



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number: 208222048










Samosir, Nita Bonita. An analysis of Deixis in the Article of Jakarta Post. A Thesis. Medan. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2012.

This thesis deals with the English deixis. The objectives of this study are to analyze type of deixis and to find out the most dominant type of deixis in the political article of Jakarta Post. This study was conducted by using descriptive quantitative design. The source of data was taken from the article of Jakarta Post and five articles are taken as the samples. Documentary technique is used in collecting data. The findings showed that there are five types of deixis found in The Jakarta Post article, namely Person deixis, 99 times occur (42,85%), Place deixis, 8 times occur (3,46%), Time deixis 43 times occur (18,61%), Discourse deixis 42 times occur (18,18), and the last is social deixis 39 times occur (16,88%). From the analysis from deixis is the most types of The Jakarta Post can be found. So it can be said that The Jakarta Post tends to use person deixis as the dominant type compound an another types. This is because The Jakarta Post the news mostly dealt with the person interaction.



First and foremost, the writer would like to thanks to the Jesus Christ for blessing, grace during her academic year at the English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan completing the writing of the thesis. The writer is very grateful to many people who have assisted her to completion this thesis. Thus, the writer would like to extend her sincere grateful to the following people:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M,Si., Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., The Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan for her advice and encouragement to complete the study on time.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English and Literature Department as well as Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum, the Secretary of English and Literature Department for their encouragement and motivation during the writing the thesis. Dra. Meisuri, M.A the head of literature study program for her encouragement and invaluable advice to complete the thesis.

Dr. Zainuddin, DIP.TEFL., M.Hum, her consultant, who had already motivated her to finish the thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving comments and correction during completing this thesis and also for Dra. Sry Juriaty Ownie, M.A., as her academic advisor for her advices during her study.

 All the lecturers of English and Literature Department academic years at UNIMED, who have taught and given contribution of knowledge to her encouragement and invaluable advice to complete the thesis.

Her beloved parents T. Samosir and M. Sinaga, who have patiently given her encouragement, spiritual, financial support their endless love and their prayers for the writer.

My beloved brothers Rudy, Julio, Jennifer as well as my beloved sisters Juita, Carolina, Rorencia who have given their attention and encouragement during the completing the thesis.

Her lovely friends in Applied Linguistics A and B 2008, Silvia, Lestari, Yudita, Vitri, Helena, Penky, Ibe, Moryana, Henny, for giving much ideas and motivation during academic year 2008.

 Jack Manalu, her boyfriend for his attention and prays during the completing this thesis.

Medan, September 2012

The writer

Nita Bonita Samosir NIM. 208222048










A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problems of the Study ... 3

C. The Objectives of the Study ... 3

D. The Scopes of the Study ... 3

E. The Significances of the Study ... 3

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Theoretical Framework ... 5

1. Pragmatics ... 5

2. Deixis ... 6

3. Types of Deixis ... 8

a. Person Deixis ... 8

b. Place Deixis ... 9

c. Time Deixis ... 11

d. Discourse Deixis ... 12

e. Social Deixis ... 13

4. Mass Media ... 12

a. Newspaper ... 13

5. The Jakarta Post ... 13

a. Article ... 15

B. Conceptual Framework ... 23


B. The Subject of the Study ... 24

C. The Technique for Collecting Data ... 24

D. The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 25


B. Data Analysis ... 26

C. Research Findings ... 39

D. Discussion ... 41


B. Suggestions... 43





Table Page

4.1The Frequency of occurrences in the first article ... 20

4.2The Frequency of occurrences in the second article ... 22

4.3The Frequency of occurrences in the third article ... 24

4.4The Frequency of occurrences in the fourth article ... 26

4.5The Frequency of occurrences in the fifth article ... .28

4.6The Percentage of occurrences each types of deixis ... .30



Appendix Page

I. Classification of deixis in the articles ... 33 II. List of the Newspapers ... 49



A. The Background of the study

Communication is an essential part of life. No one can deny that it has great role in human life. Imagine what life would be if we could not communicate? There will be nothing. No way of talking anything to anyone, no way to built a relationship with other, no way of passing down information throughout time, and so on. As a social being, interaction between one with another by means of language is unavoidable. It fills every part of our lives; it gives words to our thoughts, voice to our ideas and expression to our feelings.

Language is a system of sounds and words to express one’s personal reactions, emotions

and thoughts as well as to share information in daily social life. Language is meaningful, when the meaning is conveyed though language, people use language to interact and establish relations, to influence their behavior and express than expressions of the word.

Chapman (2006 : 117) states that language is a type behavior, that it’s a state of mind,

and a means of communication. Many people indeed many language theorists said that using language means enganging in a particular type of behavior, as well as going through particular mental processes and communicating with others. Language is very important in life. Language is people talking and writing. It is a concrete, tangible aspect of human behavior. So, if the people want to depend their understanding of language, their best way forward is to apply the same empirical technique. Linguists who define language in term of communication argue that to describe language, it is necessary to describe how people use it in actual individual contexts.


The importance of context to understanding and analyzing language use cannot be exaggerated. The language we use is affected by the people we interact with our statues in particular situation, our recent experiences, our place of origin, our political religious or social outlook and many others factors.

Talking about language, directly relating about linguistics. Linguistics is scientific study of human language. There are many sub fields of structure focused linguistics, one of them is pragmatics. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a spoken or writer and interpreted by listener or reader (Yule 1996 : 3).

Article is one of the reading materials and usually deals with a particular issues or topic to give information of interest. In daily activities such as The Jakarta Post, The Lampung Post, etc. The Jakarta Post is one of the daily English newspaper which is oriented in some various field such as headline, editorial, article, opinion, world and etc. It shows that it is very interesting to analyze the article, especially the article in Jakarta Post.

The writer is interested in analyzing deixis in the article because an article contains of the discourses that consist of phrases, utterances and sentences. It is important to study what deixis is, to get the meaning from the story of the article. Deixis also get the meaning according to the situation such as the speaker, the addressed pronoun, place and time which is used.

Levinson (1983:54) states that deixis concerns the way in which languages encode or grammaticalize features of the context of utterance or speech event, and thus also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterances depends on the analysis of that context of utterance.


Lestari (2011) in her thesis an analysis of deixis in rihanna song lyrics, she concludes that deixis is the study how to analyze word or phrase which directly relates utterance to a person, time, place, social and discourse. It concerned with the encoding of many different aspects of the circumstances surrounding the utterance and the relationship between the structure of language and context in which they are being used, and deixis is the study about how to encode or grammaticalize features of the context of the utterance or speech event, and also about the way in how to interaption of utterances depends on analysis of the context utterance.

Deixis is not a simple as it seems. Deixis shows the important meaning which is expressed by the writer to help the reader to understand the text. It means that it will be better if the reader understand deixis to discover the meaning in a text. Moreover, sometimes the readers read some discourses of the text to get the real sense of words or phrases because some words in a language cannot be interpreted directly.

Nowadays, mass media is very influential in daily life of society. All people can get the information from the media. In society, the communication technology includes television, computer, and internet have take a part in some human social function (society). Every time, the people can watch or read new reality news which happens in a society by using this mass media. Media as an important thing in a social community in this era, the people can find media in everywhere; it can modify the social experience in the daily life of society

A deep understanding is regarded as important information which is focused by most of the readers. This view has motivated the writer to study deixis in the article of the Jakarta Post which contains many kinds of deixis.


B. The Problems of the Study

In relation to the background, the problem of this study can be stated as follows :

1. What types of deixis are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post?

2. What types of deixis are dominantly used in the articles of the Jakarta Post? 3. What makes the dominant types of used in the articles of The Jakarta Post? C. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are :

1. To find out the types of deixis which are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post.

2. To find out the dominant types of deixis which are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post. 3. To analyze the reason the dominant types of deixis occurs in the newspapes especially

The Jakarta Post. D. The Scope of the Study

This study will describe all the types of deixis based on Levinson (1983:65). They are : Person deixis, Place deixis, Time deixis, Discourse deixis and Social deixis. This research is to analyze deixis in the political articles. The political articles were taken from the Jakarta Post which is published in April 2012.

E. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be useful :

1) For the English Department students to be competent in the field of linguistic study in terms of deixis.


2) For the readers, in order to get more information about deixis and its types especially those used in the article of the Jakarta Post.




A. Conclusions

After analyzing the use of deixis in the articles of the Jakarta Post, the conclusion can be drawn as follows:

1. There are five types of deixis which are used in article of The Jakarta Post consists of 99 occurrences person deixis (42,85%), 8 occurrences place deixis (3,46%), 43 occurrences time deixis (18,61%), 42 occurrences discourse deixis (18,18%), and 39 occurrences (16,88%).

2. The most dominantly types of deictic word which is used in article of Jakarta Post is 99 occurrences person deixis (42,85%). The dominant deictic word pointing to the person is “He” followed by “His”.

B. Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, it is well suggested to :

1. The students to study deixis because by knowing deixis, they will be able to comprehend the idea of speakers and writers and communicate well in their society. 2. The English teachers to enlarge their knowledge about deixis because by knowing

deixis they will be easier to each languages skills in the classroom.

3. The readers to take this thesis as reference when they decide to discuss the same topic for their thesis.



Arikunto, S. 2006. ProsedurPenelitian: SuatuPendekatanPraktik.

Jakarta: RinekaCipta.

Fillmore, C. 1971. Toward the theory of Deixis. The PCLLU

Kreidler, C. W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. New York and London


Levinson. S. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Levinson, S. C. 1985.Pragmatics.London : Cambridge University.

Morris, A. 1983.Pragmatics. New York : Long Man.

Nazir, M. 1998. MetodePenelitian. Jakarta :Ghalia Indonesia

Nababan, P. W. J. 1987. IlmuPragmatik (TeoridanPenerapannya).

Jakarta. Debdikbud.

Peccei, J.S. 1999.Pragmatics.London and New York.

Yule, George. 1996. The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Yule, George (1997) Pragmatics. London : Oxford University Press

Su, Yuzie. 2010. A Corpus based contrastive Analysis of first personal Deixis, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, vol. 1, No. 3, Pp. 231-234, May 2010, England:Academy.

http:// accessed on May 15th 2012


The importance of context to understanding and analyzing language use cannot be exaggerated. The language we use is affected by the people we interact with our statues in particular situation, our recent experiences, our place of origin, our political religious or social outlook and many others factors.

Talking about language, directly relating about linguistics. Linguistics is scientific study of human language. There are many sub fields of structure focused linguistics, one of them is pragmatics. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a spoken or writer and interpreted by listener or reader (Yule 1996 : 3).

Article is one of the reading materials and usually deals with a particular issues or topic to give information of interest. In daily activities such as The Jakarta Post, The Lampung Post, etc. The Jakarta Post is one of the daily English newspaper which is oriented in some various field such as headline, editorial, article, opinion, world and etc. It shows that it is very interesting to analyze the article, especially the article in Jakarta Post.

The writer is interested in analyzing deixis in the article because an article contains of the discourses that consist of phrases, utterances and sentences. It is important to study what deixis is, to get the meaning from the story of the article. Deixis also get the meaning according to the situation such as the speaker, the addressed pronoun, place and time which is used.

Levinson (1983:54) states that deixis concerns the way in which languages encode or grammaticalize features of the context of utterance or speech event, and thus also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterances depends on the analysis of that context of utterance.


Lestari (2011) in her thesis an analysis of deixis in rihanna song lyrics, she concludes that deixis is the study how to analyze word or phrase which directly relates utterance to a person, time, place, social and discourse. It concerned with the encoding of many different aspects of the circumstances surrounding the utterance and the relationship between the structure of language and context in which they are being used, and deixis is the study about how to encode or grammaticalize features of the context of the utterance or speech event, and also about the way in how to interaption of utterances depends on analysis of the context utterance.

Deixis is not a simple as it seems. Deixis shows the important meaning which is expressed by the writer to help the reader to understand the text. It means that it will be better if the reader understand deixis to discover the meaning in a text. Moreover, sometimes the readers read some discourses of the text to get the real sense of words or phrases because some words in a language cannot be interpreted directly.

Nowadays, mass media is very influential in daily life of society. All people can get the information from the media. In society, the communication technology includes television, computer, and internet have take a part in some human social function (society). Every time, the people can watch or read new reality news which happens in a society by using this mass media. Media as an important thing in a social community in this era, the people can find media in everywhere; it can modify the social experience in the daily life of society

A deep understanding is regarded as important information which is focused by most of the readers. This view has motivated the writer to study deixis in the article of the Jakarta Post which contains many kinds of deixis.


B. The Problems of the Study

In relation to the background, the problem of this study can be stated as follows :

1. What types of deixis are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post?

2. What types of deixis are dominantly used in the articles of the Jakarta Post? 3. What makes the dominant types of used in the articles of The Jakarta Post? C. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are :

1. To find out the types of deixis which are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post.

2. To find out the dominant types of deixis which are used in the articles of the Jakarta Post. 3. To analyze the reason the dominant types of deixis occurs in the newspapes especially

The Jakarta Post. D. The Scope of the Study

This study will describe all the types of deixis based on Levinson (1983:65). They are : Person deixis, Place deixis, Time deixis, Discourse deixis and Social deixis. This research is to analyze deixis in the political articles. The political articles were taken from the Jakarta Post which is published in April 2012.

E. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be useful :

1) For the English Department students to be competent in the field of linguistic study in terms of deixis.


2) For the readers, in order to get more information about deixis and its types especially those used in the article of the Jakarta Post.




A. Conclusions

After analyzing the use of deixis in the articles of the Jakarta Post, the conclusion can be drawn as follows:

1. There are five types of deixis which are used in article of The Jakarta Post consists of 99 occurrences person deixis (42,85%), 8 occurrences place deixis (3,46%), 43 occurrences time deixis (18,61%), 42 occurrences discourse deixis (18,18%), and 39 occurrences (16,88%).

2. The most dominantly types of deictic word which is used in article of Jakarta Post is 99 occurrences person deixis (42,85%). The dominant deictic word pointing to the person is “He” followed by “His”.

B. Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, it is well suggested to :

1. The students to study deixis because by knowing deixis, they will be able to comprehend the idea of speakers and writers and communicate well in their society. 2. The English teachers to enlarge their knowledge about deixis because by knowing

deixis they will be easier to each languages skills in the classroom.

3. The readers to take this thesis as reference when they decide to discuss the same topic for their thesis.



Arikunto, S. 2006. ProsedurPenelitian: SuatuPendekatanPraktik.

Jakarta: RinekaCipta.

Fillmore, C. 1971. Toward the theory of Deixis. The PCLLU

Kreidler, C. W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. New York and London


Levinson. S. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Levinson, S. C. 1985.Pragmatics.London : Cambridge University.

Morris, A. 1983.Pragmatics. New York : Long Man.

Nazir, M. 1998. MetodePenelitian. Jakarta :Ghalia Indonesia

Nababan, P. W. J. 1987. IlmuPragmatik (TeoridanPenerapannya).

Jakarta. Debdikbud.

Peccei, J.S. 1999.Pragmatics.London and New York.

Yule, George. 1996. The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Yule, George (1997) Pragmatics. London : Oxford University Press

Su, Yuzie. 2010. A Corpus based contrastive Analysis of first personal Deixis, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, vol. 1, No. 3, Pp. 231-234, May 2010, England:Academy.

http:// accessed on May 15th 2012