





A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Department of FPBS UPI in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements forSarjana Sastra Degree

Arini Ulfia Septiani Std. Number: 1105419




The Representation of Major

Participants in Bambang

Widjojanto’s Arrest in

The Jakarta


Articles: A Critical Discourse


Oleh Arini Ulfia Septiani

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

© Arini Ulfia Septiani 2015 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Oktober 2015

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.

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A Research Paper Written by: Arini Ulfia Septiani


Approved by: Supervisor,

Wawan Gunawan, Ph.D., M.Ed. NIP. 197209162000031001

Head of Department of English Education Indonesia University of Education,

Dr. Rd. Safrina, M.A. NIP. 196207291987032001



This research aims to investigate the major participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s case, how they are represented, and the meanings can be constructed from the representation. The data were taken from five headline news relating to the topic in online newspaper, The Jakarta Post. A Critical Discourse Analysis, especially Van Dijk’s framework, Sociogognitive Approach (2009) focusing on

microstructure level has been used to analyze the data. The analysis reveals that

there are two major participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s case, Bambang Widjojanto and the Police. The Jakarta Post generally represents Bambang Widjojanto positively, while the Police is represented negatively. Bambang Widjojanto is mostly represented as recipient and the Police is mostly represented as producer, on the other hand. It can be assumed that The Jakarta Post intends to convey that Bambang Widjojanto is a positive recipient or a right/good ‘victim’, while the Police is a negative producer or a wrong/bad ‘actor’. It shows that there is a polarization in representing the participants. This polarization signifies that the Police misused their power over Bambang Widjojanto. Moreover, those representations of the major participants can affect the representation of the institution in which they work.

Keywords: The Jakarta Post, representation, CDA, sosicocognitive, microstructure, Bambang Widjojanto.



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis partisipan utama dalam kasus Bambang Widjojanto, bagaimana mereka direpresentasikan, dan makna dapat dibangun dari representasi tersebut. Data penelitian diambil dari lima artikel berita yang berkaitan dengan topik di surat kabar online, The Jakarta Post.

Critical Discourse Analysis, khusunya teori Van Dijk, yaitu Sociogognitive

(2009) yang berfokus pada level microstructure telah dilakukan untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dua partisipan utama dalam kasus Bambang Widjojanto, yaitu Bambang Widjojanto dan Kepolisian.

The Jakarta Post merepresentasikan Bambang Widjojanto secara positif,

sedangkan Kepolisian direpresentasikan secara negatif. Selain itu, Bambang Widjojanto sebagian besar direpresentasikan sebagai recipient dan Kepolisian ini secara keseluruhan direpresentasikan sebagai producer. Hal ini dapat diasumsikan bahwa The Jakarta Post ingin menyampaikan bahwa Bambang Widjojanto adalah recipient positif atau 'korban' yang benar/baik, sedangkan Kepolisian adalah recipient negatif atau 'aktor' yang salah/buruk. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat polarisasi dalam merepresentasikan para partisipan. Polarisasi ini menunjukkan bahwa Polisi telah menyalahgunakan

power yang mereka miliki terhadap Bambang widjojanto. Selain itu, representasi

dari partisipan utama tersebut dapat mempengaruhi representasi lembaga tempat mereka bekerja, yaitu Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan Polri.

Kata kunci: The Jakarta Post, representasi, macrostructure, Bambang


Arini Ulfia Septiani, 2015




PREFACE……….. iii


ABSTRACT………... v


LIST OF TABLES………viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Background of The Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Research Questions ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.3 Purposes of The Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.4 Significance of The Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.5 Research Methods ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.6 Data Collection ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.7 Data Analysis ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.8 Clarification of Key Terms ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.9 Organization of The Paper ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1 Representation ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3 Sociocognitive Approach (SCA) ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3.1 Microstructure ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.4 Mass Media ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.5 Newspaper ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


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2.6 Previous Studies ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1 Research Design ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.2. Data Collection ... 20 3.3 Data Analysis ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .. Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 Findings ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.1 The major participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s Arrest ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1.2 The Representation of Major Participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s Arrest ... Error! Bookmark not defined. The Representation of Bambang Widjojanto as a ‘Good Victim’ . Error! Bookmark not defined. The Representation of Police as a ‘Bad Actor’ .... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1.3 The Meaning of the Representation of Major Participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s Arrest ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Polarization ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Power Abuse and Violation ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Role of Media in Mobilizing Public Perspective . Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.2 Discussion ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1 Conclusions ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2 Suggestions ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


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Table 2.1 Processes and Participants in Transitivity Analysis……….. 15 Table 4.1 Occurrences of participants in terms of communicative roles in all

texts………... 23 Table 4.2 Occurrences of major participants in terms of communicative roles in

all texts……….. 26 Table 4.3 Occurrences of major participants in all texts………... 29 Table 4.4 Representations of Bambang Widjojanto and Police in all texts…….. 30 Table 4.5 Communicative roles of Bambang Widjojanto and Police in all

texts………... 32 Table 4.6 The Representation of Bambang Widjojanto as a ‘Good Victim’ in all

texts………... 34 Table 4.7 The Representation of Police as a ‘Bad Actor’in all texts……… 37 Table 4.8 Occurrences of participants’ occupational roles in all texts…………. 41 Table 4.9 Occurrences of major occupational roles in all texts……… 42 Table 4.10 Representations of major occupational roles in all texts……… 43



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This chapter presents a general introduction to the study which covers background of the research, research questions, purposes of the research, significance of the research, research methods, data collection, data analysis, clarification of key terms, and organization of the paper.

1.1 Background of the Research

In the early of 2015, Indonesians were surprised by the sudden arrest of Bambang Widjojanto, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) commissioner, more precisely on 23 January 2015 in Depok, West Java by the National Police’s (POLRI) detective division. He was accused of ordering a witness to commit perjury at the Constitutional Court in 2010 in a regional election dispute case in Waringin Barat, Central Kalimantan. The forced summons surprised the public as, according to Article 122 of the KUHAP, that move can only be carried out if a suspect fails to show up for a previous summons ( What surprises people was that the arrest seems to be fictitious and engineered. The arrest was believed as another move to attack the antigraft body after its bold moves to name top cop candidate Comr. Gen. Budi Gunawan as a suspect in a bribery case.

This case was frequently reported in mass media. Mass media has become a part of our daily life. It provides us a lot of information and has become a primary source of what is happening around the world. Media text guides the reader’s interpretations about certain issues (Langer, 1998). The idea, issue or personality that are presented in the media will influence how people think about that issue or personality (Tettah and King, 2011). It is because media power is generally symbolic and persuasive, in the sense that the media has a potential to control mind of readers or viewers, but not directly their actions (Van Dijk, 1995 as cited


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in Paletz & Vinson, 1996). One of the media texts that present the sudden arrest of Bambang Widjojanto is newspaper.

Newspaper contains some news or articles about various issues. The writer of the articles published in newspaper must have an ideology or intention in writing his/her articles. In line with that, Fiske (1994 as cited in Langer, 1998) said that our words are never neutral; they carry power or ideology that reflects the speaker or writer’s concern. In media world, there is no news report which is ideologically neutral, transparent or 'innocent' (Olowe, 1993 as cited in Taiwo, 2007). Here, a newspaper editor or writer plays a significant role in shaping readers’ interpretation about certain issue through the articles they have written (Henry & Tator, 2002 as cited in Taiwo, 2007). Although readers will interpret media texts according to their own lifeworld and experiences, the text itself still influences their interpretations (Grice, 1979 as cited in Langer, 1998). Therefore, as the reader of media texts, we have to be critically aware about the use of language because it shares ideology and power (van Dijk, 1998 as cited in Taiwo, 2007).

Regarding the fact that media texts can influence readers’ interpretation, this research attempts to understand the case of Bambang Widjojanto arrest as reported in The Jakarta Post from the perspective of Critical Discourse analysis, relies on Van Dijk’s Sociocognitive involving microstructure level to see the representation of the major participants.

There have been some studies that analyze representation in newspaper using sociocognitive approach in CDA. First, Khaghaninezhad and Rostami (2014) investigated “gender representation” in two English newspapers. Second, KhosraviNik (2008) analyzed the representation of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants (RASIM) between 1996 and 2006 in British newspapers. Third, a study that investigates a representation in newspaper has also done by Shojaei, Youssef, and Hosseini (2013). This study is aimed to find how three cases of ideologically conflicting ideas, which are Iran Nuclear Program, Iran Sanctions, and Syria Crisis, are interpreted and represented in western printed media using Van Dijk's (1998) socio-cognitive approach and Fairclough’s (1995) approach.


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Lastly, a study was conducted by Nurianti (2014) to find the representation of two Indonesian Islamist Organizations, The Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela

Islam) and Islamic Society Forum (Forum Umat Islam) in The Jakarta Post


However, there have not been many studies that focus on the representation of major participants involved in news articles with the focus on the level of microstructure in Van Dijk’s sociocognitive approach, especially in Indonesia. This study, thus, will accordingly be conducted to address this gap. For this purpose, this study will investigate the representation of major participants in Bambang Widjojanto arrest. The data will be taken from five articles in The

Jakarta Post related to the case.

1.2 Research Questions

More specifically, this research is focused on the following research questions:

1. Who are the major participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s case? 2. How are the major participants represented in the articles? 3. What meanings can be constructed from the representation? 1.3 Purposes of The Research

Based on the research questions stated above, there are three objectives of the research:

1. To reveal the major participants of Bambang Widjojanto arrest.

2. To describe how the major participants of Bambang Widjojanto arrest are represented in the articles.

3. To uncover meanings constructed in the representation. 1.4 Significance of The Research

Theoretically, this research is expected to provide more knowledge about the ideology of The Jakarta Post in presenting the major participants of Bambang Widjojanto arrest in their articles. Practically, the result of thisresearch is expected to trigger critical awareness of the reader in reading some articles, especially about politics.


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1.5 Research Methods

This research largely employ qualitative method as it analyzes and describes the representation of major paticipants of Bambang Widjojanto’s arrest in The Jakarta Post’s articles. Qualitative analysis is based on careful analysis of the sources of the material and contain explicit presentation of the researcher’s understanding. Furthermore, qualitative analysis has to consider others’ perspectives and it has to be open towards re-interpretations (Mayring, 1983 as cited in Langer, 1998). Besides, qualitative research helps the researchers in understanding the meaning people have constructed, how people make sense of their world and the experiences they have in the world (Merriam, 2009 as cited in Guest, Emily, & Marilyn, 2013).

In answering the research questions, this research conducts textual analysis. The data are analyzed using sociocognitive approach proposed by van Dijk (2009) as the main framework. The analysis focuses on microstructure level. 1.6 Data Collection

The data are collected from five articles about the arrest of Bambang Widjojanto in The Jakarta Post. The data are taken from the articles regarding the topic published in the early of 2015, from 24 January to 1 February 2015. This period is selected because it was the first week of Bambang Widjojanto arrest. Therefore, this case became the headline news in many mass media, included The Jakarta Post on that particular period. The data are taken from the following online sources:

1. “KPK: The arrest related to Gen. Budi’s suspect status”, 24 January 2015 2. “Crime unit breached legal procedure in Bambang’s arrest”, 25 January 2015 3. “Bambang submits resignation”, 26 January 2015

4. “Bambang resigns from KPK, tell Budi to follow suit”, 27 January 2015 5. “Komnas HAM finds flaws in KPK arrest”, 1 February 2015

1.7 Data Analysis

The collected data are analyzed using van Dijk’s sociocognitive (2009) approach, specifically focusing on microstructure level. The analysis is conducted


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to find more complex information existing in the text, such as participants,

occupational roles, communicative roles and positive-negative representation of participants. Microstructures level discusses all the structures that are processed,

or described, at the local or short-range level (words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and connections between sentences) (Van Dijk, 1980). This level will be elaborated more in Chapter 2. After being analyzed, the results of the analysis are combined, examined and discussed to gain the description and conclusion to see the meaning constructed of the representations, and finally the results hopefully can answer the research questions.

1.8 Clarification of Key Terms

There are some key terms used in this research which need to be clarified to avoid ambiguity. The terms will be clarified as follows:

1. CDA

CDA is a method that concerned with researching and analysing the words used in discourses to reveal the source of power abuse, dominance, inequality and bias and how these sources are initiated, maintained, reproduced and transformed within specific social, economic, political and historical contexts (Van Dijk, 1998).

2. Ideology

Ideology refers to attitudes, set of beliefs, values and doctrines with reference to religious, political, social and economic life, which shape the individual's and group's perception through reality which is constructed and interpreted (Taiwo, 2007).

3. Sociocognitive Approach

Research of the relations between mind, discursive interaction and society in a discourse. It explains how social structures may affect (and be affected by) discourse structures (Van Dijk, 2009).

4. Discourse

The term ‘discourse’ is understood differently by different researchers and also in different academic cultures (Wodak, 2006). CDA sees discourse – language use in speech and writing –as a form of ‘social practice’ (Wodak


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& Meyer, 2009). On the other hand, English speaking people define ‘discourse’ as both written and oral texts (Gee, 2004; Schiffrin, 1994 as cited in Wodak & Mayer, 2009).

5. Cognition

Cognition is the set of functions of the mind, such as thought, perception and representation (Van Dijk, 2009).

6. Representation

Representation refers to the way in which meaning is given to the things which are depicted through the images on screens or the words on a page which stand for what we are talking about (Hall, 1997).

1.9 Organization of The Paper

This research will be organized into five chapters as follows: Chapter I

This chapter consist of introduction, which discusses about background and statement of the problem, research questions, purposes of the research, research method, significance of the research, and organization of the paper.

Chapter II

This chapter will serve details of the theoretical frameworks, which serve as the basis for investigating the problem, and some previous studies related to this research.

Chapter III

This chapter contains the methodology used in this research, discussing the steps and procedures, the instrument, and the reasons for choosing these procedures. Chapter IV

This chapter discusses the results and findings of this research. Chapter V

This chapter contains conclusions from this research and recommendations for next researches.


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This chapter describes the research method employed in this research. It includes the research design, the data collection, data analysis, and a sample of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This research employ a qualitative method as it analyzes and describes the representation of major paticipants of Bambang Widjojanto’s arrest in The

Jakarta Post’s articles. Qualitative analysis is based on careful analysis of the

sources of the material and contain explicit presentation of the researcher’s understanding. Furthermore, qualitative analysis often considers others’ perspectives and it has to be open towards re-interpretations (Mayring, 1983 as cited in Langer, 1998). In addition, qualitative research helps the researchers understand the meaning people have constructed, how people make sense of their world and the experiences they have in the world (Merriam, 2009 as cited in Guest, Emily, & Marilyn, 2013).

In answering the research questions, textual analysis has been conducted. The selected data are critically read and categorized according to Van Dijk’s Sociocognitive approach (2009). The analysis is focused on the microstructure level.

3.2 Data Collection

The data of the study are in the form of words, phrases or clauses within articles critically selected to answer the research questions. The data are collected from five articles about the arrest case of Bambang Widjojanto in The Jakarta

Post. The Jakarta Post has claimed itself as the largest English-language

newspapers in Indonesia which has won several awards for its credibility (Aryuni, 2012). Given that fact, this research will use The Jakarta Post as the main source


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in collecting the data. The data are taken from the articles regarding the topic published in the early of 2015, from 24 January to 1 February 2015. This period is selected because it was the first week of Bambang Widjojanto arrest. Therefore, this case became the headline news in many mass media, included The Jakarta

Post on that particular period.

The data are taken from the following online sources:

1. “KPK: The arrest related to Gen. Budi’s suspect status”, 24 January 2015 2. “Crime unit breached legal procedure in Bambang’s arrest”, 25 January 2015 3. “Bambang submits resignation”, 26 January 2015

4. “Bambang resigns from KPK, tell Budi to follow suit”, 27 January 2015 5. “Komnas HAM finds flaws in KPK arrest”, 1 February 2015

3.3 Data Analysis

In order to achieve the goals of the study, the data are read critically, focusing on each phrases, clauses, and sentences. The data are analyzed using van Dijk’s sociocognitive approach, specifically focusing on microstructure level. Next, the data are divided into clauses then each clause is categorized into phrases to find the participants existed in the text. Each participant, then, is defined into more complex information, such as occupational roles, communicative roles and

positive-negative representation of participants. Occupational roles provide the

institutions of the participants mentioned in the articles. This step is conducted to find the institutions that are mostly mentioned in the articles. Participants and

occupational roles aim to find the major participants and major occupational

roles. The participants and occupational roles that have the biggest frequency of appearance are considered the major participants and occupational roles.

Communicative roles provide the roles of the participants represented in the texts,

whether as a producer, recipient, or sayer. Lastly, positive-negative representation

of participants provides the frequency of positive and negative representation of

both participants and occupational roles. Communicative roles and positive-negative representation of participants aim to find the way The Jakarta Post represent the participants. After the analysis at each step is complete, the results of


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the analysis are combined and discussed to find the meaning constructed in the representations.

The analysis is examined in terms of communicative roles, positive-negative

representation, and occupational roles. Then, the classification of several terms

on the level of microstructures is distributed in a table. For complete analysis see Appendix 2.


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This chapter presents the conclusions of the research and the suggestions for further studies.

5.1 Conclusions

The present research has analyzed five headline news taken from The

Jakarta Post articles. This research is aimed to investigate the major participants

in Bambang Widjojanto’s case, to describe how they are represented in the texts, and to uncover meanings constructed from the representation. This study has applied Van Dijk’s (2009) Sociocognitive Approach (SCA), especially focus on

microstructures level.

The research concludes that there are two major participants in Bambang Widjojanto’s case; Bambang Widjojanto and the Police. The Jakarta Post

generally represents Bambang Widjojanto positively, while the Police are represented negatively. In addition, in terms of the communicative roles, Bambang Widjojanto is mostly represented as recipient and the Police is represented as producer, on the other hand. Thus, it can be assumed that The

Jakarta Post wants to convey that Bambang Widjojanto here is a positive

recipient or a right/good ‘victim’, while the Police are a negative producer or a wrong/bad ‘actor’. Here, the findings show that there is a polarization in representing the participants. This polarization signifies that the Police misused their power over Bambang Widjojanto.

Moreover, those representations of the major participants can affect the representation of the institution in which they work in or member in. The present research has revealed that The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and National Police in which Bambang Widjojanto and the Police work or member in are represented the same way as Bambang Widjojanto and the Police; The


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Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is represented positively, while National Police is represented negatively.

A newspaper, in this case The Jakarta Post, has a power in forming readers’ interpretation. According to Olowe (1993 as cited in Taiwo, 2007), there is no news report which is ideologically neutral, transparent or 'innocent'. A newspaper editor or writer plays a significant role in shaping readers’ interpretation about certain issue through the articles they have written (Henry & Tator, 2002 as cited in Taiwo, 2007). Therefore, The Jakarta Post has an important role in creating representation of something or someone, whether it is good or bad through the articles they published.

5.2 Suggestions

As there would be many dimensions of a particular problem to study, the present research recommends that further studies analyze news reports consisting different issues outside political issues. It is beneficial to find the representation of someone or something in certain issue, in order to make us more critical. Moreover, it will also be beneficial to not only analyze news reports, but also other kinds of texts, such as narrative stories. The writer believes there will be many lessons we can take from the analysis because being critical is not only needed when reading a news report, but also other kinds of text.

Hopefully, the present research will give a contribution for the readers of the newspapers to read more critically. It is suggested that the readers not to take for granted any information presented in media.



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