2. A DESCRIPTION OF TENSES 2.1 Definition of Tenses - The Description Of Tenses Used In Sara Gruen’s Novel


  2.1 Definition of Tenses

  The are many definitions of tenses which are proposed by grammarians, such as Djuharie and George. Djuhari says Tenses is grammatical category that locates a situation in time that indicates when the situation take place. Tenses are part of grammar. mastering tenses is important if we do not use appropriate tenses, it can make misunderstanding especially in written language. George (1980: 192) states that tenses means time. It should be pointed out that time in relation to action is a concept that eists in the mind of the speaker ,reader, or listener.

  2.2 Kind of Tenses

  In the traditional English, tenses can be devided into three mains time periods:The present, past, and future. The basic pattern Is referred to simple shapes. In each of these basic pattern can also be seen aspects of how the incident took place which is being lasts, over, or still in progress. When associated with mood tenses is formed precisely in the real main patterns and like which aspects in general pattern of tense as follows:


  SIMPLE Past future simple simple simple simple

  Present Past Past Past future CONTINUOUS continuous continuous continuous continuous

  Present Past Future PERFECT

  Past future perfect perfect perfect perfect PERFECT Present Past Future Past future CONTINUOUS continuous continuous continuous continuous

2.2.1 Simple Present Tenses

  The Simple Present Tense of most verbs requires only an-s ending in the third personal singular. This is true whether the subject is pronoun (he ,she, it) or a singular noun, the first -an second – person pronoun (I ,we, you ),the third- person(they),and plural require no ending in the present tense .

  Example : 1.

  I always help my friends.

  2. The sun rises in the east.

  Pattern: Positive : Subject + Verb 1+ Object Negative : Subject + Do/Does +Not+ Verb 1 + Object Interrogative : Do/Does + Subject Verb 1 + Object ?

  Used question word (when, where, who, why, what, which, how), question word used before the auxiliary: do/does..

  Example: 1.

  Does your mother work here?.

  2. Does he go to school every day?.

  3. Does Mr. Andy write the letter to his friend?


  Used to express the general truth 1.

  The sun rises in the east 2. The sun does not evolve around the earth.

  3. The sky is blue. Used to express habitual action: 1.

  The car is turned up every month.

  2. We go to school every day.

  3. We celebrated the ceremony every Monday. Used for events after or now 1.

  Diana studies at elementary school.

  2. Siti is given a scholarship for great achievement.

  3. A do not have any car. Used for a planned future action or series actions 1.

  I have a meeting Wednesday at the time.

  2. The train arrives at 10.20.

  3. What time does the film start?

2.2.2 Present Continuous Tense

  Present Continuous Tense is a construction. It made up auxiliary be+ the- ing (present participle)form of the verb.

  Pattern: Positive : subject +is /am/are +verb +object ing other and third singular. Negative : Subject + Is Am/Are+ Not + Verb +Object ing

Interrogative : Is/Am Are + Subject + Verb ing + Object?


  Used question word (When, Where, Who, Why, Which, How), question word place before to be :is/am/are.

  Used to express an activity or state in progress or around the time of speaking:

  1. I wonder what is being read by her.

  2. Diana is eating dinner now.

  3. Listen! she is singing a good song. Used to express an action future that has planned 1.

  Diana is leaving for Medan tomorrow.

  2. I am watching the movie tonight. Used to express temporer action 1.

  I am studying Arabic at University Of North Sumatera.

2. The guests are staying in Madani Hotel

2.2.3 Present Perfect Tense

  The present perfect tenses is construction on made up it auxiliary have +

  Patten: Positive : S+ Have/Has +V +Object



has’’ use for subject third singular, and ‘’ have’’ use for other subject the third singular.

  Negative : S + Have/Has +Not +V 3 +Object Interrogative : Have/Has +S + V 3 +Object ?

  Used question word (When, Where, Who, Why, What, Which, How), question word place before Have/Has.


  Used to indicate an action has relevance in the past, but still relevance in the present:

  1. I have ever been to Bandung.

  2. I have already seen that movie.

  3. She has got her breakfast.

  Used to indicate an action took place at an indefinite time or over period:

  1. Rani has already read the entire book.

  2. We have already written our reports.

  3. The bridge has been built nowadays. Used in intransitive verb: 1.

  I have been a teacher since 1989.

  2. I lived here since I was born.

  3. She has slept for 10 hours.

2.2.4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense Patten: Positive : S +have/has +been +v ing + object Negative : Subject + Have/Has +Not +Been +Verb ing + Object Positive : Have /Has +Subject +Been +Verb ing +Object ? Function

  Used to expresses the duration (the length of time )an activity is in progress. Time expressions with since and for are used with the present perfect progressive.

  1. I have been sitting in class since 9 o`clock .

  2. I have been standing in front of class for 45 minutes.

  3. Rita has been talking to josh on the phone for twenty minutes.

  Used to express an action relevance in time but do not explaned in Indonesian can be interpreted.

  1. I have been reading a book.

  2. We have been watching TV.

  3. We have not been watching TV.

2.2.5 Simple Past Tense

  Past tense is used to talk about activities or situations that began and ended at a particular time in the past.

  Patten: Positive : Subject +Verb 2 + Object Negative : Subject +Did +Not + Verb 1 +Object Interrogative : Did Subject +Verb

  1 +Object ? Function Used to express habitual action or repair to in the past.

  1. Diana walked to school everyday ten years ago.

  2. It rained almost everyday last rainy season.

  Used to express activities or situations that began and ended at a particular time in the past.

  1. Mary walked downtown yesterday .

2. I slept for eight hours last night.

2.2.6 Past Continuous

  The past continuous tense is an important tense in English. we use it to say that somebody was in middle of doing something at a certain time. the action or situation had already started before this time but had not finished.

  Pattern: Positive : Subject + Was/Were + Verb ing Negative : Subject + Was/Were + Not + Verb ing Introgative : was/were + subject + verb ing ? Function

  Used the Past Continuous Tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking about.

  1. I was walking at 10

  pm last night.

  2. They were not sleeping at 9

am last night.

  3. what were you doing at 10

  pm last night

  Used to express events in past progressive tense 1.

  The engine was running when it suddenly stopped.

  2. When Vini came home, nana was watching television.

2.2.7 Past Perfect Tense

  We use the Past Perfect tense to emphasize that an action in the past finished before another action in the past started. This tense is also used in reported speech, third conditional sentences, or to show dissatisfaction with the past.

  Pattern: Positive : Subject+ Had +Verb 3 + Object Negative : Subject +Had +Not+ Verb +Object

  3 Introgative : Had +Subject +Verb 3 + Object?

  Used question word (When,Where, Who, Why, What, Which, How,) place before ‘’Had’’.

  Function Used to express the events incurred before simple past .

  1. After I had breakfast,I started to work.

  2. He had already walked to school before I could offer him a ride.

2.2.8 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  The Past Perfect Continuous is formed with the past perfect tense of the verb to be ( had been )+ the present participle (ing) Example : I had been eating

  Pattern: Positive : Subject + Had + Verb ing Negative : Subject + Had +Not + Verb ing Introgative : Had + Subject + Verb ing

  Used to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.

  1. They had been talking for over an hour before tony arrived.

  2. She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business.

  Used before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect:

  1. Diana was tired because she had been jogging .

  2. Sam gained weight because he had been overeating.

2.2.9 The Simple Future Tense

  The Future Simple is used in many situations such as when making promises or predictions.

  Pattren: Positive : S+ will/shall + v

  1 or subject + is/am/are + going to +v

  1 Negative : will/shall +not + v1 or subject + is/am /are +going to +v


  Introgative : will/shall + S +V1 or is/am/are +s +going to +v 1? Function

  We used Simple Future Tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking.

  1. Hold on. I `ll get a pen.

  2. We will see what we can do to help you.

  3. Maybe we` ll stay in and watch television tonight. We used the Simple Future Tense to make a prediction about the future.

  1. I will walk to school tomorrow.

  2. I will attend a party tonight.

  3. I will be to new york net week.

2.2.10 Future Progressive Tense

  Future Continuous to indicate that we will be in the middle of doing something in a specified time in the future.

  Pattren: Positive : Subject +Will/Shall +Have +Verb ing Negative : Subject + Will/Shall +Not + Be + Verb ing Introgative : Will/Shall +Subject +Be +Verb ing form Future Continuous with ‘’will’’ will be + present (participle)

  1. will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?.

2. You will not be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.

  Form Future Continuous whit “be going to “ 1.

  Are you going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight? 2. You are not going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.


  It is possible to use either “will” or “be going to” to create the future continuous whit little difference in meaning.

2.2.11 Future Perfect

  Future Perfect tense to talk about actions that will be finished before some point in the future. We also use this tense to express situations that will last for a specified period of time at a definite moment in the future. The last use is to express certainty that an action was completed.

  Pattern: Positive : Subject + Will/Shall +Have + Verb

  3 Negative : Subject + Will/Shall +Not +Verb

  3 Introgative : Will/Shall +Subject +Have +Verb



  The Perfect Tense expresses action in the future before another action in the future.

  1. He will be walking to school at 8 a. m. tomorrow.

  2. This time net week l will be sailing to Netherland.

  Tense to express situations that will last for a specified period of time at a definite moment in the future. We also use this tense to express certainty about the cause of some future situation.

  Pattern: Negative : subject + will + have +been +v ing Positive : subject + will + not + have + been + v ing. introgative :will +subject +have +been+ v ing Function Future Perfect Continuous with ‘’ will’’ (will have been + present participle) 1.

  you will have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.

  2. Will you have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane arrives?

  Future Perfect Tense Continuous with ‘be going to ‘ (Am/Is/Are + Going To Have Been + Present Participle) 1.

  You are going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally.

  2. Are you going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives?

  3. Note : it is possible to use either ‘’will ‘’ or ‘’ be going to ‘’ to create the future perfect continuous with or no difference in meaning.


  3.1 The Tenses Used in Sara Gruen`S Novel

  The tenses used in Sara Gruen`S novel are simple present,past tense and future.

  3.2 The Most Dominant Tense Used In Sara Gruen`S Novel

  The stories are from Sara Gruens novel found 25 chapter story. In this paper the writer found tenses in data research shows that the simple present tense shoe 119 data chapter (1-23), the data past tense show 16 data chapter (1-18), the data future tense show 20 data chapter (1-23) and past future continuous 2 data chapter (14).

  The Simple Present 1.

  You go upstairs to fetch something (chapter 1 page 8)

2. The nurse parks me in front of my meal 3.

  I open my mouth to answer (chapter 3 page 27 ) 4. I close my note book 5. He pats my back loudly

  (Chapter 4 page 36) 6. They don`t look like my parent 7. He looks uncomfortable 8.

  I scan the room 9. He squints at me a while longer 10.

  I set my plate down (Chapter 5 page 42) 11. Cecil stands on a platform 12. He struts back and forth 13. He turns to address the crowd 14. He leads me through to the back 15. He take a long slug from his bottle

16. He claps a had on my shoulder 17.

  L poke my head out of the tent 18. She brings it to her mouth and takes a deep drag

  (Chapter 7 page 56) 19. I feel my face turn red 20.

  He rips the ball hook from my hand 21. He stands absolutely still 22. I return to the ring stock car and lie on my bed room

  (Chapter 9 page 61) 23. He moves to the open door and waves me toward him 24.

  He stares at the ledger book in front of him 25. He smacks his lips 26. He picks up his bag and edges toward 27. He tips his hat

  (chapter 11 page 88) 28. He wipe his hands carefully 29.

  He leaps to his feet

30. I remove my hat 31.

  He pulls a flask from his pocket 32. She walks a small circle in the center of the ring 33. She calls and they stop

  (chapter 19 page 112-118) 34. He presses his muzzle into it 35.

  I give them treats 36. He marches straight to August 37. I don`t try very hard 38. He shines like the sun 39. He becomes positively

  (chapter 24 page 204-280 )

  Present Continuous Tense 1.

  he is sitting opposite 2. I am telling you now 3. He is lying you now

  (chapter 11 page 88) 4. She is sitting beside me

5. I am going to slug him 6.

  I am watching the circus 7. He is standing at the window

  (chapter 19 page 112-118) 8. I am going to lost it 9.

  He is a hulking brute with a thick black bread (Chapter 7 page 56) 10. Four men are sitting on rough burlap feed sacks 11. Camel is walking away

  (Chapter 4 page 36) 12. I am searching in vain for an elephant 13.

  She is standing in front of a row of black and white horse 14. I am standing near the back of a much smaller 15. She is standing perfectly still

  (chapter 1 page 8) 16. You are having a bad dream 17.

  He is looking Marlena

18. I am dying to now 19.

  Kinko is lording over a party with a bottle in his hand (chapter 24 page 204-280 ) 20. She is wearing a halter 21. I am not mopping

  (Chapter 9 page 61) 22. You are mopping off 23. We are trying the hair of the dog

  (chapter 21page 119-129) 24. We are going to find out 25.

  Are you talking about the elephant again 26. She is a lone sitting in her chair 27. I am talking generally 28. I am not talking about you 29. I am longing on my bedroll 30. Squadron is preparing to pull out

  (chapter 1 page 15- 20)

31. We are pulling out 32.

  He is standing on the ground in front of the open door 33. I am getting a doctor out to day 34. Are we going to perform this examination 35. We are touching shoulder

  (chapter 3page 27) 36. I know he is a working man and Al 37. Are you saying you didn`t want to kiss me? 38.

  I am back to sleeping on the horse blanket in corner (Chapter 5page 43 -46 )

  Present Perfect Tense 1.

  I have forgotten 2. I have stopped

  (chapter 3page 27) 3. They have lived here for nearly thirty year 4.

  I haven`t eaten since the day before yesterday (Chapter 9 page 61) 5. I have been more a ware of the heat

6. They have gone back to the train to wait for a doctor 7.

  I haven`t moved since he left (chapter 24 page 204-280 ) 8. She has learned to follow august 9. She has stopped beating the hell out of her 10.

  Uncle Al hasn`t actually said so (chapter 1 page 8) 11. We have missed you 12. He hasn`t touched her whit the bull hook

  (chapter 19 page 112-118) 13. I haven`t got a rosary 14.

  We have got a strow house to night (Chapter 5 page 42)

  Present Perfect Continuous 1.

  I have been mucking out stock cars an morning 2. I been talking a friend of mine 3. They have been waiting for twenty minutes

  (chapter 19 page 112-118)

4. She has been so busy concentrating on her ball 5.

  We have hearing rumors that maybe there is money finally (Chapter 5 page 42)

  Past Tense 1.

  I got talked 2. I ware to attempt the usual guest

  (chapter 3page 27) 3. I was not dreaming 4.

  I was not joking at age (chapter 24 page 204-280 )

  Past Continuous 1.

  You were going to say thirty- three 2. I were standing in front of Salomon 3. I wasn`t a ware of dozing

  (chapter 24 page 204-280 ) 4. I was checking out baggage stock 5.

  I was actually looking for you 6. She was running a long side the train

7. I was dreaming about Marlena

  (chapter 19 page 112-118) 8. He was charming and relentless 9.

  I saw getting married (Chapter 5page 43 -46 )

  Past Perfect Continuous 1.

  I have been sitting at the table forever 2. He is been there two weeks 3. He had be drinking Jake canned heat

  (chapter 3page 27)

  Future Tense 1.

  You will never forget what you see 2. He will take you right on it 3. You will never remember the quarter you spent here to day

  (chapter 24 page 204-280 ) 4. I will show you ladies something you have never seen 5.

  I will take it before break fast if you don`t mind 6. I will be right here

  (chapter 3page 27) 7. They will survive until something shows up 8. I will be a long in minute 9.

  I will go to confusion (chapter 1 page 15- 20) 10. I will make sure 11. You will find you sea legs soon 12. He will be here any second

  (chapter 1-23)

  Future Continuous 1.

  they will be puling in any time 2. we are going to be crawling with suckers in a minute 3. you will be talking about this for rest of your live

  (chapter 1 page 15- 20) 4. what will I be doing? 5.

  I will stop drinking (Chapter 9 page 61)

  Past Future Continuous 1.

  He shouldn`t have been drinking in the place ( Chapter 14 page189 )

  Past Future perfect 1.

  I wouldn`t have gone ( Chapter 24 page 245)