An Error Analysis On The Use Of Gerund Made By The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sma Free Methodist Medan


1.1 Background of the Study
Learning a language is a difficult activity, because each language has its own
system which is different from in the students native language. It is inevitable that in
learning English as a foreign language the students usually to get problems due to the
differences between Indonesia and the target language. Because of this the students will
probably make errors during the process of learning, as Norrish (1983:6) says “Some
good pedagogical reasons have been suggested for regarding errors made by the learners
of a foreign language leniently but the most important reason is that the error itself may
actually be necessary part of learning a language”.
Language is a means of communication used by people to communicate either
through spoken or written. It has a big role for every individual in making a good
relationship with others. Through language people can express their opinions, ideas and
feelings to each other. As H. Brown Douglas (2005:5) says “language is a system of
arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written or gesture symbol that enable members of a
given community to communicate intelligibly with others.”

It shows that language is a

tool of communication which can be expressed not only through verbal or oral
communication but also through non-verbal communication; written form and gesture
(body language).
Learning English is a long process, it takes time and hard work to study it. So, in
order to have good English the students have to learn two important parts of the foreign
language. By learning English, the student are expected to acquire some abilities, those
are: the ability to listen, to speak, to read, and to write English correctly. And also to
make Indonesian learners gain success in finding the right career in the future and get the
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knowledge that will be useful in their real life. In learning English, there are four basic
skills that should be mastered by the students: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Besides the four languages skill, the students have capability in language components
such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
Grammar is an important element to be learnt in learning language. Grammar is
an aspect which becomes most difficult to learn in English. It plays an important role in
improving our skill in English. It is a very basic knowledge and an important tool for
students to master English. Through learning of grammar the students will know system
of language so they will be able to combine and build words into meaningful sentence.

As Penny Ur (1996:75) states in her book A Course in Language Teaching
Practice and Theory, “Grammar can be defined as words put together to make correct
sentences”. It does not only affect how the units of words are combined in order to make
correct sentence but also affects their meaning. It can be concluded from the statements
above, it is no doubt that by mastering grammar, the students will have a way to be able
to speak, to read, and to write English correctly. Finally the students can create a good
communication and interaction in English language actively both oral and written
English between each other.
In learning the target language, the students errors may occur in the components
of the language. The students often make a sentence which is syntactically right but
lexically wrong or vice versa. This shows that the students have difficulties in using
words or sentences appropriately. A gerund is the –ing form a verb used in the same way
as a noun or pronoun. It can be used as a subject, (direct) object or object of a
A gerund as a subject = Playing basketball is an interesting sport.
( V+-ing)
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A gerund as an object = We enjoy playing basketball.

A gerund after a preposition = He is fond of playing basketball.
From the explanations above, one can draw a conclusion that the same form of –
ing ending can make the students confused. It appears when all of the –ing forms are

used in one sentence together. It appears when all of the –ing forms are used in one
sentence together, as in the following sentence taken from English Grammar and
Composition :
Watching the judges in the balcony, Gwen was trying to win the contest with her loud
Watching is a present participle modifying Gwen, and trying is part of verb phrase. Only
singing , used as subject of preposition with, is a gerund (Warriner, 1958:68). In this

process the lecturer must stress that the –ing form of gerund has a function as a noun
which is different from present participle, that has a function as an adjective, and also
different from other verbal ending in – ing.
According to Jeremy Harmer (2001:34), errors are part of the learner inter
language that is a version of the language which a learner has at any one stage of
development and which is continually reshaped as he/she aims toward full mastery.

Making error during learning English is a natural process. It is normal because learning
the second language is a process which involves the making of mistake, even errors.
However it cannot be neglected. The teacher should be aware of this issue and do
something to avoid their students to make the same error. The error that they made
should be regarded as necessary part of learning language. One of the strategies to
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prevent the students from making the same errors is by analyzing the learners‟ error
Based on the interview with the English teacher of SMA Free Methodist Medan
at Jalan Sekolah No. 34, the writer thinks that most students still face difficulties in
learning English language, especially in using gerund. There are some ways of using
Gerund that many errors are made by the students. The students do not know how to use
Gerund as well.
Based on the background, the writer interested in analyzing the students error in
using Gerund “An Error Analysis On the Use of Gerund Made by the Eleventh Grade
Students of SMA Free Methodist Medan”. The writer limits the discussion on the use of
gerund only, a gerund as a subject, a gerund as an object, a gerund after a preposition.

1.2 Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the researcher needs to answer the
following questions:
1) What kinds of errors in using Gerund made by the eleventh grade students of
SMA Free Methodist Medan?
2) What is the most dominant type of errors in using Gerund made by the eleventh
grade students of SMA Free Methodist Medan?

1.3 Objective of The Study
The objective of the study made due to the problems as mentioned above:

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1) To find the kinds of errors in using Gerund made by the eleventh grade students
of SMA Free Methodist Medan.
2) To find the most dominant types of gerund made by the eleventh grade students
of SMA Free Methodist Medan.
1.4 Scope of the Study
In this research, the writer will focus the analysis on the errors in using

Gerund made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Free Methodist Medan .
1.5 Significance of the Study
The significance of the study are:
1) Theoritically
Theoritically, conducting a pedagogical research is of use in developing the
theories of language teaching and learning. With respect to this consideration, it is
expected that this study will be able to contribute to the application of linguistic
theories especially to the teaching of English as a foreign language for Indonesian
students and for education office. As references from previous activities to design a
new curriculum.
2) Practically
a. For the students, can be easier to study gerund.
b. For the teachers, as a contribution for them helping and improving quality of
teaching English.
c. For the other researcher, hopefully will give some contribution to English teacher.

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