Materi Analisis Deret Waktu

By Eni Sumarminingsih, Ssi, MM

The Method of Moments
Autoregressive Models
Consider first the AR(1) case. For this process, we have the
simple relationship ρ1 = φ.
In the method of moments, ρ1 is equated to r1, the lag 1
sample autocorrelation. Thus we can estimate φ by

Now consider the AR(2) case. The relationships between the
parameters φ1 and φ2 and various moments are given by the
Yule-Walker equations (4.3.13)
Setting k = 1 and using ρ0 = 1 and ρ−1 = ρ1, we get

The method of moments replaces ρ 1 by r1 and ρ2 by r2 to obtain

These linear equations are then solved for

Moving Average Models