The Analysis Of Active And Passive Voice In The Jakarta Post Newspaper







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I, ISABELLA Y SITOMPUL, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Analysis of Active and Passive Voice in The Jakarta Post Newspaper” ini membahas tentang penggunaan active and passive voice di dalam kalimat yang terdapat pada artikel surat kabar harian Jakarta Post. Tujuan dari pemilihan topik kertas karya ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara terperinci tentang bagaimana cara menggunakan kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dilihat dari segi tensesnya. Penulis yakin bahwa active and passive voice masih menjadi masalah bagi orang-orang yang mempelajarinya. Sehingga dengan memberikan berbagai informasi setidaknya bisa membantu mereka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan paper ini adalah penelitian perpustakaan dengan mengumpulkan beberapa buku yang berkaitan dengan judul ini. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah, persamaan dan perbedaan merupakan suatu upaya yang erat kaitannya dengan proses belajar mengajar bahasa. Dengan mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan unsur-unsur bahasa yang dibandingkan dapat mempermudah prose tersebut. Studi bahasa hanya difokuskan pada unsure-unsur yang dianggap sama hanya sekedar untuk memperkuat perbedaan tadi. Kesimpulan dari analisis ini adalah penggunaan bahasa secara utuh adalah bagian dari hidup manusia. Bahasa dan abstrak berhubungan secara erat dan orang berpendapat bahwa karakteristik manusia dan binatang adalah beda.



A working paper entitled “The Analysis of Active and passive in The Jakarta Post Newspaper” is about the use of pronouns in sentences contained in the Jakarta Post daily Newspaper. The purpose of the topic selection paper this work is to know in detail about how to use various kinds of active and passive voice in terms of its tenses. The author believes that active and passive voice is still a problem for people who study it. So by providing a variety of information can at least help them. The method used in the writing of this paper is the research library to collect some books related to this title. The purpose of this analysis is similarities and differences is a measure closely related to language teaching and learning process. By knowing the similarities and differences in the elements of language than to facilitate that process. Language study only focused on the elements that are considered equal only to reinforce the distinction earlier. The conclusion of the analysis is the use of the language as a whole is a part of human life. Abstract language and closely related and argue that the characteristics of humans and animals are different.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God for blessing and giving me health, opportunity, and ability from the time I started writing this paper until I was able to complete it. Afterwards, invocations and greetings I deliver to the last Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us into the time of humanities.

I would like to thank to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies, and the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A who has shared her time in guiding and advising me in the process of my study. A great many thanks is dedicated to my best supervisor, Dra. Persadanta Br. Karo, M.Hum and my reader, Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum who have guided me in arranging, completing, finishing, and always be patient to resolve my problems during my finishing this paper.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father, Ch. Sitompul and my mother, A. Siagian who have given me supports, advices, cares, and always pray for me in order to get my best. To my beloved brother Nico, and my best brother Ogan. To my beloved friend Gunawan thanks for your motivations, advices, and cares that you have given me during my study.

In this occasion, I would like thank to my best friends from English Diploma III 2008, Agnes, Lina, Dina, Nur’aini, Lisa, Nina, and the others friend


support to me, thank for all of you. The late Christio, Bintang, Andre, and Sarah thank you for your kindness and attention. Finally, all my mistakes and the lack I am sorry for that. Critical and suggestion for goodness always be hoped.

Medan, June 23, 2011

The writer,

Isabella Y Sitompul





ABSTRACT ... iii



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. The Scope of the Study ... 2

1.3. The Purpose of the Study ... 2

1.4. The Significance of the Study ... 3

1.5. The Method of Research ... 3

2. ACTIVE & PASSIVE VOICE 2.1.The Definition of Active voice ... 4

2.2.The Form of Active voice in Tenses ... 6

2.3.The Definition of Passive voice ... 10

2.4.The Form of Passive voice in Tenses ... 13

2.5.Active and Passive voice using Modals ... 18

3. THE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE IN THE JAKARTA POST NEWSPAPER 3.1. The data of the Usage of Active and Passive Voice in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper ... 21

3.2. The Analysis of the Usage of Active and Passive Voice in the Articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper ... 24

3.2.1. The form of Active Voice in Tenses and Using Modals Found in the Article of the Jakarta Post Newspaper .... 24

3.2.2. The form of Passive Voice in Tenses and Using Modals Found in the Article of the Jakarta Post Newspaper .... 27

3.3. The Changing process of the Usage of Active and Passive Voice in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper ... 31

4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1. Conclusions ... 35

4.2. Suggestions ... 36 REFERENCES



Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Analysis of Active and Passive Voice in The Jakarta Post Newspaper” ini membahas tentang penggunaan active and passive voice di dalam kalimat yang terdapat pada artikel surat kabar harian Jakarta Post. Tujuan dari pemilihan topik kertas karya ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara terperinci tentang bagaimana cara menggunakan kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dilihat dari segi tensesnya. Penulis yakin bahwa active and passive voice masih menjadi masalah bagi orang-orang yang mempelajarinya. Sehingga dengan memberikan berbagai informasi setidaknya bisa membantu mereka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan paper ini adalah penelitian perpustakaan dengan mengumpulkan beberapa buku yang berkaitan dengan judul ini. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah, persamaan dan perbedaan merupakan suatu upaya yang erat kaitannya dengan proses belajar mengajar bahasa. Dengan mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan unsur-unsur bahasa yang dibandingkan dapat mempermudah prose tersebut. Studi bahasa hanya difokuskan pada unsure-unsur yang dianggap sama hanya sekedar untuk memperkuat perbedaan tadi. Kesimpulan dari analisis ini adalah penggunaan bahasa secara utuh adalah bagian dari hidup manusia. Bahasa dan abstrak berhubungan secara erat dan orang berpendapat bahwa karakteristik manusia dan binatang adalah beda.



A working paper entitled “The Analysis of Active and passive in The Jakarta Post Newspaper” is about the use of pronouns in sentences contained in the Jakarta Post daily Newspaper. The purpose of the topic selection paper this work is to know in detail about how to use various kinds of active and passive voice in terms of its tenses. The author believes that active and passive voice is still a problem for people who study it. So by providing a variety of information can at least help them. The method used in the writing of this paper is the research library to collect some books related to this title. The purpose of this analysis is similarities and differences is a measure closely related to language teaching and learning process. By knowing the similarities and differences in the elements of language than to facilitate that process. Language study only focused on the elements that are considered equal only to reinforce the distinction earlier. The conclusion of the analysis is the use of the language as a whole is a part of human life. Abstract language and closely related and argue that the characteristics of humans and animals are different.



1.1The Background of The Study

It is essentially important to know what language is and why and how we should learn a particular language. There are many languages in the world and English is one of these languages. We learn a language for the purpose of communication. We take a great deal of pleasure from or in learning and speaking it.

Language is a matter of common knowledge, is the medium of communication through which we express our emoticons, ideas, feelings and thoughts to our fellow people. For the structuralism, language is continuous segmental speech used as tool of human communication ( Pike, 1975). Language plays important role in every aspect of human being in term of communication. Therefore, there is no activity done without language, such as : communicating, conveying, or exchanging ideas one and another.

Grammar is a body of rules specifying how meanings are created in English. Veit (1986:6) states the grammar is a person’s subconscious language knowledge. To be good in English, we have to know the grammar because it is one of the basic elements in English some terms included in grammar are part or speech, sentence, elliptical construction (Elliptical English Sentence), gerund, to infinitive.

Talking about language we have to talk about the structure, especially The Active and Passive voice. Active Voice is the sentence where the subject is doing the work. Different from the Passive voice where the subject is done the


work. The Passive voice also follow tenses as experienced by the active sentence.

In this analyzing, I want to know how often The Active and Passive Voice are used in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. I will take a few articles that are used The Active and Passive voice. Beside that, I will analyze the pattern of The Active and Passive Voice of each sentences that finding in The Jakarta Post Newspaper.

1.2The Scope of The Study

In this paper, I would like to analyze the structure of The Active and Passive voice in tenses, finding in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. How many The Active and Passive Voices are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper.

1.3The Purpose of The Study

The purpose of The Study are :

1. To make the readers can understand the structure of The Active and Passive voice.

2. To make the readers can understand the using of The Active and Passive voice in sentences.

3. To make the writer can apply her knowledge that has been obtained during her studies in The Faculty of Letters.

1.4The Significance of The Study

By doing the research of The Analysis of Active and Passive voice in Jakarta Post Newspaper, it is expect that’s :


1. The analysis would be useful for the learners to have a broad study in term of linguistic by analyzing the structure of Active and Passive voice.

2. The analysis can provide understanding and the reader can apply through the exploration of English Grammar exercises.

3. The analysis would become an initial references to conduct futher interesting language research in similar language.

4. The analysis can be used as guide in teaching.

5. The analysis can improve the readers’s interest in studying grammar especially Active and Passive voice.

1.5The Method of The Study

In analyzing the analysis of Active and Passive voice, I apply the library research method. The first I read all the books that are related closely with the analysis of Active and Passive voice.

The seconds I compare all the informations that I get from all the books of English Grammar. And I take the best one information to make the argumentation.

In doing the analysis, I used some news/articles that found in The Jakarta Post Newspaper.




In English, the verb form which indicates whether the subject (person or object) of a sentence do something or something has been done on the subject called the voice. A sentence that begin with the subject or the object to determine whether the sentence was categorized as active or passive voice sentences. For example, when a sentence has one auxiliary verb, such as am, are, is, been, being, be, and past participle of verbs like written, driven, drawn, known, learnt, broken, discovered, the sentence is a passive voice.

Transitive verb has two voices, namely active voice and passive voice. 2.1 The Definition of Active Voice

There are some the definitions of Active voice :

1. Active voice is a grammatical voice common in many of the world’s languages. It is the unmarked voice of clauses featuring a transitive verb in nominative – accusative languages, including English and most other Indo – European languages.

2. Active voice is form of sentence structure where people who do act is the subject of the sentence become a verb from that indicates that the subject had to do something called Active Voice.

3. Active voice is that form a transitive verb which makes the subject and the agent the same word.

A sentence that begins with the subject or the object to determine whether the sentence was categorized was as Active or Passive voice sentences. For example if a sentence has one auxiliary verb like am, are, is, been, being, be and past participle from like written, driven, drawn, known, learnt, broken,


discovered, the sentence is a passive sentence. In most cases, and with most styles of writing the Active voice is preferred to the passive voice. The Active is stronger than the passive, and it therefore produces more powerful sentences. These are because of the following reasons :

 It keeps the sentences short

 It immediately conveys what the sentence is about  It helps in faster and easier comprehension

 It helps in easy identification of the subject in a sentence.

In English, the formation of a sentence based on the timing of the themes discussed in the text. In outline, there are three forms of time taken as guidelines, namely past, present and future. The third form of the time it developed into a sixteen - time form, so that in the English language known as tenses.

Verbal sentence has two forms, namely Active verbal and Verbal passive. Active verbal sentence that the subjects doing an act against the object, while the subject is subjected to Verbal passive in an act by the object.

2.2 The Form of Active Voice in Tenses

1. Active Voice in Simple Present Tense

Formula : Subject + infinitive + object For example :

a. Simson cares the lion b. Ana does the homework c. They sell that house


e. She buys a book

2. Active Voice in Present Continuous Tense

Formula : Subject + to be (is, am, are) + present participle + object For example :

a. She is doing her homework b. He is waiting for Dewi

c. They are giving the present for Marta d. Bobby is drawing a nice scenery e. Ratna is writing a letter

3. Active Voice in Past Tense

Formula : Subject + past participle + object For example :

a. She cleaned the house b. Jeffry bought a new car

c. The teacher called the students d. She saved her money

e. Rina paid all her purchase

4. Active voice in Past Continuous Tense

Formula : S + was/were + being + past participle + by object For example :

a. I was waiting for Dina at 4 o’clock b.She was reading a novel

c.Andi was learning English d.They are building the house


e.He was playing a kite

5. Active Voice in Past Perfect Tense

Formula : Subject + had + past participle + object For example :

a. He had left that place b. She had cooked the chicken c. Sisca had posted the letter

d. The servant had cleaned the kitchen e. My mother had made a new dress

6. Active Voice in Simple Future Tense

Formula : Subject + will + infinitive + object For example :

a. I shall read a newspaper b. It will rain heavily

c. Budi will repair his bicycle d. They will pay the tax e. We shall start this meeting

7. Active Voice in Future Continuous Tense

Formula : Subject + will be + present participle + object For example :

a. He will be doing a test tomorrow

b. They will be watching movie next Saturday c. Mita will be increasing her value next time


d. She will be applying a job tomorrow e. Sinta will be learning her lesson tomorrow

8. Active Voice in Past Future Tense

Formula : Subject + would + infinitive + object For example :

a. I would buy a book tomorrow b. They would play football next time c. Nita would wash her shoes tomorrow d. My father would use Blackberry tomorrow e. I would sell my laptop next week

2.3 The Definition of Passive Voice

There are some the definitions of passive voice :

 Passive voice is the sentence that the subject is subjected to the job. Indonesian in this sentence using a verb begins with –di (dijual, dipanggil, ditulis).

 Passive voice is a voice that indicates that the subject is the patient or recipient of the action denoted by the verb.

 Passive voice is the form of sentence structure in which the recipient work is the subject of the sentence.

 Passive voice is when the focus of sentence is on the object in other words the focus is on what is receiving the action not what is performing the action.


The passive voice is especially helpful (and even regarded as mandatory) in scientific or technical writing or lab reports, where the actor is not really important but the process or principle being described is of ultimate importance. Instead of writng “I poured 20 cc of acid into the beaker,” we would write “Twenty cc of acid is/was poured into the beaker.” The passive voice also useful when describing, say, a mechanical process in which the details of process are much more important than anyone’s taking responsibility for the action: “The first coat of primer paint is applied immediately after the acid rinse.”

We use the passive voice to good effect in a paragraph in which we wish to shift emphasis from what was the object in a first sentence to what becomes the subject in subsequent sentences.

General Pattern of The Passive voice

To be + past participle

1. Intransitive verb is not used in the passive voice, except that is used the verb cognate object in active form.

Example : She sings a fine song (Active)) A fine song was sung by her (Passive)

2. When the sentence was changed from the active form into shapes, object to the active verb becomes the subject for the passive verb.

Example : Object to the active verb; Linda can make tarts.

Subject for the verb passive; Tarts can be made by Linda.

3. Retained object (object that continuous to be used or maintained in the passive) two object in the active sentence, when converted into the passive


retained object. This object is probably the indirect object of an active verb, or directly from the active verb.

a. Indirect object of the verb, for example :

Active verb : We gave him a prize : Kami memberinya hadiah.

Passive verb : A prize was given him by us : Hadiah diberikan padanya oleh kita.

4. Whenever the transitive verb of incomplete predication changed from active to passive form, the objective complement subjective complement. Active voice complement for object.

Example : They elected him president : Mereka memilih dia menjadi presiden.

Passive voice complement for subject.

Example : He was elected President (by them) : Dia dipilih menjadi presiden (oleh mereka).

Passive voice principle sentences imposed by something, try to compare : Active : He buys a book : Ia membeli sebuah buku.


The Rules to Change the Sentences from

Active to Passive Form

a. The sentence must have objects (transitive verb). If there is no object then there must be question word who asks the object.

b. Object active sentence became the subject of passive sentences.

c. Subject or active sentences into passive sentences that preceded the object word “by”.

d. The verb used is verb III (past participle) which preceded by to be. e. The adjusted sentence structure by tenses.

2.4 The Form of Passive voice in Tenses 1. Passive voice in Simple Present Tense

Formula : S + to be + past participle + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice 1 Simson cares the lion The lion is cared by Simson 2 Ana does the homework The homework is done by Ana 3 They sell that house That house is sell by them 4 Jessica always plays the piano The piano is always played by


5 She buys a book A book is bought by her 2. Passive voice in Present Continuous Tense


Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 She is doing her homework The homework is being done by her

2 He is waiting for Dewi Dewi is being waited by him 3 They are giving the present The present is being given by them 4 Bobby is drawing a nice scenery A nice scenery is being drawn by


5 Ratna is writing the letter The letter is being written by Ratna

3. Passive voice in Past Tense

Formula : S + was/were + past participle + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 She cleaned the house The house was cleaned by her 2 Jeffri bought a new car A new car was bought by Jeffri 3 The teacher called the students The students were called by the


4 She saved her money Her money was saved by her 5 Rina paid all her purchase Her purchase were paid by Rina

4. Passive voice in Past Continuous Tense

Formula : S + was/were + being + past participle + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 I was waiting for Dina Dina was being waited by me 2 She was reading a novel A novel was being read by her 3 Andi was learning an English An English was being learnt by


4 They are building the house The house being built by them 5 He was playing a kite A kite was being played by him


5. Passive voice in Past Perfect Tense

Formula : S + had been + past participle + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 He had left that place That place had been left by him 2 I had finished my work My work had been finished by me 3 She had missed the last bus The last bus had been missed by


4 He had posted the letter The letter had been posted by him 5 Rudi had completed his speech His speech had been completed by


6. Passive voice in Simple Future Tense

Formula : S + will + be + past participle + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 I shall read a newspaper A newspaper will be read by me 2 She will sing a beautiful song A beautiful song will be sung by


3 Budi will repair his bicycle His bicycle will be repaired by Budi

4 They will pay the tax The tax will be paid by them 5 We shall start this meeting This meeting will be started by us

7. Passive voice in Future Continuous Tense

Formula : S + will + be + ing + past participle + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 He will be doing a test tomorrow A test will be being done by him tomorrow


next Saturday by them on next Saturday 3 Mita will be increasing her value

next time

Her value will be being increased by Mita next time

4 She will be applying a job tomorrow

A job will be being applied by her tomorrow

5 Sinta will be learning her lesson next week

Her lesson will be being learnt by Sinta

8. Passive voice in Past Future Tense

Formula : S + would + be +past pasrticiple + by object Example :

No Active Voice Passive Voice

1 I would buy a book tomorrow A book would be bought by me 2 They would play football next


Football would be played by them next time

3 Mita would wash her shoes tomorrow

Her shoes would be washed by Nita tomorrow

4 My father would use Blackberry tomorrow

Blackberry would be used by my father tomorrow

5 I would sell my laptop next week My laptop would be sold nextweek

The Using of Passive voice

a. “By” is used in the passive voice when the actor needs to know the job.

Example : “Love addicted” was sung by vamps

b. Passive voice is used if it doesn’t need to know the perpetrator work. Example : the streets are cleaned everyday

c. Passive voice is used if we don’t know or forget who the perpetrator work.


d. Passive voice is used if we are more interested in the job than the actors who work.

Example : A new departement store is being built

e. Passive voice is used to avoid an awkward sentence or inappriate with grammar.

Example : When she arrived home a police arrested her →it’s better : when she arrived home she was arrested (by a police)

2.5 Active and Passive voice using Modals Active and Passive voice using Can

This modal applies to all subjects. The sentence patterns are : Active : S + can + infinitive + object

Passive : S + can be + past participle + by object Example :

Active : She can sell the car every time.

Passive : The car can be sold by her every time.

To change the above sentence into a negative sentence, then place the word not after can. The sentence patterns are :

Active : S + can not + infinitive + object

Passive : S + can not be + past participle + object Example :

Active : Risky can not buy this car every time.


• Active and Passive voice using May

This modal applies to all subjects. The sentence patterns are : Active : S + may + infinitive + object

Passive : S + may be + past participle + by object Example :

Active : He may sell the house.

Passive : The house may be sold by him.

To change the above sentence into a negative sentence, then place the word not after may. The sentence patterns are :

Example :

Active : (+) I may sit beside her. Passive : (+) I may not sit beside her. • Active and Passive voice using Must

This modal applies to all subjects. The sentence patterns are : Active : S + must + infinitive + object

Passive : S + must be + past participle + by object Example :

Active : He must finish his duty in a week.

Passive : His duty must be finished by him in a week.

To change the above sentence into a negative sentence, then place the word not after must .

Example :

Active : Dewi must not open the gate every morning.


• Active and Passive voice using Might

Is the past tense of may. This modal applies to all subjects. The sentence patterns are :

Active : S + might + infinitive + object

Passive : S + might be + past participle + by object Example :

Active : He might meet Dewi. Passive : Dewi might be met by him.



In completing this paper, I collect the data from the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper to support my paper or as the samples to make the discussion clearly and easy to understand.

3.1 The data of the Usage of Active and Passive Voice in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

The articles are from The Jakarta Post Newspaper published on August 26, 2007; August 27, 2007; and August 28, 2007 and the data is 180 sentences that use some kinds of active and passive voice found in the articles and consist of four articles which are chosen random, the first article published on Sunday, August 26, 2007 with the title of Malacca coast patrol to stay local, the second article published on Sunday, August 26, 2007 with the title Split green peas not just for those in need, it seems, the third article published on Monday, August 27, 2007 with the title Muhammadiyah warns of misunderstanding of Islamic teachings, and the fourth article published on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 with the title Where dirty money goes. The data are collected and list in table 3.1 bellow according to the classification of the usage of active and passive voice from the form of active and passive voice in tenses and using modals.


Table 3.1: The identification of the total of forms of active voices in the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper

Day, Date Title The form of active voice in tenses





Sunday August 26, 2007

Malacca coast patrol to stay

local - - 2 - 1 - - 1 Sunday

August 26, 2007

Split green peas not just for those in need,

it seems - - 5 3 5 - - 3 Sunday

August 26, 2007

Muhammadiyah warns of

misunderstanding of Islamic teachings 1 - 7 - 1 - 6 7 Sunday

August 26, 2007 Where dirty money goes 1 - - - 1 - - -

Total 2 - 14 3 8 - 6 11

The total number of passive voice is 44

Table 3.1.1: The identification of the total of forms of active voices in the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper

Day, Date Title The form of active voice in tenses





Sunday August 26, 2007

Malacca coast patrol to stay

local 1 - 3 - 3 1 - 1 Sunday

August 26, 2007

Split green peas not just for those in need,

it seems - - 1 - 5 2 - - Sunday

August 26, 2007

Muhammadiyah warns of

misunderstanding of Islamic teachings - 4 2 - - 3 2 Sunday

August 26, 2007 Where dirty money goes 1 - 5 - 1 1 1 -

Total 2 - 13 2 9 4 4 3

The total number of passive voice is 37

3.2 The Analysis of the Usage of Active and Passive Voice in the

Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

In this analysis, I describe the form active and passive voice in tenses and using modals and also dominance of them by the samples found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper.

3.2.1 The form of Active Voice in Tenses and Using Modals Found

in the Article of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

a) Malacca Coast Patrol to Stay Local

There are three forms of active voices in this article; they are past tense, past perfect tense, and using modals.

1. Past Tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

a) It was aimed at forging a common understanding of maritime security issues among the ARF countries, according to the ministry’s director general for legal affairs and international treaties, Eddy Pratomo.


2. Past Perfect Tense

There is one sentence found in this article. It is:

“About 60 percent of China’s foreign trade goes through the Malacca Strait,” she said, adding that as China had opened up to the world, it had become very dependent on foreign trade.

3. Using Modals

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

“If the user states want to help, they can do so through capacity building, such as the provision of technical assistance,” stressed Ibnu Hadi, the Foreign Ministry’s Director for international cooperation in Asia-Pacific and Africa.

b)Split Green Peas not just for those in need, it seems

There are four forms of active voices in this article; they are past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and using modals.

1. Past Tense

There are seven sentences found in this article. They are:

a) We were invited to a performance at rumah susun (low-coast apartments) nearby. Outside, shirtless men, purportedly in trances, cavorted around to the sound of gamelan, acting out some kind of battle, while others behaved like animals.

b) My wife told me that this was from Mercy corps.

c) We were promised 12 liters of cooking oil if we participated in the program.

d) When I pressed my wife about this she showed me three four liter canisters of cooking oil.


2. Past Continuous Tense

There are two sentences found in this article. They are:

a) Who were encouraging children to wash their hands before eating.

b) That was still trying to flap its wings in a hopeless struggle for freedom, longevity and independence.

3. Past Perfect Tense

There are two sentences found in this article. They are: a) I had only heard part of the story.

b) They had received the instruction.

4. Using Modals

There are three sentences found in this article. They are: a) I could see was a big thing.

b) That is if the bacteria can get their teeth into them.

c) Muhammadiyah Warns of Misunderstanding of Islamic Teachings

There are five forms found in this article; they are present tense, past tense, past perfect tense, past future tense, and using modals..

1. Past Future Tense

There are five sentences found in this article. They are: a) They should be though requirements.


2. Using Modals

There is only one sentence found in this article. they are:

a) I can see the southern Thailand is not as prosperous as northern parts.

d)Where Dirty Money Goes

There are two forms found in this article; they are present tense and past perfect tense.

1. Present Tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is: a) The controversy also shows how internal controls. 2. Past Perfect Tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

a) Rp 18 billion had been transferred to the state treasury.


The form of Passive Voice in Tenses and Using Modals

Found in the Article of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

a)Malacca Coast Patrol to Stay Local

There are four forms of passive voices in this article; they are past tense, past perfect tense, and future tense.

1. Past Tense

There are two sentences found in this article. They are:

a) Maritime security issues that was attended by representatives of the 22 member states of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).


2. Past Perfect Tense

There are two sentences found in this article. They are:

a) The maritime security issue had long been complicated by conflicting interests and the difficulty in agreeing on issues to the satisfactionof all members of the international community.

b) Hong Yu, the Asian Department counselor at China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said China had been involved in initiating the meeting as it was very concerned about security in the Malacca Strait.

3. Future tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

a) The result will be brought to meetings at the ministerial level to be followed up by concrete measures are acceptable to all, Ibnu said.

b) Split Green Peas not just for those in need, it seems

There is only one form of passive voice in this article; it is past perfect tense.

1. Past Perfect Tense

There are two sentences found in this article. They are:

a) On the bench in the garden were a number of items that had been delivered.


c) Muhammadiyah Warns of Misunderstanding of Islamic Teachings

There are four forms of passive voice in this article; they are past tense, past perfect tense, and modals.

1. Past Tense

There are two sentences found in this article. They are:

a) Rumor has it that global terrorist are based in Thailand, including Hambali who was caught in Thailand.

b) I cocluded the Thai government has a great deal of concern and a willingness has a great deal of concern.

2. Past Perfect Tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

a) Islamic nationalism had becomean ideology had been misused by political parties.

3. Using Modals

There is only one sentence in this article. It is: a) Jihad can be done with wealth or spirit.

d) Where Dirty Money Goes

There are three forms of passive voice found in this article; they are past tense, present future tense, and past future tense.

1. Past Tense

There are five sentences found in this article. They are: a) The polemic was triggered by Hendarman Supandji.

b) Recovered almost 4 trillion in state assets through the collection of fines imposed by courts on corruption convicts.


c) After checking the the government’s balance sheet, as prepared by the Finance Ministry, he found no mention of Rp 4 trillion in receipts from the AGO.

d) The large discrepancies in the figures, as reported by the three state institutions.

e) Given the discrepancies in the figures reported by the three institutions.

2. Present Future Tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

a) The government should put an end to the fruitless polemic.

3. Past Future Tense

There is only one sentence found in this article. It is:

a) Tracing money from corruption convicts should not be that difficult a process.

3.3. The Changing process of the Usage of Active and Passive

Voice in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

a) Malacca Coast Patrol to Stay Local

1. Past Tense

a) Active : It was aimed at forging a common understanding of maritime security issues among the ARF countries, according to the ministry’s director general for legal affairs and international treaties, Eddy Pratomo.


Passive : It was aimed at forging a common understanding of maritime security issues among the ARF countries by the ministry’s director general for legal affairs and international treaties, Eddy Pratomo.

2. Past Perfect Tense

a) Active : “About 60 percent of China’s foreign trade goes through the Malacca Strait,” she said, adding that as China had opened up to the world, it had been become very dependent on foreign trade.

Passive : Malacca Strait had been opened up to the world by China’s foreign.

3. Using Modals

a) Active : “If the user states want to help, they can do so through capacity building, such as the provision of technical assistance,” stressed Ibnu Hadi, the Foreign Ministry’s Director for international cooperation in Asia-Pacific and Africa.

Passive : Capacity building can be done so through by the user states.

a)Split Green Peas not just for those in need, it seems

1. Past Tense

a) Active : We were invited to a performance at rumah susun (low-coast apartments) nearby.


b) Active : My wife told me that this was from Mercy corps. Passive : I was told by my wife.

c) Active : When I pressed my wife about this she showed me three four liter canisters of cooking oil.

Passive : I was showed three four liter canisters of cooking oil by her. f) Active : I closed my eyes for a moment to get some respite.

Passive : My eyes was closed for a moment to get some respite by me.

2. Past Continuous Tense

a) Active : Who were encouraging children to wash their hands before eating.

Passive : The children were being encouraged to wash their hands before eating by them.

b) Active : That was still trying to flap its wings in a hopeless struggle for freedom, longevity and independence.

Passive : Its wings was still being tried by them.

3. Past Perfect Tense

a) Active : I had only heard part of the story. Passive : Part of the story had been heard by me. b) Active : They had received the instruction.

Passive : The instruction had been received by them.

4. Using Modals

a) Active : I could see was a big thing. Passive : A big thing could be seen by me.


b) Active : That is if the bacteria can get their teeth into them. Passive : Their teeth can be gotten into them by the bacteria.

3. Muhammadiyah Warns of Misunderstanding of Islamic Teachings

1. Past Future Tense

a) Active : They should be though requirements.

Passive : The requirements should be thought by them. b) Active : They should take the form of consensus.

Passive : The form of consensus should be taken by them

2. Using Modals

a) Active : I can see the southern Thailand is not as prosperous as northern parts.

Passive : The southern Thailand can be seen is not as prosperous as northern by me.

4. Where Dirty Money Goes

1. Present Tense

a) Active : The controversy also shows how internal controls. Passive : Internal controls is shown by the controversy.

2. Past Perfect Tense

a) Active : Hendarman had been transferred Rp 18 billion to the state treasury.



After analyzing four articles of Jakarta Post Newspaper, the first article published on Sunday, August 26, 2007 with the title of Malacca coast patrol local, I found three forms of active voice and four forms of passive voice in tenses; they are past tense, past perfect tense, future tense, and modals second article published on Sunday, 26, 2007 with the title of Split green peas not just for those in need, it seems, I found three forms of active voice and one form of passive voice in tenses; they are past continuous tense, past perfect tense, modals, the third article published on Monday, August 27, 2007 with the title Muhammadiyah warms of misunderstanding of Islamic teachings, I found three forms of active voice; they are past perfect, past future, and modals, and two forms of passive voice in tenses; they are past tense and past perfect, the fourth article published on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 with the title of Where dirty money goes, I found two forms of active voice; they are present tense and past perfect tense, and three forms of passive voice in tenses; they are past tense, future tense and past future.

In this section, the writer make some conclusions:

1. The use of active and passive voice are not widely used in newspaper articles. Sometimes, in some passive sentences the actor is not mentioned. This is because not anyone who wants to emphasized is not who did the act.

2. The passive voice can be cowardly way out of venturing on opinion or taking a stand. Those personal stands, however will be the strengths of you’re a best essays-as they are for your professors and their professional colleagues.


3. In academic writing, when a writer has only a weak, unsubstantiated assertion to make the passive voice appears to cover up the lack of a stronger one.

4. Passive voice is used because the object from active voice are the more important information than its subject.

5. Active voice is more frequently used in daily life than passive voice.

4.2 Suggestions

Communication is a part of human’s habit to interact to one another. When are communicating we use language as the main tool of communication. Therefore, language is the most important means in making communication. In order make our communication runs smoothly, we have to use the right grammatical rules, including the use of active and passive sentences.

Realizing that grammar plays an important role in making our language good, the writer suggest to the readers that we have to a study any aspects of the languages as detailed as possible. It is also expected that the readers are able to communicate with one another not only using their own language, but also using another or other languages.



Akhmad. Kardimin . 2003. English Grammar. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. Erhans . et. al . 1997. Tata Bahasa Inggris Lengkap INDAH, Surabaya. Ayub Muhammad. Modern English Grammar. Jakarta.

Kusman Abdi. 1990. Analisis Kalimat Bahasa Inggris. FPBS IKIP, Yogyakarta. Murphy, Raymond. 1990. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. Fowler, W.S. 1985. New Proficiency of English book three. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, UK.

Murchia, M.C. and Freeman D.L. 1983. The Grammar Book : An ESL/EFL Teacher' Course. London : New Burry House Publishers, inc.

Hornby, A. S. Guide To Patterns and Usage in English. London: Oxford University Press, 1975

Murthy, Jayanthi Dakshina. Contemporary English Grammar. New delhi: Book Palace, 1998.

Zandvoort, R. Z. A Handbook of English Grammar.


Passive : It was aimed at forging a common understanding of maritime security issues among the ARF countries by the ministry’s director general for legal affairs and international treaties, Eddy Pratomo.

2. Past Perfect Tense

a) Active : “About 60 percent of China’s foreign trade goes through the Malacca Strait,” she said, adding that as China had opened up to the world, it had been become very dependent on foreign trade.

Passive : Malacca Strait had been opened up to the world by China’s foreign.

3. Using Modals

a) Active : “If the user states want to help, they can do so through capacity building, such as the provision of technical assistance,” stressed Ibnu Hadi, the Foreign Ministry’s Director for international cooperation in Asia-Pacific and Africa.

Passive : Capacity building can be done so through by the user states.

a)Split Green Peas not just for those in need, it seems 1. Past Tense

a) Active : We were invited to a performance at rumah susun (low-coast apartments) nearby.


b) Active : My wife told me that this was from Mercy corps. Passive : I was told by my wife.

c) Active : When I pressed my wife about this she showed me three four liter canisters of cooking oil.

Passive : I was showed three four liter canisters of cooking oil by her. f) Active : I closed my eyes for a moment to get some respite.

Passive : My eyes was closed for a moment to get some respite by me.

2. Past Continuous Tense

a) Active : Who were encouraging children to wash their hands before eating.

Passive : The children were being encouraged to wash their hands before eating by them.

b) Active : That was still trying to flap its wings in a hopeless struggle for freedom, longevity and independence.

Passive : Its wings was still being tried by them.

3. Past Perfect Tense

a) Active : I had only heard part of the story. Passive : Part of the story had been heard by me. b) Active : They had received the instruction.

Passive : The instruction had been received by them.

4. Using Modals


b) Active : That is if the bacteria can get their teeth into them. Passive : Their teeth can be gotten into them by the bacteria.

3. Muhammadiyah Warns of Misunderstanding of Islamic Teachings 1. Past Future Tense

a) Active : They should be though requirements.

Passive : The requirements should be thought by them. b) Active : They should take the form of consensus.

Passive : The form of consensus should be taken by them

2. Using Modals

a) Active : I can see the southern Thailand is not as prosperous as northern parts.

Passive : The southern Thailand can be seen is not as prosperous as northern by me.

4. Where Dirty Money Goes 1. Present Tense

a) Active : The controversy also shows how internal controls. Passive : Internal controls is shown by the controversy.

2. Past Perfect Tense

a) Active : Hendarman had been transferred Rp 18 billion to the state treasury.



After analyzing four articles of Jakarta Post Newspaper, the first article published on Sunday, August 26, 2007 with the title of Malacca coast patrol local, I found three forms of active voice and four forms of passive voice in tenses; they are past tense, past perfect tense, future tense, and modals second article published on Sunday, 26, 2007 with the title of Split green peas not just for those in need, it seems, I found three forms of active voice and one form of passive voice in tenses; they are past continuous tense, past perfect tense, modals, the third article published on Monday, August 27, 2007 with the title Muhammadiyah warms of misunderstanding of Islamic teachings, I found three forms of active voice; they are past perfect, past future, and modals, and two forms of passive voice in tenses; they are past tense and past perfect, the fourth article published on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 with the title of Where dirty money goes, I found two forms of active voice; they are present tense and past perfect tense, and three forms of passive voice in tenses; they are past tense, future tense and past future.

In this section, the writer make some conclusions:

1. The use of active and passive voice are not widely used in newspaper articles. Sometimes, in some passive sentences the actor is not mentioned. This is because not anyone who wants to emphasized is not who did the act.

2. The passive voice can be cowardly way out of venturing on opinion or taking a stand. Those personal stands, however will be the strengths of you’re a best essays-as they are for your professors and their professional colleagues.


3. In academic writing, when a writer has only a weak, unsubstantiated assertion to make the passive voice appears to cover up the lack of a stronger one.

4. Passive voice is used because the object from active voice are the more important information than its subject.

5. Active voice is more frequently used in daily life than passive voice.

4.2 Suggestions

Communication is a part of human’s habit to interact to one another. When are communicating we use language as the main tool of communication. Therefore, language is the most important means in making communication. In order make our communication runs smoothly, we have to use the right grammatical rules, including the use of active and passive sentences.

Realizing that grammar plays an important role in making our language good, the writer suggest to the readers that we have to a study any aspects of the languages as detailed as possible. It is also expected that the readers are able to communicate with one another not only using their own language, but also using another or other languages.



Akhmad. Kardimin . 2003. English Grammar. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. Erhans . et. al . 1997. Tata Bahasa Inggris Lengkap INDAH, Surabaya. Ayub Muhammad. Modern English Grammar. Jakarta.

Kusman Abdi. 1990. Analisis Kalimat Bahasa Inggris. FPBS IKIP, Yogyakarta. Murphy, Raymond. 1990. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. Fowler, W.S. 1985. New Proficiency of English book three. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, UK.

Murchia, M.C. and Freeman D.L. 1983. The Grammar Book : An ESL/EFL Teacher' Course. London : New Burry House Publishers, inc.

Hornby, A. S. Guide To Patterns and Usage in English. London: Oxford University Press, 1975

Murthy, Jayanthi Dakshina. Contemporary English Grammar. New delhi: Book Palace, 1998.

Zandvoort, R. Z. A Handbook of English Grammar.