Grammatical Errors in Translating Indonesian Into English Made By The Second Grade Students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi.



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Savior and miraculous

God, Jesus Christ, for His amazing ways in guiding me to complete this thesis and for

His continual love, guidance, and blessing during my studies. My sincere gratitude

goes to my parents, for their love, efforts, prayers, and support during my studies, and

to my supervisors for their invaluable guidance, inspiration, patience, and

encouragement. I am also grateful to my brothers and sisters, Victor, Vicler, Ria, and

Imelda, for their love, prayers, and support. Last, but not least, I thank my cousin,

Margaretha, Lina and Bou Edor for all their support and help, my best friends from

Maranatha Christian University, Laura, Dionne, Irene, Priska and Ovin, for the

meaningful four and a half ‘short’ years of togetherness.







Background of the Study………...1

Statement of the Problem………...4

Purpose of the Study………..4

Method of Research………...4

Organization of the Thesis……….5










The source text……….. ………..45

The list of the student’s translated sentence

Which contains errors………..46



Teks terjemahan banyak dijumpai dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Perlu kita

sadari bahwa sebuah teks terjemahan sangatlah penting karena teks tersebut berisi

pesan dan informasi dari penulis dengan bahasa yang berbeda dari bahasa kita. Jika

kita ingin menerjemahkan suatu teks, kita perlu menerjemahkan teks tersebut sesuai

dengan aturan-aturan tata bahasa yang ingin dituju agar dapat dimengerti dengan

mudah dan menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan (errors). Hal tersebut dikarenakan

adanya perbedaan-perbedaan aturan tata bahasa yang satu dengan yang lain.

Contohnya, aturan-aturan Bahasa Indonesia berbeda dengan Bahasa Inggris. Selain

aturan-aturan tata bahasa, penyampaian inti pesan juga penting dalam

menerjemahkan teks. Sebuah teks terjemahan haruslah berisi inti pesan atau gagasan

yang sama dengan teks yang asli.

Dalam skripsi ini, saya melakukan analisis terhadap hasil terjemahan

siswa-siswa kelas dua SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi. Teks yang asli berbahasa Indonesia dan

siswa-siswa kelas dua SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi menerjemahkannya ke dalam

Bahasa Inggris. Saya memfokuskan analisis saya pada pengkategorian


kesalahan-penyebab dari kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut, apakah kesalahan tersebut temasuk

interlingual atau intralingual.

Hasil yang saya dapatkan dari analisis teks terjemahan siswa-siswa kelas dua

SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi adalah bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan yang banyak

dilakukan oleh siswa-siswa kelas dua SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi disebabkan oleh

ignorance of the rule restrictions, yang mana termasuk dalam kategori intralingual.



APPENDIX ONE The source text:


Lubuk-linggau terletak di Sumatra selatan dan ibukotanya dalah Palembang. Palembang adalah sebuah kota yang terkenal dengan makanan kahasnya, pempek dan jembatan Amperaya. Selain penduduk asli, penduduk di Lubuk-linggau berasal dari berbagai suku, seperti Jawa, Padang, Batak, dan Cina. Kebanyakan penduduk Palembang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani dan pedagang.

Dalam berkomunikasi, bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Palembang. Selain bahasa Palembang, sebagai bahasa sehari-hari terkadang mereka mengunakan bahasa Jawa. Bahasa Palembang sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit untuk dipelajari karena bahasa Palembang hampir sama dengan bahasa Indonesia. Perbedaanya hanya pada huruf diakhir kata-nya saja, seperti pada kata “kita” menjadi “kito”, “siapa” menjadi “siapo” dan lain-lain. Jika orang Palembang



List of the student’s translated sentence which contains errors

Paragraph 1 Sentence 1:

Source text Errors

Lubuk-linggau terletak di Sumatra Selatan dan ibu kotanya adalah


1. Lubuk-linggau is located in South Sumatra when the capital city is Palembang. (substitution)

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

2. Lubuk-linggau is located South Sumatra and the capital city is Palembang.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

3. Lubuk-linggau is located in South Sumatra which the capital city is Palembang.


Palembang adalah sebuah kota yang terkenal dengan makanan khasnya pempek dan Jembatan Ampera.

4. Palembang is a the city which popular with its traditional food, pempek, and Ampera Bridge.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

5. Palembang is the city who is famous of its special food, pempek, and the Ampera Bridge. (substitution)


Paragraph 1 Sentence 3:

Source text Errors

Selain penduduk asli, penduduk di Lubuk-linggau

berasal dari berbagai suku seperti Jawa, Padang, Batak, dan Cina.

6. Beside the original people, people in Lubuk-linggau comes from many ethnics such as Javanese, Padang, Batak, and Chinese.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

7. Beside the original people, people in Lubuk-linggau is comes from various ethnics such as Javanese, Padang, Batak, and Chinese.



penduduk Palembang bekerja sebagai petani dan pedagang.

8. Most of Palembang people working as farmers and merchants.


Paragraph 2 Sentence 1

Source text Errors


berkomunikasi, bahasa yang digunakan

adalah Bahasa Palembang.

9. In communication, used Palembang language in Palembang.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

10. In communication, the language that is use Palembang language.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

11. In communication, the language that was used in Palembang is Palembang language.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering


Selain Bahasa Palembang, sebagai bahasa sehari-hari terkadang mereka menggunakan bahasa Jawa.

12. Beside Palembang language, as their daily language, sometimes they also uses Javanese language.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

13. Beside Palembang language, as their daily language, sometime they are use Javanese language.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

14. Beside language Palembang, as their daily language sometime they use language Javanese.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering


Paragraph 2 sentence 3

Source text Errors

Bahasa Palembang sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit untuk dipelajari karena Bahasa Palembang hampir sama dengan Bahasa Indonesia.

15. In fact, Palembang language is not too hard to studied because Palembang language is almost the same with Indonesian language.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

16. Language Palembang actually not too hard to study

because language Palembang almost same with language Indonesia.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

17. Actually, Palembang language are not too hard to study because Palembang language is same with Indonesian language.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering


Perbedaannya hanya pada huruf diakhir katanya saja, seperti kata “kita” menjadi “kito”, “siapa” menjadi “siapo” dan lain-lain.

18. The different only in the last word, such as word kita become kito, siapa become siapo etc.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

19. The differences only in the last word, such as word

kita become kito, siapa become siapo.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering

20. The difference is just in the last word, likes kita become kito, siapa become siapo.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering


Paragraph 2 Sentence 5

Source text Errors

Jika orang Palembang bertemu

bukan di Palembang, mereka akan berkata “wong kito” yang artinya “orang kita”.

21. If Palembang people meet each other not in Palembang, they will said wong kito which is mean orang kita.

Omissions Additions Misformation Misordering


The transcript of student interview

The questions:

1. Apakah sudah mengerti pelajaran grammar tentang ...(sambil menunjuk data)?

2. Kenapa bisa melakukan error saat menterjemahkan? The students answer:

Data 1

1. “Arti when udah tau”

2. ”Saya mengabaikan tentang aturan itu” Data 2

1. “Saya tau tentang Preposition, cuma suka lupa pasangannya.”

2. “Saat menterjemahin saya lupa pasangan Preposition-nya jadi ya saya lewat aja”.

Data 3

1. “Tau tentang Relative Clause”

2. “Saya tidak tau kalo harus ada of di situ”. Data 4

1. “Tentang Article saya tahu”.

2. “Saat nerjemahin saya ga kepikiran aturan itu, kalo yang tekenal diinggrisin jadi which popular karena kan which dulu artinya yang, baru



1. “Arti who tau dan Preposition juga sudah tahu”.

2. “Tidak tau kenapa bisa salah dalam nerjemahin. Saya mengira Preposition famous adalah for karena sering dengernya for”.

Data 6

1. “Tau tentang pelajaran Simple Present tense”. 2. “Rada bingung jadi nerjemahin sebisanya aja”. Data 7

1. “Tentang to be dan Simple Present Tense tau. Kalau tentang beside dan besides saya ga tau kalau itu beda, saya kira sama- sama aja”.

2. “Saya kira to be dapat digunakan di setiap kalimat”. Data 8

1. “Preposition dan Simple Present Tense udah tau”

2. “Waktu nerjemahin saya ga kepikiran tentang pelajaran itu”. Data 9

1. “Ga tau pelajaran itu” 2. “Ga tau“

Data 10

1. “Saya tau tentang to be dan bentukanya”.

2. “Dalam nerjemahin saya ga begitu kepikiran tentang rule-nya, saya abaiin”.


2. “Saya kira sometime dan sometimes itu sama aja”. Data 13

1. “Saya ga tau kalo sometime dan sometimes itu beda”.

2. “Saya kira sometime dan sometimes sama jadi ga ada masalah. Kalo Bahasa Palembang diinggrisin language Palembang, kan aslinya gitu”.

Data 14

1. “To infinitive tau”.

2. “Waktu nerjemahin ga gitu memikirkan tentang pelajaran itu”. Data 15

1. “Ga tau kalo indonesia dan indonesian beda”.

2. Saya kira indonesia dan indonesian sama. Kalo Bahasa Palembang jadi language Palembang karena aslinya kan gitu”.

Data 16

1. “to be tau”.

2. “Waktu nerjemahin ga sampe mikirin aturan- aturan tentang to be”. Data 17

1. “Ga tau tentang pelajaran itu “. 2. “Ga tau pelajaran itu”

Data 18


Data 19

1. “Ga tau pelajaran itu” 2.” Ga tau eui..”.

Data 20

1. “Future Tense tau”

2. “Waktu nerjemahin ga kepikiran rumus-rumusnya” Data 21

1. “Tau tentang Relative Clause dan Future Tense”. 2. “Ga begitu memperhatikan tentang pelajaran itu”.


1. Apakah rule yang ini (menunjuk pada data) sudah diajarkan? 2. Sampai sejauh mana anak-anak mengerti?

Teacher answer: Data 2

1. “Preposition sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Tentang preposition, anak- anak memang mengalami kesulitan, karena harus menghafa l ”.

Data 3

1. “Relative Clause sudah diajarkan namun dengan kalimat yang sederhana, tidak serumit di data”.

2. “Anak-anak mengerti Relative Clause hanya pada kalimat yang sederhana”.

Data 4

1. “Mengenai Article sudah diajarkan sejak SMP, seharusnya memang sudah harus mengerti”.

2. “Kalo di kelas anak-anak cukup mengerti”. Data 5

1. “Who seharusnya udah tau karena itu udah dipelajari dari SMP. Preposition sudah di jarkan di kelas”.


1. “Simple present tense sudah diajari”. 2. “anak-anak mengerti”.

Data 7

1. “Tentang to be dan Simple Present Tense sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Anak-anak masih mengalami kesulitan dalam penggunaan to be karena memang susah membedakan kata mana yang perlu to be dan tidak, sedangkan untuk Simple Present Tense anak-anak cukup mengerti”.

Data 8

1. “Simple Present Tense dan Preposition sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Untuk Simple Present Tense, dari latihan-latihan, anak-anak cukup mengerti”. Sedangkan Preposition, kebanyakan anak-anak mengalami kesulitan karena menghafal”.

Data 9

1. “Udah diajarkan dari kelas satu, udah detail’.

2. “Anak-anak udah mengerti, udah dikasih soal-soal SMPB”. Data 10

1. “to be udah diajarkan”.

2. “Dalam penerapan anak-anak suka bingung dengan tune signal”. Data 11

1. “Simple Present Tense udah diajari”. 2. “Anak-anak mengerti di kelas”. Data 12


Simple Sentence, anak-anak cukup mengerti, namun dalam kalimat yang sederhana”.

Data 13

1. “Tidak pernah diajarkan kalo sometime dan sometimes itu berbeda, head- modifier sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Karena tidak diajarkan, anak-anak tidak mengerti kalo itu berbeda”. Data 14

1. “To infinitive sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Sejauh ini anak mengerti karena sering diberikan latihan”. Data 15

1. “Ga pernah diajarkan soal perbedaan indonesia dan indonesian. Head modifier sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Karena perbedaan antara indonesia dan indonesian tidak pernah dibahas, jadi anak-anak tidak mengerti”.

Data 16

1. “Simple Present Tense udah diajarkan”.

2. “Sudah dikasih latihan-latihan sampai anak mengerti. Cuma, anak-anak masih suka salah saat ngobrol dengan guru”.

Data 17.


2. “Untuk Simple Present Tense anak-anak cukup mengerti karena sering diberikan latihan, sedangkan untuk pembentukan Simple Sentence, anak-anak mengerti, namun hanya pada kalimat- kalimat yang sederhana saja”.

Data 18

1. “Pelajaran mengenai Singular- Plural, To be, dan Simple sentence sudah diajarkan. Namun, pelajaran Naun clause dan Pharase tidak diajakan karena terlalu rumit dan tidak cukup waktu”.

2. “Anak- anak cukup mengerti. Namun, hanya dalam kalimat-kalimat yang sederhana”.

Data 19

1. “Pelajaran Simple Present Tenses sudah diajarkan, Noun Clause dan Pharase belum diajarkan karena rumit dan waktu tidak cukup”.

2. “Dalam Simple Present tense, anak-anak cukup mengerti”. Data 20

1. “Future Tense sudah diajarkan”.

2. “Dalam pembelajaran, anak-anak masih dipengaruhi oleh kebingungan penggunaan to be, sehingga to be suka dipakai di setiap kalimat”.

Data 21




1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, in the globalization era, English is one of the languages that are used in most countries in the world. People in some of those countries use English as their foreign language. English is also used as a foreign language in Indonesia. There are many texts which are written in English. Some examples are novels, short stories, newspapers, magazines, and handouts in schools. Many students in Indonesia study English as one of the subjects at school.

The title of my thesis is “Grammatical Errors in Translating Indonesian into English Made by the Second Grade Student of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi ”. The original text, that is the source text, is written in Indonesian. I choose translation because I think translation is important for English learners as one of the ways to apply what they have studied about English rules. When English learners do translation, they should do it as clearly as possible and with the same


more about how to translate without errors because the errors can influence the meaning of the translation.

I prefer to choose translation of Indonesian texts into English than English texts into Indonesian because, in my opinion, when students translate English texts into Indonesian, the errors will be less than when the students translate Indonesian texts into English. It is so because the students know the structure of their first language so when they do the translation from foreign language into their first language they can easily adjust the delivery of the message according to what is expected in the first language.

The reason why I choose high school students for the source of my research data is that I have learnt the materials of high school student, so I am sure I can analyse their errors well and suggest some correction. When I do the research, I find that many errors occur, so I want to correct the errors hoping that they will not make the errors anymore. I choose the students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi because I have access in getting the data there; most of my family and friends went to that school or are studying there.

There are some errors that occur when people do translation which make the translation become inaccurate. The errors that occur in the translation can be categorized using surface strategy taxonomy of errors. There are four categories of errors in surface strategy taxonomy of errors. The first category is Omissions and the example is “she beautiful”. The second category is Additions; the example of this category is “she is reads the book”. The third category is Misformation,


This research is significant for English teachers of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi. It is also useful for the students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi. For English teachers of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi, it will help them to know how far the students understand about the English rules that they have already taught. It will also help them to know which rules that the students do not understand so they can explain it clearly in class until their students understand. For the students, it will give them knowledge so they will be able to translate some text from their first language into English properly. Hopefully, they will not repeat the errors.

In doing the research, I use a definition of translation, theory of language interference, which is also known as linguistic transfer, and error analysis theory. Translation is a process of delivering messages and information from one language into another language through writing. Language interference is the effect of people’s first language on the production of their second language, while error analysis is a type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the errors that learners make.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

1. What kinds of errors are found in the Indonesian-English translation made by the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi? 2. What factors cause the errors to occur?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

1. To know what kinds of errors found in the Indonesian-English translation made by the second grade students of Santa Maria 3 Cimahi.

2. To know what factors cause the errors to occur.

1.4 Method of Research

In gathering the data, first I read the entire translated texts made by the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi. Second, I make a list of the sentences which contain errors and do the interview to the students who do the error and the teacher. Third, I analyse and classify the errors based on the taxonomy of errors. In doing the analysis, I get supporting theories from books and Internet. Finally, I write the research report.


to the subject matter which includes Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Method of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two presents the theoretical framework underlying the topic of the thesis. It elaborates the theory of language interference, error analysis, and the factors that cause the errors. Chapter Three informs the research finding and its analysis. This chapter presents the result of the data analysis in order to answer the research questions. Chapter Four conveys some conclusive points drawn from the previous chapter. The thesis ends with the Bibliography and the Appendices.




Having analyzed the translated sentences of the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi, I would like to make some concluding remarks.

As my research is to categorize the errors in the sentences and find out the causes, I make categories of the errors. From my analysis in the previous chapter, I calculate that there are 9 errors which belong to omission category; 6 errors come under addition category; 20 errors belong to misformation category; only 2 errors fall into misordering category; and 3 errors belong to substitution. All of these errors are from twenty-six data. The percentage of the category above is as follows:

substitution 8%

misformation addition

15% omission


substitution misformation misordering addition omission


and omission category. The errors belong to misformation category because there are errors in forming the words. Most of the errors in the word formation that are made by the second grade student of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi are in the “s” suffix. There are “s” suffix that are incorrectly left out and “s” suffix that are incorrectly added in the students’ translated sentence. The students also make errors in the word formation of the infinitive in the simple present tense, regarding whether the infinitive should use “s” suffix or not. This rule has been studied in the second grade student of senior high schools, but this rule is ignored.

Besides misformation, there are also errors which belong to omission, addition, and misordering. Some errors made by the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi belong to omission category because some needed words are omitted in the translated sentence. The other errors belong to addition category because some words added are not appropriate to the context. Besides misformation category, omission category, and addition category, there are also errors that belong to misordering category. There are only 2 errors which belong to this category and all errors which belong to misordering category are caused by the influence of the first language. Another error also belongs to substitution, and only 3 errors which belong to substitution. These errors belong to substitution because the student substitutes the right word into the wrong.


the influence of the student’s first language. The percentage of these causes is as follows:

The ignorance of rule restrictions

76% The incomplete

application of rule 7%

Overgeneralization 10%

The influence of first language

7% The ignorance of rule


The incomplete application of rule


The influence of first language

Based on the percentage above, I conclude that the dominant cause of the errors that occur is the ignorance of the rule restrictions. From the analysis, the rules that are ignored are on the use of article, the rule in relative clause and relative pronoun, the use of word formation of verb in simple present tense and simple future tense. Most of the errors which are cause by the ignorance of rule restrictions belong to addition category and misformation category.

Beside the ignorance of the rule restrictions, overgeneralization also causes some of the errors. There are 6 errors which are caused by the overgeneralization. Based on the data, I find that the students generalize words which are added by “s” suffix or not. In fact these words have a difference in meaning and usage. The examples for the generalization of “s” suffix are “become” and “becomes”, “sometime” and “sometimes” etc.


example the rule in word orders.

There are only 3 errors which are caused by incomplete application of rules. The errors which are caused by incomplete application of rules are when the student incomplete in translating the word from the source sentence into English. There are some words that are missing.

Beside of the ignorance of rule restriction, overgeneralization, the incomplete application of rule, and the influence of first language, there are also 3 errors which happen because the rule is not taught in class. So the students do not know the rule and understand the rule.

In conclusion, the errors that occur fall dominantly into misformation category. In terms of the causes of the errors, the ignorance of the rule restrictions is the dominant cause.

From the result of the analysis, I would like to give some suggestions. When translating a text, the rules of the target language should be followed to avoid making errors. I find that the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi still find difficulties in applying the English rules.

For the next person who wants to do the same research, I hope he or she will not only categorize the errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy of errors. He or she can also add some important things which are needed in this research. So this kind of research will be better and better.



Abisamra, Nada. Error Analysis, “An Analysis of Error in Arabic Speaker’s English Writings”. 20 September 2007.


Celce, Marianne, Dianne Larsen. The Grammar Book. United State of America: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. 1999.

Comrie. “What is a relative clause?”. Sil International. 22 April 2008. <>

Dulay, Heidi, Burt Martina, and Stephen Krashen. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.

Ellis, R. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

--- . Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1995.

Larson. “Translation Theory and Practice”. Sil Org. 06 September 2007. <>


Wren, PC, H. Martin. High School English Grammar & Composition. Singapore: S. Chand & Company Ltd. 1990.

Online English Grammar, 22 April 2008





Having analyzed the translated sentences of the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi, I would like to make some concluding remarks.

As my research is to categorize the errors in the sentences and find out the causes, I make categories of the errors. From my analysis in the previous chapter, I calculate that there are 9 errors which belong to omission category; 6 errors come under addition category; 20 errors belong to misformation category; only 2 errors fall into misordering category; and 3 errors belong to substitution. All of these errors are from twenty-six data. The percentage of the category above is as follows:

substitution 8%

misformation 49% addition

15% omission


misordering 5%

substitution misformation misordering addition omission


Based on the percentage above, the dominant errors made by the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi belong to misformation category and omission category. The errors belong to misformation category because there are errors in forming the words. Most of the errors in the word formation that are made by the second grade student of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi are in the “s” suffix. There are “s” suffix that are incorrectly left out and “s” suffix that are incorrectly added in the students’ translated sentence. The students also make errors in the word formation of the infinitive in the simple present tense, regarding whether the infinitive should use “s” suffix or not. This rule has been studied in the second grade student of senior high schools, but this rule is ignored.

Besides misformation, there are also errors which belong to omission, addition, and misordering. Some errors made by the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi belong to omission category because some needed words are omitted in the translated sentence. The other errors belong to addition category because some words added are not appropriate to the context. Besides misformation category, omission category, and addition category, there are also errors that belong to misordering category. There are only 2 errors which belong to this category and all errors which belong to misordering category are caused by the influence of the first language. Another error also belongs to substitution, and only 3 errors which belong to substitution. These errors belong to substitution because the student substitutes the right word into the wrong.

From the analysis, I also find 32 errors that are caused by the ignorance of the rule restrictions, 4 errors which are caused by overgeneralization, 3 error that are caused by the incomplete application of the rules, 3 errors which are caused by


the influence of the student’s first language. The percentage of these causes is as follows:

The ignorance of rule restrictions

76% The incomplete

application of rule 7%

Overgeneralization 10%

The influence of first language

7% The ignorance of rule


The incomplete application of rule


The influence of first language

Based on the percentage above, I conclude that the dominant cause of the errors that occur is the ignorance of the rule restrictions. From the analysis, the rules that are ignored are on the use of article, the rule in relative clause and relative pronoun, the use of word formation of verb in simple present tense and simple future tense. Most of the errors which are cause by the ignorance of rule restrictions belong to addition category and misformation category.

Beside the ignorance of the rule restrictions, overgeneralization also causes some of the errors. There are 6 errors which are caused by the overgeneralization. Based on the data, I find that the students generalize words which are added by “s” suffix or not. In fact these words have a difference in meaning and usage. The examples for the generalization of “s” suffix are “become” and “becomes”, “sometime” and “sometimes” etc.

Other errors which are made by the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi are caused by the influence of the students’ first language. There


are only two errors which are caused by this. This is because of the differences between the rules of Indonesian language and the rules of English language, for example the rule in word orders.

There are only 3 errors which are caused by incomplete application of rules. The errors which are caused by incomplete application of rules are when the student incomplete in translating the word from the source sentence into English. There are some words that are missing.

Beside of the ignorance of rule restriction, overgeneralization, the incomplete application of rule, and the influence of first language, there are also 3 errors which happen because the rule is not taught in class. So the students do not know the rule and understand the rule.

In conclusion, the errors that occur fall dominantly into misformation category. In terms of the causes of the errors, the ignorance of the rule restrictions is the dominant cause.

From the result of the analysis, I would like to give some suggestions. When translating a text, the rules of the target language should be followed to avoid making errors. I find that the second grade students of SMU Santa Maria 3 Cimahi still find difficulties in applying the English rules.

For the next person who wants to do the same research, I hope he or she will not only categorize the errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy of errors. He or she can also add some important things which are needed in this research. So this kind of research will be better and better.



Abisamra, Nada. Error Analysis, “An Analysis of Error in Arabic Speaker’s English Writings”. 20 September 2007.

<> Celce, Marianne, Dianne Larsen. The Grammar Book. United State of America:

Heinle & Heinle Publishers. 1999.

Comrie. “What is a relative clause?”. Sil International. 22 April 2008. <>

Dulay, Heidi, Burt Martina, and Stephen Krashen. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.

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