Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga






( A Study of the Fourth Semester Students of IAIN Salatiga

in Academic of Year 2017/2018)


  Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) requirements for the degree of


English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


113 12 129











( A Study of the Fourth Semester Students of IAIN Salatiga in Academic of

Year 2017/2018)


  Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty


State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


113 12 129








The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of

the silence of good people.

  • -Napoleon-



  َنيِمَلاَعْلا ِّبَر ِ ه ِلِلَ ُدْم َحْلا In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The

  Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  Peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without support, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution. The researcher somehow realizes that an appropriate moment for her to deepest gratitude for: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department and a counselor who has educated, supported, directed, and given the researcher advice, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end.

  4. Nur Mutmainah, S.Pd.I, M.Pd. as lecture of writing class. Thank for the occasion to do my research.

  5. All of the lecturers in English Education Department. Thank for your education which you gave to me.




  MASTERY OF ACTION VERB AND STUDENTS‘ PRODUCTION OF ARGUMENTATIVE TEXTS (A Study of Fourth Students of IAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2017/2018). Counselor: Noor Malihah, Ph.D

  This research is about correlation between students‘ mastery of action verb and students‘ production of argumentative text. The researcher answered three problems of research (1) To what extent is the fourth students

  ‘ of IAIN Salatiga action verb mastery? (2) To what extent are the fourth students ‘ of IAIN Salatiga able to produce argumentative text? (3) Is there any correlations between the students‘ mastery of action verb and their abilities to produce argumentative texts.

  The research was quantitative research. The writer collected and analyzed the data statistically from the students‘ scores of variables to find out the correlation between students‘ mastery of action verb and their producing argumentative text of the fourth semester students of

  IAIN in academic year 2017/2018. Based on the result of the analyses in the test I that 0 (0%) student got excellent level, 21 students (70%) got very good level and 7 students (30%) got fair level. Based on the result of the analyses in the test II, that 0 student (0%) got excellent level, 8 students (27%) got very good level, 17 students (57%) got fair level and 5 students (17%) got poor level. There is no significant correlation between students‘ mastery of action verb and their ability in producing argumentative text. This result is obtained from the computation between two variables; students‘ mastery of action verb and their ability in argumentative text, whereas the result of index correlation is 0,10.

  The critical value of the Pearson at the significance 5% is 0.444. It means the score of index correlation is lower than critical value (0,10<0.444). Therefore, this result shows that there is no significant correlation between two variables.

  Keywords :Action Verb, Argumentative Texts.



COVER ...............................................................................................................i


ATTENTIVE COUNSELORE’S NOTE .........................................................iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................iv

MOTTO ..............................................................................................................v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ix

TABLE OF CONTENT .....................................................................................x


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1

A. Background of the Study ......................................................................1 B. Problem Statements ..............................................................................3 C. Objectives of the Study .........................................................................4 D. Limitation of the Study .........................................................................4 E. Benefits of the Study .............................................................................5 F. Definition of the Key Terms .................................................................6 1. Part of Speech ..............................................................................6 2. Action Verb ..................................................................................6 3. Argumentative Text .....................................................................6 G. Hypothesis of the Study ........................................................................7 H. Graduating Paper Outline .....................................................................8

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ...........................................10

A. Part of Speech .......................................................................................10 B. Verb ......................................................................................................17


  Action Verb ...........................................................................................18 D.

  English Writing Skill ...........................................................................20 E. Text Types ............................................................................................21 F. Argumentative Text ..............................................................................24


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ..........................................................33

A. Type of Research .................................................................................33 B. Subject of Research ..............................................................................34 C. Technique of Collecting Data ..............................................................34 D. Technique of Analyzing Data ..............................................................38 E. Statistical Hypotheses ...........................................................................40

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING ...........................................................42

A. Description of Data ..............................................................................42 B. Analysis of Data ...................................................................................46 C. Interpretation of Data ...........................................................................49

CHAPTER V CLOSURE ..................................................................................52

A. Conclusion ...........................................................................................52 B. Suggestion ............................................................................................53 REFERENCES APPENDICES

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study Language is what the members of a particular society speak (Wardhaugh, 2006:1). According to Delahunty and Garvey, (2010:5). Language is a system that connects thoughts, which cannot be heard, seen, or

  touched, with sounds, letters, manual signs, or tactile symbols (e.g., Braille) which can. There are many kinds of languages; Javanese, Arabic, Bahasa, English, Spain, Chinese, Japanese and many others. In this case, the writer told that English is very important language in this world because it becomes an International language. Many people learn English in order to be able to communicate and sosialize with the world community, including the Indonesian people. English helps students to get informations and knowledge in every aspect such as education, science, religion, sosial and technology.

  They must also capable to use English as means of communication.

  There are four language skills which are very important in teaching and learning English. According to Scivener, (1994:20) the four skills are reading, speaking, listening and writing. Writing is one of the important skills which help the students to express their idea and the opinion into writing text or a paragraph. Writing is expressed not by objects themselves but by marking on object or any other materials (Gelb, 1951:6). Writing is also clearly a system of human intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks, but it is evident from what has been said that what the primitives understood as writing is not the same thing as what we do. The question of what lies at the basis of all writing

  • –word or ideas—is clearly the same as the question of what lies at the basis of all human intercommunication (Gelb, 1951: 12).

  Writing is a very complex activity that involves not only the ability to string sentences in a language but also to express ideas. Pranoto, (2004: 9) in Zhaminang (2013) stated:

  ―Writing means pouring ideas into written form or tells something to others through writing. Writing can also be interpreted as an expression of feeling or expression as outlined in the written form. In other words, through the process of writing we can communicate undirectly.‖ Despite, in the writing process the writer has to pay attention about the grammar, spelling, and punctuation in order to produce a good writing. On the other hand, students must pay attention to the language components in writing a paragraph. There are many kinds of language components: letters, words, phrases, clauses and sentences. We also pay attention with the part of speech when we do writing. Part of speech has many branches, but there the writer wants to focus on verb.

  According to (Bayer, 2007: iv), a verb can indicate an action (I write, she buys, they talk) or a state being (we feel, you care). The verb is an essential element of English

  • – only the nouns occur more frequently in the
spoken and written language. Structurally, the verb is one of easiest part of speech, since there are really only four or five different form.

  Based on the definition above, the writer wants to correlate in English teaching, especially in writing skill. In this case, writing skill means writing a text. According to Gramley and Patzold (2004:153) there are 5 major of text type, descriptive, narrative, directive (also called instructive), expository and argumentative. Most students get difficult to arrange some paragraphs from one of the text based on the correct words.

  Argumentative text is one of English writing material that should be mastered by student in English learning. It has characteristics, one of these characteristic is using verb, including action verb. In this case, the writer wants to investigate whether or not there is a correlation b etween the students‘ action verb mastery and their production of argumentative text.

  According to the description above, the writer is interested in doing reasearch entitled: ―The Correlation between The Students‘ Mastery of Action Verb and Students‘ Production of Argumentative Text (A Study of the Fourth Semester Students of IAIN Salatiga in Academic Year of 2017/201 8)‖.

B. Problem Statements

  Considering to the background of research above, this research aim to answer the following questions:

  1. To what extent is the fourth semester students‘ of IAIN Salatiga action verb mastery?

  2. To what extent are the fourth semester students‘ of IAIN Salatiga able to produce argumentative text?

  3. Is there any correlation between the students‘ mastery of action verb and their abilities to produce argumentative text?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  This research has some following purposes: 1. To find out the action verb mastery of the fourth semester students‘ at IAIN Salatiga students.

  2. To find out writing ability in producing argumentative text of the fourth semester students ‘ of IAIN Salatiga.

  3. To find out whether or there is not a significant correlation between students‘ mastery of action verb and their ability in producing argumentative text.

  D. Limitation of the Study

  This study is focusing on the students ability in writing skill of the fourth semester students in IAIN SALATIGA. Population of the research is 152 students. If the research subject more than 100, the writer takes 10-15% or 20-25% from the population (Arikunto, 2006:134). Because of the population of this research are more than 100, so the writer takes 20% of the population to represent total of 30 students.

  The writer would like to limit the study on analyzing the correlation between studen ts‘ mastery of action verb and their production of argumentative texts. Studen ts‘ mastery of action verb is the independent variable (X) and students‘ production of argumentative text is dependent variable (Y).

  The writer assu mes that students‘ mastery of action verb contributed to students‘ production argumentative text. Therefore, the writer is going to investigate and prove that variable X contributed to variable Y. There are two types of argumentative text, analytical exposition and hortatory exposition.

  The students were produced hortatory exposition text in this research .

E. Benefits of the study

  This study has several benefits for the reseacher, the readers, the students and the teachers. The result of the study can be used in english teaching-learning process, especially in teaching writting of argumentativetext. In this reasearch the researcher hopes that the result of this study will be useful for: 1.

  The English Teacher As an input for English teacher. The finding of this research can inform them about the correlation between action verb and writing ability in producing argumentative text.

  2. The Student As an input for students whether the mastery of action verb function will help them much or not in writing lesson.

  3. The Researcher As an input for other research who are interested to research about action verb mastery, hoped they will get basic information from this research.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

  The study is a correlation research with the title of ―The Correlation between Students‘ Mastery of Action Verb and Students‘ Production of Argumentative Texts.

  There are the key term of this research : 1.

   Part of Speech

  Part of speech is the central core of the sentence, the part that is absolutely necessary for a complete sentence (Frank, 1972:1).

  2. Action Verb

  According to Delahunty and Garvey (2010: 159), a verb denoting an action means that the words represent activities. The activities are situations in which change occurs. These verbs are called dynamic verb.

  3. Argumentative Text

  Argumentative texts start from the assumption that the reader‘s beliefs must bechanged. A writer might therefore begin with the negation of a statement which attributesa quality or characteristic activity to something(Gramley and Patzold, 2004:153).

G. Hypothesis of the Study

  Hypothesis is a predicted answer of research problem with data (Arikunto, 2006: 102). A hypothesis is a tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation (Muijs, 2004:8).

  Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem of research, and the validity still must to be tested empirically. Hypothesis is an answer toward research problem which considered most possible and has highest validity (Suryabrata, 1995: 69). The writer determines the hypothesis of the research. The hypothesi s of the research is ―There is a significant correlation between the s tudents‘ mastery of action verb and students‘ production of Argumentative

  Text. The writer makes two hypotheses, they are: : there is significant correlation between variable X and Y.

  : there is no significant correlation between variable X and Y. The statistical hypotheses, they are:

  1. is as same as or higher than , the is accepted. It means there If is a significant correlation between action verb mastery and producing argumentative text ability.

  2. is lower than , the is rejected. It means there is no If significant correlation between action verb mastery and producing argumentative text ability.

H. Graduating Paper Outline

  This research is organized into five chapters as follows :

  Chapter I present the introduction. It explains the background of the study, the the problem statements, objective of the study, limitation of the study, the benefits of the study, definition of the key terms, hypothesis of the study and the graduating paper outline.

  Chapter II describes the theoritical framework. It consists of previous researches, Part of Speech, Verbs, Action Verb, English Writing Skill, Text Type, Argumentative text.

  Chapter III is describe the research method of this research, it discuss about type of the research, subject of research, technique of collecting data, technique of analyzing data and statistical hypotheses.

  Chapter IV is data analysis, it‘s concist of description of data, analysis of data, interpretation of data. Chapter V is closure that consist of conclusion and suggestion.For the attachment there are references and appendices.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter discusses about Previous Research, Part of Speech, Verbs, Action Verb, English writing skill, Text Types, and Argumentative Text. A. Previous Researches In this research, the writer takes a review from several

  researches that were conducted by other researchers. From the previous research, writer used the finding of them as a foundation.

  These are the researches that elaborate briefly for this research.

  Firstly, Amrina (2014) conducts a research about a descriptive analysis on students‘ writing ability in organizing argumentative text. This research is qualitative research, she used a documentation study as a way to collect the data. The writer used table and finally have disscussion to explain students‘ writing ability in organizing Argumentative text. The findings were that more than half of the entire students (16 students from 22) obtained the good structure of introduction. Some of them have an asterick drawn in some of the parts of the structure. Morover, four students obtained a low mark in the argumentative an d two students obtained a low mark in generalization and closing of an argument.

  This shows that the some of students are like quite difficult in organizing some structure mainly of position in an argumentative tenxt and closing of an argument.

  Secondly, Muflichatul (2015) conducts a different research with Amrina. He analyses about an error analysis using action verb in recount text. He uses descriptive quantitative method to collect the data. In his conclusion, he found that some types of errors that made by the first students of using action verb in recount text, they were: over-generalization, ignorance of rule restriction and addition.

  The students‘ answer mastery of using action verb in recount text still fail, because there were 25 students or almost 50% students‘ answer below 60%. It concluded that teaching learning process of using action verb in recount text should be increased.

  Those two previous researches are used as comparisons and foundations of this research. This research is the correlation study between the students‘ mastery of action verb and their ability in writing argumentative text. The difference between this research with

  Amrina‘s first variable of this research is writing ability, whereas Muflichatul‘s first variable is action verb mastery.

  So, this research contains different variables with previous research above, those are action verb mastery and producing argumentative text ability.

B. Part of Speech

  Frank (1972) argues that a sentence may be further divide according to the function each word has in the subject-predicate relationship. The predicate, here, is the verb. Each of these functions is known as part of speech.

  Different from Frank (1972), Delahunty and Garvey (2010:147), define part of speech or word classes as a set of words with some grammatical characteristic(s) in common.

  Both Frank and Delahunty and Garvey distinguish part of speech differently. Frank (1972:1) distinguishes 7 part of speech as noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition and conjunction. Each of them will be discuss in term below:

a. Noun

  According to Frank (1972:6), noun may function as the chief or head word in many structure of modification. Frank illustrates example of noun as follow: (1) Many fruits were displayed at the fair. She classifies noun as: proper noun (Mr.John Smith, Paris,

  Easter, Saturday, June and Liberty), concrete noun (flower, girl)

  and abstract noun (beauty, justice, mankind), countable noun (one

  girl, girls), uncountable noun (sand, coffee, sugar) and collective noun (enemy, family, committee, public, and majority).

  The writer does not discuss further about these types of noun because it is not the object of this research.

  b. Pronoun

  Frank (1972:20) argues that pronouns make up a small class of word of very high frequency. The traditional definition of a pronoun as ―a word that takes the place of a noun‖.According to her types of pronoun are: personal pronoun(I, he, she, it, they, we, you), interrogative pronoun(who,

  what, which), relative pronoun(who, that, which), demonstrative

  pronoun(this, that), reflexive pronoun(myself), reciprocal pronoun(each other), indefinite pronoun(some, any, no, all, each,

  another, both, either, few, least, less, little, a lot of, lots (of), many, more, most, neither, none, one another, plenty (of),


  several, some

  As noun, this pronoun will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  c. Verb

  According to Frank (1972:47), verb is the most complex part of speech, it is varying arrangements with nouns determine the different kinds of sentence, such as statements, questions, commands and exclamations. The function of verb is as a grammatical center for the predication about the subject. A verb is used after a subject, or before an object or complement. Frank divide verb into 4 types: 1.

  Predicating or linking verbs (2) Babies cry.

  2. Transitive (3) My mother gives me a dress.

  3. Intransitive verbs (4) I walk on the pedestrian.

  4. Reflexive verb (5) I will do this task myself. Further discussion about verb will be discusses in the next section.

d. Adjective

  Adjective is a modifier that has the grammatical property of comparison. The function of adjective is modifying a noun or a pronoun(Frank, 1972:109). She dividestypes of adjective into: 1.


a) Articles (the, a, an).

  b) Demonstrative adjective {this, (plural) these; that, (plural) those}.

  c) Possessive adjective (my book, John’s book, your bag).

  d) Numeral adjective (four, twenty, one hundred, two thousands) .

  e) Adjectives of indefinite quantity (some, few, all, more).

  f) Relative and interrogative adjectives (whose, what, which).

2. Descriptive Adjectives

  Frank (1972:110) argues that descriptive adjective usually indicate an inherent quality or physical state such as age, size and color. She mentions types of descriptive adjectives are: proper adjectives (a Catholic church, a

  French dish), participial adjectives(an interesting book, a bored student) , adjective compounds (a good-looking girl, a broken-down house).

  As noun and pronoun above, this adjectivewill not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

e. Adverb

  According to (1972:141), adverb describes the action of the verb, or those that indicates such meaning, place or time. She divides types of adverb as: adverb of manner (quickly), adverb of place (here, away, outside) direction (there, here), and adverb of time (today, yesterday, tomorrow).

  As noun, pronoun and adjective above, this adverb will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  f. Preposition

  Frank (1972:163) argues that preposition is classified as a part of speech in traditional grammar. Prepositions range in meaning from such definite semantic nation as time, place, etc. to such purely structural meanings as those shaped by the subject- verb-complement relationship. She illustrates example as follow: (6) The murder of all the prisoners by their captors.

  According to Frank (1972:164), types of preposition are:time (on, at, in, (since, by, from-to or until, for, during, in or

  within, before); place-position(in or inside, over, above, under, below, near, next, beside, between, next to) and direction (to- from, towards, away from, into-out of, up-down around, past (or by), as far as).

  As noun, pronoun, adjective and adverb above, this preposition will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  g. Conjunction

  Conjunction is a member of small class that has no characteristics form, it has a function in a sentence as no movable structure word that join such units as part of speech, phrase, or clause (Frank, 1972:206). She divides into two types of conjunctions, they are: coordinate conjunction (and, or, but), subordinate conjunction (when, until, it, although, that, whether,

  before, after, since, as, just because, right after).

  As all parts of speech that was explain above, this conjunction will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  If Frank (1972) distinguish 7 part of speech without specifies categorization, Delahunty and Garvey (2010) distinguish part of speech in two general categories, they are (1) lexical word classes (major word classes) and the grammatical classes (minor word classes). These two categories are explains as below:

a. Lexical Word Classes

  According to Delahunty and Garvey (2010:77), Lexical Word Classes or major word classes is an open class in the sense that new words may be added fairly freely.

  Words include in this type are: Noun (book, coat, dog,

  human, milk, freedom) , Verb (eat, leave, know, be, have, own, cough) , Adjective (old, wise, red, attractive, friendly),

  Adverb (wisely, attractively, regretfully, rapidly, wildly, knowledgeably , frequently).

  They add that Lexical Word Classes convey the main meaning elements of sentence called lexical meaning.

b. Grammatical Word Classes

  Grammatical Word Classes is also known as minor word classes. Different from Lexical Word Classes, Grammatical Word Classes are not open for new word to be added. It performs grammatical function, like into relate expression to each other. They illustrate an example of the relations of those expressions as: (7) of relates the class to top in top of the class. Those included in the Grammatical Word Classes are: preposition, pronoun, article and conjunction.

  Among these two categories, actually both Frank and Delahunty and Garvey defined each part of speech similarly.

  The difference is that Delahunty and Garvey add one part of speech article which Frank does not mention at all. Thus article, according to Delahunty and Garvey (2010:208), articles are the last minor class associated with nouns. They always function as modifiers of the head noun in a noun phrase, and traditionally are assumed to contain only two words: the indefinite article a(n)and the definite article the(a visitor, the United Nations).

  As these are several part of speech discussed above based on two different scholars, however, in this research, the writer focuses only verb, which is discuss further in the next section.

C. Verb

  Frank (1972) and Delahunty and Garvey (2010) define verb in a bit different part of view. According to Frank (1972:47), verb is part of sentence which is used after a subject, or before an object or complement. It means Frank view a verb based on the position of the word in a sentence. She illustrates example of a verb as bellow: (8) She reads a book. (9) He walks in the park. (10) He looks handsome.

  In example (8), reads is the verb because the position of the word is after a subject She and before an object a book. Example (9) shows the use of verb walks before an object the park. Example (10) explained verb looks used after complement handsome.

  Different from Frank, Delahunty and Garvey (2010) define verb based on the function of the word. They define verb as words that denote action (grow, kiss, freeze, run) and state of being (be,

  have, resemble) . A verb denoting an action means that the words represent activities. The activities are situations in which change occurs. These verbs are called dynamic verb. For example: (11) Oscar is growing tall.

  On the other hand, what Delahunty and Garvey (2010:159) mean by word denoting state is that. The state is the word does not change the situation. For example: (12) Oscar is resembling his father.

  In this research, the writer uses the Delahunty and Garvey categorization of verb. However, only the category of verb namely action verb or dynamic verb that the writer discuss further in the next section.

D. Action Verb

  As mention above, Delahunty and Garvey (2010) are the scholars who proposed the term Action Verb. They propose some characterization of Action Verb as follow: a.

  Action verbs can occur in the progressive aspect, while state verb cannot. For example: (13) Oscar is growing tall. (14) Oscar is resembling his father.

  The example (13) shows the action verbs that occur in the progressive aspect. The verb is growing shows that an action in the progressive aspect, from short into tall gradually. However, in (14) in the verb is resembling there is no progressive aspect because it is only showing an equality between Oscar and his father on their face.


  In action verb, nouns may shift between subcategories, so it should be no surprise to find verbs shifting between the state and activity subcategories. For example: (15) Oscar is weird. (16) Oscar is being weird.

  The sentence (15) is the state verb and it means that Oscar is generally or characteristically weird; in the example (16) show the action verb that means that he is acting weird, though we can expect him to snap out of it eventually.

  In this characteristic, it does not discusses purely action verb but it deals with the nouns which may shift and act like an action verb in a nominal sentence.

  c. Individual verbs may have more than one meaning.

  Consequently, the writer might expect one meaning of a verb to represent an action and another meaning of the verb to represent a state. For example: (17) John is smelling the roses. (18) The roses smell musty. (19)

  The roses are smelling musty

  In the example (17) is the grammatical sentence in the progressive and therefore has an activity interpretation.

  Sentence (18) shows non-progressive and grammatical. While in example (19) is the progressive but ungrammatical sentence.

  From the sentences above the writer conclude that state verb for example smell able be an action verb depend on the grammar.

E. English Writing Skill

  There are four language skills which are very important in teaching and learning English. According to Scivener (1994:20), the four skills are reading, speaking, listening and writing. Writing is expressed not by object themselves but by marking an object or any other materials (Gelb, 1951:6). Writing is one of the important skills which help the students to express their idea and the opinion into writing text or a paragraph.

  Brown (2004:218) argues that writing was a skill that was the exclusive domain of scribes and scholars in educational or religious institutions. Almost e very aspect of everyday life for ―common‖ people was carried out orally. Business transactions, records, legal documents, politic and military agreements

  • –all were written by specialist whose vacation it was to reader language into the written word. Today, the ability has become an indispensable skill in our
global literate community. Writing skill, at least at rudimentary levels, is a necessary condition for achieving employment in many walks of life and is simply taken for granted in literate cultures. Thus, the writer wants to investigate about the writing skill in this research.

F. Text Types

  In this section the writer discuss about the texts type before going to the detail one.

  Gramley and Patzold (2004:153) argues that there are five major text types, they are: descriptive, narrative, directive (also called instructive), expository and argumentative. They will be explained in turn as follow:

1. Narrative texts

  Gramley and Patzold (2004:153) argue that narrative text has to do with real world events in time. It is immaterial whether a narrative is fictional (as in a fairy tale or novel) or non-fictional (as in a news paper report).They purpose characteristic of narrative text sequencing of events in which dynamic verbs occur in the simple form and in which sequencing adverbials such as and then or first, second, third provide the basic narrative structure.

  The writer will not discuss further about this narrative text because it is not the object of the research.

  2. Descriptive text Descriptive explain the location of persons and things in space. It purposed to tell what lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or provide background information which, perhaps, sets the stage for narration (Gramley and Patzold, 2004:153).

  As narrative text, this descriptive text will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  3. Directive texts According to Gramley and Patzold (2004:153), directive text concerned with concrete future activity. They illustrate in the example below: (20) Hand me the paper. (21)

  Would you hand me the paper? The two examples above actually have the same meaning.

  But, in the example (20) shows the imperative sentence, it means that someone ordered to other commonly. While, sentence (21) is example of polite question, it purposed that someone commanded politely.

  As the two text types above, directive text will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  4. Expository texts Gramley and Patzold (2004:154) argue that expository is the text that identify and characterize phenomena. They divide texts forms as subjective (essay) or objective (summary, explication, definition).

  As the three text types above, expository text will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the topic of this research.

  5. Argumentative texts According to Gramley and Patzold (2004:154), argumentative text explains about the writer‘s assumption that persuades the reader. It means that persuade their readers that a particular product is somehow better than others, at least implicitly. It begins with the negation of a statement which attributes a quality or characteristic activity to something. The writer will discuss further about argumentative text in the next section.

  As these are several texts type discussed above based on Gramley and Patzold (2004), however, in this research, the writer focuses only argumentative text, which is discuss further in the next section.

G. Argumentative Text

  Generally, argumentative text is a text that shows about the writer‘s idea to persuade the reader. It means persuades the readers to should or should not to do something. Similar with Gramley and Patzold (2004:152), Anten (2010:32) also argues that argumentative text is the text that explains about the writer‘s idea that persuades the reader about the important things.

  However, they have difference about the division of text types. Gramley and Patzold (2004:152) do not discuss more detail about subcategory of argumentative text. Anten (2010:32) in English module that used at Senior High School in Indonesia, divides argumentative into two types, they are: 1.

  Analytical Exposition Anten argues that analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‗s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.

  The purpose of this text is to persuade the reader about the important thing. It has generic structure, as below: 1)

  Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer‘s position 2)

  Argument 1: Explaining the argument to support the writer‘s position 3)

  Argument 2: Explaining the other arguments support the writer‘s position more 4)

  Reiteration: Restating the writer‘s position

  According to Anten (2010:5) the characteristics and the language features of analytical exposition text as below: a)

  Using relational process

  b) Using internal conjunction

  c) Using causal conjunction

  d) Using Simple Present Tense

  e) General nouns, for example: car, pollution, leaded petrol car, etc.

  f) Abstract nouns, for example:policy, government, etc.

  g) Technical verbs, for example: species of animals, etc.

  h) Relating verbs, for example: It is important, etc.

i) Action verbs, for example:She must save, etc.

  j) Thinking verbs, for example:Many people believe, etc. k) Modal verbs, for example: we must preserve, etc. l) Modal adverbs, for example:certainly, we, etc. m) Connectives, for example: firstly, secondly, etc. n)

  Evaluatif language, for example: important, valuable, trustworthy, etc. o) Pasive sentence.

  The writer illustrates the examples of the text types to make the reader easier distinguish between analytical and hortatory exposition. Table 2.1.Analytical Exposition Text

  Is Smoking Good for Us? Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousand people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

  Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non-smokers.

  Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non-smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.

  Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for everybody else.

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