





Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 208321046







Praise to Jesus Christ for his merciful that the writer is able to complete this thesis. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In the process of finishing this thesis, the writer faced a lot of difficulties, but, because of the assistance of many sides, this thesis finally could be completed.

Thus, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si., Rector of State University of Medan  Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Head of English Department, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., Head of English Education Study Program  Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum., as her consultant, all lecturers of

English Department and also all examiners of my thesis.

 Drs. Herry Aritonang., the headmaster of SMA Markus Medan who had helped the writer during conducting the research in that school and also to all the students of class XI IPA -1.

 J. Lumban raja and M. Tamba, her beloved parents and her big family who always supported the writer to be hard-working to finish her study in Faculty of languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

 All my friends who take part in completing my thesis.

May all the assistance, support, and simplicity given by all of the people can be their charity and got merit from Jesus Christ, amin.

Medan, Januari 2014 The Writer,

Nia Daniati Lumban Raja NIM. 208321046




Lumban raja, Nia Daniati. Registration Number. 208321046. Improving Grade XI Students’ Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text Through Collaborative Strategy. A Thesis. Faculty Of Languages and Arts. State University Of Medan.

This study was concerned with the Improving Grade XI Students’ Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text Through Collaborative Strategy. This study is conducted by using Classroom Action Research. The subject were the students of Grade XI SMA Markus Medan consisting of 42 students. The class taught by using diary notes, observation sheets and questionnaire sheets. The technique for data analysis were qualitative and quantitative. Based on the data, it was found that the students’ score increased from the pre-test, Cycle I test and Cycle II test. In the Pre-test, the mean of the students’ score was 2.3, in Cycle I test, the mean of the student score was 19.04, in cycle II test, the mean of the students’ score was 73.80%. the conclusion is suggested that the teacher should use Collaborative Strategy as one of the approach to improve students’ Achievement in Wtiting Analytical Exposition Test.











A. The Background of Study ... 1

B. The Problem of Study ... 5

C. The Scope of Study ... 5

D. The Objective of Study ... 5

E. The Significance of Study ... 6


A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. Students’ Achievement ... 7

2. Writing ... 7

3. Genre of Writing ... 9

4. Collaborative Writing Strategy ... 12

5. Application of Collaborative Writing Strategy ... 15

6. Assessment of Writing ... 17

B. Conceptual Framework ... 17


A. Research Design ... 19

B. Subject of Research ... 21

C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ... 21

D. The Procedure for Collecting Data ... 22

1. Cycle I ... 23

2. Cycle II ... 26

E. Testing of Writing ... 27

F. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 29


A. Data ... 31

1. The Quantitative Data ... 31

2. The Qualitative Data ... 31

B. Data Analysis ... 32

C. Research Phase ... 39




A. Conclusion ... 44

B. Suggestion ... 44







Table 3.1 The Activities in Cycle I ... 24

Table 3.2 The Scoring of Writing Analytical ... 27

Table 4.1 Students’ Writing Scores ... 32

Table 4.2 The Comparison of Students’ Writing Scores ... 37

Table 4.3 The Improvement of Mean Score of Students’ Writing ... 38




Page Figure 2.1.Writing Process ... 8 Figure 2.2. Types of Team Working in Collaborative Writing ... 15 Figure 3.1.Concept of Action Research ... 23





A. The Background of the Study

Language significantly aids in both socialization and individual development. Therefore, language is also stated as a way to comunicate ideas comprehensibly from one person to onother in such away the others will be able to act exactly and accordingly. It means that language is very crucial and for human life because it is used as a tool in communication or when people make interaction each other.

English is an internasional language. English also considered as lingua franca in global communication that has been used widely as the language in many sectors, such as in transportation, technology, tourism and internasional trade. In Indonesia, English is considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level. It means that english is very important to be learned by the students. So that’s why,they are need to learn english more. In order, they have good english.

English consist of four skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. From these four skills, the very important and most required in academic field is writing. People convey their idea and feeling through writing and it is also used as the reminder in form of file or document. So, it is not doubt that writing can help people in communicating and keeping information detailly. Moreover, the students must be able to write



effectively because they perform their writing skill throughout their life for the academic and occupational purposes such as composing simple stories, writing social letters, papers, theses, and so forth. Walsh (2010:1) in says that writing is used extensively in higher education which leads to a future career. Because of that, writing is an important skill to be learned.

In writing people consider what to write and how to write. Once, people want to write, they have to choose a topic, then extend the idea in order to know what is actually described on the piece. However, how to write will guide the writer of how to express the idea of writing wheter it is an arguments, narrative, descriptive or other kind of writing. Writing has also become more important as principal of communicative language teaching.

Since writing is really important to learn, it can be a media to help the students to give ideas, views and messages to the reader which certain purpose in a written text. The students were asked to apply their grammar knowledge, sentence structure, idiom and vocabulary.Beside that, the students were asked to explore the language that they learn. Based on the standard competence in the syllabus of the Second Year of Senior High School called Educational Unit Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan:KTSP) the students were expected to be able to write text of narrative, report, spoof, hortatory exposition and analytical exposition.In this study,the only focus of the study in analytical exposition text.



Analytical exposition text is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain or define the author’s subject to the reader. It describes the relationship between an event or circumstance and its effect. In defining the author’s subject to the reader, analytical exposition can be a media for the students to explore the ideas, arguments and thoughts in written text.

However, based on the previous study in senior high school (Sekolah Menengah Atas – SMA) Markus Medan, the students’ achievement in analytical exposition was lack; it means that they have not passed the standart applied. There were some factors making the students unable to write well. The first was students were lack of information and idea. The Second was students cannot make strong arguments in their writing. The third was When a writing task was given, students spend much of their time to think about what their going to writing. The fourth was The students were unable to make the text goes coherently and organisationally, for example there was still another argument after writing closing statement.

Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to give an eye on the problem above. To decrease the problem above can be done by applying the strategy to improve the students’ achievement in writing a text especially in analytical exposition text. In this study, the writer did a try out on the application of collaborative strategy to improve the students’ writing achievement especially in analytical exposition text. Collaborative strategy



is a strategy of learning which allow the students to collaborate with their peers in producing or writing a text.

Speck (2002:6) states that collaborative writing is a powerful strategy of writing that encourages cooperation,critical thinking, peer learning and active participation to end product. The students work in a group and produce a text after discussing it in the group. Read their peer writing and offer critiques of the writing to help their peer rivise their writing. All the critiques and sugguestions from their peer will help them to revise their writing with a purpose to improve their writing skill. Morever, collaborative strategy effectively teaches the concept of teamwork. More people mean more ideas, more work done and thus the goals are achieved more afficiently. In this strategy, students were not only sit in a group but they were trained to give idea each person in a group. Collaborative strategy is also one of the most interesting strategy to build students skill especially in writing. Students more enjoyed in working collaboratively than individually.

Writing analytical exposition text emphasizes on the process of how the students develop their ideas in writing. As analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer idea about the phenomenon surrounding, the students can develop their idea in writing this text. The teacher should motivate students to be brave in developing the ideas, arguments and thoughts they have into their writing. Collaborative writing strategy will help them to improve their quality of writing especially in writing analytical



exposition because every student in group would give arguments, ideas, and thoughts in their writing. It would strengthen their statement in the analytical exposition.

B. The Problem of the Study

Many students are not able to write well. That is why collaborative strategy is hoped to improve students’ writing achievement. Based on the problem, the problem of the study is formulated as follow: ”Is Grade XI Students’ Writing Achievement Improved In Analytical Exposition text Through Collaborative Strategy?”

C. The Scope of The Study

In this study, the writer focuses on improving grade XI students’ writing achievement in analytical exposition text By aplying collaborative strategy in teaching analytical exposition, it is supposed that it will help the students to produces their ideas, throughts, feeling, and arguments in a written text.

D. The Objective of the Study

This research intends to discover whether Collaborative strategy significantly improve students’ ability in writing. By using collaborative strategy, the writer expect the improvement of the students’ writing of the



english grade XI students of SMA Markus Medan by Aplying Collaborative Strategy in Writing Analytical exposition text .

E. The significance of the Study

This study covers the aspects of teaching writing. The application of collaborative strategy is expected to be successful. The benefits of the study are: Theoritically, the result of the research can be a reference for those who want to conduct a research in english-learning process especially in teaching writing and practically, the writer hopes that this study will be a useful input for teachers in english teaching -learning process especially in teaching writing analytical exposition, for the students to improve their writing achievement and for the other researcher who are interested in understanding more about collaborative writing





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it was found that the students’ writing scores

improved from the cycle I until the cycle II. The improvement was shown by the

mean of the students’ scores from the first test (orientation test) 38.7, the second

test (in the last meeting of cycle I) 65.1 and the last test (in the last meeting of

cycle II) 79.4. The students’ scores continuously improved in each writing test.

The percentage of the students who were competent in writing analytical exposition text was also improved, where in Test I, there was 2.3%, in Test II 21.4% and in Test III, the percentage was improved to be 71.4%.

From the data, there is the improvement of students achievement in writing analytical exposition text by using collaborative strategy.

B. Suggestion

This study shows that the application of collaborative strategy improves

the students’ achievement on writing analytical exposition text. Due to the

conclusion above, there are some points suggested as follows:

1. The teachers may apply collaborative strategy as one of the alternatives teaching strategy, especially teaching writing, to stimulate students’ interest in writing.

2. It helps the students to build more arguments to strengthen their analytical exposition writing.



3. The English teacher are advised to use this strategy especially in analytical exposition text.

4. Readers may use the information in this research as a useful input in teaching-learning process especially for teaching writing.




Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Burns, A. 2010. Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching. New York: Routledge.

Brown, D. H. 2004. Teaching by Principles; An approach to Language Pedagogy: Second

Edition. San Francisco. Longman.

Carrol, et. al. 2001. Writing and Grammar; Communication Action. Platinum Level. New York. Prentice-Hall.

Gerrot, L. & Wignel,P . !994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Gerd Stabler.

Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University

Kemmis, S. and R. Mettagart.2005. The action Research Oxford Advanced Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Kidd, R. 1992. Teaching ESL Grammar Through Dictation. TESL CanadaJournal/Revue TESL DU Canada. Vol. 10 No. 1. p.57 <>.

Sharles, M. 1993. How We Write: Writing as Creative Design. London: British Library.

Speck, B. W . 2002. Faciliting Students’ Collaborative Writing. United States of America : Jossey Bass.

Trimmer, J.F. 1983. The New Writing With a Purpose. New York : Ball State University.

Wallace, J. Michael. 1998. Action Research for Language Teachers. New York: Cambbridge University Press

Yelon, et al. 2009. Definition of Achievement. Available at


47 studentsshouldnt.htm.Accessed on April April 23th, 2013 terms/WhatAreWritingSkills.htm accessed on December 29th, 2013


exposition because every student in group would give arguments, ideas, and thoughts in their writing. It would strengthen their statement in the analytical exposition.

B. The Problem of the Study

Many students are not able to write well. That is why collaborative strategy is hoped to improve students’ writing achievement. Based on the problem, the problem of the study is formulated as follow: ”Is Grade XI

Students’ Writing Achievement Improved In Analytical Exposition text Through Collaborative Strategy?”

C. The Scope of The Study

In this study, the writer focuses on improving grade XI students’ writing achievement in analytical exposition text By aplying collaborative strategy in teaching analytical exposition, it is supposed that it will help the students to produces their ideas, throughts, feeling, and arguments in a written text.

D. The Objective of the Study

This research intends to discover whether Collaborative strategy significantly improve students’ ability in writing. By using collaborative strategy, the writer expect the improvement of the students’ writing of the



english grade XI students of SMA Markus Medan by Aplying Collaborative Strategy in Writing Analytical exposition text .

E. The significance of the Study

This study covers the aspects of teaching writing. The application of collaborative strategy is expected to be successful. The benefits of the study are: Theoritically, the result of the research can be a reference for those who want to conduct a research in english-learning process especially in teaching writing and practically, the writer hopes that this study will be a useful input for teachers in english teaching -learning process especially in teaching writing analytical exposition, for the students to improve their writing achievement and for the other researcher who are interested in understanding more about collaborative writing




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it was found that the students’ writing scores improved from the cycle I until the cycle II. The improvement was shown by the mean of the students’ scores from the first test (orientation test) 38.7, the second test (in the last meeting of cycle I) 65.1 and the last test (in the last meeting of cycle II) 79.4. The students’ scores continuously improved in each writing test. The percentage of the students who were competent in writing analytical exposition text was also improved, where in Test I, there was 2.3%, in Test II 21.4% and in Test III, the percentage was improved to be 71.4%.

From the data, there is the improvement of students achievement in writing analytical exposition text by using collaborative strategy.

B. Suggestion

This study shows that the application of collaborative strategy improves the students’ achievement on writing analytical exposition text. Due to the conclusion above, there are some points suggested as follows:

1. The teachers may apply collaborative strategy as one of the alternatives teaching strategy, especially teaching writing, to stimulate students’ interest in writing.

2. It helps the students to build more arguments to strengthen their analytical exposition writing.



3. The English teacher are advised to use this strategy especially in analytical exposition text.

4. Readers may use the information in this research as a useful input in teaching-learning process especially for teaching writing.



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Burns, A. 2010. Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching. New York: Routledge.

Brown, D. H. 2004. Teaching by Principles; An approach to Language Pedagogy: Second

Edition. San Francisco. Longman.

Carrol, et. al. 2001. Writing and Grammar; Communication Action. Platinum Level. New York. Prentice-Hall.

Gerrot, L. & Wignel,P . !994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Gerd Stabler.

Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University

Kemmis, S. and R. Mettagart.2005. The action Research Oxford Advanced Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Kidd, R. 1992. Teaching ESL Grammar Through Dictation. TESL CanadaJournal/Revue TESL DU Canada. Vol. 10 No. 1. p.57 <>.

Sharles, M. 1993. How We Write: Writing as Creative Design. London: British Library.

Speck, B. W . 2002. Faciliting Students’ Collaborative Writing. United States of America : Jossey Bass.

Trimmer, J.F. 1983. The New Writing With a Purpose. New York : Ball State University.

Wallace, J. Michael. 1998. Action Research for Language Teachers. New York: Cambbridge University Press

Yelon, et al. 2009. Definition of Achievement. Available at


47 studentsshouldnt.htm.Accessed on April April 23th, 2013 terms/WhatAreWritingSkills.htm accessed on December 29th, 2013