A Thesis

Registration Number : 8116112019

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Wariyati. Registration Number: 8116112019. Lexical Change of Javanese
Language in Deli Serdang Regency. A Thesis. Postgraduate School of State

University of Medan, 2015.
This qualitative research addresses the lexical change in Javanese language, which
is aimed at (1) investigating the lexical change types, (2) describing the lexical
change patterns, and (3) explaining the lexical change reasons of Javanese
language in Deli Serdang Regency. The empirical materials were thoroughly and
well-gathered from the document and interview. The highly critical and
systematic analysis with ‘Miles and Huberman Model’ reveals that Javanese
language in Deli Serdang Regency changes. This research has drawn the
following conclusions. Firstly, the lexical changes of Javanese language in Deli
Serdang Regency comprised lexical loss divided into: Phonetic Attrition,
Semantic change included Diachronic Semantic, and lexical creation consist of:
External Borrowing included Dialectal Borrowing and Archaism. Secondly, the
patterns of lexical change of Javanese language in Deli Serdang Regency has been
manifested on three types (1) lexical loss: (a) vocal sound change comprised
sound /u/ change into /o/, sound /i/ changed into sound /e/ and sound /o/ changed
into sound /u/ (b) consonant sound change included: sound /t/ changed into sound
/n/, sound /ny/ changed into sound /c/; (2)semantic change: (a) Verb to Verb, (b)
Verb to Noun, (c) Verb to Adjective, (d) Noun to Noun, (e) Noun to Adjective, (f)
Noun to Adverb, (g) Noun to Verb, (h) Noun to Pronoun, (i) Adjective to
Adjective, (j) Adjective to Noun, (k) Adjective to Adverb, (l) Adjective to Verb, (m)

Pronoun to Pronoun, (n) Pronoun to Adjective, (o ) Adverb to Noun, (p)
Preposition to Adjective, (q) Preposition to Adverb, (r) Conjunction to
Conjunction, (s)Preposition to Preposition, (3) lexical creation: (a) external
creation comprised Dialectal borrowing and archaism. Thirdly, the reasons of
lexical changes of Javanese language in Deli Serdang Regency were linguistic
causes, historical, environmental causes and psychological causes. According to
the data analysis, it was found that there are totally 903 lexical change namely:
Phonetic Attrition: 359 lexicons (39,75%), Diachronic Change: 148 lexicons
(16,38%), Dialectal Borrowing: 179 lexicons (19,82%), Archaism: 217 lexicons

Wariyati, 2015. NIM: 8116112019, Lexical Change of Javanese Language in
Deli Serdang Regency. Tesis. Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris,
Sekolah Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan, 2015.
Penelitian kualitatif ini merupakan penelitian yang membahas tentang perubahan
kata dalam Bahasa Jawa, yang ditujukan untuk (1) menginvestigasi tipe – tipe
perubahan leksikal, (2) menggambarkan tentang pola perubahan , dan (3)
menjelaskan alasan mengapa bahasa Jawa di Kabupaten Deli Serdang berubah.
Meterial dalam penelitian ini secara kesuluruhan diperoleh dari dokumen dan

hasil interview. Perubahan leksikal pada bahasa Jawa di Kabupaten Deli Serdang
dianalisis secara kritis dan sistematis berdasarkan teori dari ‘Miles dan
Huberman’. Penelitian ini digambarkan pada kesimpulan berikut. Pertama,
Perubahan Leksikal pada Bahasa Jawa di Kabupaten Deli Serdang meliputi lexical
loss yang dibagi menjadi: Phonetic Attrition, Perubahan Semantik meliputi
Diachronic Semantik, dan Kreasi kata yang terdiri dari: External Borrowing
meliputi Pinjaman kata berdasarkan Dialek dan Archaism. Kedua, Pola perubahan
leksikal pada bahasa Jawa di Kabupaten Deli Serdang dikelompokkan menjadi
tiga kelompok: (1) leksikal yang hilang: (a) perubahan suara vocal yaitu suara /u/
berubah menjadi suara /o/, suara /i/ berubah menjadi suara /e/ dan suara /o/
berubah menjadi suara /u/ (b) perubahan sura konsonan meliputi: suara /t/ berubah
menjadi suara /n/, suara /ny/ berubah menjadi suara /c/; (2)Perubahan Semantik:
(a) Kata Kerja ke Kata Kerja, (b) Kata Kerja ke Kata Benda, (c) Kata Kerja ke
Kata Sifat,(d) Kata Benda ke Kata Benda, (e) Kata Benda ke Kata Sifat, (f) Kata
Benda ke Kata Keterangan, (g) Kata Benda ke Kata Kerja, (h) Kata benda ke
Kata Ganti Benda, (i) Kata Sifat ke Kata Sifat, (j) Kata Sifat ke Kata Benda, (k)
Kata Sifat ke Kata Keterangan, (l) Kata Sifat ke Kata Kerja, (m) Kata ganti benda
ke Kata Ganti Benda, (n) Kata Ganti Benda ke Kata Sifat, (o ) Kata Keterangan
ke Kata Benda, (p) Kata Depan ke Kata Sifat, (q) Kata Depan ke Kata
Keterangan, (r) Kata Penghubung ke Kata Penghubung, (s) Kata Depan ke Kata

Depan, (3) Kreasi Leksikal: (a) Kreasi Eksternal meliputi Peminjaman Dialek
dan Arkhaisme. Ketiga, alasan terjadinya perubahan leksikal pada bahasa Jawa di
Kabupaten Deli Serdang adalahkarena Faktor linguistik, faktor Sejarah, Faktor
lingkungan dan Faktor psikologis. Berdasarkan Data Analisis, ditemukan total
perubahan leksikal sebanyak 903 leksikon yang terbagi menjadi: Phonetic
Attrition: 359 leksikon (39,75%), Perubahan Semantik Diachronik: 148 lexikon
(16,38%), Peminjaman Dialek: 179 leksikon (19,82%), Archaism: 217 leksikon

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin……. The writer’s endless gratitude is
primarily to Allah SWT for His blessing and Mercy that she finally completed this
thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Magister
This thesis could not have been accomplished without the guidance,
suggestion and comments from several people, for which the writer would like to
extend her sincere and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., the writer’s first adviser. His wide

knowledge and his logical way of thinking have been a great value for the
writer. His understanding, encouraging and personal guidance have provided
a good basis for the present study.


Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., the writer’s second adviser. Her
suggestion and correction have made this thesis possible to be finished.


Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed., the head of English applied Linguistics and his
secretary, Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, MS., who have assisted her in
processing the administration requirements during the process of her study in
the postgraduate program.


The board of examiners, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr.
Sumarsih, M.Pd and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, MS., who have given their

valuable suggestions and criticisms to improve her thesis.


All the lecturers throughout her academic years at the English Applied
Linguistics Study Program who have shared their valuable knowledge.


The writer’s beloved Parents, Mundir and Sasmiati, who have given their
endless love, understanding, encouragement and full support to finish this


The writer’s beloved sister, Dewi Kasita, A.Md who has given her love and
motivation and also financial contribution during this finishing study.


All the Javanese in Deli Serdang Regency for their kind hospitality during the
data collection of the study.


The writer’s colleagues especially Dr. Saiful Batubara, M.Pd., Dr. Suryadi,
M.Hum, Dr. Purwanto Siwi, M.A., Irpan Apandi Batubara, S.Pd, MS.,
Masferu Zulfikar, S.Pd., M.Hum, Kumala Tiwari, S.Pd, Pranata Adi Yuda,
S.Pd., Siti Fatimah and all friends that cannot be mentioned further the
stimulating discussion and for the exhausted days we were working together.
Finally, the writer must admit that the content of this thesis is far from

being perfect, so she warmly welcomes any constructive ideas and criticism that
may improve the quality of the thesis. She also hopes this thesis would be useful
for those who read it, especially majoring in English.

Medan, October 30th, 2015
The Writer


Registration Number: 8116112019

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................


LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................


LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................


LIST OF MATRIX ........................................................................................


LIST OF PICTURES .....................................................................................


LIST OF APPENDICES ...............................................................................


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................


1.1 Background of the Study ......................................................


1.2 Problem of the Study ............................................................


1.3 Objectives of the Study .........................................................


1.4 Scope of the Study ................................................................


1.5 Significances of the Study ....................................................


CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................


2.1 Theoretical Framework .........................................................


2.2 The Occurance of Lexical Change........................................


2.3 Types of Lexical Change ......................................................


2.3.1 The Loss of Lexical Item ............................................


2.3.2 The Change of Meaning .............................................


2.3.3 The Creation of New Lexical Item .............................


2.4 The Cause of Lexical Change ...............................................


2.4.1 The Cause of Lexical Loss .........................................



2.4.2 The Cause of Semantic Change ..................................


2.4.3 The Cause of the Creation of Lexical Item .................


2.5 Lexical Class .........................................................................


2.5.1 Noun ...........................................................................


2.5.2 Verb ............................................................................


2.5.3 Adjective .....................................................................


2.5.4 Adverb ........................................................................


2.5.5 Pronoun .......................................................................


2.5.6 Preposition ..................................................................


2.5.7 Conjunction.................................................................


2.5.8 Interjection ..................................................................


2.6 Language Change and Development ....................................


2.6.1 The Nature of Language Change ................................


2.6.2 The Cause of Language Change .................................

44 External Factor ...............................................

45 Internal Factor ................................................


2.6.3 The Types of Language Change .................................


2.7 North Sumatera .....................................................................


2.7.1 Deli Serdang Regency ................................................


2.8 Javanese Language ..............................................................


2.8.1 Speech Level System ..................................................

69 Form of Speech Level ....................................


2.8.2 The Meaning of Speech Level ...................................



2.8.3 Lingual Form ..............................................................

75 Sentence and Clause .......................................

76 Syntactical Function .......................................


2.6 Relevant Studies ...................................................................


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................


3.1 Research Design ...................................................................


3.2 The Subject of the Study .......................................................


3.3 The Data of the Study ...........................................................


3.4 The Technique of Data Collection ........................................


3.5 The Procedures of Data Collection .......................................


3.6 The Technique of Data Analysis ..........................................


3.6.1 Activities in Data Reduction .......................................


3.6.2 Activities in Data Display ...........................................


3.6.3 Activities in Conclusion Drawing/ Verification .........


3.7 The Techniques For Establishing Data Trustworthiness ......




4.1 Data Analysis ........................................................................


4.1.1 The Loss of Lexical Item of Javanese
Language of Deli Serdang Regency ...........................

101 Lexical Class of Javanese Language in
Deli Serdang Regency ..................................

101 Sound Change of Javanese language
in Deli Serdang Regency .............................



a. Vocal Sounds .........................................................


a.1 The dominant of Javanese Lexical Vocal
Sounds Change ................................................


a.2 The dominant of Javanese lexical Vocal Sounds
Change of Deli Serdang Regency .....................


b. Consonant Sound ..................................................


b.1 The dominant of Javanese Lexical Consonant
Sound Change ..................................................


b.2 The dominant of Javanese Lexical
Consonant Sounds Change of Deli Serdang
Regency ............................................................


4.1.2 Semantic Change of Javanese Language in Deli Serdang
Regency ......................................................................

118 The Pattern of Semantic Change of
Javanese Language in Deli Serdang Regency

125 Verb to Verb ....................................

128 Adjective to Adjective .....................

130 Noun to Noun ..................................

131 Adverb To Adverb ..........................

132 Verb to Noun ..................................

132 Verb To Adjective ...........................

134 Verb To Adverb ..............................

135 Noun to Verb .................................


viii Noun to Adjective ...........................

137 Pronoun to Pronoun .......................

137 Noun to Adverb .............................

138 Adjective to Noun .........................


4.1.3 The Creation of New Lexical Item .............................

140 Dialectal Borrowing ......................................

140 Archaism ......................................................

146 Archaism into Indonesian
Language .....................................

146 Archaism from another ethnic
Language ....................................


4.1.4 The Change of Affixes................................................


4.1.5 The Lexical of Javanese language of Deli
Serdang Regency .....................................................


4.1.6 The New Long Utterences of lexical of Javanese
Language in Deli Serdang Regency ...........................


4.1.7 The Reason of Lexical Change of Javanese
Language in Deli Serdang Regency ..........................


4.2 Research Findings .................................................................


4.3 Discussion .............................................................................


4.3.1 The Lexical Changes of Javanese language of
Deli Serdang Regency ..................................................



4.3.2 The Patterns of Lexical Change of Javanese language
of Deli Serdang Regency .............................................


4.3.3 The Reasons of Lexical Changes of Javanese language
of Deli Serdang Regency .............................................


4.3.4. The Current Finding of Javanese lexical Change in Deli
Serdang Regency..........................................................


5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................


5.2 Implications ...........................................................................


5.3 Suggestions ...........................................................................


REFERENCES ...............................................................................................


APPENDIX ....................................................................................................




Figure 1. External and Internal Borrowing in Creating New Lexical Item ....


Figure 2. Internal and External Factors of Language Change .........................


Figure 3. Dynamics of Language Acquisition and Language Change.............


Figure 4. Language Change Domains .............................................................


Figure 5. Miles and Huberman’s Interactive Model .......................................


Figure 6. Phase of Data Reduction...................................................................


Figure 7. Analysis in Data Reduction ..............................................................




Picture 1. North Sumatera ................................................................................


Picture 2. Deli Serdang Regency .....................................................................





Appendix 1. The List of Village based on subdistrict ......................................


Appendix 2. The List of Glos...........................................................................


Appendix 3. Interview Questions.....................................................................


Appendix 4. The Total Number of lexical Change ..........................................


Appendix 5. The Loss of Lexical Item “Vocal Sounds Change” ....................


Appendix 6. The Loss of Lexical Item “Consonant Sounds Change” .............


Appendix 7. Semantic Change .........................................................................


Appendix 8. The Creation of New Lexical Item “Dialectal Borrowing” ........


Appendix 9. The Creation of New Lexical Item “Archaism into Indonesian”


Appendix 10. The Creation of New Lexical Item “Archaism into Another
Ethnics” ....................................................................................


Appendix 11. Interview Transcription of the First Respondent .......................


Appendix 12. Interview Transcription of the Second Respondent ..................


Appendix 13. Interview Transcription of the Third Respondent .....................


Appendix 14. Interview Transcription of the Fourth Respondent ...................


Appendix 15. Interview Transcription of the Fifth Respondent ......................


Appendix 16. Interview Transcription of the Sixth Respondent......................


Appendix 17. Interview Transcription of the Seventh Respondent .................


Appendix 18. The Pilot Study, The categorize of lexical change reasons
of Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency ........................


Appendix 19. The Javanese Lexical existed In Deli Serdang Regency ...........




1.1 The Background of the Study
The existence of language in human life has a very essential role.
Language becomes the determinant in change process. Nevertheless, it is not
really understood by the speaker that the civilization, including the language in it,
has a change. In this context language speakers become the determining factor for
the language in their lives. Such conditions can be found in almost every
language, especially the local or traditional language.
It also happens in the presence of the Javanese language in North Sumatra.
Although Javanese is not a tribe in the tribal region of North Sumatra, but as the
impact of transmigration conducted since the Dutch colonial period, Javanese
ethnic has considerable numbers in North Sumatra. Language development relies
on the factor of native speakers in everyday communication. In addition, the
development of science, technology, and art bring the Javanese language speakers
to interact with speakers of other languages, such as language of Minangnese,
Bataknese language, Malay language, including Indonesian speakers that coexist
in the same area.
Language in the world tends to change which might be in the forms of
lexical, morphological, syntactical, semantic and pragmatic changes. Specifically
lexical change is manifested in every single of lexical classes of a language, such



as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and
The study of lexicon is always interesting to be investigated because there
are still many lexicons of language haven’t been observed how actually they have
change process, besides by studying lexicon we can understand as the stock of
words in given a language.
Based on the data from the observation of javanese speaker in Deli
Serdang Regency, we found the lexical change of javanese language particularly
in the lexical of ‘bicycle’ whereas the javanese speaker in Deli Serdang called it
into ‘lereng’ meanwhile for the native speakers of javanese who lived in Java
Island, call it as ‘pit’. This exemplification showed a clear condition of the
phenomenon of Javanese lexical change from ‘pit’ change into ‘lereng’.
Beside the previous sample, we also found another case of lexical change
in Dalu Sepuluh B, subdistrict Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang Regency, a case of
lexical change in javanese language can be found for the lexical of ‘klebus’ and
‘teles”. The writer got change of Javanese languge into the content of words,
such as: wet (basah) in Javanese language it suppose to be “ teles”. Some
respondents answered it by writing ‘klebus’ where klebus refer to the adverb of
‘teles’ it has a meaning not for wet in every condition but it just showing a
meaning of wet after get a rain and the whole of the colthes that wearing is wet.
Basically these two words has different meaning and function whereas “klebus”
refer to adverb and the meaning is the condition of wet but it is only special for
body that having wet of rain and no part of body remains dry, moreover the
meaning of “teles” means “wet” but it still need more explanation about the


condition of body, it can be only part of body that getting wet. And the word
“teles” is categorized as adjective. So, in this empirical exemplification the word
“teles” is categorized as adjective becomes “klebus” as

an adverb. This

phenomenon, which is caused by the metaphorical application, is called as
semantic change due to its lexical class movement from adjective to adverb.
Every language has a large vocabulary to meet the demands for social
communication. However, the words in the vocabulary of a certain language are
constantly changing instead of being invariable. With the unceasing rapid
development of society, some words cease to exist and new words constantly
appear to meet the need of expressing new ideas or naming new products. Many
new words become stable after some time. For example: the word ‘bron’ (dutch
language) means ‘source’ that is used by javanese community in village bekilang
nearby talun kenas, subdistrict STM HILIR, Deli Serdang. This word belong to an
expression of spring that was made by dutch colonial. This exemplification
refered to the types of lexical change, particularly the creation of new lexical
item, where the word ‘bron’ is the representative of external borrowing process.
In fact, along with the times, interaction with speakers of other languages,
education, and the evolution and development in all sectors, Javanese language
acquisition in North Sumatra, especially in Deli Serdang regency began changed,
especially in the lexical level.
Another example of the phenomenon from the lexical change of Javanese
language in Deli Serdang Regency can be seen in the change of lexical of
‘rewang’ into ‘lagan’ means as a participation of party. So for the javanese who
are helping and involving in a party like wedding party, or a particular ceremony,


this kind of condition basically is called as ‘rewang’ for the native javanese who
lived in Java Island, on the contrary, this lexical changed into ‘lagan’ that has
been understood by the Javanese in Deli Serdang Regency for long time, and this
lexical already exist and establish in this area.
The lexical change of javanese language also found in the using of word of
‘kretek’ into ‘titi’ with the meaning ‘bridge’. This phenomenon has happened for
long time, and particularly for the writer herself never knew before the using of
‘kretek’ itself so that this kind of change showed a significance cases for the
lexical change of javanese language.
Having the previous exemplification, it is fessible to assert that the lexical
change contains types, pattern, and reason. Lexical change type defined as the sort
of change realized in the lexicons, which might be loss of lexicon, creation of new
lexical item or change of meaning like the example above. Lexical change pattern
refered to the ways on how the change took place, e.g. the pattern change of the
lexicon above was adjective to adverb. Lexical reason was indicated as the
completely influential factors of lexical change, for instance the metaphorical
application on the semantic change.
The change in vocabulary is just one aspect of language change, though it
is the most noticable one. According to Ke, Geoong and Wang (2008: 937),
language change can be viewed as a diffusion process of some new linguistic
elements (linguistic innovations) in a language community. It indicates an
important characteristic of language: language change with time. There is no
language that remains stable all the time. Take English for example; the history of
English is divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern


English. English today is very much different from Shakespeare’s time. There are
considerable differences between the three stages of English development. Of
course, the change from one stage to another is not sudden, but gradual.
The existence and Language maintenance of Javanese language can occur
in a variety of sectors, such as economic, social, cultural, educational, political,
governance and so on. Deli Serdang district consist of several sub- district having
ethnics variety such as Bataknese, Malaynese, Karonese and so on, so that this
kind of condition gave effects to the javanese language change.
Language and culture is mutually shared behavior such as beliefs, feelings
and values among the members of a group or society experience are tightly
interrelated, the more culture changes the less language is maintained. The social
condition simply refers to the environmental situation where the language
speakers’ activities take place. The increasingly modern influence nowadays was
regarded as factor for Javanese language existence and maintenance. There was
also a tendency to the change of javanese language when its speakers were more
educated. Consequently, the family attitude towards javanese language eventually
decrease which made Indonesian dominantly used in their day life. This
phenomenon happened was caused by the higher image of Indonesian language
than javanese language base on educational perception.
According to Croft (2000: 4): “language doesn’t change; people change
language through actions”. This phenomenon happens in migrant people in one
place. When a person do migration to one place, there will be demand of social
environment. This person should follow the current condition and situation that
exist in that place include social and culture. Because of this demand, this migrant


person do language change for community acceptance. It happened with javanese
as migrant from java Island.
Theoretically, according to Moyna (2009: 131 – 132) language changes
resulted from the social and individual factors. Social factors are the contact
between speakers of different varieties due to conquest, migration, culture,
education, economic, and religion. The social or external factors of language
change not only include the type of input in the environment but also the
mechanisms and rates of input processing. The mechanisms are concerned with
the techniques and methods of input provided to the language speakers, whereas
rates deal with the amount of input itself. On the other hand, the individual or
internal factors deal with the language change which resulted from entire
generation of child acquisition. This theory has been proved on the changes of
Javanese lexicons above.
According to Varshney (1995:283), the lexical change can be in the forms
of lexical loss (or a phenomenon in which a particular lexicon disappears),
semantic change (or the shifting meaning in language), and creation of new lexical
item (or the process of creating a new lexical item to name an object, concept and
place through the internal and external borrowings of words).
In line of this opinion has been mention in the previous exemplifications,
such as for the forms of lexical loss consist of these lexicals, there are:’pit’ change
to ‘lereng’, ‘rewang’ to ‘lagan’, ‘kretek’ to ‘titi’ and some additional samples
like ‘wawoh’ change to ‘gelot’ means ‘fighting’, ‘padon’ change to ‘gadoh’
means ‘quarrel’, ‘pasir’ change into ‘wedi’ means ‘afraid’ and the loss of lexical
‘sambang’ into ‘telek’ means ‘visit’. Meanwhile for the second form of lexical


change is semantic change (the shifting meaning in language) can be find in the
lexical of (a) ‘kuplok’ with the original meaning is a hat for man but it shifted into
a hat for woman. (b) ‘intep’ the original meaning is ‘overcooked rice’ and the
meaning change into ‘spy on’. The last form is creation of new lexical item (or the
process of creating a new lexical item to name an object, concept and place
through the internal and external borrowings of words) like as the lexical
borrowing from dutch language ‘beron´ means ‘spring’.
There are many factors that cause a change and extinction of a language.
Based on the results of research that has been conducted at various places in the
world, factors such as language loyalty, concentration of speakers of residential
areas, the use of language in the traditional realm of day-to-day, sustainable
transition intergenerational mother-tongue, bilingual patterns, social mobility,
attitude and other languages.
According to Romaine’s factors (2000:53),
it can also be a strength of the majority against the minority group, social class,
religious background and education, relationships with ancestral lands or origin,
the degree of similarity between the language of the majority of the minority
language, the attitude of the majority towards minority groups, intermarriage,
government policy towards minority languages and education groups, as well as
patterns of language use.
This research was carried out at Deli serdang regency, North Sumatera
province. The writer was interested in doing research of Javanese language in this
place particularly for the lexical change was due to as the most general case and
the easiest part of language change and also as the first study of the javanese
language condition, so that it also was the openance of further and deeper research
about javanese language change in Deli Serdang Regency with another part of


such as the


change, semantical



morphological change, phonetical change, whereas there was no previous
researcher who did research about the phenomenon in this place. Besides, the
writer herself lives in the area, and a sense of wanting to know if the position of
the Javanese community still establish as good as the javanese communication.
Whereas, In addition to the construction of the airport Kuala Namo will have an
impact on changes of Deli serdang economically and sosiolinguistic base.
Moreover the condition of agricultural areas that had become industrial area
provided a significant impact on the Java language speakers. Shortly, the society
way of life brought them to the change of communication.
Something that made the writer really worry for this that the lexical
change brought a dangeour for the existancy of the javanese language itself in
Deli Serdang District especially for the original meaning of javanese language.
When this kind of change happened continuously so that the using of javanese
language reduced from the speech level, meaning understanding. Furthermore the
impact of javanese language change particularly in the lexical, brought the lose of
this language especially for teenangers, after 10 years to go, they would not able
to recognize the existancy of Javanese. They just knew the story from their
parents. And after the native language of javanese lost, so finally the javanese
language also lose from Deli Serdang District.
Lexical change is the process in which the word, concept or meaning are
totally or partly replaced by another lexical item. The change spreads gradually
through the vocabulary of a language affecting an increasing number of words.
According to Varshney (1995: 283) It is sometimes convenient to subdivide


lexical change into three facts: 1) loss of lexical item 2) change of meaning
3)creation of new lexical items.
Based on these things, this research focused on the Javanese language
change in the lexical level at the Javanese community in Deli Serdang regency.
1.2 The Problems of the Study
Based on the research background, the subject matter of this study is focus
on the question of “How is the lexical change of Javanese Language in Deli
Serdang regency”. This question then is elaborated into more particular questions,
such as the following:
1. What are the lexical changes of Javanese language in district Deli Serdang
2. How do the lexicons of Javanese language changes in district Deli Serdang
3. Why do the lexicons of Javanese language in district Deli Serdang
regency change the way they do?
1.3 The Objectives of Study
This research is aimed at studying the new phenomenon on lexical change
of Javanese language in Deli Serdang regency. It specifically attempted to
objectively describe the lexical change as well as the ways and reasons of
Deli Serdang Javanese language change. Thus, the objectives of this study
were elaborated as the following:
1. To investigate the lexical changes of Javanese language district Deli
Serdang regency.


2. To describe the patterns of lexical changes of Javanese language district
Deli Serdang regency.
3. To explain the reasons of lexical change of the Javanese in district Deli
Serdang regency.
1.4 The Scope of the Study
The lexical various language change domains and the numerous lexical
classes (or part of speech) of language results in the researcher’s scope of the
study to the lexical change, particularly to the change of noun, verb, adjective,
adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection of Javanese language
in Deli Serdang regency. More specific it is an attempt to provide an objective and
explanative description of the lexical classes of Javanese language in Deli serdang
Javanese language has three variety of speech level, there are Ngoko,
Krama, Madya. It is very important to limit the Javanese speech level in order to
find a significant result of Javanese Lexical change so that this study will limit its
observation only in Ngoko level.
There are places classification will be observed in this study based on the
dominant javanese population, namely: Lubuk Pakam Sub-district, Beringin Subdistrict, Pantai Labu Sub-district, Batang Kuis Sub-district, Tanjung Morawa Subdistrict, Biru – Biru Sub-district, Delitua Sub-district, Sinembah Tanjung Muda
Hilir Sub-district, Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hulu Sub-district, Galang Subdistrict, Percut Sei Tuan Sub-district, Patumbak Sub-district. This place
classification is taken due to compile of maximal data and achieve the significant
result of the javanese lexical change.


1.5 The Significance of the Study
The findings of this study are strongly expected to have the theoritically
and practically indispensable significances. Theoretically, the research findings
would be valuable contributions for other researchers who will conduct a research
in the field of language change, particularly lexical change and the source of the
methods of how language changes. Practically, on the other hand, the research
findings would be beneficial as the evidence of Javanese language change which
serves as a core embryo of consideration for language planning policy of the
government of North Sumatera which is urgently useful for Javanese language
maintenance in the future.


5.1 Conclusion
Based on the description, explanation and discussion about the lexical
chages, patterns, and reasons Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regencyin
previous chapters, conclusion is drawn as follows:
1. The lexical change patterns of Javanese language of Deli Serdang
Regencyemerges on every single sort of lexical changes. It is divided into
lexical losssemantic change and Creation of New Lexical Item.
2. The lexical change patterns of Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency are
totally realized in various ways according to its type. Firstly, lexical loss is
proportionally patterned into Vocal Sounds Change of Javanese lexical Based,
Vocal Sounds Change of Javanese Lexical in Deli Serdang Regency,
Consonant Sounds Change Javanese lexical Based, Consonant Sounds Change
of Javanese Lexical in Deli Serdang Regency. Secondly, semantic change
patterns are categorized into:(1) Verb to Verb, (2) Verb to Noun, (3) Verb to
Adjective, (4) Noun to Adjective, (5) Noun to Adverb, (6) Noun to Verb, (7)
Noun to Noun, (8) Noun to Pronoun, (9) Adjective to Adjective, (10) Adjective
to Noun (11) Adjective to Adverb, (12) Adjective to Verb, (13) Pronoun to
Pronoun, (14) Pronoun to Adjective, (15) Adverb to Noun, (16) Preposition to
Preposition, (17) Preposition to Adjective, (18) Preposition to Adverb, (19)
Conjunction to Conjunction. Thirdly, The Creation of new Lexical Item of
Javanese language in Deli Serdang Regency pattern contains of External



borrowing and it comprised Dialectal Borrowing, Archaism into Indonesian
Language, and Archaism into Another ethnic.
3. The division of lexical change reasons inJavanese language of Deli Serdang
Regencyvaries and is considierably linkable with every sort single of lexical
change change type. Firstly, phonetic attrition as Internal factor, meanwhile the
external factor comprise historical and social condition play the important role
as the influential causes of lexical loss. And Secondly, linguistic
causes,historical, environmental(social, cultural, geographical, physical and
economic) and psychological are viewed as the core source of semantic
change. Thirdly, The Creation of New Lexical Item of Javanese language in
Deli Serdang Regency are caused by the variety of Javanese language ,
technological development, mutual linguistic and national language.
4. Interjection is the only one lexical class not found in Javanese lexical Change
in Javanese language in Deli Serdang Regency.
5. The Homonymic class, Shortening, Synchronic Semantic, Compounding,
Derivation, Conversion, Clipping and Elipsis, Blending, Back Formation,
Initialism, Loan Translation, Coinage and Metalinguistic were not find as the
category of Javanese lexical change in Javanese language in Deli Serdang
Regency which is concluded that the theory of Varshney about the category of
lexical change could not be applicable totally, whereas the English theory of
Lexical Change was different from the category of Javanese lexical change.
6. The historical causes as the biggest reason of Javanese lexical changes which is
comprised into diversity of the Javanese language and it need language
mapping in order to classify the category of Javanese language based on place.


7. The vocal sounds change of Javanese language mostly change the sound /e/
into /i/, /o/, /a/, and /u/
5.2 Implications
The conclusions drawn above convincingly yields a couple of implications:
1. The changes of Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency occur on every
single sort of lexical changes: lexical loss and semantic change. The verb
which contains the highest number of lexical change bridgres the attention to
Indonesia influence, the national and official language, and the threat from
another ethnic and the basic reasons from different sorts of Javanese language
2. Even though Javanese language of Deli Serdang regency is as one of most
population ethnic in North Sumatera, the number of lexical changes relating to
this condition is significant. Therefore, obviously historical problem is regaded
as the influential factor of Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency change.
3. The deviation of the number of every single sort of lexical changes is definitely
impicated by the influence and status of Javanese people’s charcteristics of life,
culture, and technological development.
4. In educational setting, the various changes of Southern dialect lexicon of
Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency implicitly implicate that language
standardization, i.e. selection,elaboration and acceptance, is not totally
employed, consequently it bears an enormously complicated problem impeding
the success of teaching and learning Javanese language to the next generation.


5. Unclear of standardization from Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency
whether included single language as different language from Javanese
language of Java Island, or it is as one of Javanese dialect that called as Dialect
of Deli. And the mapping of Javanese classification based on it variety so
thatwill produce a certain community in particular place such as Java from east
or central Java.
5.3 Suggestions
Dialing with the findings of this research which are problematic, some
worth considering pieces of suggestion are provided below.
1. It is advisble to the language users of Javanese Language of Deli Serdang
Regencyto use Javanese language in their daily life at home, office and school.
By doing so, their language attitude towords Javanese itself will eventually
2. It is stongly suggested to the local Government of Deli Serdang regency
particularlyand the Government of North Sumatera generally to take into
account about the mainternance and standardization of Javanese language of
Deli Serdang Regency through the establishment of standardized Javanese of
Deli dictionary, formalized Javanese of Deli grammar, andspecified spelling
system. Through this recoded material, the existance of JADEL(Javanese of
Deli) can be handled down to the next generation.
3. It is also expected to the teachers, students, and other practitioners to make
writing in Javanese Language. This technique is indispensably useful to gain


the access of another expert’s interest and attenition about the entity of
Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency.
4. To the linguists, researchers and those who are extremely intersted to conduct a
scientific study on Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency, it is suggested
to investigate the practical tehniques in decreasing the number of lexical loss of
Javanese language of Deli Serdang Regency and it also need further research
about another branches category of language change namely, syntactical
change, morphological change, and phonetic change of Javanese language in
Deli Serdang Regency. Through this step, the development of JADEL will
emerge among other tribes in Indonesia.



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