S ING 0807323 Bibliography


Capella, Anthony. (2012). (Translated). The Various Flavours of Coffee (Rasa Cinta
dalam Kopi). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Capella, Anthony. (2008). The Various Flavors of Coffee. United States of America:
Bantam Books.
Crystal, David. (2003). English as a Global Language. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.
Emilia, Emi. (2009). Menulis Tesis dan Disertasi. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Haque, Ziaul. (2012). Translating Literary Prose: Problems and Solutions.
International Journal of English Linguistics. Vol. 2. No.6. Canadian Center of
Science and Education.
House, J. (2000). ―Consciousness and the Strategic Use of Aids in Translation‖ .
Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting .
Kahl, Peter. (1991). Translation Quality – how can we tell it’s good enough?.
Translating and the Computer 12: Applying Technology to the Translation
Process. London: Aslib.
Larson, M.L. (1984). Meaning-based Translation: A guide to cross-language
equivalence. New York: University Press of America.
Newmark, Peter. (1988). A Textbook of Translation . Great Britain: Prentice Hall

Sugiyono. (2008). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitaif, Kualitatif,
dan R&D). Bandung: Alfabeta.
Sun, Hongmei. (2011). On Cultural Differences and Translation Methods. Journal of
Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 2, pp. 160-163. Finland: Academic
Zohdi, M., Saedi, Abou, R. (2011). Translating Metaphor and Simile from Persian to
English: A Case Study of Khayyam’s Quatrains. Theory and Practice in
Language Studies 1/9. p. 1122-1138. Finland: Academy Publisher.

Putri Andam Dewi, 2014
An Analysis of Metaphor Translation in Anthony Capella’s Novel Titled “The Various Flavors of Coffee”
Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Putri Andam Dewi, 2014
An Analysis of Metaphor Translation in Anthony Capella’s Novel Titled “The Various Flavors of Coffee”
Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu