The negative ideas found in veronica roth’s novel “insurgent “

Rees (1973) says that literature is material or scientific source that is
used to create a paper or other scientific activities. He added that there are two
definitions of literature “literature in the broad sense” and “literature in the narrow
sense”. Literature is a where I go explore the highest and lowest places in human
society and the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth
of the tale, of the imagination and of the heart. Literature is a difficult word, in
part because it is conventional contemporary meanings appears, at first sight.
Literature as a concept and as a term, has become problematic, either through
ideological symbol of the high culture or conversely, through demystification by
radical critical theory.
Literature in a broad sense is any form of writing such as schedules,
catalogs, text books, travel brochures, etc. meanwhile Literature in the narrow
sense is any writing that expresses ideas, emotions, feelings, and behavior in life.
Literature, we may now agree, is writing which expresses and
communicates thoughts, feeling, and attitudes toward life. Literature can only
come alive through the creative imagination; without this all the technical skill in
the world is useless.
Novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which
characters and action representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or

less complexity. Usually define as a series of events described in a sequence. The
Novel come from the Italian “Novella” and “Novelle” by German that has

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meaning is a new thing but now meant as a short story in prose. At this time,
Novel has the same meaning in Italian and German. The Novella is generally not
as formally experimental as the long story and the novel can be, the novella
generally retains something of unity of impression that is hallmark of the short
The Novel is the most widely read of all kinds of literature. As
literature, the novel has two kinds. First, serious novel where has social function
because it can guide the readers, but entertainment novel does not care that the
story will be useful or not, because it just entertains the readers and just asks the
readers to read it. Roberts and Jacobs ( 1995:49) say that Novel is fictional long
prose work and differentiate them from middle century and classical romance as a
something new. In their books, they also said that there are four fiction aspect,
fictional works consist of common elements, such as character, plot, structure and

From the above statement, novel is a fictional long prose work that
adopted from French and Italy to describe these works and differentiate them from
middle century and classical romance as a something new.
Peck and Coyle (1984:102) say that the novel reflects a move away
from and essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the
complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary
people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves. Novels
are entertained and also give messages to the readers. It can also impress the

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Shaw (1972:189) says that a novel is lengthy fictitious narrative prose
portraying character and presenting an organized series of events and settings. It
means that long or short of a work is often used as a distinguishing feature
between short stories and novels. Every novel has five elements: Characters - The
people (or sometimes animals) the story is about. Theme - The writer of the story
is trying to teach the reader and provide the message. Plot - The serial
arrangement of incidents, ideas or events. Setting - When where the story takes

place. Point of view - how the story is told more specifically, who is telling the
story. First, person of point of view uses “I”, and is told by one of the characters
of the story. Third person point of view uses an unnamed narrator who knows
what all (or most) of the story’s characters are thinking.
2.1.1 Characters
The Characters in fiction novel may be defined as a verbal
representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description and
commentary authors portray character that are worth caring about, rooting for, and
even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even
The characters are revealed by how characters respond to conflict, by
his or her dialogue and through descriptions. The characters in a story are the
characters involved from the beginning until the end part of the story (plot).
Roberts and Jacobs (1995:51) say that character is natural facsimile from the
human with all good and bad characteristic. A story is usually related to big
conflict of the character. It is probable to involve interaction with another in

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completed situation, or with idea or ordinary condition. The character may win,
lose, or relevant. He or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe
lose point and no change. Furthermore, according to Roberts and Jacobs, character
is the verbal realization from human, personality which determines thoughts,
statements, also attitudes. The writer got interactions between character and
environment through interview, action, and also comments.
From the above statement, character is nay representation of an
individual being presented in a dramatic or narrative work through extended
dramatic or verbal representation. Through action, speech, description, and
commentary, authors portray characters are worth caring about, rooting for, and
even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even
2.1.2 Plot
Roberts and Jacobs (1995:88) say that plot is all the actions or
incidents, speechless, thoughts, and observations are linked together to make up
an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the
development and resolution of a conflict in hic protagonist, or central character.
The plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or
chronologically. Plot is stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that
follow each other sequentially. Finding in a sequential or narrative order,

however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration. The plot
is the controls governing the development of the actions. In a well-plotted story,

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things precede or follow each other not simply because time ticks away, but more
importantly because effects follow causes
2.1.3 Setting
Setting is concerned with the places where story take a place. Setting
refers to geographical location of the story, time, period, daily lifestyle of the
characters and climate of the story. Background elements can be divided into three
main elements, namely a place, time, and social. Backgrounds on the location of
the place suggest the occurrence of the events recounted in a work fiction. The
Setting is important to give realistic impression to the readers, created a certain
situation at a glanced is really happened.
Another opinion about the Setting Stanton (2007:35) says that setting is
the environment that surrounds an event in the story, the universe that interacts
with the events taking place.
In a story or novel certainly; the Setting is the most important things in

the story, which serves to build the story in a novel. Setting can be a place where
an incident or events occurs, which is expressed by the description.
2.1.4 Theme
Theme is the idea underlying the literature. The Theme is sometimes
supported by the depiction of the background; the work of others is implied in the
Theme refers to the result of general and abstract thinking of writing. In
this part, idea becomes the general thinking of novel. In literary study the
consideration of Theme relates to meaning, interpretation, explanation, and

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significance. Though themes are usually extensive and complex, separate ideas
may be named by a single word.
Theme as the deliver part in a novel must be related with the other
elements to build a good story. As a necessary part in a novel, it is important to
know clearly what theme is.
Hamalian and Karl (1967:324) say that Theme hunting is possibly the
most enjoyable and rewarding; part of a short story, but it is also the most

dangerous, and the most open to wild error.
Stanton (2007:7) says that Theme gives a strong explained about the unity
of what is happening in the story, and tell about the story of life in a common
context. The purpose of Theme is to give a shape and effect in our mind, so make
the story easy to remember.
2.1.5 Point of View
One of the most important ways in which the writers knit their stories
together, and also an important way in which they try to interest and engage
readers, is the careful control of point of view. By controlling the point of view,
an author helps us make reasonable inferences about the story’s actions. Authors
use point of view to raise some of the same questions in their fiction that perplex
us in life.
Point of view is one of the elements of fiction that is classified as
means of story. Point of view in a work of fiction describes who is told, from a
position where events and actions were seen or suggested in the way a story is

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It is a way or the view that the author used as means to present the
characters, action, background, and various events that make up the story. Abrams
(1981:142) says that Point of view is the way the author puts himself in the story
or from the point which the author looked at the story.
There are four basic point of views:
1) The first point of view is the writer must whether the “I” is to be major or
minor character, protagonist or observer, or someone merely repeating a narrative
he has at second hand.
2) The omniscient point of view, in which the author himself tells the story in the
third person. The narrator knows everything about everyone in the story and can
bring into plays as much of that knowledge as he chosen.
3) Observer’s point of view, in modification of omniscient point of view, there is
the narrative related from the vision of the single character used by the author as
central observer or central intelligence through whom anything cleared.
4) The objective point of view, though it is the third person narrative, like the
omniscient point of view, the author using this technique refrains from making a
side, commenting on the action, or addressing the reader. The author becomes a
seeing eye that reports but does not interpret.
2.2 The Negative Ideas
Gunarsa (1996) says that negative ideas can blame the mind and

emotions of people. Tallis (1993) the negative ideas is the bad thought and makes
people feel uncomfortable and pessimistic to handle problems. Karl Albert (1994)

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says that the negative ideas is a thought to sink in feeling negative thoughts, worry
about something happened.
Adelia (2011) says that negative ideas is a pattern or way of thinking
that leads to the negative side are visible in the form of belief or idea that came
out, how to behave, and daily behavior. Due to the negative side is more
dominant, it is not surprising that this negative idea is filled by a priori attitude,
prejudice, distrust, suspicion and skepticism which often without any reason at all.
Negative ideas is a set of thoughts that inhibits a person's steps toward
better conditions and makes a person’s attitude becomes unfocused, negative idea
is not only angry, jealous, or prejudice, but also crime action, having negative
assumption, threatening, betrayal, unfaithful, control freak, anxiety, fear, revenge,
sadness, introspective, anxious, frustrated, feeling lonely, feeling worthless,
pessimistic, and easy to give up.

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