Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Perbandingan Kadar Protein pada Kue Kering yang Disubstitusi dengan Tepung Tempe

Perbandingan Kadar Protein dan Air Pada Kue Kering Yang Disubstitusi
Dengan Tepung Tempe
Comparison Of Protein And Water Content In Cookies Substituted
With Tempe Flour
Micky Kharisma1; Lusiawati Dewi2

Mahasiswa Progdi Kimia Fakultas Sains dan MatematikaUniversitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Staff pengajar Progdi Kimia Fakultas Sains dan MatematikaUniversitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Cookies are a snack that is very popular with the public. The consumption of cookies increased from
year to year so that the need for raw materials namely flour also increased. One alternative foods that
could be used to substitute wheat flour is tempe flour. Grobogan soybean has greater protein content than
imports soybean. This study aimed to compare the levels of protein and water in dry cake at various
concentrations of the addition of soybean flour (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%) using basic ingredients from local
soybean (Grobogan) and imports soybean in the ideal. Water content was calculated by gravimetric
method, whereas the protein content calculated by the Kjeldahl method. The results showed that the
highest water content contained in cookies with tempe flour substitution (Grobogan soybean) 25% ie

7.2537 ± 0.28456%, while the lowest water content contained in cookies with the substitution of tempe
flour (Imports soybean) 10 % ie 6.2265% ± 0.2540. Highest protein content contained in cookies with
tempe flour substitution (Grobogan soybean) 25% ie 11.5050% ± 0.1124, while the lowest levels of the
protein contained in cookies with tempe flour substitution (imports soybean) 10% ie 8, 0983 ± 0.0717%.
Of organoleptic test showed that cookies are most preferred by the panelists in the parameters of taste is
dry with cake with tempe flour substitution (Grobogan soybean) 10%. As for the texture parameter is the
most preferred cookies with tempe flour substitution (imports soybean) 10%.
Keyword : Cookies, tempe, Grobogan Soybean, Imports Soybean, water content, protein content