
The struggle of Elijah as The Prophet Shown in

Paulo Coelho’s

The Fifth Mountain.


Roksidatul Amillia













Amillia, Roksidatul.2016. The struggle of Elijah as The Prophet Shown in Paulo Coelho’s The

Fifth Mountain. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. States Islamic

University SunanAmpel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Sufi IkrimaSa’adah, M.Hum

This thesis is about the study of the struggle that is found in the fifth mountain novel by Paulo Coelho. This thesis focuses on Elijah as one of the characters in the novel. The purpose is to describe the character of Elijah. Elijah showed the struggle to achieve self-actualization and illustrates the impact of the struggle of Elijah through the story in the novel.

This study is a qualitative research. This research is a research library that collects books, journals and internet references that have a relationship with this analysis

This study uses a hierarchy of needs theory to analyse the struggle of Elijah. The results showed that Elijah is one of the main characters in the novel who has a strong character and obedient to god because he is able to face all the problems by following the prompts his god is heard through the voice of an angel. In his struggle, Elijah often gets a rejection of her presence in the community. But in the end, a struggle that he did give a positive outcome to the place he fought.




Amillia, Roksidatul.2016. The struggle of Elijah as The Prophet Shown in Paulo Coelho’s The

Fifth Mountain. Skripsi. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. States Islamic

University SunanAmpel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Sufi IkrimaSa’adah, M.Hum

Skripsi ini menceritakan tentang kajian perjuangan yang ditemukan dalam novel the fifth mountain karya Paulo Coelho. Skripsi ini focus pada Elijah sebagai salah satu karakter dalam novel tersebut. Tujuan adalah untuk menggambarkan karakter Elijah, menunjuk kanperjuangan Elijah untuk mencapai aktualisa sidiri dan menggambarkan dampak dari perjuangan Elijah melalui kisahnya dalam novel tersebut.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan yaitu mengumpulkan buku-buku, jurnal dan referensi internet yang memiliki hubungan dengan analisisini.

Penelitian ini menggunakan teori hierarki kebutuhan untuk menganalisis perjuangan dari Elijah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Elijah merupakan salah satu tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut yang memiliki karakter yang kuat dan taat kepada tuhannya karena dia mampu menghadapi semua permasalahan dengan mengikuti perintah tuhannya yang didengar melalui suara malaikat. Dalam perjuangannya, Elijah sering mendapatkan penolakanakan kehadiran dirinya di masyarakat. Namun pada akhirnya, perjuangan yang dia lakukan memberikan hasil yang positif untuk tempat yang dia perjuangkan.





Inside Cover Page ... i

Inside TitlePage ... ii

Declaration Page ...iii

Motto ... iv

Dedication Page ... v

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page ... vi

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page ... vii


TableofContents ... x

Abstract ...xiii

Intisari ... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 5

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 5

1.4 Scope and limitation ... 6

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.6 Method of the Study ... 7

1.7 Definition of the Key Terms ... 8




2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 10

2.1.1 New Criticism ... 10

2.1.2 Character ... 11

2.1.3 Characterization ... 13

2.1.4 Psychology ... 15

2.1.5 Hierarchy of need ... 16

a. The Physiological Need ... 17

b. The Safety Need ... 18

c. The Belonging Need ... 18

d. The Esteem Need ... 19

e. The Self-Actualization ... 19

2.2 Review of Related Study ... 21

CHAPTER III 3.1 Characterization of Elijah ... 22

3.2 Hierarchy of Need ... 32

3.2.1 The Physiological Need ... 32

3.2.2 The Safety Need ... 38

3.2.3 The Belonging Need ... 40

3.2.4 The Esteem Need ... 50

3.2.5 The Self-Actualization ... 52





4.1 Conclusion ... 59






1.1 Background of the study

The twists and turn of life is always experienced by every human being. The journey of the life is always never flat. Usually, human gets the happiness from Allah or something that goodness in their thought to teach them about human gratitude to the favor of God. In other case, human also gets disaster in their live to teach them about the meaning of patient. The happiness and the disaster happen by each human can improve human life itself or even better, namely improving the quality of their life. In running life, human would require a struggle to get their success on their own.

Now days, the reflection of human twists and turn of life has been presented in many different types, one of it is literature. Wellek and Warren gave statement that literature is a creative activity, mainly on art (1). Once can also say that literature is

“an imaginative writing” in the sense of fiction. Perhaps, it is because there is an argument that “Literature is the writing which is not literally true” (Knickerbocker and Reninger 4)

Wellek and Warren also said that figures in literary work is author creations that appear out of nowhere, has not history, has not past. Space and time in literature


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are not space and time of the real life. In relationship of this trend, literary works also understood as creative work, a creation of the author ( in Faruk 43)

According to Knickerbocker and Reninger, the literary work is neither a vehicle for idea a reflection of social reality nor the incarnation of some

transcendental truth. It is a material fact, whose functioning could be analyzed rather as one could examine machine. It is composed of words, not of objects or feeling, and it is a mistake to see it as the expression of an author’s mind. Therefore, it is concrete

that “language is the medium of literature (4)

In accordance to previous statement, Faruk explains that literature is understood as a particular language that is different from the language in general. Literature is often interpreted as a beautiful language, rhythmic language, which has a certain sound patterns such as rhyme rhythm, assonance and alliteration, and so forth ( 41). Peter Childs also says that in presenttimes generallytaken to be imaginative compositions,mainly printed but earlier (and still, insome cultures) was oral, whether dramatic, metrical or prose in form (129).

The major genres of literature are poetry, drama and prose. Poetry is language written with rhythm, figurative language, imagery, sound devices and emotionally charged language. J.A. Cuddon says that is a comprehensive term which can be taken to cover any kind of metrical composition. However, it is usually employed with reservations, and often in contradistinction to verse (682). Major types of


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poetry are lyric poetry, narrative poetry, and concrete poetry. The next definition is drama, it is the form of composition designed for performance in the theater,in which actors take the roles of the characters, perform the indicated action,and utter the written dialogue (Abraham 70).And then the last is prose, it is the ordinary form of written language. The major genres that writer chose for this study is prose.

Perine states thatProse is usually associated to fiction. Fiction, in other case is any work of literature that is includes material that is invented or imagined that is not

a record of things as the actually happened. It is “non-metrical language; the opposite of verse (141)

Kennedy and Gioia report that two works have dominated modern literary fiction in English: the novel and short story. Novel is a long fictional narrative writing in prose. It usually has characters and series of event that are acknowledged as plot. The plot, in the novel is known as strong and complex than of short story (4)

The novel is a work of fiction that works in the form of a story or stories that depict figures and imaginary events. The meaning given by Yelland that fiction

means “the which is invented as distinguished from that roommate is true.” A novel

may contain prominent figures and real events, but the loading is usually only serves as a mere condiment and they are included in a series of stories that are imaginary or fictitious detail. Although the events and the characters are fictional, they have a resemblance to the real life. (in Aziez and Hasim 2)


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There are some elements that build fiction, one of them is theme. Keeney puts that theme of a story is the total meaning discovered by the writer in the process of writing and by the reader in the process of reading (94). One of the famous themes that uses in the novel is the struggle. It is as contained in the novel that written by Paulo Coelho under the title The Fifth Mountain.Paulo Coelho is an author who came from Brazil. He was born on 24 August 1947. He is one of the author with the work of the most widely read in the word today. Paulo had received numerous international awards for his work. The most famous novel has been translated into 67 languages in the world. The author has sold 150 million copies of his books worldwide.

The Fifth Mountain tells the struggle of prophet to be killed by the queen for struggled to convey messages to the public from his God. The name of the prophet is Elijah. Also, the main character of the novel is Elijah. He moves to other place for save himself. The queen of Israel is Angry to him because he has conveyed the massage from the God that he has acceptance from the voice of Angel. God guides him to Akbar city. He stays in widow’s home. He falls in love to widow. When his love is real to widow, Akbar is getting war. Widow was died because the war. Akbar is shattered. Elijah promises to build Akbar better than before. Elijah is struggle for everything. His struggle brings him to his self actualization. He success on build Akbar to be better.


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Based on the explanation above, in this study, the writer wants to analyze the intrinsic element of The Fifth Mountainnovel. It discusses the struggle of Elijah as the main character in the novel by using new criticism and hierarchy of need. New

criticism is used for analyze about the characterization of the main character and the effect of his struggle. Hierarchy of need is used for analyzed about the struggle of the main character in the novel.

1.2 Statement of problem

1. How is characterization of Elijah in the novel?

2. How is the struggle of Elijah as the prophet shown in The Fifth


3. What is the effect of Elijah struggle in the novel?

1.3 Objective of the study

Based on the statement of problem, this study has three objectives that can be stated as follow:

1. To know the description of the appearance of the main character in the novel and how the characteristic of the main character in the novel.

2. To find outthe struggle of Elijah as the prophet shown in The Fifth



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1.4 Scope and limitation

To limit the discussion of widening, the thesis that use The Fifth Mountain novel will be focused characterization of Elijah as the major character in the novel, Elijah’s struggle as the prophet shown in the novel and the effect of

Elijah’s struggle in the novel. The writer use new criticism and hierarchy of need to finish this thesis. New criticism is used for analyze about the

characterization of the main character and the effect of his struggle. Hierarchy of need is used for analyzed about the struggle of the main character in the novel.

1.5Significances of the study

This result of this study will be useful for the reader and especially those

who like Paulo’s novel, to get and understand the text better of his novel using

characterization, hierarchy of need.

The writer information and the knowledge about the mean of novel and what it is, how to analyze it, it could had effect in the daily activities to face the word in many aspect with read and get the message from the novel.


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1.6 Method of the Study

This research the researcher uses qualitative research. Hancock explains that:qualitative research is concerned with developing explanations about phenomena of social. its mean, it aims to help us to understand the world in which we live and whythings are the way they are. Qualitative research is concerned with finding the answers to questions which begin with: how, why? what way? (Hancock 02)

This analysis applied new criticism for analysis the character and conflict inThe Fifth Mountain’s novel. The writer uses the data from the novel and some books for reference. Writer tries to read many book about New Criticism theory and understand it, looking for more reference from previous thesis and using internet for get more information which is support this analysis. This research follows the following steps to collect and analyzes the data:

1. Reading the novel to get complete data and an understanding the whole story

2. Deciding what characterizations of Elijah inPaulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain

3. Collecting all data related to the title and statement of the problem


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1.7Definition of Key

In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the basic concepts used in this research, the researcher would like to give some definition of the key terms as follows:

Prophet : a person who is believed to have a

special power that allows them to say what God wishes to tell people,

especially about things that will happen in the future.

Struggle : to experience difficulty and make a

very great effort in order to do something

Elijah : the name of prophet. In Islam, Elijah is

called Ilyas

Characterization : A way which authors usually use to

give clues or hints about the characteristics of their fictional


Character : The persons presented in dramatics of

narrativework who are interpreted by


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moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do in action (Robert).

1.8 Organization of the Thesis

This study consists of four chapters. Chapter one is introduction which deals with background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study,

methodology, key to specific terms, andorganization of the thesis. In chapter two, review of the related literaturewhichconsist, of the discussion on the theory New Criticism including character,characterization, and hierarchy of need by Abraham Maslow that include physical need, safety need,

love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, self actualization needs. Chapterthree presents the analysis on the development of characterization of Elijah, the struggle of Elijah uses hierarchy of need and effect of struggle shows inPaulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain. Finally, conclusion is given in chapter four. After thefinalchapter,the writer adds the bibilography and appendix on the synopsis of thenovel.




2.1 Theoretical Framework

The second chapter of this thesis is talking about the theory that the writer used to analyze in the thesis. Several theories used by writer are new criticism and theory of motivation by Abraham Maslow. These theories support the analysis of the characterization of the main character and the struggle of the main character in the Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho.

2.1.1 New Criticism

The New Criticism is an Anglo-American variety of Formalism that emerged in the early decades of the twentieth century and dominated teaching and scholarship until the early 1960s (Guide 122). Guide further explains that it agrees that the literary work is Autonomous, that its unity and meaning are constituted primarily by formal and rhetorical features, and that it is free from any burden of reflection on the social world in which it is produced or from any connection to the author who produces it (122). Tyson also explains the same thing that the most important

concepts of this theory are concerning the nature and importance of textual evidence (135). Meanwhile Gillespie states that criticism involves the careful analysis of a literary text craft. Ignoring any historical context, any biographical information about


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or moral messages, it also does not need think about the background of literary work making (Gillespie 172). Tyson then explains that new criticism tries to examine the formal element such as images, symbols, metaphors, rhyme, meter, point of view, setting, characterization, plot and so forth to interpret the text (137).

2.1.2 Character

Character is an important element in narrative work or in story that can be studied. Character often becomes the most important discuss than other elements (Nurgiyantoro 164).According to Bennett, character is the life of literature. They are the objects of our curiosity and fascination, affection and dislike, admiration and criticism (60). Potter writes that character is basic element. It is described that character is any person who figured out in a literary work, not particularly a peculiar or eccentric one, sometimes a given character does not actually appear but is merely talked about(1). Hence, when the term character is used not only to refer to a person in a literary work but also what he is like. It generally refers to whole nature: his personality, his attitude toward life, his spiritual qualities, his intelligence, even his physical build, as well as his moral attributes (3).

There are some types of characters in fiction. Some of them are Significance role in developing story there are major character and peripheral character,

appearance function character, static and dynamic character, based on reflection of character (Nugriyanti 167).


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Major character is an important figure at the center of the story. However, the major character cannot stand by isolation. The major character needs other characters to help the story more interest and attractive (Dinuriyyah 114). The other characters that help major character is peripheral character. They are supporting character, they just exist when have correlation with major character (nurgiyanti 177).

Appearance function character, there are protagonist and antagonist. If we expect the writer to focus on a single major character, and his character is studied more than any other characters, he is said to be the protagonist. In vise versa, the antagonist character is the character whose personality is described as the antiheroic, tend to hurt the protagonist. He is studied as bad person in the story (Miller 27).

Static or flat character, in Perrine’s (71), is the same sort of a person at the end

of the story as he was at the beginning. The developing character or dynamic characters, undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of his character, personality, or outlook. Dynamic characterization requires space and emphasize

toward character’s morality and psychology (Wellek and Warren 227).

Reflection character, there are typical character and neutral character. Typical character is character that often appears in working in quality or nationally and seldom appears whit showing personality condition. Neutral character is characters that always exist for the story (Nurgiyanti 191-192).


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2.1.3 Characterization

Based on explanation above, the definition of character is any person who figured out in a literary work, not particularly a peculiar or eccentric one, sometimes a given character does not actually appear but is merely talked about. Whereas, Holman state that the author reveals the characters of imaginary persons in fiction. The creation of these imaginary persons that they exist for the reader as real within the limits of fiction is called characterization (Holman 75). The reader will drift away into the story as if he or she is the character that exists in the story, and also the reader can feel what the character feels (Wigayanti 12). The writer gets the point that

character and characterization can’t be separated, but they are different each other.

Other state from James and Jefrey say the characterization can be depicted through the use of name. Names are often to provide essential clues that aid in characterization. Names can also contain literary or historical allusions that aid in characterization by means of association. Then, characterization can be depicted through appearance. Although, in real life most of us are aware that appearance are often deceiving, in the world of fiction details of appearance (what a character wears and how he looks) often provide essential clues to character. Characterization also can be depicted through by the author. By so doing the author assert retains full control over characterization. The author not only directs our attention to a given


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character, but also tells us exactly what our attitude toward the character ought to be.

Nothing is left to the reader’s imagination.

Gill states in hisbook that character is generally known as a person in a

literary work besides characterization is the way in which a character is created (127). In this case, character is only the figure person that created by the author and

characterization completed it with the physically description, attitude, and even how they think and act in the text. So, to make the differences between character and characterization is by calling the character as the product while characterization as the method (127).

Abrams state there are two methods of characterization; showing and Telling (33). Telling a character is when the author describes the character by its physical appearance such as the dress, age, how the character looks like, while showing a character is more complex than telling because the author try to show the character by

its way to behave and think. The author tries to get the reader‘s response to judge the character‘s trait, it is good or bad, or maybe the character has other traits by showing

the character‘s way of behave and think in some condition (Gill 134). In showing,

Abrams state that the author simply presents the character’s talking and acting and

leaves the reader to infer the motives and dispositions that lie behind what they say

and do (33). It means that by using the method, the character’s traits are not telling by


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also reveal it through their inner thoughts, feelings and responsiveness to the events (33).

2.1.4 Psychological

Psychology concerns with the aspect with the aspect of behavior. Psychology has primary aims at giving the better understanding of human being. The field of psychology is called personality. Personality is one attempt to draw together from all the areas of psychology which is need to build a theory to interpret and predict the behavior as unique human being. A theory begins with psychoanalytic which stem

from Sigmund Freud’d work (North, 30).

Psychoanalysis refers to psychology of personality is as tool for investigating of human behavior. Psychoanalysis tries to analyze dynamic unconsciousness, the effect of unconsciousness to consciousness in higher level of personality. Jung states that people always states that people always struggle to maintain a balance. The struggle is carried out in four ways : by thinking, feeling, intuiting and sensing, all four are active but one tends dominate and from her consciousness and

unconsciousness occur (Wargon, 45). one of part the psychology is hierarchy of need by Abraham Maslow.


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2.1.4 Hierarchy of Need

For support the thesis, the next theory is Hierarchy of need by Abraham Maslow. Maslow felt human beings have certain basic needs that they must meet before they can fulfill their other developmental need (Crandel 48). Abraham Maslow is traditionally associated with humanist psychology, but major theorist in all three areas influenced him; these are psychodynamic, behavioral, and humanistic

philosophies of human nature, and he made significant contributions to each phase of the development of the field of psychology between 1930 and 1970. He is the expert of human psychology who proposed the hierarchy of needs theory (Reid 7).

Maslow states that humans are born with a set of needs that not only energize

but direct behavior (Franken 437). Based on Maslow’s statements, these needs are

neither necessarily conscious nor unconscious. On the whole, however, in the average person, they are more unconscious than conscious (Maslow 54). The diagram of


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a. The Physiological Needs

The physiological need is the lowest stage in hierarchy of needs. These include needs that are of prime importance to the immediate survival of the individual, for instance the need for food, water, air, and sleep (Larsen 346). Physiological survival is considered to be the most basic motivator of human behavior (Reid16). Young has summarized the work on appetite in its relation to body needs. If the body lacks some chemical, the individual will tend (in an imperfect way) to develop a specific appetite or partial hunger for that missing food element (Maslow 36).


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b. The Safety Needs

According to Maslow, when the first stage that is the physiological needs have been satisfied, the new need will emerge and so on. Safety and security needs come to the next in hierarchy of needs. This need which may categorize roughly as the safety needs are having a place to live, security, stability, dependency, protection, freedom from fear, from anxiety, and so on (Maslow 39).

Franken states that although the child may look to parents for his or her own safety, safety for adults come from making the environment as predictable as

possible. In such an environment one can then pursue one’s other needs

without constant fear that something or someone will threaten one’s safety (Frank 438).

c. The Belongingness and Love Needs

After the physiological and the safety needs are fairly well gratified, then the human will emerge the next need that is the belongingness and love needs (Maslow 43). The love needs have been described in different ways: in terms of social relationships, connection with other people, and belonging to groups or partnerships (Reid 18).

Maslow was careful to differentiate between the love needs and sexuality; he states that love needs are greater than a physiological desire to procreate because they represent a human yearning for emotional connection that is


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imbued with a different quality than sexual desire (Reid 18). According to Maslow above, sex includes in physiological need. It means that love needs

involve both giving and receiving love such Maslow’s statement that people

must have the opportunity to love and be loved.

d. The Esteem Needs

When the physiological, safety, and love needs are satisfied, a set of needs relating to esteem and self respect emerge as primary determinants of human behavior (Reid 19). People begin to have need or desire for self-respect and for the esteem each others. According to Alfred Alder and his followers, these needs may therefore be classified into two subsidiary sets. These are, first is the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for mastery and

competence, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom (Maslow 45). Second is the desire for reputation or prestige, status, fame, glory, dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation (45).

e. The Self-Actualization Needs

When one has satisfied the first four level of need, the final level of


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self-actualization level, the person’s behavior is motivated by different conditions than at the lower levels.

It means, at this level, the individual differences are greatest.

After all these needs are satisfied, people may still often expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop unless the individual is doing what he wants to do individually (Maslow 46).

Maslow states that people who try to reach the goal in their lives will do anything and it can bring effects to their behavior or personality. The effect of their motivation towards their personality can be seen either positive or negative (Maslow 55).

This need is the need to develop one’s potential, to become the person one

was meant to be. However, self-actualizers seem to just know who they are and have few doubts about the direction their lives should take (Larsen 348).


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2.2 Review of Related Studies

This part will show the previous studies which are discussed about the same novel and closely similar with type of analysis in this research. First, a research entitledThe Importance of Self Resistance in The Fifth Mountain :Individual

Psychology written by Ari Susanti, student of University of Muhammadiyah

Surakarta. Her research talks about the Elijah’s endurance in the novel. She used Individual psychology by Alfred Adler for analysis the main character.

Based on explanation above, the difference between this research and the previous thesis is on the focus; This thesis focuses on the struggle of Elijah as the prophet but on Ari Susanti’s thesis focuses on Elijah’s Individual psychology.

Other research entitled A Study of Agnes Magnusdottir Struggle in Hannah

Kent’s Burial Rite written byYuliAstutik,student of State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya. Her thesis describe the Agnes’ characterization and to find out the Agnes struggle to get status from NatanKetilson on the Burial Rite novel.

Based on explanation above, the difference between this research and

previous thesis is the struggle of the main character in each novel is difference. Agnes struggle to get status from NatanKetilson, but this thesis will focus on Elijah struggle as the prophet.


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This chapter is focused on analysis the novel. The writer uses two theories to do it. They are new criticism and Maslow’s hierarchy of need. The analysis is focused based on reassert questions in chapter one. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first is analysis about characterization of Elijah shown in The Fifth Mountain novel. Second analysis is the struggle of Elijah as the prophet shown in The Fifth

Mountain novel. The writer is using hierarchy of need by Abraham Maslow to

analysis the struggle of Elijah. There are five hierarchies that suitable for this analysis chronologically. They are psychological need, safety need, love and belonging need, esteem need and self-actualization. The last is the effect of Elijah struggle in the novel.

3.1. Characterizations of Elijah

The writer would like to explain characterization of Elijah that is shown in the novel. Elijah is the main character in The Fifth Mountain novel. It shows in the novel when story of Elijah is more than other. The writer statement is supported by Foster statement who states that if we expect the writer to focus on a single major character and his characters is studied far more than any other characters he is said to be the main character.

a. Elijah does not realize that his ability to hear voice of the Angel is a sign of becoming a prophet.


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SINCE CHILDHOOD, he had heard voices and spoken with angels. This was when he had been impelled by his father and mother to seek out a priest of Israel who, after asking many questions, identified Elijah as a nabi, a prophet, a “man of the spirit,” one who “exalts himself with the

word of God.” (Caulo 6)

Elijah is different from other children since he was a child. He could hear vote of the Angel. He not only hears voice of the Angel but also he could talk with the Angel. Based on the text above, the writer concludes that Elijah does not realize that his

ability to hear voice of the Angel is a sign of becoming a prophet. Elijah’s parents

seek reassurance about the state of Elijah. They seek Elijah to a priest of Israel about

it. A priest of Israel said that Elijah is a prophet. Elijah’s parents instruct Elijah to

forget everything that he heard and experienced.

b. Elijah is obedient to his parents.

He spoke only with his guardian angel and heard only advice about his own life; from time to time he had visions he could not understand– distant seas, mountains populated with strange beings, wheels with wings and eyes. As soon as the visions disappeared, he–obedient to his father and mother–made every effort to forget them as rapidly as possible. (Coelho 6)

The text shows that Elijah is obedient to his parents. His parent’s advice influences


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that he experienced. He feels as the ordinary human being. There is not special thing on him.

c. Elijah does not agree about the life of prophet at that time.

NOW AND AGAIN, he would gaze respectfully upon the other

prophets, who walked the streets of Gilead wearing their customary cloaks of skins and sashes of leather and saying that the Lord had singled them out to guide the Chosen People. Truly, such was not his destiny; never would he be capable of evoking a trance through dancing or

self-flagellation, a common practice among those “exalted by the voice of God,” because he was afraid of pain. Nor would he ever walk the streets of

Gilead, proudly displaying the scars from injuries achieved during a state of ecstasy, for he was too shy. (Coelho 7)

Elijah does not agree about the life of prophet at that time. Humbly, Elijah respects to the live of human that is believed as prophet. The differences between his live and

prophet live reassure him that he won’t be a prophet. Even though, Elijah will believe in his God whatever happen.

d. Elijah is an obedient servant of his God.

AFTER ASCENDING to the throne, Jezebel had asked Ahab to replace the worship of the Lord with that of the gods of Lebanon. That too had happened before. Elijah, though outraged at Ahab's compliance, continued to worship

the God of Israel and to observe the laws of Moses. “It will pass,” he thought. “Jezebel seduced Ahab, but she will not succeed in convincing the people.”

(Coelho 8)

Elijah is an obedient servant of his God. He does everything that he believes although

it is contrary to his queen’s decision. His queen is Jezebel. Hardly, he tries to abjure


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e. Elijah tries to forget the fact that he can hear the voice of angel and talk to angel since he was child.

One of the lights shone more brightly, and suddenly, as if coming from everywhere at once:

“And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying: Tell Ahab, that as surely as the Lord God of Israel live, before whom thou standest, there

shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to My word.”

ELIJAH DID NOT SLEEP that night. For the first time in many years, the sensations of his childhood came back to him; and it was not his

guardian angel speaking but “something” larger and more powerful than

he. He feared that if he failed to carry out the order he might be cursed in his trade. (Coelho 9)

Elijah tries to forget the fact that he can hear the voice of angel and talk to angel since he was child. He was success on it. It never comes to him anymore. Unpredictable, the voice of angel is back. The sign from the Angel is stronger than before.

f. Elijah conveys the message that he heard to his king.

By morning, he had decided to do as he had been asked. After all, he was only the messenger of something that did not concern him; once the task was done, the voices would not return to trouble him. (Coelho 9)

Elijah makes a big decision. He will be obedient to the instruction that he heard. He conveys the message that he heard to his king. He hopes the calmness on his life after convey the message.

g. The mission of Elijah begins at his twenty-three.

He left convinced that he had carried out his mission and could go back to his work in the carpentry shop. On his way, he desired Jezebel,


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with all the ardor of his twenty-three years. And he asked God whether in the future he could find a woman from Lebanon, for they were beautiful with their dark skin and green eyes full of mystery. (Coelho 10)

Based on the text above, the mission of Elijah begins at his twenty-three. He is

fascinated by the beauty of Jezebel. Jezebel becomes the symbol of beauty for women in Israel. As a human, Elijah wants to have a beautiful wife as Jezebel.

h. Elijah becomes fugitive in Israel.

HE WORKED for the rest of the day and slept peacefully. The next morning he was awakened before dawn by the Levite; Jezebel had convinced the king that the prophets were a menace to the growth and expansion of Israel. Ahab's soldiers had orders to execute all who refused to abandon the sacred task that God had conferred upon them.

To Elijah alone, however, no right of choice had been given: he has to be killed. (Coelho 10)

Elijah becomes fugitive in Israel. It is the effect of his decision to convey the message from his God to the king. Elijah becomes the only prophet that does not get change to leave his God as other prophet. The queen asks to the king to kill Elijah without any resent.

i. He will regret his live if he never knows the feel of love.

He thought how stupid it was to die at twenty-three, without ever having known a woman's love. (Coelho 11)

Elijah is young. He is a fugitive on his country. As a fugitive, his life is not easy to do. Everyone on his country is looking for him to be killed. He is single on twenty-three. He will regret his live if he never knows the feel of love.


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j. Elijah runs out from his country to save himself.

HE WALKED FOR MANY HOURS, TAKING PATHS LONG since unused, until he arrived at the bank of the rivulet of Cherith. He felt shame at his cowardice but joy at being alive. (Coelho 12)

Elijah runs out from his country to save himself. At the decision he blames himself as a coward. He is also grateful for his long life.

k. He had decided to work as a carpenter; but the Lord had led him back to his path.

Despite the priests' belief that he was a prophet, he had decided to work as a carpenter; but the Lord had led him back to his path. (Coelho 14) AFTER ASCENDING to the throne, Jezebel had asked Ahab to replace the worship of the Lord with that of the gods of Lebanon. That too had happened before. Elijah, though outraged at Ahab's compliance, continued to worship the God

of Israel and to observe the laws of Moses. “It will pass,” he thought. “Jezebel seduced Ahab, but she will not succeed in convincing the people.” (Coelho 8)

One of the lights shone more brightly, and suddenly, as if coming from everywhere at once:

“And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying: Tell Ahab, that as

surely as the Lord God of Israel live, before whom thou standest, there

shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to My word.”

ELIJAH DID NOT SLEEP that night. For the first time in many years, the sensations of his childhood came back to him; and it was not his

guardian angel speaking but “something” larger and more powerful than

he. He feared that if he failed to carry out the order he might be cursed in his trade. (Coelho 9)

By morning, he had decided to do as he had been asked. After all, he was only the messenger of something that did not concern him; once the task was done, the voices would not return to trouble him. (Coelho 9)


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He left convinced that he had carried out his mission and could go back to his work in the carpentry shop. On his way, he desired Jezebel, with all the ardor of his twenty-three years. And he asked God whether in the future he could find a woman from Lebanon, for they were beautiful with their dark skin and green eyes full of mystery. (Coelho 10)

HE WORKED for the rest of the day and slept peacefully. The next morning he was awakened before dawn by the Levite; Jezebel had convinced the king that the prophets were a menace to the growth and expansion of Israel. Ahab's soldiers had orders to execute all who refused to abandon the sacred task that God had conferred upon them.

To Elijah alone, however, no right of choice had been given: he has to be killed. (Coelho 10)

He thought how stupid it was to die at twenty-three, without ever having known a woman's love. (Coelho 11)

HE WALKED FOR MANY HOURS, TAKING PATHS LONG since unused, until he arrived at the bank of the rivulet of Cherith. He felt shame at his cowardice but joy at being alive. (Coelho 12)

Despite the priests' belief that he was a prophet, he had decided to work as a

carpenter; but the Lord had led him back to his path. Elijah is depicted as a prophet but his life does not as the prophet. He prefers to run his life as a human being. He chose to be a carpenter to spend his life. The fact, he can’t be carpenter for long time. God has been choosing him as the prophet. Whatever it takes, Elijah has to live as the prophet.

l. Elijah laughed, for he was putting words into the mouth of a bird. Elijah fixed his gaze on the crow.

“I'm learning,” he told the bird. “Though the lesson is a futile one, for I am condemned to death.”


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“You have discovered how everything is simple,” the crow seemed to reply. “Having courage is enough.” (Coelho 15)

Elijah laughed, for he was putting words into the mouth of a bird. It was an amusing game, one he had learned with a woman who made bread, and he decided to continue. He would ask the questions and offer himself an answer, as if he were a true sage.Being lonely, Elijah tries to amuse himself. He makes conversation between him and a crow. He is looking for spirit to himself. He believes that he has the audacity for help him. He realizes that his audacity had helped him to survive his live.

m. The conversation between Elijah and the crow looks like the conversation of human with human.

In his imagination Elijah was transformed into the crow.

“What it is that God expects of you?” he asked himself, as if he were the


“He expects me to be a prophet.”

“This is what the priests said. But it may not be what God desires.”

“Yes, it is what He wants. An angel appeared to me in my shop and

asked me to speak with Ahab. The voices I heard as a child–”

“Everyone hears voices as a child,” interrupted the crow. “But not everyone sees an angel,” Elijah said. (Coelho 16)

The conversation between Elijah and the crow looks like the conversation of human with human. In the fact, Elijah is talking by himself. Their conversation is talking about the hesitancy of Elijah as the prophet. He is believed as the prophet by priests


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of Israel. However, Elijah is hesitant that God has been chosing him as someone who

is delivering a revelation of God. In Elijah’s mind, he thinks that everything in his

live is his imagination. Suddenly he realizes that Angel does not come in everyone.

n. Elijah personally is not afraid of anyone, including the leader of the Akbar.

“My tears were for the evil I felt I had caused you, for I fear but two

things: the Lord, and myself. I did not flee from Israel, and I am ready to return as soon as the Lord permits. I will put an end to your beautiful

princess, and the faith of Israel shall survive this threat too.” (Coelho 40)

Elijah personally is not afraid of anyone, including the leader of the Akbar. He says clearly that he is only afraid of God and himself. He keeps following the instruction of the God.

o. Elijah is considering his words to others.

The boy looked at him in surprise. He probably understood nothing, but even so Elijah felt the need to continue the conversation. Perhaps when he came to manhood one of these words might assist him in a difficult situation. (Coelho 75)

Elijah is considering his words to others. He gives advice as may be necessary for others. He thought of his words for the long term.

p. Elijah is angry to his God.

WHEN THE SUN reached its zenith, Elijah sat on the ground, exhausted. He knew that his angel was at his side, but he could not

hear him. “To what avail? He was unable to help me when I needed

him, and now I don't want his counsel; all I desire is to put this city in order, to show God I can face Him, and then leave for wherever I want to


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Elijah collapsed when his prayer is not granted by God. Elijah is angry to his God. So, he decides to go against God.

q. Elijah is a persistent person in his work.

Elijah returned to his work, entering destroyed homes, pushing aside the rubble, picking up the bodies, and carrying them to the pile in the middle of the square. The bandage that the shepherd had put on his arm had fallen off, but that mattered little; he had to prove to himself that he was strong enough to regain his dignity. (Coelho 119)

Elijah is a persistent person in his work. He struggles to build Akbar. At the moment, the physical of Elijah is drawing blood.

r. Elijah goes back to his God after he opposed Him.

Elijah rose and prayed, “I fought Thee, Lord, and I am not ashamed. And because of it I discovered that I am on my path because such is my wish, not because it was imposed on me by my father and mother, by the

customs of my country, or even by Thee.“It is to Thee, O Lord, that I would return at this moment. I wish to praise Thee with the strength of my will and not with the cowardice of one who has not known how to choose another path. But for Thee to confide to me Thy important

mission, I must continue this battle against Thee, until Thou bless me.” To

rebuild Akbar. What Elijah thought was a challenge to God was, in truth, his reencounter with Him. (Coelho 124)

Elijah goes back to his God after he opposed Him. He realizes that God guide him in his own way.

s. Elijah still admires for the tradition.

HE WENT TO THE TEMPLE, the only place that had escaped the destruction and had not needed rebuilding, though the statues of the


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gods had been taken away by the Assyrians. With all respect, he touched the stone that, according to tradition, marked the spot where an ancestor had embedded a staff in the ground and been unable to wrest it free. (Coelho 136) Although he has different belief for the God, Elijah still admires for the tradition.

3.2 Hierarchy of Need 3.2.1 Physiological Needs

Elijah is a prophet who opposed the decision of queen jezebel to abandon the sacred duty which is God has commanded. The queen decided to punish Elijah to death. It causes Elijah had to go from his home to save himself at that time. Someday,

Elijah will drop the queen from her power as the order from Elijah’s God. Elijah

leaved his place to the place that he had never known. He started his new life there.

Elijah’s journey to save himself is not accompanied by any material in his


As a human, Elijah definitely has needs that must be fulfilled. According to the theory of Abraham Maslow, the most basic needs of human beings is called physiological need. There are some things that are in the psychological need, they are food, water, oxygen, maintaining body temperature and other. Physiological needs is a requirement that has the most impact in other needs, people who constantly feel hungry will be motivated to find food than to look for a friend or acquire self esteem. They do not look further than the food, and during these needs are fulfilled, their main motivation is to get a food.


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HE WALKED FOR MANY HOURS, TAKING PATHS LONG since unused, until he arrived at the bank of the rivulet of Cherith. He felt shame at his cowardice but joy at being alive.

He drank a bit of water, sat, and only then realized the situation in which he found himself: the next day he would need to feed himself, and food was nowhere to be found in the desert. (Coelho 12)

In general, traveling hours is one of the things that can cause fatigue in the human body. It is done by Elijah. Elijah needs something that can make his body strong. Finally, Elijah can drink from a river after he walked away. In my opinion, Elijah has fulfilled his basic need of physiological need. The requirement is his body needs water after the fatigue of a long journey. The setting explanation in the text is the desert. According to Wikipedia, the deserts are considered to have little ability to support life. When compared with the wetter regions this may be true, even if it is observed carefully, desert often has a life that is usually hidden (especially during the day) to maintain body fluids. It is a region that receives little rainfall-less than 250 millimeters a year. In that place, surely water is needed by Elijah. He does not think about the cleaning and the taste of the water. The most important thing in such circumstance is he can fulfill the basic need, it means that Elijah needs water. The situation above will be difference when we have a lot of water in our circles. We usually focus to the sense of the water, quality of the water and so on.

Not only water but also food is needed by Elijah. He needs some food to go on his journey. So that why he thinks the way to get food in place that has little ability to support life, which is in the Desert is almost impossible.


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b. He tries to find place that can protect him from the sun, although he is hopeless.

HE DRANK a bit of the crystalline water that ran beside him. He cleansed his face, then sought out shade where he could await his pursuers. A man cannot fight his destiny–he had already tried, and he had lost. (Coelho 14) In this text, water is basic need that can be fulfilled by Elijah. In the desert, Elijah should be able to survive only with water. Not only fulfill his needs of water but also he fulfills his need to maintain body temperature. He tries to find place that can protect him from the sun, although he is hopeless.

c. A meat that is dropped by bird can be consumed by Elijah.

SHORTLY BEFORE NIGHTFALL, a crow–could it be the same one?–

perched on the bough where he had seen it that morning. In its beak was a small piece of meat that it accidentally dropped.

To Elijah, it was a miracle. He ran to the spot beneath the tree, picked up the chunk of meat, and ate it. He didn't know from where it had come, nor did he wish to know; what was important was his being able to satisfy a small part of his hunger. (Coelho 16)

Elijah needs to fulfill his body with a food. In this situation, the bird was dropping meat near Elijah by accidentally. It shall be deemed as miracle for Elijah. A meat that is dropped by bird can be consumed by Elijah. The bird is really a help for Elijah to fulfill his other psychological need. This text shows that Elijah really needs to fulfill his psychological need about the food. The text was explanation that Elijah was not thinking about the meat taste. He can fulfill his needs is the importance one.


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d. Elijah realized that physiological need of food is the importance one of his life.

“This crow knows I'm going to starve to death here,” he thought. “He's feeding his prey so he can have a better feast later.” (Coelho 16)

Elijah realized that physiological need of food is the importance one of his life. He can end his life if he does not fulfill his physiological need of food in a long day.

e. Elijah declares human must fulfill their physiological need to keep long way of their life.

“I would like to talk to you, crow. This morning, I had the thought that souls

need food. If my soul has not yet perished of hunger, it has something

still to say.” (Coelho 16)

Elijah declares human must fulfill their physiological need to keep long way of their life. The fulfilling of physiological need of food, he can be continued his activity.

f. He imitates the way bird looking for a meat to fulfill his physiologicalneed of food.

THE BIRD RETURNED the next morning. Instead of resuming the conversation, Elijah began to observe it, for the animal always managed to feed itself and always brought him the food that remained.

A mysterious friendship developed between the pair, and Elijah began to learn from the bird. Observing it, he saw that it managed to find food in the desert, and he discovered that he could survive for a few more days if he learned to do the same. (Coelho 18)

The struggle of Elijah in this part is about to survive his live in the desert. He brains with the bird to drive out his loneliness. He talks to bird like the bird can understand what his word. Actually in this situation Elijah talks to himself. because this is


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Elijah’s imagination, the bird and Elijah look like friendship. This friendship is

tighter when the bird always drops meat for Elijah. Not only need to drive out his loneliness but also he needs to fulfill his physiological need by himself. He could not reckon the meat that is given by bird. He imitates the way bird looking for a meat to fulfill his physiologicalneed of food.

g. Elijah success to follow bird’s way looking for meal.

“I'm a man who has found peace,” replied Elijah. “I can live in the

desert, provide for myself, and contemplate the endless beauty of God's creation. I have discovered that there resides in me a soul better than

ever I thought.” (Coelho 19)

Elijah is a clever man who observes his surroundings. It is reflected in his success to

follow bird’s way looking for meal. He could survive to stay in the desert. Fulfilled

physiological need of food influences thoughts and feeling of the human. Elijah is not difficult to find the food anymore, so that way he feels more peaceful than before

when he can’t find food.

h. He feels better than before when he fled from his home.

ANOTHER MOON DIED and was reborn in the sky. Elijah felt that his body was stronger, his mind more clear. Tonight he turned to the crow, who was perched on the same branch as always, and answered the question he had asked some days before. (Coelho 19)

Elijah successfully meets his physiological need while lives in the desert. He feels better than before when he fled from his home.


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i. He asks the widower’s helping to give him drink and bread.

“Do not be afraid,” Elijah insisted. “I am alone, hungry and thirsty, and haven't the strength to harm anyone.” (Coelho 21)

The text is located after the explanation about Elijah gets the command from his God to go to Akbar. There is not one known by Elijah. His Got commands him to stay in

widower’s house. Elijah is the stranger for the widower. It makes the widower afraid of him. Elijah tries to convince the widower that he will not hurt her. Elijah has not

fulfilled his physiological need that makes his body weak. He asks the widower’s

helping to give him drink and bread.

j. Elijah struggles to convince widower that he gets instruction from his God to

stay at widower’s home.

Elijah saw the horizon changing direction and knew he was about to faint.

Gathering the last of his strength, he implored one final time, “I don't

know if you believe in dreams; I don't know even if I believe in them. But the Lord told me that I would arrive here, and that I would find you. He has done things that caused me to doubt His wisdom, but never His existence. And thus the God of Israel asked that I tell the woman I met in Zarephath:

“The barrel of meal shall not waste, either shall the cruses of oil fail, until the day the Lord sends rain upon the earth.” (Coelho 21)

Elijah’s body is getting weaker and weaker. His power is running low. He is going to faint. Those are the effect of less fulfilled physiological needs. He needs water and meal to fulfill his physiological need. This situation, Elijah struggles to convince

widower that he gets instruction from his God to stay at widower’s home. There is no fear to die of hunger for Elijah. He believes that God will help them to fulfill their


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physiological need when Elijah stays at widower’s home, because, it is the utterance

of the God that Elijah accepts.

“Give me lodging with you, for Ihave nowhere to sleep,” Elijah insisted.

(Coelho 22)

Not only water and meal but also residence is psychological need. Elijah needs some place to keep his body temperature from weather. He asks widower to acceptance him for stay at her home.

3.2.2 Safety need

The second of hierarchy of needs is safety need. When all physiological needs are satisfied and are no longer controlling thoughts and behaviors, the needs for security can become active. Adults have little awareness of their security needs except in times of emergency or periods of disorganization in the social structure. The following text is the analysis about it that the writer finds in the novel:

a. He goes to other places for save himself.

“For years I have had commerce with Lebanon, and I respect your

people and their customs. I am here because I am persecuted in Israel.”

(Coelho 24)

Almost certainly, the majority of people want to live in safety and peaceful. Every human has the instinct to save themselves from any disturbance. Safety need is felt by


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Elijah when there is no physical safety for him in Israel. He goes to other places for save himself.

b. The high priest is explaining the condition of Akbar to Elijah. The high priest laughed.

“If you're waiting for the right moment to return, prepare yourself to remain in Akbar for the rest of your life. We are not at war with your country; all we desire is to see the spread of the true faith, by

peaceful means, throughout the world. We have no wish to repeat the atrocities committed by your people when you installed yourselves in

Canaan.” (Coelho 24)

The high priest is explaining the condition of Akbar to Elijah. Akbar is in safety. This city is not in war. Leaders of Akbar is trying to guide the society into religious human

with full of peace. They don’t want any atrocities in Akbar although other countries

have done violence to spread religion. It is not good example for them to follow. The condition of this city supports Elijah to get safety need for him.

c. High priest assured Elijah that there is not persecution for Elijah in Akbar.

“Excellent. Welcome to the city of Akbar; when we need something from

Jezebel, we will pay for it with your head–the most important currency we have. Till then, seek out employment and learn to fend for yourself,

because here there is no place for prophets.” (Coelho 24)

This text is about the conversation between high priest and Elijah. High priest is one of the important leaders in Akbar. He allowed Elijah to stay in Akbar. Elijah was getting persecution in Israel. High priest assured Elijah that there is not persecution for Elijah in Akbar. He invited Elijah to find a job, because the city does not have


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tradition to favor the prophet. Elijah has independent life as other people in Akbar. Elijah gets his safety need in Akbar is only temporary. High priest does not keep Elijah for fully. He had permitted Elijah to stay in Akbar to take advantage of the presence of Elijah who is being hunted by the Israel queen. Elijah is used as medium of exchange if one day Akbar needs something from Israel. Although it is only temporary, Elijah gets his safety need in Akbar.

d. Elijah becoming part of Zarephath

LITTLE BY LITTLE ELIJAH BECAME PART OF THE LIFE OF Zarephath and,like all its inhabitants, came to call it Akbar. (Coelho 25) The text portraits that Elijah has met his safety need that he needed after he fled from his country. Elijah becoming part of Zarephath is one of the sign that the society receives him to stay with them in their circles with peaceful.

3.2.3 Love and Belonging

When the needs for safety and for physiological well-being are satisfied, the next class of needs for love, affection and belongingness can emerge. Maslow states that people seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This involves both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging.

SINCE CHILDHOOD, he had heard voices and spoken with angels. This was when he had been impelled by his father and mother to seek out a priest of Israel who, after asking many questions, identified Elijah as a nabi, a


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a. Elijah gets full of love from his parents.

After speaking with him for many hours, the priest told his father and mother that whatever the boy might utter should be regarded as earnest. When they left that place, his father and mother demanded that Elijah never tell anyone what he saw and heard; to be a prophet meant having ties to the government, and that was always dangerous. (Coelho 6)

Elijah’s parent has known that Elijah is a prophet since Elijah was child. A priest of

Israel’s statement convinces them that Elijah is a prophet. One of the tradition in

Israel is the prophet will be part of government. Elijah’s parent realized that it was

not good way for Elijah. They keep Elijah from the government. They asked Elijah to keep silent about his condition as the prophet. According to the last experience,

Elijah’s parent considered that the life of prophet was not save when they live for

government. This condition shows that Elijah gets full of love from his parents.

b. The widow has allowed Elijah to stay in her home.

“Pray to your One God,” the woman asked again. “If He saves my son, I

swear I will renounce Baal and believe Him. Explain to your Lord that I gave you shelter when you were in need; I did exactly as He had

ordered.” (Coelho 27)

The widow has allowed Elijah to stay in her home. The existence of Elijah in the

widow’s home does not mean that the widow follows Elijah to believe Elijah’s God. She shows that she will believe Elijah’s God if God takes away the illness of her son.


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helped Elijah to perform the task of his God. Elijah’s presence would be considered more important if he meets the widow’s desire.

c. Elijah’s presence increasingly regarded as a disaster.

“Cursed be the gods, cursed be they who have taken away my son!

Cursed be the man who brought such misfortune to my home! My only

child!” she screamed. “Because I respected the will of heaven, because I was

generous with a foreigner, my son is dead!” (Coelho 29)

Elijah’s presence increasingly regarded as a disaster. The widow’s anger to Elijah is

not controlled. She hates Elijah. She blames Elijah when her son died. The widow is regretting her decision to accept Elijah to stay at her home. She considers that all the good that she did for this is futile. She lost her son. This incident is regarded as disproportionate reward from the God. She blames everything that can be blamed.

d. The society of Akbar hate Elijah as the widow hates him.

SHOUTING INSULTS AND HURLING STONES, THE MEN and women of Akbar followed in procession the group of guards conducting the Israelite to the face of the Fifth Mountain. Only with great effort were the soldiers able to contain the crowd's fury. After walking for half an hour, they came to the foot of the sacred mountain.

The group stopped before the stone altars, where people were wont to leave their offerings and sacrifices, their petitions and prayers. They all knew the stories of giants who lived in the area, and they remembered some who had challenged the prohibition only to be claimed by the fire from heaven. Travelers passing through the valley at night swore they could hear the laughter of the gods and goddesses amusing themselves from above.

Even if no one was certain of all this, none dared challenge the gods.

“Let's go,” said a soldier, prodding Elijah with the tip of his spear.


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The society of Akbar hate Elijah as the widow hates him. They blame Elijah for the

death of the widow’s son. Elijah gets punishment from the society. He has to do the

punishment as the tradition in Akbar. Not only that punishment Elijah gets but also he

can’t fulfill his need to be part of the society in Akbar. Elijah does not get acceptance

from the society because of this problem.

e. The existent of Elijah is accepted

“I shall do as you ask,” the high priest told the prisoner. “Since you have

sought the forgiveness of the gods, you should also seek it of the widow. So that you do not flee, you will go accompanied by four armed soldiers. But harbor no illusion that you will convince her to ask clemency;

when morning comes, we shall execute you in the middle of the square.”

(Coelho 33)

Elijah had done the punishment as the culture of Akbar. He is deemed to have been pleading to the gods who is trusted by the Akbar public. It is the reason of the high priest to give Elijah one change to begs for mercy to the widow. This change shows that the existent of Elijah is accepted once again.

f. The widow hates Elijah.

Standing his ground against the shoves and blows, Elijah freed himself of the hands that grasped him and ran to the widow, who sat weeping in a corner.

“I can bring him back from the dead. Let me touch your son,” he said. “For just an instant.”

The widow did not even raise her head.

“Please,” he insisted. “Even if it be the last thing you do for me in this


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The existent of Elijah is undesirable for the widow in her home. The widow hates Elijah. She blames Elijah as the man who brings damnation for her life. Although Elijah is rejected by the widow, he does not give up to ask the widow to touch her son. Elijah wants to return the favor to the widow. The widow has done much kindness to Elijah. At the moment, the position of Elijah is cornered by the society and the widow.

g. The widow shows her mercy.

At that moment, everyone stopped. The widow had risen and come toward him. Taking him by the hands, she led him to where the cadaver of her son lay, then removed the sheet that covered him. (Coelho 34)

The widow shows her mercy. She permits Elijah to touch her son. Moreover, she herself brings Elijah to the place of her son corpse.

h. Elijah prays to God in order to revive the son of the widow.

For long moments nothing happened. Elijah saw himself back in Gilead, standing before the soldier with an arrow pointing at his heart, aware that oftentimes a man's fate has nothing to do with what he believes or fears. He felt calm and confident as he had that day, knowing that, whatever the outcome might be, there was a reason that all of this had come to pass. Atop the Fifth Mountain, the angel had called this

reason the “grandeur of God”; he hoped one day to understand why the

Creator needed His creatures to demonstrate this glory. It was then that the boy opened his eyes.

“Where's my mother?” he asked.


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For the next effort, Elijah prays to God in order to revive the son of the widow. Elijah prays to God but nothing happened. He begins to contemplate about the situation and remembers that every problem has cause and effect. He tries to keep calm. He finds

answer that human had to glorify the name of his God. At the time, Elijah’s God fulfilled Elijah’s request. The son is alive. Elijah is pleased with the situation. Elijah

shows it by his smile.

i. Elijah’s God gives a miracle to Elijah to give a life for widow’s son.

Saying this, the widow threw herself on her knees and said in a loud voice:

“By this act I know that you are a man of God! The truth of the

Lord comes from your words!”

Elijah embraced her, asking her to rise.

“Let this man go!” she told the soldiers. “He has overcome the evil that had descended upon my house!” (Coelho 3)

Elijah’s God gives a miracle to Elijah to give alife for widow’s son. The miracle helps Elijah to get widow’s trust and society about the truth conveyed by Elijah so the

presence of Elijah becomes part of society again.

j. Many people begin to admire the miracle belonging to Elijah so they beg to him.

The people gathered there could not believe what they saw. A young woman of twenty, who worked as a painter, kneeled beside the widow. One by one, others imitated her gesture, including the soldiers charged with taking Elijah into captivity.

“Rise,” he told them, “and worship the Lord. I am merely one of His servants, perhaps the least prepared.” (Coelho 36)

The presence of Elijah is not ignored as before. Many people begin to admire the miracle belonging to Elijah so they beg to him. Now Elijah has fulfilled his existence.


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The city was both frightened and excited. Everyone believed the Israelite had received his powers from the gods of the Fifth Mountain, and now it would be much more difficult to get rid of him. “But the right moment will come,” he told himself.

The presence of Elijah has been admitted by society. One of leaders of Akbar city hates Elijah. He has a plan to remove Elijah from Akbar city one day.

k. Elijah realizes the beauty of the widow.

The widow smiled, her eyes shone, and he saw for the first time that she was beautiful. She was at least ten years older than he, but at that moment he felt great tenderness for her. He was not accustomed to such sentiments, and he was filled with fear; he remembered Jezebel's eyes, and the wish he had made upon leaving Ahab's palace–to marry a woman from

Lebanon. (Coelho 48)

Now Elijah realizes the beauty of the widow. At the time, Elijah feels something different in his life. Elijah begins to feel falling in love with her. His heart feels calm and great affection to the widow but the feeling makes him uncomfortable.

l. Elijah realizes that he will have big risk in every action.

Elijah refilled his cup. His heart was beginning to give signs of alarm; he was enjoying being at this woman's side. Love could be a more

frightening experience than standing before Ahab's soldier with an arrow aimed at his heart; if the arrow had struck him, he would be dead–and the rest was up to God. But if love struck him, he alone would have to take responsibility for the consequences. (Coelho 49)


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As a prophet, Elijah realizes that he will have big risk in every action. He realizes that feeling of love to the widow will give big risk if he does not keep the feeling.

m. He wants to express what he feels to the widow

“I should so like to tell her that,” he thought. “But I don't know how. It's easier to speak of the love of God.” (Coelho 50)

This is Elijah’s need to fulfill his desire in love affair. He wants to express what he

feels to the widow but he does not know the way.

n. The widow dislikes Elijah

Even so, she would go on loving him, because for the first time in her life, she knew freedom. She could love him, even if he never knew; she did not need his permission to miss him, to think of him every moment of the day, to await him for the evening meal, and to worry about the plots that people could be weaving against the foreigner. (Coelho 50)

Initially the widow dislikes Elijah, but it changes when Elijah gets a miracle to revive her son. Now the widow feels what Elijah feels that she falls in love with Elijah. The widow makes various ways to love Elijah.

o. He feels that he does not have to love the widow.

“When I'm with that woman, I don't feel good.”

“Just the opposite,” answered the angel. “And that disturbs thee, because thou canst come to love her.”

Elijah felt shame, for the angel knew his soul.


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When love is something beautiful, Elijah feels different. He feels that he does not have to love the widow. It is the opposite with God order what he gets from angel so he has to struggle to fight himself. He wants to avoid bad effect because of love.

p. The struggle of Elijah to fight himself in order not to keep thinking his love to the widow.

Following a custom of the prophets he had known as a child, he began lashing himself with a whip whenever he thought of the widow. His back became raw flesh, and for two days he lay delirious with fever. When he awoke, the first thing he saw was the woman's face; she had tended to his wounds with ointment and olive oil. As he was too weak to descend the stairs, she brought food to his room. (Coelho 53)

This shows the struggle of Elijah to fight himself in order not to keep thinking his love to the widow. But the widow still gives interest to him. The widow makes many ways to help Elijah when Elijah is in tired condition.

q. The widow begins to express her feeling to Elijah nervously.

“My life has begun to have meaning again,” she said, casting her gaze downward. “Ever since you came here.” (Coelho 54)

The widow begins to express her feeling to Elijah nervously.


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Elijah held out his hand, and she took it. They remained thus until the sun hid itself behind the Fifth Mountain.

“Thank you,” she said as they returned. “For a long time I had desired to

spend the hours of sunset with you.” (Coelho 71)

Once more, the widow expresses her feeling to Elijah since she falls in love with Elijah.

s. Elijah gets love from everyone around him.

“You brought back a boy that death had already claimed. You've helped the people find their way, and though you are a foreigner you are loved

by almost everyone.” (Coelho 72)

Not only gets love from the widow but also Elijah gets love from everyone around him.

t. Elijah realizes that he needs love from a woman.

“In the love of a woman, I have discovered the love for all creatures,” he prayed silently. “I need her. I know that the Lord will not forget that I

am one of His instruments, perhaps the weakest of those He has chosen.

Help me, O Lord, because I must repose calmly amidst the battles.” (Coelho


After spending many times to refuse the widow to love him because of the duty as a prophet, finally Elijah realizes that he needs love from a woman. He begs to God to help in the situation.


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2.3.4 Esteem need

If the love need have been adequately met, they too slip into the background in relation to guiding behavior, and the esteem needs become dominant. These are need for a positive, high evaluation of oneself. This evaluation can be broken down into two subcategories a need for self esteem and a need for esteem from other.

The need for self-esteem motivates the individual to strive for achievement, strength, confidence, independence, and freedom. The need for self-esteem seems to have at its

core the desire to feel worthwhile and appears highly similar to Roger’s concept of

positive regard. The related need of esteem from others involves desire for reputation, status, recognition, appreciation by others of one’s abilities, and a feeling of


a. Elijah is considered as a wise man.

“WHY IS THIS foreigner with you?” asked the commander.

“He has been enlightened by the gods,” answered the governor. “And

he will help us to find the best solution.” He quickly changed the

subject. “The number of tents appears to have increased today.”

Elijah is considered as a wise man. It proved when the governor trusts Elijah as a man who can provide the best solution to solve a problem in Akbar. Being as stranger become the right-hand man of governor is the esteem.

b. He had tried to convince the widow to believe him.

“You have come from a distant country, following the signs of a God I did

not know but who now has become my Lord. My son has also returned from a far-off land, and he will have a beautiful tale to tell


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a. They forget that Akbar was destroyed.

One day, when the inclement sun shone down in all its force, Elijah

heard someone say, “We work without ceasing, we no longer recall the

pains of that night, and we even forget that the Assyrians will return as soon as they have sacked Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, and all of Phoenicia. This is a good thing for us.

Elijah’s self-Actualization influences people to forget the war tragedy in Akbar. They

forget that Akbar was destroyed. They enjoy their new life. Although, they know that there are problem in the next day.

b. Akbar society live in peaceful.

Elijah lived with the boy in a small stone house rebuilt on the site that had once been a storage place for merchandise. Each night the

inhabitants of Akbar would sit around a fire in the main square, telling stories that they had heard earlier in their lives, alongside the boy, who noted everything on clay tablets that were baked the next day. The library was growing before their very eyes.

The new of Akbar society live in peaceful. They care each other as well. The boy is capable to build library for Akbar.

c. Elijah prepares it to give better job for the new society of Akbar in the next time.

The woman who had lost her son was also learning the characters of Byblos. When Elijah saw that she could create words and phrases, he charged her with teaching the alphabet to the rest of the population; in this way, when the Assyrians returned, they could be used as interpreters or teachers.


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Elijah gives some knowledge to the society. The woman who can’t write words and

phrases of Byblos tries to learn it. Now she can be a teacher for other. Elijah prepares it to give better job for the new society of Akbar in the next time.

d. Elijah replaces Akbar better than before.

“Look about you; the square is more beautiful than ever, the buildings

are more solid, the food is divided among us, and everyone is learning the writing invented in Byblos. Somewhere in this city is a collection of tablets on which we have written our stories, and generations yet to be born will remember what we did.

Elijah replaces Akbar better than before. The new Akbar has better for building, system, and knowledge.

e. Akbar has new spirit

“Today we know that the old, the widows, the orphans, also departed.

They left in their place a band of youths of every age, filled with enthusiasm, who have given name and meaning to their lives.

The society of Akbar has new spirit for their live now and next time.

f. The son of widow becomes governor of Akbar.

The boy became a man, governed the city, and was judged a sage by his contemporaries. He died in the fullness of his years, surrounded by loved

ones and saying always that “it was necessary to keep the city

beautiful and strong, for his mother still strolled its streets.” Because of

their joint system of defense, Tyre and Zarephath were not occupied by the Assyrian king Sennacherib until 701 B.C., almost 160 years after the events related in this book.


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The son of the widow who is blames Elijah as damnation for their life grows up as a wise man. He becomes governor of Akbar. He leads Akbar as well as Elijah.


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Based on the analysis above, there are several points that should be

underlined. First is about the character of Elijah. He belongs to be major character who has big rule to build the story in The Fifth Mountain novel. He could hear vote of the Angel. Not only hear voice of the Angel but also he could talk with the Angel. Elijah does not realize his ability to hear voice of the Angel is sign of becoming a prophet. He is obedient to his parents since he was child. Elijah is also an obedient servant of his God. The mission of Elijah begins at his twenty-three. Elijah personally is not afraid of anyone. He is afraid of his God and himself. Elijah collapsed when his prayer does not grand by God. Elijah is angry to his God. So, he decides to go against God. Elijah is a persistent person in his work. Elijah back to his God after, he

opposed his God. He realizes that God guide him in the God way.

Second is about hierarchy of need that has been analyzing by writer in

previous chapter. There are five part of this analysis. The first is physiological needs. Elijah fulfills his physiological need from the bird that was dropping meat near Elijah by accidentally. Next day, he is success for following bird’s way looking for meal when he stays in the desert. Other place, Elijah asks the widower to accept him for staying at her home when he stays in Akbar. Second hierarchy is safety need. Elijah goes to other places to save himself. He fulfills his second hierarchy in Akbar. Third


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is love and belonging. Elijah gets full of love from his parents. However, he is strong in every condition. When he moved to Akbar, Elijah falls in love to the widow who has helped him for giving residence. He also becomes part of Akbar’s society. Fourth is esteem need. The governor trusts Elijah as a man who can provide the best solution to solve a problem in Akbar. Being as stranger become the right-hand man of

governor is the esteem. The next award for Elijah is a position as secretaries of governor. The last is self actualization. The real of Elijah’s self actualization is successful in building Akbar. The moment of resurrection of Akbar will be the important history for long time.

The last point is about the effect of Elijah struggle in the novel. The Elijah’s

self-Actualization influences people to forget the war tragedy in Akbar. The new of Akbar society live in peaceful. They care each other as well. The boy is capable to build library for Akbar. Elijah replaces Akbar better than before. The son of the widow who is blames Elijah as damnation for their life grows up as a wise man. He becomes governor of Akbar. He leads Akbar as well as Elijah.


Amillia 61

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