Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Women's Resistance as a Result of Gender Inequality as Shown in Okky Madasari's Entrok

Women’s Resistance as a Result of Gender Inequality as Shown
In Okky Madasari’s Entrok
Angga Widitama Putra

The study is focused on injustice experienced by women implemented by gender
construction and permitted by patriarchal society. The theory used in this study is feminism
which focuses on Marxist feminism. Marxist feminism emphasizes on the root of oppression
experienced by women that is permitted by the patriarchal society. Women’s oppression was
caused by their economic dependence in the family as well as in the work force, those two
matters keep women on being exploited. The result of this study shows that women are
oppressed in many kinds of fields, such as job sharing, salary equality, and authority abuse. As
the result of the oppression, women resist injustice by their sexuality and individualism.
Key words: gender construction, Marxist feminism, patriarchy