An Analysis of Educational Values in “Ranah 3 Warna” Novel




An Analysis of Educational Values in “Ranah 3 Warna” Novel

  Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.PdI) In English Department of Education Faculty

  By: HERU SAPUTRA 113 07 064


  SALATIGA 2012 ii







َﺪ َﺟ َو ﱠﺪ َﺟ ْﻦ َﻣ

  W h oev er i s p er si st en t , h e w i l l f i n d


َﻣ ََ َو ﱠَ ْﻦ

  W h oev er k n ock s, h e w i l l get i n

  ْﻦ َﻣ َﺮ

ِﻔ َﻇ

َﺮ َـﺒ َﺻ

  W h oev er i s p a t i en t , h e w i l l be l u ck y

  ﺪ َﺼ َﺣ َع َر َز ْﻦ َﻣ

  َ◌ W h oev er p l a n t s, h e w i l l h a r v est




  Thi s t hesi s i s dedi cat ed t o: 1.

  My bel oved par ent ( Suhar yant o and Raudl at ul Fal ah) and si st er ( Rokhi s Fawazah) . No wor d can descr i be how I l ove havi ng you.

  Thanks f or ever yt hi ng.

  2. My l i t t l e angel s: Anni sa ( al m) , Addi na, Aul i a, Ni sr i na. Your smi l es ar e my mot i vat i on t o r each my super hi gh dr eam.


  “ Ar t ” of my l i f e. Thanks f or t he ar t .

  4. Al l member s of “ Cr azy Comf or t Col or f ul Cool Cal m Coupl e C- Cl ass Voo Fun” , especi al l y Anas, Doni , Sahi d, Di ah, Ar un, Ar i en. I coul dn’ t i magi ne how my st udy wi t hout you al l was.

  5. My f r i ends i n KAMMI Sal at i ga. Speci al t o: Akh Bashor and Akh Anas. Thanks f or your f r i endshi p i n happi ness and sadness.

  6. My Fr i ends i n CEC, I TTAQO and RACANA STAI N Sal at i ga. Thanks f or gi vi ng me wor l d t o act ual i ze.

  7. I ELSP Cohor t 8 Vi r gi ni a Gr ant ees. Thanks f or t r ansmi t t i ng your cr azy dr eams t o me guys!

  8. My Fost er Par ent : Dani el and Mar gar et Br esl au. One of my dr eams i s vi si t i ng 601 Tur ner St r eet , Bl acksbur g, Vi r gi ni a.

  9. My f r i ends who al ways suppor t me: Khoi r ul Wal i d, Pai j o ( Rent al Ber kah) , I bnu Si na, Ki ki , Mbak I i f , Hami d ( Abi Comp) , Bl i Kadek, and of cour se mbak Yul i Nur Ar yani .

10. Al l of you, who have dr awn my l i f e.




  First of all, I would like to thanks Allah that with his blessing this graduating paper can be completed.

  Peace and salutation is always given to our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the most inspiring human and the source of good values.

  This paper cannot be completed without others’ guidance, help and support. Therefore, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to: 1.

  Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, as the head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga.

  2. Maslihatul Umami, MA as the head of English Department.

  3. Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, MM. Thanks for your patience in guiding me during the writing process.

  4. Dr. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy, M.Ag. Thanks for the inspirations.

  5. All lecturers of English Department of STAIN Salatiga who give me many good values in life.

  6. Hammam, M.Pd, Noor Malihah, M. Hum, and Yedi Efriyadi, M.Pd, who always motivate me.

  7. My beloved family and all of my friends who always support me to finish this graduating paper.

  Finally, I hope that this graduating paper can give significant contribution for the reader. I realize that it is so far from perfect due to my lack of knowledge and experience in doing academic research; therefore, any suggestions and comments will be highly appreciated.


  Salatiga, February 2 2012 The writer


viii ABSTRACT Heru Saputra. 2012. An Analysis of Eucational Values in “Ranah 3 Warna” Novel.

  English Department. State Islamic studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga.

  The aims of the study are: (1) to describe the intrinsic literary elements of the novel “Ranah 3 Warna”, (2) to analyze the cultural background in the novel, (3) to find out the fundamental educational values of the novel.

  To collect the data, the writer used library research. The writer also looked for other information that is relevant and appropriate with the research problem. Based on the analysis of the novel “Ranah 3 Warna” the writer can make some conclusion that the intrinsic literary elements of the novel are consist of character and characterization, plot, setting, point of view, style and theme. The cultural background of the novel tells about Quebec which is considered as zero crime rate city. The education values are life is a struggle, education is human right, never give up, be patient but not passive, the power of dream, respect to parent, respect to teacher, be optimistic in life, be confident.

  Keywords: Literary Element, Cultural Background, Educational Values.


  TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE....................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ...................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES ......................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ...................................................... iv MOTTO.................................................................................................... v DEDICATION.......................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGENMENT ...................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. ix TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ x

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study .......................................... 1 B. Statements of the Problem........................................ 4 C. The Objectives of the Study ..................................... 4 D. The benefits of the Study ......................................... 5 E. Clarification of Key Terms ...................................... 5 F. Review of Previous Research ................................... 8 G. Research Methodology .......... …………………....... 9 H. Thesis Outline………………………………….……. 11



  CHAPTER III THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Education ................................................................ 13 B. value……………………………………………….... 17 C. description of Educational Values ........................... 23 D. Literature……………………………………………. 24 E. The Relationship Between Literature and Education 25

  CHAPTER II ABOUT THE NOVEL “RANAH 3 WARNA” A. Synopsis of The Novel ............................................ 26 B. Cultural Background of The Novel .......................... 31 C. The Biography of The Author .................................. 34 D. Literary Elements of The Novel ............................... 37 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Some Critics Says on Andrea Hirata`s Novel……... 51 B. Educational Values in The Novel “Ranah 3 Warna” 53 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion ............................................................. 63 B. Suggestion.............................................................. 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY


Ariyani, Yuli Nur. 2011. A Description of Education Values As Seen in Andrea

Hirata’s Novel “Sang Pemimpi” . UN Published Thesis. STAIN Salatiga.


Chase, Mary Ellen. 1965. Values in Literature. Boston, USA: Houghton Mifflin

Company Daradjat, Zakiyah. 1977. Membina Nilai-nilai Moral Indonesia. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.


Deighton, Lee C. 1971. The Encyclopedia of Education Vol. 6. USA: The Macmillan

Company & The Free Press.

Earle, William James. 1992. Introduction to Philosophy. Singapore: Mc Graw-Hill



Edwards, Paul. 1967. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 7 and 8. Great Britain:

Macmillan, INC.

Kaswardi, EM, K. 1993. Pendidikan Nilai Memasuki Tahun 2000. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Lado, Robert. 1964. Language Teaching A Scientific Aproach. New York: Mc. Graw

Hill Inc.

  Linda. Eyre, Richard. 1997. Mengajarkan Nilai-Nilai Kepada Anak. Jakarta: Gramedia

Hurlock, Elizabeth B. 1977. Child Development, Sixth Edition. Mc. Graw: Hill Book


Indar, HM. Djumbernsyah. 1994. Filsafat Pendidikan. Surabaya: Karya Abditama.

  Najib Agus. 2007. Educational Values of Adam`s Story in the Holly Qur`an.

  UN published thesis. STAIN Salatiga Nawawi, Hadari. 1990. Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

  Potter, James L. 1967. Elements of Literature. USA: The Odyssey Press.


Soedarso. 1991. Sistem Membaca Cepat dan Efektif. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka

Utama. xii


Stanton, Robert. 1965. An Introduction to Fiction. USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston


Syam, M Noor, dkk. 1988. Pengantar Dasar-Dasar Kependidikan. Surabaya: Usaha



Websters. 1981. Thir d New Inter national Dictionar y. USA: Merriam Webster Inc.

Widiastuti. 2008. The Moral Values in Novel ketika Cinta bertasbih. UN published

Thesis. STAIN Salatiga.

  Zulaikhoh, Siti. 2008. Educational Values of The Novel” Even After All This Time”. UN published Thesis. STAIN Salatiga. menara-penerima-8-beasiswa xiii


  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Human beings have two roles at once both as individual and social creatures. As individual creatures, human beings have a freedom to do what they want and to convey their idea and feeling, but they must be obliged to account for what has been done. As social creature in other hand, they need to interact and communicate with others and cannot live without others’ help. That is why human needs language as a culture code. Lado (1964:2) explains language as a part of the culture of people and the chief means by which the members of a society communicate. He adds that language therefore is both a component of culture and a central network through which the other components are expressed. Therefore, language cannot be separated from the culture of the society, because language is a symbol of a nation.

  People use language to understand each other to get information and their needs. The way to communicate is by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  Focusing in reading, people can get many information and values by it such as religious, economic, education, moral and politic. They also have many choices of materials to read, for example magazine, newspaper, novel, article and history


  2 book. Reading is a complex activity which mobilizes a large of separated activities such as using understanding and imagination, notice and recall (Soedarso, 1991:4).

  While reading, our imagination will play to liven up the story in our mind as we are the main character. It will not happen when we are watching a movie, because we can see the event and just receive what we can see without imagining that. Besides gathering information, people also aim the reading for entertainment. The point is people want to get some advantages from their reading.

  One of the reading sources is literature. It often represents human life, because the writers get ideas from their experiences and what they see on their daily existence. It also gives a lot of inspiration for the reader though sometimes implicitly. Besides that, it transforms real events into words which awaken the reader's imagination as they experience the events and finally they can take many things which they can implement in their real life.

  Literature has double functions as an entertainment and a lesson as well. It entertains by giving beautiful words which make the readers feel fresh and delivering them to the imagination world which is very exciting. Besides giving pleasure, it also gives many lessons for the readers and it can be an effective media to deliver information and messages about good values (Daradjat, 1977:19). By reading literature, many people get abstract experiences from the story and messages which are delivered and become wiser than before. Webster (1981:1321) called literature as writing in prose or verse especially, writing having excellence of from or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest. This

  3 dictionary also explained that literature stands related to man as science stand to nature. It means that literature and human have closed relationship.

  Talking about novel, it can be one of the various texts of literary works. Novel has certain messages that are delivered by the author so that the reader gets the abstract experience from the story (Ariyani, 2010:2). As said by Robert Stanton, novel is a long story that present in detail the development of a character or a large complex social situation or a relationship involving many characters or a complicated event covering many years or a complex relationship among a few characters (Stanton, 1965:44). By reading a novel we do not only get a pleasure but we can take the messages as well. It will inspire us to find the solution in facing problem of life and to make a change in the way of our life without taking any risks, because we just take a part in the action of the story by using our imagination.

  In this study the writer would like to discuss about the novel entitled “Ranah 3 Warna”. The story is very interesting. It shows us about the power of dream. This novel generally tells about Alif’s struggles. He comes from simple family and he is a boarding alumnus, but he has a big spirit to get the highest education abroad. This novel also shows the efforts and sacrifice. Even it is difficult, he wants to continue his study in a good university; He realizes that education is very important in his life to get the bright future.

  Education is very important in our life, but not all people can get education because the payment of the school is too high by some people. The parent cannot

  4 pay the school fee for their children. The children prefer working to studying to fulfill their necessities. On the other hand education has an important role in human life. By education we can get better life in the future and wipe out the stupidity, illiteracy, poverty and the bad moral or behavior. There are many cases in our country, for example crimes because of faulty education background.

  In this research the writer take the educational values from the novel Ranah

3 Warna . The writer hope that this research can help to the reader in solving their

  problem and the writer would like to emphasize the importance of education. So for such purpose the writer is interested in conducting a research entitled “An Analysis of Educational Values in Ranah 3 Warna Novel” B. Statement of the Problem

  In this research, the writer intends to focus on the following problem: 1. What are the literary elements of Ranah 3 Warna Novel? 2. How is the cultural background of the novel? 3.

  What are the fundamental education values of the novel? C. The Objective of the Study

  Based on the statement of the problems above, the objectives of the study are as following:

  1. To describe the intrinsic literary element of Ranah 3 Warna Novel.

  2. To analyze the cultural background of the novel 3.

  To find out the fundamental education values of the novel.

  5 D.

  The Benefits of the Study The benefits expected by the writer in conducting this study are divided into two parts as follows:

  1. Theoretically The writer expects the results of this study can contribute toward the literary world and help the readers of Ranah 3 Warna novel to grasp education messages contained on the novel.

  2. Practically It is hoped that the findings of this study are beneficial to be used to: a. Develope literary study, particularly for STAIN Salatiga’s students.


  Develop the readers’ knowledge about education world.


  Make the readers more interested to read beneficial books and find the positive values of the books which they can implement in their life.


  Motivate the readers not to be afraid to dream and encourage them to try the best they can in achieving their dreams.


  Clarification of Key Term This research contains some key terms which is necessary to be explained briefly. The writer would like to clarify some following main terms to avoid the mistakes of title consideration:


  1. Analysis In the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Blackburn (1996) says that analysis is defined as the process of breaking a concept down into more simple parts, so that its logical structure is displayed.

  2. Educational Values Syam (1988: 5-6) adapts from Prof. Lodge’s book “Philosophy of

  Education” says that education is used sometimes in a wider, sometimes in the narrow sense. All experience is said to be the educative. The child educates his parents, the pupil educates his teachers, and the dog educates his master. Everything we say, think or do educates us, no less than what is said or done by other beings, animate or inanimate. In this wider sense, life is education and education is life. In the narrower sense, education is restricted to that function of the communication which consists in passing on its traditions, its background and its outlook, to the members of the rising generation. In the narrower sense, education becomes in practice identical with schooling, which is formal instruction under controlled condition.

  Education can also be defined as a conscious and deliberate effort to create a learning atmosphere and process so that the learners can actively develop their own potentials. As the result, they have spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, good characters and skills needed by their religions, societies, nations and states (Article 1 Republic Indonesia Government Regulation No. 20 2003).

  7 About the values, Hurlock (1977: 386) says that every society has values to arrange their life which contain some principles, ideal or standards.

  Then, in more detail explanation said by Fraenkel (1980:10-13), the value is divided into two categories. The first is aesthetic which is referring to what people think of as something beautiful. The second is ethics which is referring to the study of how people act.

  From the explanations above we can make a conclusion that educational values is something important people think or act relating to developing the learners’ potential.

  3. Ranah 3 Warna Ranah 3 Warna is the second novel of the trilogy novel written by

  Ahmad Fuadi, a journalist who became a novel writer. This novel was published on 23 January 2011 after the first novel “Negeri 5 Menara” was successful and became best seller in the market.

  The novel tells about Alif’s life who fought hard to achieve his dreams to learn in a favorite university and even abroad. With the predicate as a boarding school graduate, many people considered it as a mission impossible.

4. Novel

  Chase (1965: 583) describes novel as a work of narrative prose fiction that is usually too long to finish reading it on one occasion. A novel differs from all other literary forms. A novel introduces its reader to fictional characters interacting on one another in some meaningful way.

  8 The other definition of novel is a formed length prose that consists of story series about a certain person’s life with another person that shows characteristics of each person (Depdiknas, 2007:788).

  Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that a novel is a long story which tells about some persons with their characteristics.


  Review of Previous Researches In this research, the writer would like to analyze the educational value of the novel “Ranah 3 Warna Novel” by using library analysis. The writer would like to present other researches related with the study of educational values in “Ranah 3 Warna” which have very important contributions for this present research.

  The first research is The Moral Values in Novel Ketika Cinta bertasbih. Widiastuti (2008) says in this research that the literary work can be one of the effective ways to study moral education, especially novel. Ketika Cinta Bertasbih is a novel which contains many moral educations such as struggling to survive, commitment, respect each other and admiring God’s creation.

  A study about a novel also has been done by Sofiyati (2010). She suggests in her research The Moral Values of “Crime and Punishment Novel” that it is important to take positive educations from what we are reading, hearing, looking and doing in our life. She also found some moral values which can be moral behavior models in daily life such as caring others, respecting other people, responsible and strong faith religious.

  9 The analysis about educational values in a novel also has been done in previous research. As the example is A Description of Educational Values as Seen

  in Andrea Hirata’s Novel “Sang Pemimpi” written by Ariyani (2010). In her

  research, she found that dreams will lead people to develop their life. She also said that education is very important for human’s life, so that educational values must be introduced to children early. Then, she added that reading literary works is not only for spending our leisure time, but also for learning many values which we can implement them in our life.

  Besides the three researches above, there is a research which is also important for the writer as a reference entitled as “Educational values of Adam’s

  story in The Holly Quran” . Najib (2007) as the writer tries to analyze the

  educational values from Adam’s narrative in Holly Quran and its implication. He concluded that education values can be accomplished through reward, punishment, experience and religion. He also described that Quran is the first source for Moslem as guidance in life.


  Research Methodology In analyzing the novel “Ranah 3 Warna” the writer takes a certain procedures as following:

1. Research Object

  The research object in this study is the main characters in novel “Ranah 3 warna” written by Ahmad Fuadi and published by Gramedia.


  2. Data Source Data source is divided into primary and secondary source.


  Primary Source It is a source of original data and a basis of research. The primary source is taken from the novel “Ranah 3 Warna”.


  Secondary Source It is a data source, which is used to support and complete the primary data. The data is taken from any kinds of books and relevant materials such as books of literature theories, value and education.

  3. Type of Research This is library research. Library research is a research which is conducted by collecting secondary data from books, regulations and academic writing (Nawawi, 1990: 30) 4. Technique of Data Collection To collect the data, the writer uses library research and documentation.

  The writer also looks for other information that is relevant and appropriate with the research problem. In collecting the data, the writer does some following steps: a.

  Reading and analyzing the novel Ranah 3 Warna b.

  Collecting the data from books and academic writing that have relation with the research.

  11 c.

  Writing down the important note in the novel Ranah 3 Warna and other books.


  Arranging the data into several parts.


  Concluding the data 5. Data Analysis

  In data analysis, the writer tries to analyze the novel in order to know the content of the novel and the messages written by the author. The technique of data analysis in this study is descriptive; and the interpretation of the text is content analysis. In conducting analysis, the writer uses some steps as follows: a.

  Describing synopsis of the novel Ranah 3 Warna.


  Finding the cultural background of the novel.


  Extracting the educational values from the novel.


  Concluding based on data analysis.


  Graduating Paper Outline To make easier to the reader in understanding the whole content of the thesis, the writer organizes it into five chapters as following: Chapter one is introduction, containing background of the study, statements of the problem, the objectives of the study, the benefits of the study, clarification of key terms, review of previous research, research methodology and thesis outline.

  12 Chapter two presents theoretical review. It consists of description of education, value and education value Chapter three presents synopsis of the novel, cultural background of the novel, the biography of the author and analysis literary elements of the novel..

  Chapter four research finding and discussion, it consists some critics on the novel and educational values as seen on the novel.

  Chapter five is closure. It presents conclusion and suggestion. The last part is bibliography.

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL VALUES In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss about education, value, and the description of educational values. A. Education Poerbakawatja (1981:257) says that education in the broadest sense

  means all actions and efforts of the older generation to transfer the knowledge, experience and skills to the younger generations as an effort to prepare them to fulfill their necessity in physical and spiritual as well. In this term, we can say that the animals that train their children to be able to stand alone also "educate" their children. But in humans there is one important factor that is the sense of responsibility. In this connection, then education is a conscious human attempt to bring the child who has not grown to be mature and able to assume responsibility over all his actions morally. Education has an important role in one’s life. It is arranged as a provision to the learner to perform certain tasks in the community for livelihood.

  Educational activity must take place in an environment. In educational context, the environment can be all things that are beyond the child's environment. Environment can be either tangible things, like plants, people, circumstances, political, socio-economic, animals, cultures, beliefs and other efforts undertaken by humans including education.


13 In the MPR decree Number II/MPR/1989, about GBHN (Outlines of state policy), it is states:


Pendidikan berlangsung seumur hidup dan dilaksanakan di dalam lingkungan

rumah tangga, sekolah, masyarakat dan pemerintah.

  (Education lasts a lifetime and implemented in household, school, community and government environment).

  It is obvious that education in Indonesia embraces the concept of long- life education, which is departed from a view that education is an essential element over the person’s life. Thus, education is essentially a process of contemporary life and the process of preparation for the future as well.

  From the description above, it can be concluded that the scope of education consists of informal, formal and non-formal education (Satmoko, 1989:7).

  Informal education is kind of education that a person acquires in a family environment. This education takes place without the organization, it means that this education is without a specific person appointed or designated as an educator, without a program that must be completed within a specified period, without a formal evaluation form of the exam. However, informal education is very important for someone’s character building, because in a family environment the child can determine some values and attitudes which he will use as the guidance in his life.

  Formal education is kind of education which has a particular form or organization, as found in schools or universities. It can be says that formal education is the second education for children after informal education.

  Non-formal education includes a variety of special business conducted in an organized way so that people who have no chance to follow education in school can master practical knowledge and basic skills which they need as productive citizens.

  Emile Durkheim states about the definition of education related with some discussion above as quoted by Deighton (1971:319) as follow:


Education is the influence exercised by the adult generations on those that are

not ready yet for social life. Its object is to arouse and to develop in the child a

certain number of physical, intellectual and moral states which are demanded

of him by both the political society as whole and the specific milieu for which he

is specifically destined.

  Human needs certain universal education including spiritual and physical education that can give satisfactory or use for humanity, society and public. This education must include ethics, moral, mental and emotion. The important education for human to grow up and develops appropriate with desire and ability, with aims that have fully human education can get smart of knowledge, confidence and safety.

  Moreover, Durkheim also contends that education is the prime importance to the operation of society. She added the explanation by giving the description of the functions of education:

  1. Socialization This is the process which changes the human being into a social person. By exposing the children to the standards and mores by which society is governed, education develops the child’s personality and helps him find his place in society.

  2. To develop a cooperative spirit within student.

  The educational system is given the charge of developing this cooperative spirit in the individuals who constitute the society (Deighton, 1971:319-320).

  According to John S. Brubacher on his book “Modern Philosophies of Education as quoted by Indar (1994:86), educational aims perform three important functions all of which are normative:

  1. Giving direction to the educative process.

  2. Not only should give direction to education but should motivate it as well.

  3. Aims have the function of providing a criterion for evaluating the educational process.

  From the three educational aims above, it is known that education is as a direction to teach about something that can give better changes to the learners as a modal to be a good person, besides that through education we can motivate the learners to get what they want by supervising them. For example: teacher gives a motivation to the students to study hard so that they can reach their ambition.

  On National Education Standards of Republic Indonesia Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 Article 4 says that the purpose of education is:

  Standar Nasional Pendidikan bertujuan menjamin mutu Pendidikan Nasional dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat.

  From the explanation above, it is clear that the objective of education is to produce a competence human and responsible about the welfare of the people and fatherland. The organization of education is to give prosperity to the people by developing the knowledge and skills.


  Value Value means positive quality of anything whereby it is desirable, useful, interesting, good, and important. Only a few of the terms are available for the expression of positive values. Whether values are part of the intrinsic nature of things or simply a matter of how humans respond to things is controversial.

  (Earle, 1992:297).

  According to Edwards (1967:229), value is the worth of a thing. Value (in the singular) is sometimes used as an abstract noun. In a narrower sense to cover only that to which such terms as “good” desirable or “worthwhile” are properly applied and in the wider sense to cover, in addition all kinds of rightness, obligation, virtue, beauty, truth and holiness.

  Sulaiman as quoted by Ulpa (2000) states value as all things that humans think is important as a subject, related with all goodness and badness as a view from many experiences in the coercive selection.

  From the explanations above it can be concluded in a short that value usually contains the principles of what is good to follow and what is bad to avoid.

  The sense of value of a person distinguishes which one is important and which one is not. Values are an idea or concept about what someone thinks is important in life.

  According to Linda (1977:3), education values generally are divided into two groups:

1. Values of Being:

  Values of being are a value that is in human beings and it developes into the behavior and the way human treats other (Linda, 1997:4). Values of being include: a.

  Honesty Honesty toward others, institutions, society, ourselves. Strength and confidence that comes from the deep because there is nothing to hide.


  Brave Brave to try good thing though it is difficult. Brave to oppose majority that is moving to the false and also to say ‘no’ to an invitation to err.

  Brave to follow heart although it causes sufferin. Brave to be gracious and friendly.


  Peaceability Being calm and patient. The tendency to try to accept other’s opinions rather than denied and opposed it. Understanding that the differences are rarely resolved through conflict, and that the obstinacy of a person indicates that he has a problem or feel insecure, and therefore expect your understanding. Willingness to understand other's feelings instead of reacting to them quickly. Emotional control.


  Confidence and Potential Individuality; Awareness of boundaries and the uniqueness of development. Rresponsibly for his own deeds. Overcoming the tendency to blame others when experiencing difficulties. Believing in self-ability.


  Self-Discipline and Moderation Self-discipline in physical, mentality and financial. Knowing the margin of time talking and eating. Knowing the margin in of strength of body and mind. Consciousness of the dangers in embracing extreme views and impartially. The ability to balance spontaneity with self-discipline.


  Purity and pureness Awareness to keep the value of chastity before and after marriage.

  Understanding the role of marriage and sexuality in it. Awareness about the consequences of long-term (and extended) that can be caused by immoral sexual life.

2. Values of Giving

  The values of giving are values which are needed to be practiced or provided and then would be accepted as given (Linda, 1997:40).

  Values of giving include: a.

  Loyalty and Trustworthy Loyality toward family, job, the State, the school, organizations and other institutions which become the responsibility. Ready to support, serve and help. Trusted and consistent in promises.


  Respect Respectful towad life, rights, parent, elders, nature, and beliefs.

  Civilized and polite behavior. Respectful to self and avoid detraction to self.


  Love and Affection Love and affaction to self which is more than just a loyal and respectful.

  Dear to friends neighbor who also love to hate us; and emphasizes the lifelong responsibility for saying to the family.


  Sensitive and Not selfish More care to others. Learn to feel togetherness and compassion toward others. Empathy, tolerance, and brotherhood. Sensitive to other’s needs and situations.


  Kind and Friendly Awareness that friendly and caring attitude is more commendable than the rough and tough attitude. The tendency to understand instead of confrontation. Tenderness, especially to younger or weaker. Capability of making new friends and maintain friendships. Easy to help. jovial. f.

  Fair Obedience to the law, fairness in work and games. The view of the natural consequences and the law of cause and effect. Appreciate the generous and forgiving attitude and understand that revenge is futile.

  Values in literature are the same as value in life. For literature as its best is life. It is not just about life, it is life itself (Chase, 1965:1). It means that when we read a novel, if we are good readers, we look for the values. If we do not find them, then we can be very sure that we are reading is not worthy for us, that is silly or empty or unreal. In short, that is does not have values which we respect and admire and want to possess in our own minds and lives.

  Many people say about the definition of value particularly. But in general, Masri (1989:109) says that the scope of the value’s definition is unlimited. Everything in the universe has value. Value is as wide as potential of human consciousness. Variations in the human consciousness are in accordance with the individuality and unique personality. There are people who worship material, because for him life is determined by the material.

  There are people who adore the beauty because in it human beings enjoy happiness. There are people who dedicate their life to science; there are people who devoted their selves for humanity. All is a manifestation of value‘s consciousness of each individual. C.

  Description of Educational value Ulpa (2000) says that educational values in the simple definiton means the limit of everything which educate to maturity, including goodness and badness in order to be useful for humans’ life which is acquired from educational process

  Educational process can be done not only in one place and one time. It also can be done by doing many things such as interacting, trying and even literary work.

  Consciously or not, every human’s behavior are always based and colored by the values that stem from his life philosophy, and always tried to instill thus value system on others. That is why every educating activity are viewed as normative activities, namely an activity or process of instilling norms of life in accordance with and based on basic philosophy of life that he had.

  As said by Havighurst and Neugarten quoted by Syam (1988:157) bellow:

  People who think about education in broad terms, as a process of teaching children the concepts and attitudes of their society and teaching them how to behave in their social, civic, economic relations tend to think of the whole community as an educative agent.

  The society must transmit what they got to the next generation so that the educational value will not be vanished. The way to implement this effort is through the process of education itself, in the families, schools and communities which teach the concepts and attitudes in social life and teach how to behave in public life.

  We can get educational values everywhere, not only in a formal institution. We can find it from experiences, friends, environment and soon.

  One of the sources of educational values which we can get is by reading a literary works as novel. Literature is a way of expressing ideas, the ideas and thoughts with the descriptions of experience. Psychological aspects of literature target are not only cognitive but also affective and co native.

  Cognitive aspects are also not confined to the mere thought, but the more sensory and power fantasies of a literary work trying to arouse awareness of vision, hearing, smelling, touching. In short literary works are to provide an imaginative experience for the readers. This is why the imagination of the experience presented a literary work is often "intoxicating" readers to spend reading it as soon as possible. (Kaswardi, 1993:147)

  From the aspect of literary works above, it can be drawn the conclusion that literary works can be used as a mean to deliver the educational values, because literature is written with the intention of showing the values of life or at least questioning the values that suitable or not suitable to the needs of the times or the needs of human in general, so the reader not only get a pleasure but also they can catch the message inside the novel.

  Related with this research, educational values will be showed from the fiction characters of “Ranah 3 Warna”, in which the educational values which can be learned by the readers. A literary work is hoped having values which take the readers into the maturity, not only the way to pour the hidden ideas.


  Literature Semi (1998:8) says that literature is the result of creative art with human and his life as the object and language as the medium. In other definition, it is said that l iterature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly

  speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and

nonfiction (

  Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.