Analisis Usaha Pemanfaatan Pakan Hasil Samping Ubi Kayu Klon Terhadap Domba Jantan Lepas Sapih


ROMAULI SIANTURI, 2014. “Analisis Usaha Pemanfaatan Pakan Hasil
Samping Ubi Kayu Klon Terhadap Domba Jantan Lepas Sapih” di bawah bimbingan
ARMYN HAKIM DAULAY selaku ketua komisi pembimbing dan TRI HESTI
WAHYUNI selaku anggota komisi pembimbing.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis usaha pemanfaatan pakan
komplit berbasis hasil samping ubi kayu klon dilihat dari biaya produksi, hasil
produksi, laba/rugi, income over feed cost (IOFC) dan benefit cost ratio (B/C ratio).
Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi Ternak Departemen
Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara, yang berlangsung pada
bulan September sampai Desember 2013 yang menggunakan 12 ekor domba dengan
rataan bobot badan awal 7,75 ± 1,75. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
metode analisis ekonomi. Penelitian tediri dari 3 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan
yang digunakan adalah P0 (Pakan hijauan 100%), P1 (Pakan hijauan 50% + pakan
berbasis hasil samping ubi kayu klon 50%), P2 (Pakan berbasis hasil samping ubi
kayu klon 100%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap perlakuan P0, P1
dan P2 memberikan hasil yang berbeda terhadap total biaya produksi (Rp) : 414.502 ;
438.854 dan 392.500, total hasil produksi (Rp) : 432.500 ; 494.000 dan 500.800
laba/rugi (Rp) : 17.998 ; 55.146 dan 108.300, income over feed cost (IOFC) (Rp) :
53.341 ; -25.012 dan 143.643 dan B/C ratio (Rp) : 1,04 ; 1,13 dan 1,27. Kesimpulan

dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan komplit hasil samping ubi
kayu klon dapat meningkatkan pendapatan peternak dalam usaha pemeliharaan ternak
domba jantan lokal sapih.
Kata kunci : Analisa Usaha, Hasil Samping Ubi Kayu Klon, Domba,

Universitas Sumatera Utara


ROMAULI SIANTURI, 2014. " Analysis of Feed Utilization of Cassava Clones
Results Side Against Local Male Sheep " under the guidance by ARMYN HAKIM
HESTI WAHYUNI, as a member of the supervising committee.

The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Biology
Department of Animal Husbandry Faculty of Agriculture, University of North
Sumatra, which took place in September through December 2013.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the utilization of feed by-product of cassava
clones by cost of production , production , profit / loss , income over feed
cost (IOFC) and the benefit cost ratio (B/C ratio).
The method used is the method of economic analysis . The study consists of 3
treatments and 4 replications . The treatments used were P0 (Forage 100%), P1
(50% + Forage feed by product of cassava clones 50%), P2 ( Feed by product of
cassava clones 100% ).The results showed that in each treatment P0, P1 and P2 give
different results to the total cost of production Rp (414.502 ; 438.854 and 392.500
respectively), the total production Rp (432.500 ; 494.000 and 500.800 respectively),
profit / loss : Rp (17.998 ; 55.146 and 108.300 respectively), income over feed cost
(IOFC) Rp (53.341 ; -25.012 and 143.643 respectively) and B/C ratio (1,04; 1.13 and
1.27 respectively). The conclusion of this study indicate that feeding cassava
byproduct complete clone of the sheep business analysis feasible for implementation
in the sheep breeding business.

Keywords : Business Analysis , Byproduct of Cassava Clones , Sheep .

Universitas Sumatera Utara