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  Review "Frissell shows us how to move consciously through our fears and limitations to the realization that everything we need is within ourselves."—Bodhi Tree Book Review About the Author Bob Frissell is a master rebirther and teacher of 26 years, whose books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. In addition to Nothing in This Book is True, But it's Exactly How Things Are, he is the author of Something in This Book is True. Frissell was trained by Leonard Orr, the rebirthing pioneer, and by Drunvalo Melchizedek, the originator of the Mer-Ka-Ba and Unity Breath meditations.




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YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL BEING HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE BY BOB FRISSELL PDF Too many people allow themselves to be limited by their ideas about themselves and the world around them

  Bob Frissell reminds readers that they create their own reality through their consciousness and that improving this reality and living a fuller life is simply a matter of broadening one's perspectives. In this book, he shows people how to reconnect with their multidimensional selves and remake their lives. Sales Rank: #100754 in Books Color: Black Published on: 2001-11-30 Released on: 2000-12-29 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.51" h x .44" w x 5.52" l, .45 pounds Binding: Paperback 159 pages Review "Frissell shows us how to move consciously through our fears and limitations to the realization that everything we need is within ourselves."—Bodhi Tree Book Review About the Author Bob Frissell is a master rebirther and teacher of 26 years, whose books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. In addition to Nothing in This Book is True, But it's Exactly How Things Are, he is the author of Something in This Book is True. Frissell was trained by Leonard Orr, the rebirthing pioneer, and by Drunvalo Melchizedek, the originator of the Mer-Ka-Ba and Unity Breath meditations.

  Most helpful customer reviews 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. great information By Robin Landry This is the third bob Frissell book I've read, and it's my favorite. You Are A Spiritual Being has so much wisdom in it. With great clarity and compassion, Frissell explains what we truly are, which is not the story we've been told. In a nutshell, we are immortal, spiritual, holographic pieces of our creator. Just as we give pieces of ourselves to create our children, so too does God give pieces of himself(or herself if you will) to create children to enjoy. Since we are pieces of God, we have the ability to grow into grand creators, making the world anything we wish it to be. We've chosen to take on material bodies to experience the material world on the third dimension, the lowest lowest level to see if we can bring light into the darkest part of creation. Kind of amazing when you think about it, and very powerful. Frissell practices `rebirthing' and he talks in his first book about how to breathe right. While I dismissed this part of his first and second book, he explains in the third book that emotions are energy, and they're taken care of by the body. The body needs oxygen to move the energy through the body. If emotions get stuck, they can close us down emotionally and harm us physically. Just as a pond of water can become stagnate with a constant inflow of clean water, so too can our bodies start to break down because of the toxins that become trapped. I've read that cancer needs an acid/low oxygen environment to flourish, so I guess this makes sense. I've even seen acid on a microscope and it has sharp edges which seems to make sense. But back to the book, Frissell explains so much in this book that's hard to get it all in. Here's a sample: "If you identify yourself as a powerless victim, it is as if you were giving a command to the universe to behave just as if this were so. The result: the entire universe conforms to that command and says yes to it, and you receive confirmation from it that you have no power. You get what you put out . . . That's how we create our reality." 719 of 1955 Kindle I always loved the part about the war between Michael and Lucifer. Michael represents the right side of the brain. We're all one, let's create using our minds. Lucifer wanted to try something different. He wanted to create outside of himself, so he uses technology or the ego/left side of the brain. Obviously we in the West are using our left brains to create our world, and we've all but wiped out the cultures that used their right brains. It's the advent of writing that started us down the Luciferian side of life. Mars used technology until they no longer could use their right side and lost their emotional side, their connection to God. They blew up their planet and came here thousands of years ago and have been a thorn in our side ever since. Our job is to love them into submission. 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The title says it all By John R. Franklin Sr. The title is worth the price of the book. "You are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience." If you know and appropriate this one sentence it will change your whole life. This book written in Bob's inimical clear concise style is a good book to wet one's appetite for Bob's other two books, "Nothing In This book is True, But it's Exactly How Things Are"(15th Anniversary Edition) and the companion to it "Something in This Book is True"(Second edition). I read this book first and then had to read Nothing and Something. A very important book to help us wake up and get into Unity Consciousness and emotional healing and get ready for our and Mother Earth's Ascenstion. I highly recommend you get this book and read it as soon as you can. John R. Franklin Talent, OR 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. If you're a person, you should read this. By Tom S. This book is small and stellar, just like a white dwarf. I strongly suggest the works "Nothing in this book is

after all, spiritual beings having a human experience! I loved it. See all 31 customer reviews...




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