An Analysis of Parents’ maintenance of Javanese Heritage Language

An Analysis of Parents’ maintenance of Javanese Heritage Language




Eunike Isrumanti P.P

Student Number: 11.80.0017






An Analysis of Parent s’ maintenance of Javanese Heritage Language A Thesis as Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to


obtain the Sarjana Sastra Degree in the English Letters Study Programme



Eunike Isrumanti P.P

Student Number: 11.80.0017









  Nomor : 0047/SK.Rek/X/2013 Tanggal : 8 November 2013 Tentang : PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI/TUGAS AKHIR DAN TESIS

  Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa dalam skripsi yang berjudul “ An Analysis of

Parents’ Maintenance of Javanese Heritage Language’ ini tidak terdapat

  karya yang pernah diajukan untuk memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan di suatu Perguruan Tinggi, dan sepanjang pengetahuan saya juga tidak terdapat karya atau pendapat yang pernah ditulis atau diterbitkan oleh orang lain, kecuali yang secara tertulis diacu dalam naskah ini disebutkan dalam daftar pustaka. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terbukti bahwa skripsi ini sebagian atau seluruhnya merupakan hasil plagiasi, maka saya relauntuk dibatalkan, dengan segala akibat hukumannya sesuaai peraturanyang berlaku pada Universitas Katolik Soegijpranata dan / atau peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

  Semarang, 8 November 2017 Eunike Isrumanti P.P

  NIM 11.80.017

  A THESIS ON Analysis of Parents’ Maintenance of J avanese Heritage Language By: Eunike Isrumanti P.P Student number :11.80.0017 Approved by, November 8, 2017 November 8, 2017


A Thesis defended in front of the Board of Examiners on November 8, 2017

and declared acceptable

BOARD OF EXAMINERS Chairperson : Cecilia T. Murniati, Ph.D. Secretary : Dra.Wuryani Hartanto, MA Member : Drs.YE.Budiyana, MA Semarang, November 8, 2017 Faculty of Language and Arts Soegijapranata Catholic University Dean,



  First of all, I would like to give my depest gratitude to my savior, Jesus Christ, for His mercy and grace. He is the one who gives me idea, inspiration, strength, and ability in the process of finishing this thesis. I would also say thank you to some people who support me for this thesis from the beginning until it is finished.

  They are: 1.

  My parents, who never gives up on everything in life, so I get the opportunity to enter the University finish this thesis. Thankyou for your struggle and prayer. And also for my brothers Bernike, and Hendike. Thankyou for being nice brothers for me. I love you all.

  2. My major sponsor Mr. Drs. YE. Budiyana, MA for his guidance and encouragement along the way. He helped me fine-tune my research questions, data and findings. So this thesis becomes better than before. Also, Mrs. Wuryani Hartanto, MA as the lecturer of Faculty of Language and Arts and my co-sponsor who spared her time for me, so I can complete this thesis.

  3. My beloved friend, ole-ole (Melody, Valen, Jovita, Novi, Lidya, Dimas, Glenda) who always accompany and give me spirit along the university life; Angga, my friend who helped me to installing my SPSS; Indra, and Pepitha they always company me whereever I go.

  4. My beloved bother and sister, Agil, Sasa, Eka thankyou for always supporting me in every condition.

  Last but not least, I would thank to all people who helped me and supported me in the completion of this thesis that I cannot mention one by one. It will be nothing without all of them spirit and assistance. Finally, I hope that the thesis would be useful for the readers. Thankyou.

  Semarang, November 8 2017



  PAGE OF TITLE COVER PAGE LAMPIRAN KEPUTUSAN REKTOR UNIVERSITAS SOEGIJAPRANATA...................... i A THESISAPPROVAL.................................................................................................

  .......... ii BOARD

  OF EXAMINERS..................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.........................................................................................

  .............. iv TABLE

  OF CONTENT............................................................................................................ v ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................

  ..... x ABSTRAK.................................................................................................................

  ............ xi

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1

  1.1 Background to the study.................................................................................... 1

  1.2 Field of the study............................................................................................... 7

  1.3 Scope of the study............................................................................................. 7

  1.4 Problem formulation.........................................................................................


  1.5 Objectives of the study...................................................................................... 8

  1.6 Significance of the study................................................................................... 8

  1.7 Definitoin of terms............................................................................................ 8

  CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE.......................................................................... 11

  2.1 Language maintenance....................................................................................

  11 2.1.1 maintennace and

  Language family...................................................... 11 2.1.2 maintenance and

  Language comunity................................................. 12

  2.1.3 Language maintenance and parent’s attitudes towards the heritage language................................................................................. ............. 15

  2.1.4 maintenance and

Language government............................................. 16

  2.3 Bilingualism...................................................................................................

  17 2.4 Multilingulism....................................................................................

  ............. 17

  2.5 Code switching................................................................................................ 18

  2.6 Language contact............................................................................................ 19

  2.7 Langauge loss................................................................................................. 20 CHAPTER

  III. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS............................ 21

  3.1 Method...........................................................................................................

  . 21

  3.2 Participants.....................................................................................................

  . 21

  3.3 Instruments.....................................................................................................

  . 21

  3.4 Procedures......................................................................................................

  . 23 CHAPTER


  INTERPRETATION........................................... 25

  4.1 Educational background.................................................................................. 25

  4.2 Javanese speaking proficiency........................................................................ 26

  4.3 Understand javanese language........................................................................ 27

  4.4 Javanese reading proficiency.......................................................................... 28

  4.5 Javanese writing proficiency.................................................................... 29

  4.6 Communication in Javanese language to the children.................................... 30

  4.7 Communication in Javanese language to the spouse....................................... 31

  4.8 Using Javanese language to communication with family............................... 32

  4.9 Communication with parents using Javanese language.................................. 33

  4.10 Ask the children in region activities that use Javanese language....................34

  4.11 Praising the children when they are speaking in Javanese language.............. 35

  4.12 Encourage the children to participate in competition...................................... 36

  4.13 Push the children to join the writing competition........................................... 37

  4.14 Finding the course for the chiildren................................................................ 38

  4.15 Buying story books for the children to encourage the children to learn about Javanese language...........................................................................................


  4.16 Buying Javanese language film for the children......................................... 40

  4.17 Sending the children to the school that gives Javanese language................... 41

  4.18 Taking the children to the Javanese performances....................................... 42

  4.19 Encouraging the children to know more about Javanese story....................... 43

  4.20 Parents’ want the children to know more about Central of Java..................... 44

  4.21 Parents’ want their children to marry Javanese people................................... 45

  4.22 The parents’ want the children to like Javanese food..................................... 46 4.23 family celebrate the great day in

  Javanese Java.............................................. 47

  4.24 The parents comfort to communicate in Javanese language........................... 48

  4.25 The students parents’ want the children to speak in Javanese language......... 49

  4.26 The importance of the children to connect with people who speak in Javanese language.............................................................................................

  ............. 50

  4.27 The importance of giving Javanese name to their children........................... 51

  4.28 The importance of students’ abilities to speak Javanese language for the future of their career.................................................................................................. . 52


  V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS....................................................... 53

  5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................

  . 53

  5.2 Suggestion......................................................................................................

  . 54



  With the increased use of Indosian, English or other language, in all facets of daily life cause a problem. The writer consider this issue from the perspectives of research on language policy, language endangerments. As a case study, the witer consider current trends and shifts in the use of Javanese by younger speakers as influenced bt the increased use of Indoesian, English or other languages. As other languages outside of the Javanese language takes over in more and more domains of communication and intergenerational transmission of Javanese breaks down, the writer lead to conclude that Javanese language can be at risk.



  Seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris atau bahasa yang lainnya, dalam semua aspek kehidupan sehari-hari menimbulkan sebuah masalah. Penulis menilik persoalan ini dari berbagai pandangan penelitian tentang kebijakan bahasa, dan kepunahan bahasa. Sebagai studi kasus, penulis melihat bahwa arah gejala dan perubahan dalam penggunaan Bahasa Jawa oleh generasi muda ini dipengaruhi oleh meningkatnya pengunaan bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, atau bahasa yang lain. Seiring dengan semakin besarnya pengaruh bahasa diluar bahasa Jawa dalam domain berkomunikasi dan terputusnya transmisi antargenerasi bahasa Jawa, penulis dituntun untuk menyimpulkan bahwa bahasa Jawa dapat terancam punah.