Buletin TERAS 2015 Bil 2.2015



kata aluan pengarah



kata aluan pengerusi


Introduction To Weigth Management ms. -


Aktiviti Unit : Weight Management ms.


Managing Your Weight During Pregnancy ms. -


Burning Calories With Everyday Activities ms.


Informasi Graik : Raya Workout ms.


Tips Kurus Ramadhan ms. -


Informasi Graik : Indeks Jisim Tubuh BMI ms.




Recommended Treatment Options For Diferent Levels of BMI and Other Risk ms.

Gambar Aktiviti Aktiviti Hospital Bentong ms. Gambar Sekitar Landskap Hospital ms. -

Informasi Graik : Power Points To Lasting Weight Loss; Eat This For Weight Lost; Medical Complication

Of Obesity; Bersenam Di Waktu Petang di Bulan Ramadhan; Most Filing Calorie : Light Foods; The Vegetarian Food Pyramid. ms. -





What is weight management?
Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. It includes a balance of
healthy eating and physical exercise to equate energy expenditure and energy intake. Developing healthy eating habits while using tips that will keep us fuller longer can be useful tools in
weight management.
How to practice weight management?
Here are some more dos and don’ts of mindful eating for
weight management:
• Don’t eat at buffets where overeating and multiple portions
are encouraged.
• Do ask for a to-go box and take home half of your restaurant entree to create a more reasonable meal portion when
dining out.
• Don’t eat in dark places where it is difficult to visually estimate the amount eaten.
• Do eat on salad plates to make your portions appear larger.
• Don’t snack from family-size bags of snacks.
• Do place snacks onto a plate to be accountable for your portion size.
Below, 12 tricks from dietitians and successful dieters who were able to lose and weight and

keep if off.
Build more lean muscle. Maintain, or even increase, your metabolism by continuing
to build lean muscle. "Muscle has a higher metabolism than fat does," explains Emily Banes,
RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. If you don't yet train with weights,
add this type of exercise to your overall program now. If you do, increase the amount of weight
you're working with to keep yourself challenged.
Fight off hunger with more filling foods. A three-year University of Pittsburgh study of
284 women between the ages of 25 and 45 found that those who avoided weight gain the best
were the ones whose meals kept them feeling full. "Keeping that feeling of fullness can be done
with foods high in fiber — think fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein," says Jenna Anding, PhD, RD, of the department of nutrition and food science at Texas A&M University in
College Station, Texas.
Avoid temptation. The University of Pittsburgh study also found that women who
best controlled their weight were good at resisting the temptation to binge on forbidden treats.
This doesn't mean never indulging in a gooey dessert again, but rather picking — and limiting —
your moments. There are many ways to avoid daily temptations, including planning ahead when
eating out, eating out less, and banning your worst weaknesses from the house.

Count calories. Another hallmark of successful weight maintenance, according to
the University of Pittsburgh study, is regularly counting calories. Use a journal such as My Calorie Counter to keep a running total throughout the day if that helps you keeps track of calorie
consumption. In the weight-control survey, the women who were most successful at less than
1,800 calories a day and limited fat intake.





Plan your meals in advance. A maintenance diet has a lot of the same components
as a weight-loss diet. Having a meal-by-meal plan that you can stick to, although it has more
calories than your diet plan did, can act as a guide to keep you on track.
Consider adding minutes to your exercise plan. Experts recommend at least 30
minutes of physical activity five days a week, but emphasize that the more you exercise, the

better able you are to maintain a weight loss. Participants in the weight control survey walked
for at least 60 minutes daily — or burned the same calories with other activities — so aim for
60 to 90 minutes of physical activity every day.
Measure your portions. According to a Center for Disease Control (CDC) study of
more than 4,000 U.S. adults, the biggest factors in success were measuring portions and fats,
the most caloric foods, in particular. This doesn't mean you have to carry a food scale everywhere you go, but using it as often as possible at home will teach you how to eyeball portion
sizes at restaurants and immediately know how much to eat, and how much to take home in a
doggie bag.
Weigh yourself daily. The same CDC study reported that people who weigh themselves once a day are twice as successful at keeping off lost weight as those who don't step
on the scale as often. Daily weigh-ins, which can be discouraging when you're on a diet, can
be a boon during maintenance; they let you see, and stop, any slow creep upward as soon as
it happens.
Include dairy in your diet. According to a study of 338 adults, those who ate three
or more servings of low-fat dairy daily were
more likely to keep off the weight than those
who ate one serving or less. For women in
particular, this has the additional benefit of

improving bone health.
10. Let your plate be your guide. When you
can't count calories or measure portions accurately, Banes recommends using the "plate
method" as a way to control the amount you're
eating. A great tip for dieters, it works just as
well for people on a maintenance plan. Simply
put, when you serve yourself using this method,
at least half your plate should be vegetables
and the remaining space should be divided
evenly between lean protein and whole grains.
If you go back for seconds, limit yourself to vegetables, fruit or low-fat dairy.
11. Watch less TV. In the National Weight Control Registry Survey, dieters who
watched fewer than 10 hours of TV a week were more successful in maintaining weight loss
than those who spent more time vegging out in front of the tube. And less TV time might have
other benefits, too — an analysis from the Harvard School of Public Health found that too
much TV can raise your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and death.
12. Eat breakfast. They call it the most important meal of the day for a reason. In the
survey, women who regularly ate breakfast were more successful with long-term weight loss
than those who skipped the first meal of the day. It’s best to eat similar healthy choices regularly (think oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruit) and always start out with a good breakfast to
avoid splurging or overeating on special occasions.

Dari Aisyah radhiallahu'anha, katanya: "Rasulullah s.a.w. (pada suatu ketika) hendak makan sesuatu makanan bersama
enam orang sahabat-sahabatnya. Lalu datanglah seorang A'rab (penghuni pedalaman negeri Arab), kemudian makan
makanan itu dalam dua kali suap saja. Rasulullah s.a.w. lalu bersabda: "Sesungguhnya saja andaikata orang ini suka
membaca Bismillah (sebelum makannya tadi) nescaya makanan itu dapat mencukupi engkau semua pula (kerana
adanya keberkahan dalam makanan itu)."






Most women should gain somewhere between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Most
women will gain 2 - 4 pounds during the first trimester, and 1 pound a week for the rest of the
pregnancy. Through the entire pregnancy:

 Overweight women need to gain less (6 - 9 kilograms or less, depending on their prepregnancy weight).
 Underweight women will need to gain more (12– 18 kilograms).
 You should gain more weight if you are having more than one baby. Women having twins
need to gain 16 - 24 kilograms.
A balanced ,nutrient-rich diet, along with exercise, is the basis for a healthy pregnancy. For
most pregnant women, the right amount of calories is:
1,800 calories per day in the first trimester
2,200 calories per day in the second trimester
2,400 calories per day in the third trimester

What's Causing the Weight Gain?

Much of the weight that you gain during pregnancy is not fat, but is related to the baby. Here is
a breakdown of how 35 pounds add up:

Baby: 3 - 4kg
Placenta: 0.5 - 1kg
Amniotic fluid: 1 - 1.5kg
Breast tissue: 0.5 - 1kg
Blood supply: 1.5 - 2kg
Fat stores: 4 - 5kg
Uterus growth: 0.5 - 1kg

Managing Weight During Pregnancy

Some women are already overweight when they get pregnant. Other women gain weight too
quickly during their pregnancy. Either way, a pregnant woman should not go on a diet or try to
lose weight during pregnancy.
It is better to focus on eating the right foods and staying active. If you do not gain enough
weight during pregnancy, you and your baby may have problems.
Still, you can make changes in your diet to get the nutrients you need without gaining too
much weight. Talk to your doctor of midwife to get help with planning a healthy diet.

Here are some healthy eating tips should help you get started.

Healthy choices:
Fresh fruits and vegetables make good snacks. They are full
of vitamins and low in calories and fat.
Eat breads, crackers, and cereals made with whole grains.
Choose reduced-fat dairy products. You need at least four
servings of milk products every day. However, using skim,
1%, or 2% milk will greatly reduce the amount of calories
and fat you eat. Also choose low-fat or fat-free cheese or





Foods to avoid:
 Naturally sweetened is better than foods and drinks with added sugar or artificial sweeten Food and drinks that list sugar or corn syrup as one of the first ingredients are not good

 Many sweetened drinks are high in calories. Read the label and watch out for drinks that

 Avoid junk-food snacks, such as chips, candy, cake, cookies, and ice cream. The best way
are high in sugar. Substitute water for sodas and fruit drinks.

to keep from eating junk food or other unhealthy snacks is to not have these foods in your
 Do not add salt to foods when cooking. Salt causes your body to retain water.

 Go light on fats. Fats include cooking oils, margarine, butter, gravy, sauces, mayonnaise,
regular salad dressings, sauces, lard, sour cream, and cream cheese. Try the lower fat
versions of these foods.

Eating out:
 Knowing the amount of calories, fat, and salt in your food can help you eat healthier.
 Most restaurants have menus and nutrition facts on their websites. Use these to plan
 In general, eat at places that offer salads, soups, and vegetables.
 Avoid fast food.

Cooking at home:
 Prepare meals using low-fat cooking methods.
 Frying foods in oil or butter will increase the calories and fat of that meal.
 Baking, broiling, grilling, or boiling are healthier, lower-fat methods of cooking.
 Moderate exercise, as recommended by your health care provider, can help burn extra

 Walking or swimming are generally safe, effective exercises for pregnant women.
 Be sure to talk to your health care provider before starting an exercise program

Central obesity is associated with higher risk of getting cardiovascular disease it is
defined as waist circumference ≥ 90 cm in males and ≥ 80 cm in females.

Any two of the following
Increased triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dl (1.70 mmol/L)
reduced HDL cholesterol