The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Ranah 3 Warna.







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JUNE 2011


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I, R A LAOLI, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Name : R A LAOLI

Title of Paper : The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Ranah 3 Warna

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English

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First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

My beloved parents, Rasyad Laoli and Salmiah. Thank you for all your motivations, advices, prays, loves and financial for me. I present this paper for you.

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. as the Head of English Diploma Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum. as my supervisor. Thank you for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in completing this paper.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara.

 All lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me advices and knowledge.

My lovely Siblings, Sri Dedek Eka Wati, Apriyani Syahfitri, Aprizul Khoir and Sevilla Az-zahra .


Special thanks to my beloved girl Yurisa Ismi Rangkuti for your support, cares, spirit and other things that help me to complete this paper.

My entire friends in Pemerintahan Mahasiswa (PEMA), UKM Teater ‘O’, Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI), BTM Al-Iqbal, UBK SaHIVa, TNB, the Original and Gemapala. Thank you for the nice friendship during us together. I will never forget your kindness to me.  My best friends: Zainul, Aseng, Arus, Oki, Ibnu, Sutan, Zuhri,

Amman. Naffy, Ferry, Maryadi, Agung and Rizky. Thank you for the nice friendship during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper. I hope this paper will be a worthwhile for the readers.

Medan, June 2011

The writer,

R A Laoli



Novel merupakan salah satu hasil karya sastra manusia yang tidak hanya berisi cerita yang menarik, tetapi juga mengandung pesan moral bagi pembacanya. Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Ranah 3 warna” ini membahas tentang unsur-unsur intrinsik dalam suatu karya sastra yang terdiri dari tema, alur, karakter, gaya, latar dan sudut pandang. Ranah 3 warna merupakan novel lanjutan dari trilogy negeri 5 menara yang ditulis oleh Ahmad Fuadi, yang merupakan salah satu novelis berbakat Indonesia. Di novel yang merupakan hasil dari kisah nyata sang penulis ini banyak terjadi lika-liku kehidupan yang menuntut Alif, sang tokoh utama untuk selalu sabar dan tabah dalam menghadapi cobaan yang menerpa dalam perantauannya menuntut ilmu. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang perjalanan alif mulai semenjak dia lulus dari pesantren, mengikuti ujian kesetaraan SMA, menempuh ujian UMPTN hingga akhirnya dia berhasil masuk Universitas Padjajaran jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Bandung. Beberapa tokoh yang terlibat dalam perjalanan alif menghadapi badai kehidupan dalam novel ini adalah : Randai, Raisa, Ayah, Amak, Bang Togar, Franc, Ferdinand, Mado, serta Rusdi. Kertas karya ini menggunakan metode tahap demi tahap, yaitu membaca sumber data utama yang mmerupakan Novel Ranah 3 Warna itu sendiri, lalu menginterpretasikan dan menganalisis unsur-unsur intrinsiknya sehingga dapat menyimpulkan teks-teks yang relevan untuk dapat membuat kertas karya ini. Novel ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana setiap unsur – unsur intrinsik dalam sebuah karya sastra saling berkaitan satu sama lain, karena tanpa adanya saling keterkaitan itu, tak akan mungkin sebuah karya sastra akan tercipta.



Novel is one of the literary not only contains an interesting story, but it also contains a moral message for the readers. The paper entitled “The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s novel Ranah 3 Warna” is about the intrinsic elements in a literary work consist of theme, plot, character, style, setting and point of view. Ranah 3 Warna is a second novel in trilogy of Negeri 5 Menara that written by Ahmad Fuadi who is one of talented novelist in Indonesia. This novel which is result of the author’s true story describes a lot happening twist of life that demands Alif, as the main character to always be patient and steadfast in the face of trials start since he graduated from boarding school, senior high school equivalence text, exams UMPTN until he finally success enter in International Relation department of Padjajaran University, Bandung. Some of characters involved in Alif trip to face the storms of life in this novel are Randai, Raisa, Ayah, Amak, Bang Togar, Franc, Ferdinand, Mado and Rusdi. This paper use the method is step by step. Reading until finish the main source data that is Ranah 3 Warna novel, then interpret and analyze the intrinsic elements in the novel so that can conclude the relevant text to make this paper. This paper describes how each intrinsic element in a literary work is related; because without the absence of interconnections, it would not perhaps a work of literature will be crafted.





ABSTRAK ……… iii




1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ……… 1

1.2 Scope of the Study ………...………. 3

1.3 Purpose of the Study ……… 3

1.4 Significance of the Study ……… 3

1.5 The Method of Research ……… 4

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Definition of Novel……… 5

2.2 The Intrinsic Elements of Novel……… 7

2.2.1 The Theme ………. 8

2.2.2 The Plot ………. 9

2.2.3 The Characters ………. 11

2.2.4 The Setting ………. 12

2.2.5 Point of View ………. 13

3. THE ANALYSIS OF RANAH 3 WARNA NOVEL 3.1 The Theme ……….…… 16

3.2 The Plot ………. 18

3.3 The Character ………. 20

3.3.1 Main Character …….……… 20

3.3.2 Peripheral Character ……….……… 23

3.4 The Setting ………. 28

3.4.1 Setting of Place ………. 28

3.4.2 Setting of Time ………. 29

3.1.5 Point of View ………. 29

4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1 Conclusions ……… 31

4.2 Suggestions ………...………. 32




Novel merupakan salah satu hasil karya sastra manusia yang tidak hanya berisi cerita yang menarik, tetapi juga mengandung pesan moral bagi pembacanya. Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Ranah 3 warna” ini membahas tentang unsur-unsur intrinsik dalam suatu karya sastra yang terdiri dari tema, alur, karakter, gaya, latar dan sudut pandang. Ranah 3 warna merupakan novel lanjutan dari trilogy negeri 5 menara yang ditulis oleh Ahmad Fuadi, yang merupakan salah satu novelis berbakat Indonesia. Di novel yang merupakan hasil dari kisah nyata sang penulis ini banyak terjadi lika-liku kehidupan yang menuntut Alif, sang tokoh utama untuk selalu sabar dan tabah dalam menghadapi cobaan yang menerpa dalam perantauannya menuntut ilmu. Novel ini mengisahkan tentang perjalanan alif mulai semenjak dia lulus dari pesantren, mengikuti ujian kesetaraan SMA, menempuh ujian UMPTN hingga akhirnya dia berhasil masuk Universitas Padjajaran jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Bandung. Beberapa tokoh yang terlibat dalam perjalanan alif menghadapi badai kehidupan dalam novel ini adalah : Randai, Raisa, Ayah, Amak, Bang Togar, Franc, Ferdinand, Mado, serta Rusdi. Kertas karya ini menggunakan metode tahap demi tahap, yaitu membaca sumber data utama yang mmerupakan Novel Ranah 3 Warna itu sendiri, lalu menginterpretasikan dan menganalisis unsur-unsur intrinsiknya sehingga dapat menyimpulkan teks-teks yang relevan untuk dapat membuat kertas karya ini. Novel ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana setiap unsur – unsur intrinsik dalam sebuah karya sastra saling berkaitan satu sama lain, karena tanpa adanya saling keterkaitan itu, tak akan mungkin sebuah karya sastra akan tercipta.



Novel is one of the literary not only contains an interesting story, but it also contains a moral message for the readers. The paper entitled “The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s novel Ranah 3 Warna” is about the intrinsic elements in a literary work consist of theme, plot, character, style, setting and point of view. Ranah 3 Warna is a second novel in trilogy of Negeri 5 Menara that written by Ahmad Fuadi who is one of talented novelist in Indonesia. This novel which is result of the author’s true story describes a lot happening twist of life that demands Alif, as the main character to always be patient and steadfast in the face of trials start since he graduated from boarding school, senior high school equivalence text, exams UMPTN until he finally success enter in International Relation department of Padjajaran University, Bandung. Some of characters involved in Alif trip to face the storms of life in this novel are Randai, Raisa, Ayah, Amak, Bang Togar, Franc, Ferdinand, Mado and Rusdi. This paper use the method is step by step. Reading until finish the main source data that is Ranah 3 Warna novel, then interpret and analyze the intrinsic elements in the novel so that can conclude the relevant text to make this paper. This paper describes how each intrinsic element in a literary work is related; because without the absence of interconnections, it would not perhaps a work of literature will be crafted.




1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is creative expression of human imagination or wishes that it is almost impossible to create an exact definition of it. Wellek & Warren (1971:3) state that literature is the mirror of human life that portrays ‘human feeling, thought, imagination and perception which can be viewed based on personal judgment.

Literature can be divided into three genres, such as prose fiction, poetry and drama. In the sense of literary, prose also called fiction, narrative text, or narrative discourse. Fiction is a narrative work that tells something that is imaginary, something that does not exist and happen in the real world. As a work of imaginary, fiction directs various problems of man and humanity, life and living. Fiction tells the various problems of human life in the interactions with the environment and others. Fiction is the result of dialogue, contemplation, and reactions to the environment and the life of the author.

Novel is fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech and thoughts of the characters. Novel, nearly always an extended fictional prose narrative, although some novel are very short, some are non fictional, some have been written in verse and some not even tell a story, novel is fictitious kind of writing.

Novel is a world specially made in words by an author. A novel exists in the way it does because an author has chosen to put it together in that particularly


way. This means that novels are not real life. Like all works of art poems, plays, pots or pieces of music – they have been constructed or crafted. (Gill, 1985:77).

There are two important elements in fiction, intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements include: religion, education, custom, etc. while intrinsic elements include: theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view.

Ranah 3 Warna is secondly novel in Negeri 5 Menara trilogy. It has made by Ahmad Fuadi, one of the young novelists in Indonesia who has a great talent in literature. The story in Ranah 3 Warna novel is inspired by his life story. This novel narrates how dreams and ideals must be fought all-out.

I am interested in analyzing the intrinsic elements in Ranah 3 Warna novel, because it has an attractive theme, plot, character, setting and point of view. And also I want to understand a work of literature with all the elements that each other be related, including theme which is underlying the story, the plot is a series of events that can also lead to conflict, then the character which describes how the characters play a role in the literature, the setting indicates when and where any incident took place, until those elements were packed in a view point of the author is called point of view.

Ranah 3 Warna describes how all the elements of literature created so beautifully. How does the author give the basic story that rarely made by other authors, how the author create unexpected conflict occurs in the novel, then how make the characters that can inspire many people, and expertise of the author in choosing some of place that well known, such as ITB or Institute of Technology Bandung which is the most popular college in Indonesia, as well as how the


author combines all these elements in the point of view so that the novel is more interesting and useful to the readers.

1.2 Scope of Study

Analyzing literature especially novel is not easy. The scope or limitation of this analysis is to analyze only five intrinsic elements in Ahmad Fuadi’s novel Ranah 3 Warna. There are theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view. It is important to limit the writing in order avoid the readers from confusion.

1.3 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study to analyze the intrinsic elements in Ranah 3 Warna novel, so that the writer can understand how the elements of literature works include theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view made. So the story ideas, conflict in the story, the characters in the story, the setting of place and setting of time, until the point of view that created by the author can be analyzed carefully. The writer hopes this analysis could help the readers who want to know more about the messages in the novel.

1.4 Significance of Study

The significance of this paper is to enrich literary study especially in literature of novel. The writer hope this analysis could become references for further study of literary works whatever forms they will be.

1.5 Method of Research

Method of research conducted in this paper is the step by step method. The first step is reading the main source data until finish; it is Ranah 3 Warna novel. After reading to the end, the writer select the text, interpret it, and then analyze the


texts in order to decide which ones of the text are relevant to the elements of literature contained in the novel so that it can be conclude to this paper. The writer also searches some data from books and internet that related with elements of literature as material to support the completeness of this paper.




2.1 Definition of Novel

Novel is the name of a literary kind and there is a story to tell about how, over the centuries, its substance has widened and its conventions changed. Henry James (Watson,1978: xi) in an excited moment, called the novel ‘independent, elastic prodigious, and its story is as untidy as some of its masterpieces. If Aristotle had ever read any novels, he would have needed a far wider canvas than he allowed to tragedy in that surviving fragment of analysis known as the poetics.

Novella literally means 'a small new item' and then interpreted as 'a short story in the form of prose' (Abrams,1981: 119). Novels and short stories are two forms of literature that once called fiction. Differences between the novel and short stories are a formality in terms of shape, in terms of story length. A long story, let's say hundreds of pages, clearly can not be called as a short story, but more appropriately called a novel. Because of its length, the novel can not inherit the solid unity that belongs to the short story. The novel is also not able to make the subject stand out like a microcosmic principle of short stories. Instead the novel is able to present the development of one character, a complicated social situation, relationships that involve many or few characters, and a variety of complicated events occurring in greater detail. The novel is able to create a complete universe at once complicated. This means that the novel is both easy and more difficult to read when compared with the short story. It is said more easily because the novel is not burdened with the responsibility to deliver something quickly or with solid form and said to be more difficult because the novel was


written in large scale units that contain a larger organization rather than short stories.

The novel is educating us because novels can inform on some surprising subjects. Like other kinds of story, a novel is a way of learning about how things were cognitive instrument and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider how often in conversation we use them to make points or answer questions. For one thing, a novel is too untidy an object, often, to be seen as regulated in its entirety and the patterns offered can be impoverishing the figure in the carpet is not itself the carpet, or anything like it. A novel is a fund of knowledge as well as a literary form and any pure and exclusive formalism whether structuralize or other, flies in the face of much of the ordinary experience of reading fiction.

Novel can freely express something, to present something more, more detailed, more detail and more involving many complex problems. This includes various the story elements that build the novel. (Nurgiyantoro, trans.2005:11).

Novels, however are fictional, that is to say, they have been made up. A character in a novel can’t be compared to a real person from whom he or she has been copied, because, for example, there is no Jane Eyre in real life. She, or any other character in a novel, only exists on the page. If an author tells you that a character is five foot with blue eyes, you can’t say: ‘no, I think the character is nearly six foot with brown eyes’.

Novel is one of many possible prose narrative forms. Richard Gill in his book (1985:78) state that; in the writing, there is a recognition that a novel is


something specially made by an author so that a reader will respond to it in a particular way. The good candidate has recognized three things about a novel: the events of the novel, the author who has created them, and the reader for whom the novel is written. In any good writing about a novel, these three things should be mentioned. They are, however not separable. For instance, the events of a novel are only there because the author has put them there, and they are only recognized as events when read by a reader.

The author, of course is the most important element; the events of the novel and the reactions of the reader depend upon what he or she chooses to do. Because without an author there could be no book at all, but there is also a much more important reason: a novel is a world specially made in words by an author. 2.2 The Instrinsic Elements of Novel

Element of literature denote the things that are used to make up a work literature. There are different types and forms of literature. They are novel, drama, poetry, biography, non-fictional prose, essay, epic and short story. All these types of literature have some elements. To complete a piece of literature, a writer, dramatist or novelist needs to use certain elements like theme, plot, character, etc. However, elements of fiction and elements differ from elements of poetry.

Extrinsic and intrinsic approaches to literature are employed by critics to evaluate literature according to understandings of the world. Extrinsic and intrinsic approaches to literature are ways to criticize literature in different terms. In intrinsic approach, the critic is mainly concerned with the form, language, style, symbols, images, contrast, structure and development of plot in literary work.


Intrinsic is also called formalism as the critic’s basic interest is in the form of the text. In comparison to intrinsic, the extrinsic approach makes the critic to give more importance to the context of a text. It means that he is mainly interested in the background, history, social conditions and biography of the author.

Analysis of the intrinsic elements in literary is an analysis of the literary work itself without looking the related with the data beyond the literary work. (Sukada, trans.1987:51). In this chapter, the writer analyzes further about intrinsic elements in Ranah 3 Warna novel. There are five elements to develop the story. It consists of theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view.

2.2.1 The Theme

Theme is one of the fundamental components of fiction. Theme means what the novel can be summed up as saying. Another way of putting it would be to talk of the ‘ideas’ of the book. According to Wikipedia, theme is a broad idea, message or moral of a story. The message may be about life, society or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost implied rather than stated explicitly.

To determine the main meaning in a novel, we should know the definition of theme itself. Hartoko & Harmanto state that “The theme is the basic common idea that support of literary work that is contained in the text as a semantic structure and related equations similarities or differences”. (Nurgiyantoro, trans.1995.68).

A theme must represent the whole part of the story, because theme is basic development of story. Like as the important meaning in ourselves experience, the


theme of a story is individualistic and universal. Theme gives a strong to explained unity of event that describing and also tells about life in common context.

Thus, to find the theme of a work of fiction, it must be inferred from the whole story, not only on the basis of certain parts of the story. Principal themes as the meaning of a work of fiction are not deliberately hidden because of precisely this that is offered to readers. However, the overall theme is the meaning of which supported the story, by itself it will be hidden behind the story that supports it. As a meaning, in general, the themes not depicted directly or specifically. The existence or presence of the theme possesses the whole story and this is causes the small probability for the direct depiction. And this is also the cause not easy interpretation the themes. The main theme is interpretation of understanding by the overall story. However, sometimes it can also found any sentences or paragraphs of certain conversations that can be interpreted as something that contains the main theme.

2.2.2 Plot

According to Stanton (1965:14), state that the plot is a story that contains the sequence of events, but each incident was only connected in cause and effect, the events that caused one and also cause the occurrence of other events. Appearance of events for events that only based on the order of time is not necessarily a plot. To be a plot, the events must be processed and made creatively, so that the results of processing and making itself is something beautiful and interesting, particularly in relation to the relevant works of fiction as a whole.


Kenny (1966:14) points out the plot as the events are displayed in a not simple story, because the author set the events was based on a causal connection. The plot is basically sequences of events in logical and chronological relations are interrelated and are caused or experienced by the characters. The plot outline is divided into three parts, namely early, middle, and end. The first part contains the exposition that contains instability and conflicts. The middle part contains the climax which is the height of the conflict. The final section contains troubleshooting (Wiyatmi, trans.2008:37).

The plot has a number of rules, namely plausibilitas, surprise, suspense, and unity. The series of events arranged plausibilitasly. A story said is plausible to remain within the framework of fiction. A story says makes sense if the story has a truth, which is right for the story itself. In addition, the surprise also serves to slow down or speed up the climax. Suspense arises when a series of events related to previous events, arrive - arrived diverted to other events that are not related, so the continuation of the event was delayed and experience uncertainty. The series of events contained in a story has to have integrity. The existence of the early, middle and end in a groove indicates the integrity of these.

In accordance with the composition of the events or its parts, the plot can be divided into several types. There are the progressive plot and regressive plot. In a progressive plot, the events arranged: early, middle, end. A novel is called progressive if the events which are narrated chronologically, the first event followed by the events that happened later. While the regressive plot also called as


flash back plot is arranged on the contrary, for example: the middle, beginning, end or the end, beginning, middle.

On the basis of quantity, there are a single plot and plural plot. Plot is called a single when the events contain only one primary event, while the plot is called plural when containing a variety of primary events and other events. When viewed from its quality, there are dense plot and loose plot. The dense plot is when the main plot of the story doesn’t have a space to be added another plot. Conversely, the loose plot is when it has possibility to inserting another plot. 2.2.3 Character

Characters, according to Abrams in Nurgiyantoro (Trans.1995:164) ‘are the people who featured in a narrative or dramatic works that are interpreted to have certain moral qualities and tendencies as expressed in speech and what is done in action’.

Fiction is a form of creative work, so how authors create characters and develop the story was not separated from the freedom of creativity. Fiction offers the life model which attitudes and experienced by the characters of story according to how the author in looking life itself. Because the author is deliberately created the world in fiction, he has the complete freedom to display the characters according to his taste, whoever the person, whatever his social status, however his attitude and whatever the problems faced.

Although the characters are figure just created by the author, they should be who living fairly as how the man in the real life which contained of blood and meat also has thoughts and feelings. The life of the character is only in a fictional


world, so they should be appropriate according to the story and the role that played. If there are any other actions of characters from stories that have been described previously, it should be on the responsibility of accountable in terms of plot, so the story still has a higher plausibility level. Or if the characters act strange in a reasonable life, they attitudes and actions must remain consistent. In terms of its role, there is a character in a story that is rated important and is shown continuously, so it felt to dominate most of the story, it is called the central / main character. While there are also characters that only appear once or several times in the story and it were probably in a relatively short portion, namely peripheral character.

2.2.4 Setting

Setting is the foundation that leads to understanding the place, time relations, and social environment where the occurrence of the events described. In fiction, the background can be divided into three kinds, namely the setting place, time, and social. The setting of place is related to geographical problems, the location where the incident occurred, in what village, what city, and so forth. The setting of time is related to matter of time, days, hours, and historical. The setting of social is related to people’s lives (Wiyatmi,trans.2008:40). A story requires clarity about where the accident occurred and when it happens to easy imagination and understanding. That means that a story requires the setting of places, the setting of time and the setting of social-cultural where the story took place.

According to Gill (1985:106), Setting is a broad word. It covers the places in which characters are presented; the social context of characters, such as their


families, friends and class; the customs, beliefs and rules of behavior of their society; the scenes that are the background or the situation for the events of the novel; and the total atmosphere, mood or feel that id created by these. All of them are examples of setting. When we study a novel, we should pay attention to setting, because it can make a contribution to the book. A successful setting is one which is appropriate to the section of the novel in which it appears and also, possibly, to the book as whole.

Setting is important to development the story. Setting provides in a concrete and clear. It will give a realistic impression for the reader. That is the story told as if it is happening and earnestly. Provide basic background in concrete and clear. This will give the reader a realistic impression, that is the story told as if it happened and in earnest, so that the reader feels much easier to operate a good imagination power to participate critically in relation to knowledge about the setting. Readers feel to find something truly become a part of him when read the story.

2.2.5 Point of View

The point of view can be interpreted as how a story is told. Abrams state that the point of view is the way of the author used as a means of displaying the characters, action, background, and various events that make up the story in a fictional text to the readers. So, the point of view is the way, strategy, or tactic that is deliberately chosen by the writer to express stories and ideas. Selection of point of view in fiction, in many cases will affect the freedom, sharpness, and


objectivity in telling stories, and it will also influence the level of plausibility of the story.

Point of view distinguished by the form of persona which tells in the story. Based on the persona, it can be divided into first-person point of view and third person point of view. Based on two forms of persona, Lukens (2003:168) distinguishes point of view into four categories, namely first person point of view, omniscient point of view, limited omniscient point of view, and dramatic point of view. According to Mitchell (2003:267), first person point of view and third person point of view is still dominant, but in the writing of contemporary have been modified in such away as to appear more attractive.

First person point of view displaying the “I” character as the center of narration and central of story. The “I” character usually be the protagonist character who tells about what he experienced, though only occurred in the mind or the real, which is conducted verbally and none verbally. Third person point of view shows the “He” character as the central of story. The character of “He” appears with the title name such as he, she or they. The omniscient point of view describes imagery of the some characters into the other characters concerning the events that made and placed in the reality, or any event which tells the author's mind that happened in hearts and minds of the characters and what is done in real, and also actions and reactions that take place between the character, as the author became a source of information to know everything. Limited omniscient point of view does not give the author to tell about the character as told. The author has limitations in accessing information that can be told, either in relation to the


number of characters and events because the position that only the start of a character.




3.1 The Theme

To look for the theme in a novel, we must read that novel till finish. Or even we must repeat it to get the real correct theme. In Ranah 3 Warna novel, the writer finds out the central theme and sub theme. The central theme in this novel is Struggle for life. Then the sub theme in this novel is about love.

 Struggle for life

The story about struggle for life always appear in this novel, that is why the writer decides that struggle for life is the central theme in Ranah 3 Warna novel. The story happens when the main character, which is Alif, has graduated from boarding school. Alif has a high dream, which want to become successful person such as Mr. Habibie and study in Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB).

Mr. Habibie is one of the nation’s best people and has served as President of Indonesia, which even his name is respected in many big countries in the world for his research on method of aircraft, while ITB is the most popular college in Indonesia. All of students in Indonesia want to study there. Since Mr. Habibie was graduated of ITB, Alif be ambitious to studying in that favorite college.

The first struggle of Alif happens when he must be study hard to learning all the lessons of senior high school that he never learned at boarding school to follow senior high school equivalence test. Many people underestimated him. Alif try to borrow the books from his friend or his neighbors that have the books of senior high school and learn it intensively. He wants to show his ability to


The next struggle is when his father died. So he must be looking for job while he still studies in Padjajaran University in order to defraying his life and give money to his mother and his younger siblings in the village. He received all the employment offered to him, so he had three different jobs while studying. He must sell the device need mothers like Mukena, veil, woven garments, etc. He sold it to some places of social gatherings or family gatherings, he also a seller of perfume door to door, and he must also teach private lesson in the afternoon. Consequently, the schedule of his life changed drastically, no more free time. In the morning he must study, so in the afternoon he teach private lesson, and in the evening till night he around to sell his wares.

It can be seen from the quotation below:

Apa gunanya masa muda kalau tidak untuk memperjuangkan cita-cita besar dan membalas budi orang tua? Biarlah tulang mudaku ini remuk dan badanku susut. Aku ikhlas mengorbankan masa muda yang indah seperti yang dinikmati kawan-kawanku. Karena itu aku tidak boleh lemah. Aku harus keras pada diriku sendiri. Pedih harus aku rasai untuk tahu benar rasanya senang. Harus berjuang melebihi rata-rata orang lain.

(Fuadi, 2011:117)

What is the use of youth if not to fight for the ideals and help parents? Let my young bones are broken and my body shrinkage. I’m willing to sacrifice of beautiful who enjoyed by my friends. Therefore I must not be weak. I have to be hard on myself. The pain should I suppose to know the true taste delight. Have to fight more than the average of others.

(Fuadi, 2011:117)  Love

Love is the sub theme in Ranah 3 Warna novel. The love story happens when Alif always met with a girl who lived in the same area with him, in Dago area, Bandung city. She is Raisa, a girl who study in the same university with


Alif. Alif began fall in love with Raisa because they often met on the bus before and after they study.

Raisa is also elected to the program of students exchange to Canada. This makes they are increasingly being met, so that Alif become increasingly in love with Raisa. But Randai, his close friends also loves Raisa. So they are involves in a triangle love. Alif often feels jealous when he saw Randai trying to seduce Raisa. But Raisa more pleased to be associated with Randai because Randai could teach her the traditional arts of Indonesia than Alif.

Jangan – jangan mereka masih saling kontak sampai sekarang. Ada yang berdenyut keras di jantungku. Aku begitu bodoh selama ini. Aku menekur memandang sepatuku, si hitam yang seperti mencibir mengejek kebodohanku. Tapi, hei, kenapa aku harus merasa cemburu? Bukankah hak Raisa untuk menyebut nama siapa saja, termasuk Randai? Ada apa denganku?

Olala. Inikah rasanya jatuh hati ? (Fuadi,2011:422)

Are they still contact each other until now? There is a loud pulsing in my heart. I am so stupid up till now. I look at my shoes, the black like as sneering mocking my ignorance. But, hei, why should I feel jealous? Raisa may name anyone, including of Randai? What’s wrong with me?

Olala. Is this the falling in love? (Fuadi, 2011:422)

3.2 Plot

In Ranah 3 Warna novel, the author tells the story step by step in a chronologically manner. Thus, Ranah 3 Warna is using progressive plot. The story began when Alif has graduated from boarding school, and he want to attends to Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) in accordance with his dream to follow his idol, Mr. Habibie who is former president of Indonesia and graduates of ITB. The


before he follows UMPTN to enter in his the favorite college. As graduates from boarding school, he had no certificate of senior high school. And he must be following the test to get the certificate. However, he also had no matter in preparing himself to facing the test. He tries to borrow many books from his friend and his neighbors, so he struggles to learn those books intensively round the clock.

After passing the exam and be entitled to the certificate of senior high school. He must study hard again to follows the next exam order to get into his favorite college, ITB. He must struggle to pass the UMPTN test was only for two months. He borrows all of senior high school books from his friend and his neighbors. But hopes to be able to pass to ITB must be dashed, because he only had a short time. Alif difficult to learning the lessons of senior high school has never learned during at the boarding school first. So that he could only pursue the lessons of IPS, while ITB only accept new students from IPA pathway.

The next conflict is when Alif involved in a triangle love. When Alif secretly loves Raisa, probably his best friend, Randai also loves that girl too. Alif and Raisa selected in the program of student exchange to Canada, while Randai not selected. So it makes Alif be getting close to Raisa. But in fact that is told at the ending of novel, Raisa choose Randai as her boyfriend, because she has a strong principle in finding a partner. Such as that boy must has graduated from the college and already working, while Alif not have a job and he lost quickly with Randai who has graduated from the college earlier than him. However, Alif remain patient in accepting that fact. He let Raisa and Randai live happily, while


he still wants to continue his life and still continue to defend his ideals and dreams to become reality.

Di panggung, Pak Rektor dan Pak Dekan telah menuggu dengan senyum lebar. Aku menyalami mereka, berterima kasih dengan mengangguk kecil. Dengan cepat, jari Pak Rektor memindahkan seutas benang di topi hitam datarku ke sebelah kanan. Lalu giliran Pak Dekan menggenggam tanganku kuat – kuat sambil menyerahkan sebuah map biru, berisi ijazah sarjanaku. Inilah detik persaksian penting dalam hidupku, ketika impianku telah bertukar menjadi kenyataan. Tuhan, Engkau Sungguh Maha Pengabul Impian.


On the stage, the Rector and the Dean have been waiting with a big smile. I shook their hands, thanked with a small nod. Quickly, The Rector’s finger moves a thread in my flat black hat to the right. Then The Dean’s turn hold my hand strong as he handed a blue folder to me, containing an undergraduate degree. This is the second important testimony in my life, when my dreams has come true exchange. God you really almighty fulfilling dreams.

(Fuadi,2011:453-454) 3.3 Character

There are some characters in Ranah 3 Warna novel. In this chapter, the writer will describe main characters and peripheral characters. There are three main characters in this novel and seven peripheral characters.

3.3.1 Main Character  Alif

The first main character in this novel is Alif. Alif born and grow up in a village near of Maninjau lake. He is very fanatics with Habibie and American States. He is an eager beaver boy. His hobby is writing. Alif always writes down his activity and expectation in his diary book. He is biggest from three child of his mother have. He wants to follow his mother request to enter the boarding school,


After finish from boarding school, Alif follow the equivalence test and scrapping again to pass in UMPTN test. His expectation and drudge work make him enter to University of Padjajaran, although many people underestimate with him before.

In that university, Alif start new adventure in his life. He chosen became a one of ten Indonesian student in students exchange program which held with Indonesian and Canadian government. He get chance goes abroad to Jordanian and Canada. So that, Alif can feels three different lands during following that program. And he succeeds to get one of his dreams to come to American continent.

Pagi itu, dengan mengepalkan tinjuku, aku bulatkan tekad, aku bulatkan doa: aku akan lulus ujian persamaan SMA dan berperang menaklukan UMPTN. Aku ingin membuktikan kalau niat kuat telah dihunus, halangan apapun akan aku tebas.


In the morning, by clenching my fist, I rounded a determination, I round it off prayer: I will pass the high school equivalency test and struggled to conquer the UMPTN. I wants to prove the strong intentions has been unsheathed, any obstacle will I slash.

(Fuadi,2011:9)  Raisa

She is a girl which have circular eye with eyelash curved. Raisa is beautiful and sporty girl. She always using wool hat above her hair. Her rent house resides in side Alif’s rent house, so that they often meet in a bus transport. Raisa also study in the same university with Alif, but she is taking communication majors. She also chosen become one of ten Indonesian students to following the program of students exchange to Canada, where chosen Alif so.


Raisa ever live in Paris for years, therefore she is not difficulty to conversing francophone when they arrived in province of Quebec, Canada. In fact, Alif has like with Raisa since they meet first, but Alif embarrassed to tell it. And he hope the opportunity go to Canada together will make he can express his love to Raisa. Unhappily, Raisa like with the boy who has finished his study and he has vision of life. Because that’s, finally Raisa choose Randai to became her fiancé.

“Tipe cowok seperti apa sih yang kamu mau?”

“Dia harus dewasa cara berpikirnya. Punya visi dalam hidupnya, lalu dia harus bisa jadi tempat aku bersandar dalam hidup dan dalam agama. O ya, dia harus telah menyelesaikan kuliahnya. Aku tidak ingin nanti hubungan dijadikan alasan belum selesai kuliah, atau hubungan jadi tidak serius karena masih sibuk kuliah.”


“The type of guy like what are you going?”

“He must be an adult way of thinking. Had a vision in life, then he should be able to be where I learn in life and religion. O yeah, he must has completed his study. I do not want later relationship as a reason not finished the study, or a relationship become not serious because is still busy in college.”

(Fuadi,2011:442)  Randai

The last main character in Ranah 3 Warna novel is Randai. His full name is Raymond Jeffrey. He is an only child in his family, her parents have convection store in Bukit Tinggi. He is inclusive of lucky child because all of his wishes, he always get it. Randai likes a traditional artistic of minang and he like to display the traditional art in his room. He is Alif’s best friend from child. They always compete to become the best.


Randai also register to program of students exchange to Canada, but he is not chosen. He only is reserve competitor. His goodness relationship with Alif became not so hot because Alif damages his computer and he can’t finish his assignment.

“Indak. Tidak. Masa komputer sendiri aku backup terus. Ini kan bukan rental,” katanya ketus. Aku semakin tidak enak hati.

“maaf, Randai, aden bisa Bantu apa? Mengetik ulang tugas wa’ang?” “mana mungkin wa’ang bisa Bantu. Ini kan pelajaran Teknik, pasti nggak ngerti!” suaranya meninggi. “tadi diapakan ini? Bertahun-tahun komputer ini nggak pernah rusak!” tangannya sekarang membuka kap CPU dengan kasar, mencabut beberapa kabel sekali renggut dengan keras.

“sekali lagi aden minta maaf, den tidak sengaja.” (Fuadi,2011:168)

“Indak. No. I own this computer period of backups kept. It’s not a rental,” he said curtly. I’m increasingly uncomfortable. “

“Sorry, Randai, what aden can help? Retyping wa’ang task?

“What possible wa’ang can help? It’s a technique lessons, definitely don’t understand!” His voice rising. “What are you doing with this? For years this computer never broken!” His hands now open the CPU roughly; pull out some wires ripped out loud once.

“Once again Aden apologize, den accidentally.” (Fuadi,2011:168)

3.3.2 Peripheral Character  Amak

The first peripheral character in Ranah 3 Warna novel is Amak. She is Alif’s mother. She is a patient mother. After her husband is die, he must struggle alone to be a bread winner to can defraying her child’s especially for Alif that studying in outside town. She always gives the spirit when Alif feel boring or surrender to fighting with storm of life. Till finally Alif finish his study and she always prays Alif to be one who is successful.

“Amak sedih sekali belum bisa mencukupi kebutuhan wa’ang di rantau. Tapi jangan pernah berani-berani pulang tanpa menyelesaikan apa yang


sudah wa’ang mulai. Selesaikan kuliah, Amak akan mendukung dengan sepenuh tenaga dan do’a. menuntut ilmu itu juga berjuang di jalan Tuhan. Insya Allah, Amak masih sanggup menghidupi kalian. Dengan cara apa pun.”


“Amak sad because can’t provide for wa’ang overseas. But don’t ever dare go home without completing what already wa’ang has started. Finish your studies, Amak will support with all my strength and prayer. Studying it also fought in the way of God. Insya Allah, Amak still able to support you, in any way.”

(Fuadi,2011:105)  Ayah

Ayah is mercifulness father. He very loves to his children. He sold his favorite motor cycle ungrudgingly to can defraying school fee of Alif. Ayah always gives consolation to Alif until he has spirit again to study hard. He often invites Alif to watching football match or brings him to eat durian together

“Lagi baca apa?” Tanya Ayah Pendek.

Aku mengulur waktu dengan melayangkan pandangan ke mejaku yang penuh tumpukan buku. “banyak, Yah, semuanya itu,” jawabku defensif. Ayah diam saja, seperti kurang yakin. Tangan dibalik badannya di bawa ke depan dan menyodorkan sesuatu kepadaku.

“kalau sedang istirahat, ini ada selingan. Tabloid Bola dengan jadwal Piala Eropa dan karupuak sanjai. Baru Ayah beli di Bukittinggi.”

“Terima kasih, Yah. Tapi nanti saja ambo baca. Masih banyak bacaan pelajaran kelas 2.” Aku pura-pura serius belajar. Padahal bosannya minta ampun.


“After reading what?” said father short.

I gain time by glanced over to my desk filled whit stacks of books. “A lot, well, all that.” I replied defensively.

My father said nothing, as less confident. Hands behind his body was brought forward and handed me something.

“When you’re resting, there are distractions, Tabloid Bola with the European Cup schedule and karupuak sanjai. Dad bought in Bukittinggi.” “Thanks, Dad, but later ambo to read. There are still a lot of reading lessons of grade two.” I pretended to be seriously studied, and enough of begging for mercy.


 Bang Togar

Bang Togar is an editor head of a campus magazine where Alif enter there. He is Alif’s teacher to learn writing. People say that he is arrogant. Because his attitude which gruff. But in fact he is kindness. Many people wish to learn writing to him. However, they were surrendering early because cannot bear with her teach.

“Ada apa kau?” tanyanya mengagetkan aku. Baru mau mendekat saja sudah disalak.

“Ehmm, Bang, aku anak baru…”

“Iya aku tahu. Tadi sudah kenalan, kan?”

“Bang, aku ingin sekali bisa menulis. Tapi menulis sekaliber Abang. Tidak hanya di majalah kampus, tapi ingin dimuat media nasional.”

Dia menataku sebentar. Mengernyitkan kening, mungkin tidak yakin dengan apa yang dia dengar.

“Benar, kau ingin menulis bagus?”

“Sudah tujuanku, Bang. Aku ingin belajar sama Abang.”

“Menulis kaliber nasional itu butuh kerja keras dan tidak gampang.” “Aku siap kerja keras, Bang.”

“Setiap tahun selalu ada yang bilang begini, tapi mereka gugur dan tidak kuat.”

“Aku berbeda, Bang.” Kataku berani sambil mengngguk kencang.

“Tidak yakin aku. Sudah banyak yang bikin aku kecewa. Semangatnya cuma seminggu, setelah itu kempis. Malas aku, capek-capek aku ajar, tak ada hasilnya.”


“What are you doing?’ he asked, surprising me. The new approach would have been disalak.

“Ehmm, Bang, I’m new member…”

“Yeah I know. Had been acquaintances, right?”

“Bang, I wish could writing. But, writing like Abang. Not only in the campus magazine, but want to loaded in the national media.”

He looks at me briefly. Frowned, perhaps unsure of what he hears. “Right, you want to write well?”

“It is my goal, Bang. I want to learn with you.”

“Writing a national caliber it takes hard work and not easy.” “I’m ready to work hard, Bang.”

“Every year there is to say, but they fall and not strong.” “I’m different, bang.” Dare I say, nodding hard.


“I’m not sure. Have a lot that makes me disappointed. Her spirit was just a week after it deflated. I’m lazy, tired I teach, to no avail.”

(Fuadi,2011:67)  Rusdi

He has nickname as prince of poetry. Actually his name is Rusdi Satria Banjari. He is the original of Suku Banjar. Rusdi is a nationalism boy. He always brings Indonesian flag wherever he goes. All of his accessories were colored with red and white. He always tells about nationalism, forest, police and spy. One more of his excess is making traditional poetry. He can make traditional poetry quickly whenever wherever.

Dalam situasi apa saja, dia mampu merangkai pantun dalam hitungan detik atau kerjapan mata. Ketika Roni, kawanku utusan Jakarta, menertawakan gayanya yang terlihat kampungan, Rusdi tidak tersinggung. Malah dia maju mendekati Roni. Dia angkat sedikit dagunya dan tangan maju ke muka ditekuk 45 derajat. Lalu dari mulutnya mengalirlah sebuah pantun: Ikan tenggiri masuk ke bubu

Dimakan kering diatas kereta Mari anak negeri saling bersatu Bukan saling hina saling cela (Fuadi,2011:221)

In any situation, he was able to compose traditional poetry in a matter of second or a flicker of eye. When Roni, my friend envoy Jakarta, laughed him at his style that looks tacky, Rusdi not offended. In fact, he advances toward Roni. He lifted his chin and hand slightly forward bent 45 degrees. Then from his mouth flowed a rhyme:

Ikan tenggiri masuk ke bubu Dimakan kering diatas kereta Mari anak negeri saling bersatu Bukan saling hina saling cela (Fuadi,2011:221)

 Ferdinand

Ferdinand is foster father of Alif when he follows the program of students exchange in Canada. He has an athletic body like an army but he not too high. He


his head. He could only say yes, no and thank you in English, except that he always uses the French language quickly. He just lived with his wife Madeleine at Quebec province, because all of their children have married.

“Bagaimana kalian bisa bicara satu sama lain?” “kami punya bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia.”

Ferdinand menggeleng-geleng heran. “Magnifique! Luar biasa! Entah bagaimana kalian bisa mengajarkan 1 bahasa ke ratusan juta orang yang berbeda bahasa ibu, kami saja hanya dua bahasa, Inggris dan Perancis susah.”


“How can you talk each other?”

“We have a national language, Bahasa Indonesia.”

Ferdinand shook his head in wonder, “Maqnifique! Amazing! How you can teach a language to hundreds of millions of people of different native languages, we have only two languages, English and French hard.” (Fuadi, 2011:315)

 Madeilene

She is a mother who no longer young and has blue big eyes. Her hair is brown and blond. He was a very loving mother. When Alif stay at her home, she always wakes Alif for prayer and always makes Alif favorite food. And when Alif must return to Indonesia, he was so sad till cry because she and her husband have considered Alif as their own child.

“Kita akan makan malam special hari ini untuk merayakan ulang tahun perkawinan kami,”kata Madeleine sambil memeluk Ferdinand di pinggang.

“Dan jangan khawatir, makanan yang saya masak hari ini semua bisa kamu makan. Pokoknya selama kamu tinggal bersama kami, kami tidak memasak babi.”


“We will have special dinner today to celebrate our wedding anniversary,” Madeilene said, hugging Ferdinand at the waist.

“And don’t worry, the food I cook these days all you can eat. Just as long as you stay with us, we do not cook pork.”


 Franc

He is a partner Alif in program of student exchange in Canada. His full name is Francois Pepin. Franc is a handsome boy. He is a sociology student at the Laval University, Canada. He is very interested in Asian culture. He could only speak in French, during his life; he has never gone out of his home province of Quebec. Franc very pleased when Alif become a partner, so that makes him can learn English and also can recognize Asian culture directly.

“I… do not… speak …English good,” katanya sekali lagi sambil menggeleng-geleng pasrah. Apa aku salah dengar? Dia tidak bisa bicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik?

Tidak pernah terbayangkan olehku kalau seorang bule di Kanada ini ingin belajar bahasa inggris dari aku. Ironis sekali, karena salah satu niatku ikut program ini adalah memperbaiki bahasa inggris-ku. Ada sekilas kecewa terbit di hatiku.


“I ... do not... speak ... English good,” he said again, shaking his head in resignation. Did i hear correctly? He could not speak English well?

Not once unimaginable to me that an albino in Canada wanted to learn English for me. Very ironic. Because one of my intention to join this program is to improve my English. There appeared dissappointed briefly in my heart.


3.4 Setting

In this paper, the writer will analyzes the setting into two parts, setting of place and setting of time.

3.4.1 Setting of Place

In Ranah 3 Warna novel, the author takes three countries as the place, in conformity with the title of novel. There are Indonesia, Jordanian and Canada.


Saint Raymond, Quebec in Canada. After that, some other places that taken in the novel is Maninjau, Bukit Tinggi West Sumatra, Cibubur Camp and Padjajaran University West Java.

3.4.2 Setting of Time

The author of Ranah 3 Warna novel doesn’t tell the exact time when the story began. In this novel, he author only describe that the story began when the main character has graduated from boarding school and he come back to his village.

Hampir serentak, tangan kami mengayun joran ke air yang biru. Bukan supareh yang kami incar, tapi ikan yang lebih besar seperti gariang atau kalian panjang. Randai sedang libur panjang dari ITB dan aku baru tamat dari pondok Madani di Ponorogo. Ini saat menikmati kembali suasana kampung kami.


Almost to unison, our hands waving the rod into the blue water, not supareh that we seek, but the bigger fish like gariang or kalian panjang. Randai was long holiday from ITB and I just graduated from the boarding school, Pondok Madani. It’s time to enjoy again our village atmosphere. (Fuadi,2011:1)

3.5 Point of View

The author of Ranah 3 Warna novel uses the first person point of view as his technique to writing. The author uses the “I” as main character. The “I” character in this novel is Alif. Alif acts as a person who experiences the actions, events and become center of the story.




4.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the intrinsic elements of Ahmad Fuadi’s novel Ranah 3 Warna, in this chapter the writer would like to conclude the analysis of the novel as follow:

1. The Theme

The theme of Ranah 3 Warna novel is about struggle of life and love that experienced by Alif as the main character in this novel. He proves that with the struggle and patience, all of our wish and dream will be come true.

2. The Plot

The author of Ranah 3 Warna novel uses the progressive plot. The story start from Alif has graduated from boarding school and then tells step by step to the last step when the main character finished her study in Padjajaran University.

3. The Character

In Ranah 3 Warna novel, there are three main characters and seven peripheral characters. The central character is Alif.

4. The Setting

The setting of places in Ranah 3 Warna is in Bandung in Indonesia, Amman in Jordanian and Quebec in Canada country. The writer doesn’t found the real time in this novel because the author doesn’t


5. The Point of View

In this novel, the author uses the first person point of view as his technique to writing this novel. The author uses “I” as main character that played of Alif. Alif acts as a person who experiences the actions, events and become center of the story.

6. The Style

Ranah 3 Warna novel using some foreign expression sentences to describe the situation in the story. The author also inserts some technical term and language of West Sumatra.

4.2 Suggestion

After explaining and analyzing the intrinsic elements of Ranah 3 Warna novel, I would hope this paper will make the readers can understand about story and get more knowledge about how the intrinsic value is very important in a novel. So many things found in this novel are very interesting to analyze further. I realize that paper is still far from being perfect and in writing this paper, I only used the simple words. So, I approve a constructive criticism to my paper so that will give more benefit to me in the future.



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Ahmad Fuadi born in Bayur, a small village on the edge of Lake Maninjau in 1972, not far from the Buya Hamka village. Fuadi migrated to Java, to obey his mother's request to enter religious schools. In modern cottage Gontor he met with scholars and religious teachers who teach science sincerity blessed life and afterlife science. Gontor also taught him a simple "mantra" but it is very strong, man jadda wajada, “who is conscientious - it will be successful”. After graduating from boarding school, he connects education to Padjadjaran University, taking in international relations. After graduating his education in UNPAD, he became a magazine journalist Tempo. His first journalism class is endured in way of reporting duties under the guided by senior journalists Tempo.

In 1999, he received a Fulbright scholarship to study S-2 at the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University, USA. Traveled to Washington DC with Yayi, his wife who is also a Tempo journalist is childhood dream come true. When in the college, they become due and journalist correspondent of Voice of America (VOA), the news 11 September tragedy of historic as the two of them reported directly from the pentagon, White House and Capitol Hill. In 2004, another world window opens again when he got the Chevening scholarship award to study at Royal Holloway, University of London to the field of documentary film. Fuadi Always motivated to continue their education by seeking a scholarship so that he earned the nickname as scholarship hunter.


Until now, Fuadi already get eight scholarships to study abroad. He has had the opportunity to live and study in Canada, Singapore, the United States and England. This photography lover has become the communication director of The Nature Conservancy, an international conservation NGO. Now, Fuady busy write, be speaker and motivator. He is beginning to work making Negeri 5 Menara film and build foundation social to help education one who doesn’t can, namely Komunitas Menara.



Ranah 3 Warna is secondly novel in Negeri 5 Menara trilogy. It has made by Ahmad Fuadi, one of the young novelists in Indonesia who has a great talent in literature. The story in Ranah 3 Warna novel is inspired by his life story. This novel narrates how dreams and ideals must be fought all-out. The main character in this novel, Alif, a minang boy which has graduated from boarding school want to clutch his dream to became Pak Habibie. He wants to enter to Institut Tekhnologi Bandung (ITB), same as his idol. But he don’t have certificate of senior high school to can register in the college, because he only graduated from boarding school.

For his dream and aspire, he has strong spirit to follow senior high school equivalence test and study hard until pass for the exam. And he deserves to get the senior high school certificate. However, a new challenge came again; he must struggle once again in his life. Alif have to competition with all of contestant from all region of Indonesia in UMPTN test to enter the college.

Alif succeed enter to the university although not in ITB, university which his envisioned before. But he has succeeded to make his parent even happier. After going to Java Island for study in Universitas Padjajaran, his father died, so that, he must looking for the job to defraying his tuition and also to scrape his living.

When Alif studies and lives in the Dago area, Bandung city. He always meets with a beautiful girl in a bus transport in homeward bound to his rent house. She is Raisa. In the reality, she also studies in the same university with Alif. Raisa


also has a rent house in Dago area. She has famous as idol girl in the area. All man like with her, inclusive of Randai, Alif’s best friend.

Alif is so sad when his father died. So he must be looking for job while he still studies in Padjajaran University in order to defraying his life and give money to his mother and his younger siblings in the village. He received all the employment offered to him, so he had three different jobs while studying. He must sell the device need mothers like Mukena, veil, woven garments, etc. He sold it to some places of social gatherings or family gatherings, he also a seller of perfume door to door, and he must also teach private lesson in the afternoon. Consequently, the schedule of his life changed drastically, no more free time. In the morning he must study, so in the afternoon he teach private lesson, and in the evening till night he around to sell his wares. But with laboriously and patience he can go through all of the ordeals. In the end of story, he can go to American Continent and he is success finish his study well.


5. The Point of View

In this novel, the author uses the first person point of view as his technique to writing this novel. The author uses “I” as main character that played of Alif. Alif acts as a person who experiences the actions, events and become center of the story.

6. The Style

Ranah 3 Warna novel using some foreign expression sentences to describe the situation in the story. The author also inserts some technical term and language of West Sumatra.

4.2 Suggestion

After explaining and analyzing the intrinsic elements of Ranah 3 Warna novel, I would hope this paper will make the readers can understand about story and get more knowledge about how the intrinsic value is very important in a novel. So many things found in this novel are very interesting to analyze further. I realize that paper is still far from being perfect and in writing this paper, I only used the simple words. So, I approve a constructive criticism to my paper so that will give more benefit to me in the future.



Abrams, M.H. 1971,1981. A Glossary of Literary Term. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,Inc.

Fuadi, Ahmad. 2011. Ranah 3 Warna. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Gill, Richard. 1985. Mastering English Literature. London: McMillan Education


Hamalian, Leo and Karl, Frederick R.1967. The Shape of Fiction. McGraw Hill Inc.Printed in United Stated of American.

Lukens, Rebecca J. 1999. A Critical Handbook of Children’s Literature. New York: Longman.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan.1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.

Robert, Edgar V, Jacobs, Henry E. 1985. Literature: Introduction to Reading and Writing. USA: A Simon and Schuster Company.

Stanton, Robert.1965. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Sukada, Made. 1987. Pembinaan Kritik Sastra Indonesia Masalah Sistematika Analisis Struktur Fiksi. Bandung: Angkasa.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren.1956,1962. Theory of Literature. New York: A Harvest Books.




Ahmad Fuadi born in Bayur, a small village on the edge of Lake Maninjau in 1972, not far from the Buya Hamka village. Fuadi migrated to Java, to obey his mother's request to enter religious schools. In modern cottage Gontor he met with scholars and religious teachers who teach science sincerity blessed life and afterlife science. Gontor also taught him a simple "mantra" but it is very strong, man jadda wajada, “who is conscientious - it will be successful”. After graduating from boarding school, he connects education to Padjadjaran University, taking in international relations. After graduating his education in UNPAD, he became a magazine journalist Tempo. His first journalism class is endured in way of reporting duties under the guided by senior journalists Tempo.

In 1999, he received a Fulbright scholarship to study S-2 at the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University, USA. Traveled to Washington DC with Yayi, his wife who is also a Tempo journalist is childhood dream come true. When in the college, they become due and journalist correspondent of Voice of America (VOA), the news 11 September tragedy of historic as the two of them reported directly from the pentagon, White House and Capitol Hill. In 2004, another world window opens again when he got the Chevening scholarship award to study at Royal Holloway, University of London to the field of documentary film. Fuadi Always motivated to continue their education by seeking a scholarship so that he earned the nickname as scholarship hunter.


Until now, Fuadi already get eight scholarships to study abroad. He has had the opportunity to live and study in Canada, Singapore, the United States and England. This photography lover has become the communication director of The Nature Conservancy, an international conservation NGO. Now, Fuady busy write, be speaker and motivator. He is beginning to work making Negeri 5 Menara film and build foundation social to help education one who doesn’t can, namely Komunitas Menara.



Ranah 3 Warna is secondly novel in Negeri 5 Menara trilogy. It has made by Ahmad Fuadi, one of the young novelists in Indonesia who has a great talent in literature. The story in Ranah 3 Warna novel is inspired by his life story. This novel narrates how dreams and ideals must be fought all-out. The main character in this novel, Alif, a minang boy which has graduated from boarding school want to clutch his dream to became Pak Habibie. He wants to enter to Institut Tekhnologi Bandung (ITB), same as his idol. But he don’t have certificate of senior high school to can register in the college, because he only graduated from boarding school.

For his dream and aspire, he has strong spirit to follow senior high school equivalence test and study hard until pass for the exam. And he deserves to get the senior high school certificate. However, a new challenge came again; he must struggle once again in his life. Alif have to competition with all of contestant from all region of Indonesia in UMPTN test to enter the college.

Alif succeed enter to the university although not in ITB, university which his envisioned before. But he has succeeded to make his parent even happier. After going to Java Island for study in Universitas Padjajaran, his father died, so that, he must looking for the job to defraying his tuition and also to scrape his living.

When Alif studies and lives in the Dago area, Bandung city. He always meets with a beautiful girl in a bus transport in homeward bound to his rent house. She is Raisa. In the reality, she also studies in the same university with Alif. Raisa


also has a rent house in Dago area. She has famous as idol girl in the area. All man like with her, inclusive of Randai, Alif’s best friend.

Alif is so sad when his father died. So he must be looking for job while he still studies in Padjajaran University in order to defraying his life and give money to his mother and his younger siblings in the village. He received all the employment offered to him, so he had three different jobs while studying. He must sell the device need mothers like Mukena, veil, woven garments, etc. He sold it to some places of social gatherings or family gatherings, he also a seller of perfume door to door, and he must also teach private lesson in the afternoon. Consequently, the schedule of his life changed drastically, no more free time. In the morning he must study, so in the afternoon he teach private lesson, and in the evening till night he around to sell his wares. But with laboriously and patience he can go through all of the ordeals. In the end of story, he can go to American Continent and he is success finish his study well.