness to study together with me in our beloved, Sanata Dharma University.

  Ronnie Hendrik Riyanto


  Page TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ i APRROVAL PAGES ............................................................................................ ii

  STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ..................................................... iv ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v

  ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... vi

  PAGE OF DEDICATION...................................................................................... vii


  ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ................................................... viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………… ... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. xiv LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................. xv LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………… .... xvi

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ................................................................................. 1 B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 4 C. Problem Limitation ......................................................................................... 5 D. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................... 5 E. Benefits of the Study ....................................................................................... 5 F. Definition of Terms ......................................................................................... 6


CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................. 8

A. Theoretical Description ................................................................................... 8 1. Linguistics .................................................................................................

  8 2. Sociolinguistics .........................................................................................


  3. Nature of Code-Switching ....................................................................... 10

  4. Types of Code-Switching ......................................................................... 12

  5. Reasons for Code-Switching .................................................................... 15

  B. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................... 17


CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 19

A. Research Method............................................................................................. 19 B. Research Subject ............................................................................................. 21 C. Research Instruments ...................................................................................... 22 D. Data Gathering Techniques ............................................................................. 23 E. Data Analysis Techniques ............................................................................... 24 F. Research Procedures ....................................................................................... 26


A. Types of Code-Switching................................................................................ 29

  1. Diglossia .................................................................................................... 30

  2. Situational Code-Switching ...................................................................... 30

  3. Metaphoric Code-Switching ..................................................................... 31

  4. Conversational Code-Switching ............................................................... 31

  5. Single-Word Code-Switching ................................................................... 32

  6. Integrated Loanwords ............................................................................... 32

  B. Possible Reasons for Code-Switching………………………………………... 33

  1. Topic Under Discussion…………………………………………………. 34

  2. Building Intimate Relationship…………………………………………... 34

  3. Efficiency……………………..………………………………………….. 35

  C. Other Finding .................................................................................................... 35

  1. The Tendency to Apply Various Types in a Single Utterance…………… 35

  2. The Answer to Ungrammaticality in Code-Switching ………………. ..... 36


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGETION ...................................... 38

A. Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 38

  1. The Types of Code-Switching in Bukan Empat Mata ............................... 38

  2. The Possible Reasons for Code-Switching in Bukan Empat Mata ........... 39

  B. Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 40


REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 41

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 43



  Page Table 3.1: Observation form of the Types of Analysis .......................................... 22 Table 3.1: Observation form of the Possible Reasons of Analysis ........................ 23 Table 4.1: The Result of the Analysis of the Types of Code-Switching ............... 29 Table 4.2: The Result of the Analysis of the Possible Reasons of Code-Switching 33



  Page Figure 3.1: The Data Analysis Spiral ..................................................................... 26


  Appendix Page

  1 Observation form of Types of Code-Switching .............................................. 43

  2 Observation form of Possible Reasons ........................................................... 49

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Language as a means of communication is used by all humans to

  communicate, to share ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions with each other. In many communities in this world, there are a lot of people that are able to communicate using more than one language. This phenomenon is known as bilingualism or multilingualism. People with bilingual or multilingual ability are able to switch languages in the middle of their conversation. This phenomenon is known as code-switching.

  Asher (1994: 581) explains the term code-switching refers to the juxtaposition of elements from two (or more) languages or dialects. So someone may switch the language that she or he uses from one language to another. She or he can produce a language utterance which consists of language elements from two or more different languages. The speaker should pay attention to the appropriate contexts, style, medium and intonation. Code-switching is not only a phenomenon in a society where the members use more than one language, but also has become a necessity in that society because sometimes people find it difficult to explain something in their native language since there is no obvious word or expression in the language being used. To compensate, they decide to find the more obvious expression from other languages. They employ the more expressive or representative words or phrases from foreign languages to explain

  2 what they want to say. So they speak within two different languages. For example, the Indonesian prefers adopting an English word ‘gender’ to using the Indonesian phrase jenis kelamin. It is not strange at all to find alteration between two different languages within a single utterance, which is called code-switching, as far as the speaker has appropriate reasons to apply it. Code-switching is used by speakers to make their meaning clear. When someone considers their language is not appropriate or not successful in conveying the message, he needs to switch to a language that can be understood by other people.

  There is a great deal of implementation of code-switching dealing with the foreign language elements being adopted. There is apparent distinction on the range of the length of these elements which vary from only a single word up to a full sentence. Language theories are chief matters which should be obeyed as guidance toward better understanding and implementation of various kinds of code-switching.

  In Indonesia, the use of bilingualism and multilingualism is inseparable from the fact that Indonesia consists of so many ethnic groups with different languages and cultures. The use of the language is also affected by the entertainment programs in television. Therefore, code-switching highly likely occurs on the television. The presenters or the host of a show may speak more than one language in order to convey their messages or just to entertain their television viewers.

  As stated above, code switching on the television is common. A television show called Bukan Empat Mata seems to be one of many shows that

  3 have a large degree of code switching. This entertainment show is hosted by Thukul Arwana. Bukan Empat Mata makes its audiences laugh. With his comments and spontaneity, Thukul is able to combine a talk show format with his spontaneous jokes and humor.

  Everybody knows Thukul as an eccentric man with short hair and a long moustache like fish. He has become very famous since his talk show began airing on Trans 7. His fame grew quickly and he is now a top Indonesian presenter. His unmistakable face, actions, and jokes that flow like water are often on the television. On this hit show, Thukul uses a catch phrase namely Kembali ke

Laptop (back to the laptop) because Thukul’s questions are provided in his laptop.

  Thukul comes from a village in Semarang and he does not have glamorous good looks so he can prove that physical appearance is not everything. Although he has ordinary looks and dark skin like a manual worker, he can present the show perfectly through joke and responses relying on his quick-thinking. With his apparent innocence he amuses a lot of audiences. Thukul never covers up his weaknesses and he presents the show with a great self-esteem.

  One interesting language feature that can be found in Bukan Empat Mata is the prominent borrowing of words, phrases, or even sentences from English language juxtaposed with Indonesian words, phrases, or sentences to create interesting comments and catch phrases. Thukul’s utterances like tepuk tangan


very good, fish to fish (which means to be “face to face”), dangdut night and

kembali ke laptop are able to provide viewers with fun situations. These

  expressions are the main ammunition Thukul uses them to make his audiences

  4 laugh. All of those above expressions can be categorized as code-switching because he often switches from one language to the other. By doing that, he has successfully brought Bukan Empat Mata to the top of the Indonesian ratings. The code switching in Bukan Empat Mata show provokes the writer’s curiosity to dig deeper into Thukul’s performance in presenting the Bukan Empat Mata show, especially his code switching. He uses code switching for his quips and jokes very often so it is really interesting to analyze what he is actually doing.

  Based on the above description and explanation, the researcher can conclude that code switching is worth analyzing because it is a phenomenon that influences our community today. This is very interesting since Thukul lacks proficiency in English and yet he still uses it. This becomes even more interesting because his show Bukan Empat Mata has been viewed by millions of viewers in Indonesia. Nowadays, there are so many young people who are using Thukul’s ways of speaking; a lot of code-switching in their conversation.

B. Problem Formulation

  There are two problems formulated in this study in order to specify the main goal of the study. The problems can be formulated as follow:

  1. What are the types of code-switching used by the host in Bukan Empat Mata?

  2. What are the possible reasons for the use of the code-switching?


  C. Problem Limitation

  The problems in this research are specified to code-switching which occurred in Bukan Empat Mata. This involves only code-switching between Indonesian language and English language found in the program.

  In order to obtain adequate data and also consider the time efficiency, the researcher 3 episodes. The episodes the researcher choose are Bukan Empat Mata episode aired on November 2, 2009 entitled “Ungu”, Bukan Empat Mata episode aired on November 3, 2009 entitled “Stress” and Bukan Empat Mata episode aired on November 4, 2009 entitled “Mertua vs Menantu”. Those episodes are representative since they are considered enough to describe the existence of code- switching.

  D. Objectives of the Study

  Related to the problems above, the objectives of the research are:

  1. To reveal and discuss the types of code switching in Thukul’s utterances in Bukan Empat Mata .

  2. To identify the possible reasons for the code-switching in Bukan Empat Mata.

  E. Benefits of the Study

  The result of the research is hoped to bring advantages for learners, presenters, and also other researchers:


  1. English learners English learners will have broader knowledge of code-switching, especially about the types of code switching that exist in society. The code- switching with various types in Bukan Empat Mata can be models for English learners to be applied in their daily communication activities. The learners will also obtain some possible reasons for code-switching so they can understand where and when to apply it appropriately.

  2. The other presenters The positive result of this research hopefully will broaden the knowledge about code-switching in entertainment world and enable many other presenters able to improve their skills in using the code-switching when presenting the shows.

  3. The other researchers Hopefully this thesis can encourage other researchers to conduct further study about code-switching. They will hopefully also have a kind of enlightenment or inspiration to explore other language phenomena which exist in society.

F. Definition of Terms

  There are some terms that need to be defined to avoid confusion in the thesis:


  1. Code-Switching Code-switching is one of the subjects of sociolinguistics, the study which involves the relationship between language use and the condition of the society.

  Crystal as cited by Skiba (1987) explains that “code-switching happens when a bilingual person employs more than one language in his or her speech. This involves the alteration of the language expression of languages used by the speakers. The alternated elements take a number of forms such as sentences and phrases.” In this thesis, the context of code-switching is from Indonesian to English.

  2. Bukan Empat Mata It is an entertainment show that is broadcasted by Trans 7 television station from Monday to Friday at 10.00 PM and hosted by Thukul Arwana.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter is divided into two main parts namely theoretical description

  and theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents general understanding of code-switching, which is explained through discussion of some definition, and a number of types of and reason for it as the main points of this study. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework summarizes and synthesizes all major relevant theories which will help to solve the research problems

A. Theoretical Description

  To obtain thorough understanding about code-switching, this theoretical description is presented. This section elaborates the definition of code-switching, types, and reasons for it.

1. Linguistics

  There are different definitions of what linguistics is which are proposed by various linguists. Those definitions are changing from isolated structured context to a wider scope or language in society.

  The aim of linguistics is therefore to study language systematically. Its purpose is to study language objectively and explain language as it is. It has twofold aim: “to cover general principles underlying human language and to provide reliable descriptions of individual languages.” (McArthur, 1992: 608).

  Linguistics has three classic subdivisions: (1) Phonology the study of sound

  9 pattern; (2) Morphology and syntax the composition of words and sentences; (3) Semantics the study of meaning. In the later development, some areas have become increasingly important namely pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, linguistic typology, computational linguistics, stylistic linguistic and applied linguistics. (McArthur, 1992: 609).

2. Sociolinguistics

  According to Romaine (1994: 2005), “sociolinguistic is the subdiscipline of linguistics which deals with the relationship between language and society.” It also encompasses the study of “….attitude to language and language change…”

  Language users may act towards the language. The act depends on the context, situation or people they communicate with. Sociolinguistics deals with language and the society which use the language and social background of the language user, the speaker and the listener. For that reason, the relationship between speaker and addressee, the context and manner of the interaction are important factors to maintain good communication.

  In a social relationship, people modify their language so that massage is clearly understood by the addressee. The same is true in the context of language teaching learning. Language teachers modify the language they use in order to achieve successfully transferred information. In other word, language teachers do the teacher talk. Teacher may simplify or lengthen the utterance to make meaning clearer. It is also normal to switch to mother language to smooth the communication.


3. Nature of Code-Switching

  According to Wardhaugh (1992: 103) the term ‘code’ refers to any dialect or language used by a speaker to build communication with others. He asserts that a person may use more than one code in his speech instead of just employing only a single code. People may switch or mix the codes that they use. And a term ‘code-switching’ is used to name this language phenomenon.

  There are a number of definitions of code-switching according to some linguists. Every linguist has various arguments about it and employs different way to explain it.

  Stockwell (2002: 135) states that “Code-switching is often the specific mechanism through which the borrowing of words and constructions happens.” From these two arguments, it can be understood that there are, at least, two languages involved in a code-switching phenomenon which are used together by the speaker. As a result, there is a kind of alteration within a language utterance which involves language elements of those two languages by the process of borrowing and constructing or combining. The speaker may borrow a certain language element from another language and combine it with the language elements of his or her native language. The language elements here can be a matter of words, phrases, clauses or even the whole sentences. But of course code- switching pursues a number of requirements such as the speaker language competence of the two languages in order to construct together the language elements of those both languages appropriately. The construction needs match combination of the grammatical rules of the languages involved in the code-

  11 switching as it has been explained by Chana (1984) that code-switching is the juxtaposition within the passage of one speech utterance involved items of two different languages. The items are tied together according to the rules of both languages so that the speaker is obliged to put much respect on both language rules.

  Since code-switching is the study of sociolinguistics, social context is also important to be put in the discussion. The setting that enables code-switching to happen may be described. Wardhaugh (1992: 103-104) elaborates where code- switching may happen.

  First, code-switching may happen in a multilingual country. It is a country which employs more than one language as media of communication among the citizens. Singapore, for instance, has five languages which are English, the Mandarin variety of Chinese, Tamil, Malay, and Hokkien, another variety of Chinese. The educational activity in formal school is held in formal Singapore English and Mandarin. Meanwhile, people tend to bargain something with either Hokkien or informal Singapore English in traditional market.

  Second, code-switching may also occur where there are multilingual people meet each other in a foreign setting. For example, Indonesian students who live in the United State have a tendency to use not only English language all the time but they may also speak with their mother language or dialect in a certain occasion. When they discuss academic work they may use English language, but when they want to share daily activities in their spare time, they may choose Indonesian language.


4. Types of Code-Switching

  McCormick (1994:582) defines there are 6 major types of code-switching namely (1) diglossia, (2) situational code-switching, (3) metaphoric code- switching, (4) conversational code-switching, (5) single-word code-switching; borrowing and (6) integrated loanwords.

  a. Diglossia Diglossia happens “in whole discourse types.” (Mc.Cormick 1994:581).

  There are two distinctive varieties of code that exist in diglossic communities. There are high (H) and low (L) variety. The first one is the prestige variety which is used in formal discourse, and the other, which is lack of prestige, is used in less formal discourse. The switching in diglossia occurs between two different discourses. People may use L variety when they speak to their family at home but choose H variety, the more formal variety, when they are in the office doing job presentation. Length of juxtaposed utterances of diglossia is whole discourse types.

  b. Situational Code-Switching Situational code-switching happens “in whole conversation, in one context” (Mc.Cormick 1994:581). Wardhaugh (1992:106) also says that

  “situational code-switching happens when the language which is used by a speaker changes according to the situation which is faced by the speaker.” The language change depends on the occasion faced by a speaker since certain occasion may encourage the speaker to exchange the language which is used. The changes happen for the whole part of one’s speech in one context. For example,

  13 an English teacher may talk in English for the whole part of the explanatory speech of past-continuous tense among the second-grade students of Junior High School. Unfortunately, the students have not understood the teacher’s explanation of when to use this tense. It is helpful and possible if the teacher re-explains his or her English explanatory speech in Indonesian so that the students can fairly comprehend it. Despite the framework of the context of occurrence which should be within one context, this example of situational code-switching also gives salient description that situational code-switching happens without any change of the topic.

  c. Metaphoric Code-Switching Metaphoric code-switching happens in “a whole conversation, each within one role relationship.” (Mc.Cormick 1994:581).The role of relationship between the speakers in a conversation may change. The change of the language or dialect that they use may also change in line with it. Wardhaugh (1992:106) explains that one thing that enables people to identify metaphorical code-switching is that it has an affective dimension; formal to informal, official to personal, serious to humorous, etc. Unlike the previous one, this type of code-switching asserts changes of the topic. When someone meets his or her neighbor doing his or her duty as a bank teller the person may greet his or her neighbor with their daily language, the less formal one, such as a local dialect. But the person, then, appropriately and politely chooses the more formal language to assert his or her main purpose to come to the bank, in which he or she wants to draw some money.

  Here, the speakers change their role of relationship from personal to official. The

  14 different relationship built by the speakers accompanied by the change of the code asserts the existence of metaphoric code-switching.

  d. Conversational Code-Switching Conversational code-switching can also be called style shifting or code


mixing . It occurs “in whole conversational turns/chunks within a turn; whole

  sentences or clauses/whole clause constituents.” (Mc.Cormick 1994:581).A speaker may exchange to another language in one turn conversation. This phenomenon normally occurs to second language learners. They may mix the target language they learn with their mother tongue language to smooth the communication. Wardhaugh (1992:106) also states that “Conversational code- switching occurs when conversances use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance.” e. Single-Word Code-Switching

  Single-word code-switching or borrowing is also called lexical borrowing.”It involves single words, mainly nouns, and it is motivated by lexical need.” (Wardhaugh, 1992:42). People use the borrowed words usually according to the rules of the first language, as if they are part of the first language for example: ‘Ceritanya dari film itu mengambil setting di Portugal.’ From the example, it can be seen that the speaker replaces an Indonesian word lokasi with an English word setting.

  15 f. Integrated Loanwords

  The change in this type happens within a morpheme level (McCormick, 1994:581). Morpheme is a minimal functional element of a word. Here, someone may integrate a word from one language with affixes from another language to form a morpheme for example:‘Luna Maya adalah seorang aktris cantik yang ber-

  skill tinggi.’

  From the sentence above, the speaker combines the Indonesian prefix ber- with an English word skill.

5. Reasons for Code-Switching

  Crystal (1987) identifies three reasons why people employ code-switching in their communication activities. First, there is a possibility that a speaker may not be able to express her or himself in one language so she or he switches to another language to compensate for the deficiency. Someone’s language competence, even in her or his native language, may be limited. For a multilingual person who is able to speak more than one language, switching the language that she or he uses may be the best answer for the deficiency problems.

  Second, code-switching is used because someone wants to express solidarity with a particular social group of speakers. She or he may use a language which is used to show her or his sympathy or express what they feel toward others. Almost every ethnic group has vernacular language or dialect, and switching the language toward the language of a particular ethnic group can be one way to express solidarity toward the group.

  16 Third, someone applies code switching as a sort of variation in the level of formality of her or his speech. A speaker has to be able to decide the opportunity when to use each of them appropriately. Someone may accidentally change the degree of the formality of the language by code switching. It is needed to give special effect of the relationship such as to build intimate relationship.

  Wardhaugh (1992: 106) provides three reasons for code switching. The first reason is to express solidarity with the listeners. Language can be used as a bridge of solidarity. People may choose a language from a certain country or ethnic group to show their solidarity toward the people from that country or ethnic group besides to build the more intimate atmosphere or relationship.

  The second reason is because of the choice of topic. In a conversation, people often switch the topic under discussion. A particular language might be appropriate to discuss a certain topic. The change of the topic might also be accompanied by language switching so the variety of the language can be appropriate with the new topic.

  The last reason for code switching given by Wardhaugh is that someone switches code because she or he perceives social and cultural distance. It is related to the level of formality of the language. Someone may choose an informal variety if she or he talks to her or his friend, on the other, a formal-standard variety will be the best choice if she or he talks to her or his teachers.

  Other researchers mention “modernization, westernization, efficiency, professionalism and social advancement” (Kachru, 1989; Kamwangamalu, 1989 as cited in Ayeomoni, 2006:91) as some reasons why people use English in their

  17 communication. These reasons can be related to reasons of code-switching since this research studies code-switching between Indonesian language and English language. English language as one of the most-widely used language may represent modernization as well as westernization in Indonesia. For instance there are many international schools which require English as the communication device in teaching learning activities. This phenomenon makes English language popular to school-age students.

  Efficiency makes communication more efficient than using translated version which probably takes longer explanation. Professionalism and social advancement correlate more on working world. In professional work, he or she will take into more consideration than those who are less competitive in English.

  As a result, it may effect his social advancement since he or she gets more chance to deal with wider community.

B. Theoretical Framework

  Based on the theoretical description, the researcher wraps up the appropriate theories to accomplish the objectives of the study. Therefore, the researcher used the types of code-switching according to McCormick (1994:581), a reason of code-switching by Crystal (1987), a reason by Wardhaugh(1992:106) and a reason by Kachru and Kamwangamalu (1989 as cited in Ayeomoni, 2006:91).

  First, according to McCormick (1994:581), there are six terms used to designate types of code juxtaposition namely diglossia, situational code-

  18 switching, metaphorical code-switching, conversational code-switching, single- word code-switching, and integrated loanwords.

  Second, there are three possible reasons which will be used to explain the code-switching phenomenon in Bukan Empat Mata. The first possible reason asserted by Crystal (1987) is that the speaker is expected to be able to build good relation to the target audience. The second possible reason asserted by Wardhaugh(1992:106) is that the speakers switch their language because of the choice of the topic. The last reason is efficiency. It makes communication more efficient than using translated version which probably takes longer explanation. This theory is asserted by Kachru and Kamwangamalu (1989 as cited in Ayeomoni, 2006:91).

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The researcher used a certain methodology to conduct this study, and this

  chapter aimed to discuss the methodology systematically. The discussion included research method, research subject, research instruments, data gathering techniques, data analysis techniques, and research procedures.

A. Research Method

  A certain methodology was needed as guidance to conduct and organize steps or procedures of this study. Since this study was aimed to observe and try to comprehend a language phenomenon in society, in this case code-switching, qualitative research was considered as the most appropriate term to name the method for this study because Leedy and Ormrod (2005: 133) argued that qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomenon in their natural setting. Code-switching in Bukan Empat Mata was considered as a social phenomenon in language use because the host employed code-switching prominently. Through this study, I was going to analyze and comprehend this kind of social phenomenon found in Bukan Empat Mata.

  To answer the second problem, library study was involved. The objective of finding some possible reasons for code-switching in Bukan Empat Mata was to interpret the meaning of the existence of code-switching in the show since it was essential, in qualitative research, to figure out interpretations of the phenomenon