Module 2 (L4) Sustainable Watershed Approach Watershed Management Practices

M odu le 2 M odu le 2 – ( L4 ) Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d Appr oa ch ( L4 ) Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d Appr oa ch & W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t Pr a ct ice s Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d



L4 – Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d L4 Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d L4 L4 M a n a ge m e n t

   

Topics Cove r e d Topics Cove r e d

    I nt roduct ion t o t he concept of sust ainable I nt roduct ion t o t he concept of sust ainable w at ershed m anagem ent , Principles of w at ershed m anagem ent , Principles of sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent , Nat ural sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent , Nat ural

resources m anagem ent , Case St udy. resources m anagem ent , Case St udy.

      S Sust ainable wat ershed S Sust ainable wat ershed t i t i bl bl t t h d h d

  Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Managem ent . Managem ent . m anagem ent , Nat ural resources m anagem ent , Nat ural resources

Su st a in a ble D e ve lopm e n t


  “ Meet ing

  ‘Su st a in a ble D e ve lopm e n t ’ ( SD ) :

  t he needs & aspirat ions of present generat ion wit hout com prom ising t he abilit y of fut ure generat ion t o m eet i i t h bilit f f t t i t t t heir needs” .


  Aim s at global securit y – int egrat ing econom ics – g y g g science of developm ent & ecology – science of environm ent .

   

  SD – m ust deal wit h t hreat of povert y, populat ion SD – m ust deal wit h t hreat of povert y populat ion growt h & environm ent al degradat ion


  I t preserve & enlarge: physical, hum an & environm ent al capit al

   “Gr ow t h – w ove n a r ou n d pe ople , n ot pe ople a r ou n d gr ow t h a r ou n d gr ow t h ”

  Sust ainable Developm ent

Econ om ic Econ om ic Political SD SD Socia l En vir on m e n t a l En vir on m e n t a l

  Socially accept able econom ically & Socially accept able, econom ically &

  To achieve sust ainabilit y: To achieve sust ainabilit y:

  t echnically viable proj ect , m ult i- disciplinary approach, social

  • inst it ut ion, involvem ent of st ake holders – Holist ic approach Capacit y Building Capacit y Building- “ good science & sm art planning good science & sm art planning ”

Su st a in a ble D e ve lopm e n t & W a t e r Su st a in a ble D e ve lopm e n t & W a t e r Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t Re sou r ce s M a n a ge m e n t

  • • Developm ent & m anagem ent of wat er, land, biom ass &

    energy wit hin a t im e fram e: energy wit hin a t im e fram e:
  • t o m eet wit h m inim um needs of t he ult im at e size of populat ion, wit hout irreversibly affect ing t he resource base and while cont aining adverse effect on people, flora and fauna.
  • Econom ic developm ent decisions by t he present generat ion Econom ic developm ent decisions by t he present generat ion wit hout com prom ising capacit y of fut ure generat i
  • t o t ake decisions according t o t heir percept ions for t hem selves and for t heir fut ure generat ions. FLEXI BI LI TY, t hem selves and for t heir fut ure generat ions FLEXI BI LI TY RESI LI ENCE have t o be t he hallm arks.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

D e ve lopm e n t & M a n a ge m e n t of W a t e r Re sou r ce s Re sou r ce s

  For 3 Sect ors Food ood - I rrigat ion; ga o ; People eop e - Drinking, Sanit at ion;

  g, Sa a o ;

  Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 Nat ure - Ecology • Wat er is a basic nat ural resource which nurt ures life.

  • Less t han 3% is freshwat er and less t han 0.03% is accessible t o m ankind.
  • Due t o variabilit y of it s availabilit y in t im e & space, it needs • Due t o variabilit y of it s availabilit y in t im e & space it needs ‘developm ent ’ i.e. st orage for surface wat er & pum page from groundwat er.
  • A developed ( D) resource needs m anagem ent ( M) . D & M A d l d ( D) d t ( M) D & M go hand in hand.
  • To be int egrat ed ( I WRDM) - t o be sust ained. g ( )

  Sust ainabilit y I ssues for I WRDM

  St able populat ion, survival & fulfillm ent of St able populat ion survival & fulfillm ent of

Pe ople : Pe ople :

  • m inim um needs; deprivat ion, povert y, hunger, t hirst , m alnut rit ion, unem ploym ent , lack of hygiene- sanit at ion-

  Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

  healt h, m igrat ion, rehabilit at ion & reset t lem ent . h lt h i t i h bilit t i & t t l t

  • t able; recession of glaciers, incidence of drought and floods, t able; recession of glaciers incidence of drought and floods qualit y degradat ion, salinit y ingress, recycling and reuse, drying of rivers.

  Loss of st orage due t o silt at ion; fall of groundwat er W a t e r :

  • m angroves, drainage and reclam at ion, desilt ing of wat er- bodies & canals, prot ect ion for wat ersheds, erosion, bodies & canals, prot ect ion for wat ersheds, erosion, inundat ion and sea- level rise, advance of desert s, subm ergence, fert ilit y, product ivit y of land, reclam at ion.

  Wat er logging & salinit y, wet lands- m arshes-

  La n d:

Su st a in a bilit y I ssu e s – con . y

  Pr odu ct :Pr odu ct : Level of food product ion, balanced Level of food product ion balanced •

  com posit ion, quant it y- qualit y- t im eliness of supply, energy generat ed, healt hy environm ent .

  Fa cilit ie s: Dam s, canals, pum ps, t urbines, em bankm ent s - • t heir repairs, m odernizat ion, replacem ent , enlargem ent ; safet y, longevit y, desilt at ion, serviceabilit y, upkeep, special safet y, longevit y, desilt at ion, serviceabilit y, upkeep, special repairs.

  Biom a ss: Conservat ion of bio- diversit y, gene banks, t issue •

  cult ure, energy plant at ions, irrigat ed forest ry, biosphere cult ure energy plant at ions irrigat ed forest ry biosphere conservat ion zones, glass houses.

  D e ve lop ‘SUSTAI N ABI LI TY’ Pe r for m a n ce I n dica t or s.

Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t ( SW M ) ( SW M ) ( SW M ) ( SW M )

  Sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent Sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent approach of t aking w at er resources approach of t aking w at er resources approach of t aking w at er resources approach of t aking w at er resources m anagem ent pract ices in a holist ic fashion -- m anagem ent pract ices in a holist ic fashion t a t a t aking int o account of t he usage behavior of t aking int o account of t he usage behavior of g g t o accou t o t e usage be a o t o accou t o t e usage be a o o o various sect ors and t heir effect s on land & various sect ors and t heir effect s on land & w at er use t hat include polit ical, econom ic, w at er use t hat include polit ical, econom ic, social t echnological & environm ent al social t echnological & environm ent al considerat ions. considerat ions.

  •  

    Wid l d Widely used concept for governm ent , bilat eral Widely used concept for governm ent , bilat eral Wid l d t t f f t t bil t bil t l l and m ult ilat eral developm ent agencies and m ult ilat eral developm ent agencies

Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t Su st a in a ble W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

  Purpose of sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent 

  To prot ect t he land & wat er resources


  Habit at support ed by resources for fut ure generat ions


  Balance fut ure growt h while prot ect ing exist ing

  M j t k f t h t h d Maj or t ask of t he w at ershed m anager

  • To int egrat e all planning & m anagem ent act ivit ies
  • To fulfill t he m ain m anagem ent obj ect ives and To fulfill t he m ain m anagem ent obj ect ives and sust ainabilit y of precious resources

  I m provem ent - definit ion of wat ershed m anagem ent

  • By adding concept of int egrat ion & sust ainabilit y


  of land, wat er, econom ic & social resources t o upgrade hum an welfare in a qualit y environm ent . upgrade hum an welfare in a qualit y environm ent .

Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 M ot iva t ion for SW M M ot iva t ion for SW M

    The t erm The t erm “ sust ainabilit y” “ sust ainabilit y” w as popularized in w as popularized in

Burt land report in 1987 Burt land report in 1987 Burt land report in 1987 Burt land report in 1987 ( World Com m ission on ( World Com m ission on ( World Com m ission on ( World Com m ission on

Env. & Dev.) , Env. & Dev.) , w here sust ainabilit y w as im plied w here sust ainabilit y w as im plied

as a as a as an equit able dist ribut ion of t he resources not as an equit able dist ribut ion of t he resources not equ t ab e d st but o equ t ab e d st but o o t e esou ces o t e esou ces ot ot only spat ially bet w een users in a given locat ion, only spat ially bet w een users in a given locat ion, but t em porarily bet w een users over t im e. but t em porarily bet w een users over t im e.

   

Lat er on, t he m ain recom m endat ion from t he Lat er on, t he m ain recom m endat ion from t he

  • – report w as int egrat ed int o – report w as int egrat ed int o p p>– Agenda 21 of Rio sum m it 1992 and Dublin Principles Agenda 21 of Rio sum m it 1992 and Dublin Principles –
  • – I nt ernat ional Hydrological Program m e ( by UNESCO) I nt ernat ional Hydrological Program m e ( by UNESCO) – aft er 1992 phase aft er 1992 phase ft ft 1992 h 1992 h

Pr in ciple s of SW M


  Technical & socioeconom ic m easures - based on sound dat a & experim ent al invest igat ion dat a & experim ent al invest igat ion


  Successful act ivit ies in a sm all wat ershed m ay lead t o int egrat ion of achievem ent s in a large river basin


  Good coordinat ion am ong t he inst it ut ions w ho are d d h h working t owards fulfilling I WM goals


  Avoid local polit ics t o lead people in m isuse, when Avoid local polit ics t o lead people in m isuse, when designing policies and legislat ive m easures


  Com m unit y part icipat ion

Fr a m e w or k for SW M Fr a m e w or k for SW M

   Pu r pose : To int roduce program t hat balances growt h

  wit h nat ural resource prot ect ion for sust ainabilit y wit h nat ural resource prot ect ion for sust ainabilit y


  Three st ages: Technical, Planning and Wat ershed Com m unit y Out reach.

   Te ch n ica l st a ge : h i l I dent ifies t he im pact s of rapid d f h f d

  growt h on a wat ershed’s resources

   Pla n n in g st a ge : Pla n n in g st a ge :

  Develop m anagem ent st rat egies Develop m anagem ent st rat egies t hat balance regional growt h wit h nat ural resource prot ect ion

   W a t e r sh e d com m u n it y ou t r e a ch : W a t e r sh e d com m u n it y ou t r e a ch : I nnovat ive I nnovat ive

  approach t o prot ect t he region’s resources t hrough com m unit y- wide public event s

Ele m e n t s of SW M Ele m e n t s of SW M

    Four basic elem ent s ( show n in figure below ) Four basic elem ent s ( show n in figure below ) and t hey are int er-- connect ed. Therefore t he and t hey are int er and t hey are int er connect ed Therefore t he and t hey are int er connect ed. Therefore t he connect ed Therefore t he need t o look at all t hese elem ent s in an need t o look at all t hese elem ent s in an int egrat ed way int egrat ed way t eg at ed t eg at ed ay ay

  Natural Technology Resources Resources

  I nstitutions Economics SWM -- Nat ural Resource Managem ent SWM Nat ural Resource Managem ent  

  Nat ural resource m anagem ent -- Nat ural resource m anagem ent focuses on scient ific & focuses on scient ific & t echnical underst anding of resources & ecology & life t echnical underst anding of resources & ecology & life support ing capacit ies of t hese resources. support ing capacit ies of t hese resources.

    I n addit ion, it also focuses on t o underst and right of I n addit ion, it also focuses on t o underst and right of st akeholders wit h regard t o use of nat ural resources st akeholders wit h regard t o use of nat ural resources k h ld k h ld i h i h d d f f l l

    Nat ural resource m anagem ent Nat ural resource m anagem ent m ay include m ay include i t

  • – int ervent ions relat ed t o – i t int ervent ions relat ed t o t i t i l t d t l t d t R d R d Reducing soil erosion Reducing soil erosion i i il il>– I ncreasing w at er availabilit y I ncreasing w at er availabilit y –
  • – – I ncreasing product ivit y I ncreasing product ivit y I ncreasing product ivit y I ncreasing product ivit y
  • – I m prove adapt abilit y especially in cont ext of clim at e I m prove adapt abilit y especially in cont ext of clim at e – change change

SW M e le m e n t -- Te ch n ology SW M e le m e n t Te ch n ology

    Technology Technology -- im proved w ay of use of im proved w ay of use of inform at ion syst em t o underst and t he nat ural inform at ion syst em t o underst and t he nat ural inform at ion syst em t o underst and t he nat ural inform at ion syst em t o underst and t he nat ural resources and also im plem ent at ion by resources and also im plem ent at ion by e g e g engineering or biological m easures engineering or biological m easures ee ee g o b o og ca g o b o og ca easu es easu es

   

Technological m easures in SWM Technological m easures in SWM include include--

  • – I t s suit abilit y t o t he environ I t s suit abilit y t o t he environ-- clim at ic syst em of localit y – I t s suit abilit y t o t he environ clim at ic syst em of localit y I t s suit abilit y t o t he environ clim at ic syst em of localit y clim at ic syst em of localit y
  • – Should be sim ple t o const ruct so t hat can be Should be sim ple t o const ruct so t hat can be – m aint ained by unskilled labor m aint ained by unskilled labor
  • – Should address m at erial as well as labor availabilit y Should address m at erial as well as labor availabilit y –
  • – Can be indigenous Can be indigenous –
  • – Provide bet t er access t o inform at ion Provide bet t er access t o inform at ion – Provide bet t er access t o inform at ion Provide bet t er access t o inform at ion

SW M Ele m e n t SW M Ele m e n t – – I n st it u t ion s I n st it u t ion s

    I nst it ut ions I nst it ut ions --

  form al & non form al & non-- form al group of individuals form al group of individuals bound t oget her by som e com m on purpose t o achieve set bound t oget her by som e com m on purpose t o achieve set obj ect ives. Eg. Governm ent depart m ent s, gram obj ect ives. Eg. Governm ent depart m ent s, gram panchayat s, farm er’s group , wom en group, wat er users panchayat s, farm er’s group , wom en group, wat er users associat ions et c. associat ions et c.

   

I nst it ut ion involvem ent in SWM includes I nst it ut ion involvem ent in SWM includes – –

  • – – Address governance issues t hat includes account abilit y, Address governance issues t hat includes account abilit y, ff ff t ransparency, equit y, efficiency & part icipat ion t ransparency, equit y, efficiency & part icipat ion
  • – – Helps t o underst and t he rules and cust om s of a localit y Helps t o underst and t he rules and cust om s of a localit y including land t enure syst em , propert y right s and including land t enure syst em , propert y right s and including land t enure syst em , propert y right s and including land t enure syst em , propert y right s and collect ive act ions collect ive act ions
  • – – Looks int o int er Looks int o int er-- st akeholder issues st akeholder issues

SW M Ele m e n t -- Econ om ics SW M Ele m e n t Econ om ics

   

Econom ic Econom ic -- financially viable approach for any planning financially viable approach for any planning

  im plem ent at ion ( bot h social & t echnical) m easures; im plem ent at ion ( bot h social & t echnical) m easures;


Focuses F F Focuses on developm ent , operat ion & m aint enance of t he on developm ent , operat ion & m aint enance of t he d d l l t t t i t i & & i t i t f t h f t h

  act ivit ies; act ivit ies; Address Address -- cost effect iveness as well as cost effect iveness as well as affordabilit y concept of developm ent act ivit ies. affordabilit y concept of developm ent act ivit ies.

   

  Cost -- effect iveness m eans Cost effect iveness m eans

  • – Low cost of const ruct ion and m aint enance at easier Low cost of const ruct ion and m aint enance at easier – availabilit y of labor and m at erial availabilit y of labor and m at erial availabilit y of labor and m at erial availabilit y of labor and m at erial
  • – High out put incom e from act ivit ies – High out put incom e from act ivit ies

   

  Affordabilit y m eans Affordabilit y m eans y y

  • – Access t o capit al and abilit y t o pay Access t o capit al and abilit y t o pay –
  • – Eligibilit y t o subsidies Eligibilit y t o subsidies –

  Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

SW M Appr oa ch SW M Appr oa ch

  For a For a successful SWM successful SWM approach -- act ivit ies approach act ivit ies should be designed in phases t hat should should be designed in phases t hat should should be designed in phases t hat should should be designed in phases t hat should essent ially involve four core elem ent s as essent ially involve four core elem ent s as discussed earlier. discussed earlier discussed earlier. discussed earlier The phases The phases are-- are    

  Planning Phase Planning Phase Planning Phase Planning Phase Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

    I m plem ent at ion Phase I m plem ent at ion Phase

      Post -- im plem ent at ion phase Post Post Post -- im plem ent at ion phase im plem ent at ion phase im plem ent at ion phase

  Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 Photo A K Singh 2002

SW M SW M -- Pla n n in g Ph a se Pla n n in g Ph a se

  Act ivit ies proposed ( in general) Act ivit ies proposed ( in general) --  

  Nat ural resource Managem ent Nat ural resource Managem ent

  • – – Developing underst anding of local resources available Developing underst anding of local resources available
    • Generally resource m apping Generally resource m apping -- includes blend of includes blend of -- Generally resource m apping Generally resource m apping -- includes blend of includes blend of scient ific and local knowledge. scient ific and local knowledge.

    Technology Technology

   

Technology Technology

  • – – Scient ific underst anding about t he problem s and Scient ific underst anding about t he problem s and possible solut ion t hat leads t o sust ainabilit y possible solut ion t hat leads t o sust ainabilit y
  • – – Wat er resources m odeling approach blend wit h Wat er resources m odeling approach blend wit h applicat ion of rem ot e sensing and GI S t echniques applicat ion of rem ot e sensing and GI S t echniques

SW M -- Pla n n in g Ph a se SW M Pla n n in g Ph a se Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002

   

I n st it u t ion I n st it u t ion

  • – I dent ificat ion of form al & non I dent ificat ion of form al & non form al groups & I dent ificat ion of form al & non I dent ificat ion of form al & non-- form al groups & form al groups & form al groups & – individuals in t he area individuals in t he area-- st a k e h olde r a n a lysis st a k e h olde r a n a lysis
  • – I dent ificat ion of exist ing governm ent policies for I dent ificat ion of exist ing governm ent policies for – d dovet ailing of funds and ensuring t hat t he proposed dovet ailing of funds and ensuring t hat t he proposed d t ili t ili f f f f d d d d i i t h t t h t h t t h d d

  Policy a n a lysis Policy a n a lysis

  act ivit ies should be in line act ivit ies should be in line --

   

Econ om y Econ om y E E

  • – – Financial m anagem ent plan of individual act ivit ies Financial m anagem ent plan of individual act ivit ies
  • – Ensuring com m unit y part icipat ion eit her in m onet ary – – Ensuring com m unit y part icipat ion eit her in m onet ary Ensuring com m unit y part icipat ion eit her in m onet ary Ensuring com m unit y part icipat ion eit her in m onet ary – t erm s / in form of kind ( m at erial or labor) t erm s / in form of kind ( m at erial or labor)
  • – Ensuring financial t ransact ion Ensuring financial t ransact ion-- in t ransparent m anner in t ransparent m anner –


SW M -- I m ple m e n t a t ion ph a se SW M I m ple m e n t a t ion ph a se

 


I m ple m e n t a t ion ph a se I m ple m e n t a t ion ph a se -- cover developm ent of cover developm ent of

  necessary infrast ruct ure w it h com m unit y necessary infrast ruct ure w it h com m unit y ecessa y ecessa y as uc u e as uc u e co co u u y y part icipat ion.

  part icipat ion.

    Ca pa cit y bu ildin g Ca pa cit y bu ildin g -- I m port ant act ivit y during t he phase. I m port ant act ivit y during t he phase.

  The act ivit ies under t he phase are-- The act ivit ies under t he phase are

    Nat ural resource Managem ent Nat ural resource Managem ent

  • – I dent ifying land t enure st at us of t he areas for which – I dent ifying land t enure st at us of t he areas for which I dent ifying land t enure st at us of t he areas for which I dent ifying land t enure st at us of t he areas for which int ervent ions has been proposed under planning phase int ervent ions has been proposed under planning phase
  • – Carrying out dialogue wit h land owners for effect ive Carrying out dialogue wit h land owners for effect ive – ut ilizat ion ut ilizat ion

SW M -- I m ple m e n t a t ion Ph a se SW M I m ple m e n t a t ion Ph a se

   

Te ch n ology Te ch n ology

  • – Engineering surveys for ident ifying feasibilit y of Engineering surveys for ident ifying feasibilit y of – g g g g y y y y g g y y int ervent ions for a part icular locat ion int ervent ions for a part icular locat ion
  • – Carrying out relat ed scient ific st udies for ident ifying Carrying out relat ed scient ific st udies for ident ifying – beneficiaries from int ervent ions beneficiaries from int ervent ions beneficiaries from int ervent ions beneficiaries from int ervent ions

   

I n st it u t ion s I n st it u t ion s

  • – Capacit y building of local inst it ut ions Capacit y building of local inst it ut ions p p y y g g –
  • – Developing effect ive delivery m echanism for each Developing effect ive delivery m echanism for each – int ervent ions int ervent ions

   

Econ om y Econ om y Econ om y Econ om y

  • – Cost analysis for individual int ervent ion – Cost analysis for individual int ervent ion
  • – Affordable cost cont ribut ed by t he com m unit y t o cover Affordable cost cont ribut ed by t he com m unit y t o cover y y y y – part ial capit al.

  part ial capit al.

Post Post – – I m ple m e n t a t ion Ph a se I m ple m e n t a t ion Ph a se

  Post Post -- I m plem ent at ion phase obj ect ives: To I m plem ent at ion phase obj ect ives: To – –  

  Ensure Ensure sust ainabilit y sust ainabilit y of proposed int ervent ions even of proposed int ervent ions even aft er closure of t he int ervent ion aft er closure of t he int ervent ion

  • – – Design of effect ive inst it ut ion m echanism w here local Design of effect ive inst it ut ion m echanism w here local – – Design of effect ive inst it ut ion m echanism w here local Design of effect ive inst it ut ion m echanism w here local com m unit y t ake charge of m anagem ent of int ervent ions com m unit y t ake charge of m anagem ent of int ervent ions

    Assess t he im pact of int ervent ions t aken Assess t he im pact of int ervent ions t aken

   

Assess t he im pact of int ervent ions t aken Assess t he im pact of int ervent ions t aken

  • – – Working on m et hodology of m onit oring and evaluat ion Working on m et hodology of m onit oring and evaluat ion approach for individual int ervent ions approach for individual int ervent ions
  • – i k f i di h f i i k f i di h f i – Using key perform ance indicat ors approach for assessing Using key perform ance indicat ors approach for assessing progress of t he proj ect progress of t he proj
  • – – Using input Using input -- out put approach out put approach g p g p p pp p pp


Ca se St u dy-- Su cce ss of Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t Ca se St u dy Su cce ss of Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t

 

  ( Wat er Council) -- volunt ary act ivit y of ( Wat er Council) volunt ary act ivit y of

  Pani Panchayat Pani Panchayat

  group of farm ers com m it t ed t hrough sust ainable group of farm ers com m it t ed t hrough sust ainable group of farm ers com m it t ed t hrough sust ainable group of farm ers com m it t ed t hrough sust ainable developm ent of village -- t hrough equit able dist ribut ion developm ent of village t hrough equit able dist ribut ion of wat er t o all -- t hrough sust ainable wat ershed of wat er t o all t hrough sust ainable wat ershed developm ent t o im prove life of inhabit ant s wit h developm ent t o im prove life of inhabit ant s wit h developm ent t o im prove life of inhabit ant s wit h developm ent t o im prove life of inhabit ant s wit h part icipat ion of com m unit ies.

  part icipat ion of com m unit ies.

    'Pani Panchayat ' 'Pani Panchayat ' is t he nam e first given t o a m ovem ent is t he nam e first given t o a m ovem ent

  for m ot ivat ing farm ers of Naigaon Village of t he drought for m ot ivat ing farm ers of Naigaon Village of t he drought -- prone Purandhar t aluka of Maharasht ra St at e. prone Purandhar t aluka of Maharasht ra St at e.

  Conflict over wat er solved Conflict over wat er solved Conflict over wat er solved Conflict over wat er solved – t hrough people t hrough people t hrough people t hrough people part icipat ion, wat er m anagem ent & Lift I rrigat ion.

  • –    

  part icipat ion, wat er m anagem ent & Lift I rrigat ion.

  Overall com m unit y developm ent Overall com m unit y developm ent – form ulat ed by form ulat ed by

  • –  

  Vilasrao Salunkhe – Vilasrao Salunkhe Vil Vil S l S l kh kh – 1970s 1970s 1970 1970

Obj e ct ive s – Obj e ct ive s – Ca se st u dy Ca se st u dy

   

  To ident it y local needs, local resources, local t alent s, To ident it y local needs, local resources, local t alent s, local st rengt h and t o int egrat e t hem . local st rengt h and t o int egrat e t hem .

   

  To carry out experim ent s for opt im um use of nat ural To carry out experim ent s for opt im um use of nat ural resources like wat er, land and solar energy. resources like wat er, land and solar energy.

     

  To carry out experim ent s t o dem onst rat e effect ive wat er To carry out experim ent s t o dem onst rat e effect ive wat er To carry out experim ent s t o dem onst rat e effect ive wat er To carry out experim ent s t o dem onst rat e effect ive wat er conservat ion and m aint ain soil fert ilit y. conservat ion and m aint ain soil fert ilit y.

   

  To carry out experim ent s for im plem ent at ion of organic To carry out experim ent s for im plem ent at ion of organic f farm ing / nat ural farm ing and set t ing sm all village farm ing / nat ural farm ing and set t ing sm all village f i i / / t t l f l f i i d d t t i t t i ll ill ll ill indust ries for value addit ion in t he agricult ural product s. indust ries for value addit ion in t he agricult ural product s.

   

  I nt eract wit h decision m akers t o incorporat e proved rural I nt eract wit h decision m akers t o incorporat e proved rural p p p p developm ent m et hods int o t he policy of t he Governm ent . developm ent m et hods int o t he policy of t he Governm ent .

   

  To provide educat ion, t raining and infrast ruct ure in order To provide educat ion, t raining and infrast ruct ure in order t o im plem ent t he above obj ect ives. t o im plem ent t he above obj ect ives. t o im plem ent t he above obj ect ives t o im plem ent t he above obj ect ives

Pr in ciple s of Pa n i Pr in ciple s of Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t Pa n ch a ya t

    Sust ainable wat er use Sust ainable wat er use

   

  Every fam ily in t he village -- allowed wat er for Every fam ily in t he village allowed wat er for

  Equit y-- Equit y E E it it

  cult ivat ion, allocat ion based on fam ily size not land cult ivat ion, allocat ion based on fam ily size not land holding holding g g

  Efficiency Efficiency

  •   wat er int ensive crops should not be grown wat er int ensive crops should not be grown

  in t he village – in t he village – Prot ect ive irrigat ion Prot ect ive irrigat ion

  cropping schedule should be decided by cropping schedule should be decided by

  Part icipat ion Part icipat ion

  •  

  m ut ual agreem ent wit h m em ber farm ers m ut ual agreem ent wit h m em ber farm ers

  Econom y Econom y Econom y Econom y

  •   w at er t axes should be paid by all m em bers w at er t axes should be paid by all m em bers t t t t h h ld b ld b id b ll id b ll b b

  by t he dat es fixed up, failing which wat er supply should by t he dat es fixed up, failing which wat er supply should be cut for m em ber’s farm be cut for m em ber’s farm

Ca se st u dy -- Pon de V illa ge m ode l of Ca se st u dy Pon de V illa ge m ode l of Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t Pa n i Pa n ch a ya t

    Problem s in t he village Problem s in t he village

  • – Area experiencing low rainfall ~ 500 m m Area experiencing low rainfall ~ 500 m m – Area experiencing low rainfall 500 m m Area experiencing low rainfall 500 m m
  • – – Over abst ract ion of groundwat er Over abst ract ion of groundwat er -- serious concerns serious concerns

      Act ivit ies undert aken Act ivit ies undert aken Act ivit ies undert aken Act ivit ies undert aken

  • – Resource Mapping Resource Mapping-- Developed geographical Developed geographical – Underst anding of proj ect area Underst anding of proj ect area
  • – Well m onit oring Well m onit oring – – ident ified recharging as ident ified recharging as – Well as discharging wells Well as discharging wells
  • – Pum ping t est Pum ping t est t o ident ify pot ent ial pum ping Pum ping t est Pum ping t est -- t o ident ify pot ent ial pum ping t o ident ify pot ent ial pum ping t o ident ify pot ent ial pum ping –

  http:/ / pond regions regions emodel.html

  • – Wat er qualit y t est – Wat er qualit y t est – – t o underst and surface w at er and t o underst and surface w at er and groundw at er int eract ion groundw at er int eract ion groundw at er int eract ion groundw at er int eract ion

Ca se st u dy Ou t com e s Ca se st u dy Ou t com e s

    Migrat ion from t he village has st opped Migrat ion from t he village has st opped

    Agricult ure yield has increased due t o increased Agricult ure yield has increased due t o increased Agricult ure yield has increased due t o increased Agricult ure yield has increased due t o increased w at er t able and in sit u m oist ure. w at er t able and in sit u m oist ure.

      Lift irrigat ion schem es has increased in t he Lift irrigat ion schem es has increased in t he Lift irrigat ion schem es has increased in t he Lift irrigat ion schem es has increased in t he village and are funct ioning sust ainably. village and are funct ioning sust ainably.

   

Villagers are able t o produce t w o crops a year Villagers are able t o produce t w o crops a year

w it h an irrigat ion provision of about 8 m ont hs. w it h an irrigat ion provision of about 8 m ont hs.

    I ncrease in local em ploym ent s opport unit y in t he I ncrease in local em ploym ent s opport unit y in t he village village village village

    Overall socio-- econom ic & com m unit y developm ent Overall socio econom ic & com m unit y developm ent

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Re fe r e n ce s Re fe r e n ce s

    Raj Vir Singh ( 2000) Wat ershed Planning and Raj Vir Singh ( 2000) Wat ershed Planning and

    Raj Vir Singh ( 2000) , Wat ershed Planning and Raj Vir Singh ( 2000) , Wat ershed Planning and Managem ent , Yash Publishing House Managem ent , Yash Publishing House

    ht t p: / / panipanchayat org/ service ht m l ht t p: / / panipanchayat org/ service ht m l

    ht t p: / / panipanchayat .org/ m l ht t p: / / panipanchayat .org/ m l

    Hariyali guidelines of governm ent of I ndia Hariyali guidelines of governm ent of I ndia

    ht t p: / / sdnp nic in/ casest udy/ cases/ panipancha ht t p: / / sdnp nic in/ casest udy/ cases/ panipancha

    ht t p: / / casest udy/ cases/ panipancha ht t p: / / casest udy/ cases/ panipancha yat .ht m l yat .ht m l

    ht t p: / / m ow r gov in ht t p: / / m ow r gov in

    ht t p: / / m ow ht t p: / / m ow

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?

   I llu st r a t e solu t ion a ppr oa ch for SW M for you r w a t e r sh e d?. for you r w a t e r sh e d?.

    I dent ify t he ext ent of w at ershed-- w at ershed delineat ion I dent ify t he ext ent of w at ershed w at ershed delineat ion using appropriat e GI S based analysis using appropriat e GI S based analysis

    Carry out resource m apping Carry out resource m apping Carry out resource m apping Carry out resource m apping

    I dent ify t he problem s I dent ify t he problem s

   

I dent ify areas having problem s such as soil erosion, floods, I dent ify areas having problem s such as soil erosion, floods,

det eriorat ing w at er qualit y and also t race out possible det eriorat ing w at er qualit y and also t race out possible reason for t hat . reason for t hat .

   

I m port ant st ep for ident ifying t he problem s and at t ribut ing I m port ant st ep for ident ifying t he problem s and at t ribut ing

reason is t hat t he local people should be involved w it h t he reason is t hat t he local people should be involved w it h t he t eam of scient ist and engineers. t eam of scient ist and engineers.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!. Q


What are t he com m on sust ainabilit y

issues for I WRDM?. i f

  I WRDM? 

  Discuss t he principles & fram ework for Sust ainable Wat ershed Managem ent g approach.

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay P f T I Eldh D t t f Ci il E i i

  IIT B b

Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?. g Q

   Explain t he elem ent s of Sust ainable Wat ershed Managem ent . Wat ershed Managem ent

   I ll I llust rat e Sust ainable Wat ershed t t S t i bl W t h d Managem ent Approach.

   Discuss a case st udy of Sust ainable Wat ershed Managem ent . W t h d M t

Un solve d Pr oble m !. Un solve d Pr oble m !

   

  Tradit ional soil and wat er conservat ion plans has Tradit ional soil and wat er conservat ion plans has failed due t o it s single point em phasis on building failed due t o it s single point em phasis on building engineering st ruct ures. I n addit ion t he villagers engineering st ruct ures. I n addit ion t he villagers engineering st ruct ures. I n addit ion t he villagers engineering st ruct ures. I n addit ion t he villagers neit her underst and t he basic purpose of creat ing neit her underst and t he basic purpose of creat ing t hese st ruct ures nor find any incent ives of t hese st ruct ures nor find any incent ives of m aint aining t hem . Also, t hese st ruct ures are m aint aining t hem . Also, t hese st ruct ures are m aint aining t hem Also t hese st ruct ures are m aint aining t hem Also t hese st ruct ures are vanishing aft er few years of com plet ion of proj ect . vanishing aft er few years of com plet ion of proj ect .

   

I dent ify suit able sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent I dent ify suit able sust ainable wat ershed m anagem ent

approach t o address t he problem ?. approach t o address t he problem ?. h h dd dd h h bl bl ? ?

  • – – Carry out stakeholder analysis Carry out stakeholder analysis Consider traditional practices of farmers Consider traditional practices of farmers – –
  • – suggest local m et hods – suggest local m et hods t l t l l l t h d t h d I dent ify soil conservat ion m easures I dent ify soil conservat ion m easures – –

    I dent ify proper m onit oring and evaluat ion st rat egy and involve local – – I dent ify proper m onit oring and evaluat ion st rat egy and involve local

    p p people people p p

  Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho Professor, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, p p g g g g Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076. Mumbai, India, 400 076. Email: Email: Email: Email: