



Submitted as requirement to obtain degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in International Program on Science Education study program


Ifa Ambarita Inziati 1002384




The Development of Science Comic on

Light Topic for Junior High School

Oleh Ifa A. Inziati

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

© Asaretkha Adjane 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Juli 2014

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Ifa Ambarita Inziati 1002384

Approved and Authorized by, Supervisor 1

Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed


Supervisor II

Agus Fany Chandra W., M.Pd



Head of International Program on Science Education Study Program

Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed




Joyful and interesting science learning now becomes the need of students nowadays. To support it, the development of creative learning media is necessary. This research is aimed to develop science comic especially in light topic for junior high school by considering four main aspects: Content, Artwork, Language, and Uniqueness, and to get the score in each aspect evaluated by experts and junior high school students. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative with survey method. Subject of the research are from content experts, artwork expert, language expert, and students from International private school and National public school. According to research result, it can be concluded that the development of science comic is content analysis, material-source analysis, aspects analysis, and comic making which is divided into outline & storyboard and creative process, and after the development there is evaluation from experts and students as to revise it; the content and language in this science comic is very good while the artwork is good, and the overall comic is considered very good by students; and the comic rating for content aspect is 3.25, artwork aspect is 2.64, and language aspect is 3.29, and based on students, the overall rating for all aspect including uniqueness is 3.2. Suggestions from the experts and students are used to revise this science comic until it meets expert’s criteria.


Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School



Pembelajaran yang menyenangkan merupakan sebuah kebutuhan untuk pelajar masa kini. Untuk mendukung itu, pengembangan media kreatif perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan komik sains terutama di topic Cahaya untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama dengan memperhatikan empat aspek: Content, Artwork, Language, dan Uniqueness, dan untuk mendapatkan penilaian dari masing-masing ahli dan siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan survei. Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah ahli di bidang

content, artwork, language, dan siswa dari sekolah berbasis Internasional dan sekolah negeri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan komik sains terdiri dari analisis konten, analisis sumber bahan, analisis aspek, dan pembuatan komik yang dibagi menjadi outline dan

storyboard serta proses kreatif, dan setelahnya dievaluasi oleh ahli dan siswa; Content dan

Language dari komik sains itu dinilai sangat bagus sementara Artwork bernilai bagus, dan secara keseluruhan dinilai sangat bagus oleh siswa; dan rating dari aspek Content adalah 3.25, Artwork

2.64, dan Language 3.29, serta menurut siswa, secara keseluruhan rating komik sains ini termasuk Uniqueness bernilai 3.2. Saran dari ahli dan siswa digunakan sebagai bahan revisi agar komik sains ini menjadi lebih baik dan sesuai kriteria.












A. Background ... 1

B. Identification of Problem ... 2

C. Research Problem and Questions ... 3

D. Research Objectives ... 4

E. Research Benefits ... 4

F. Organization Structure of Research Paper ... 4


A. Comics ... 6

B. Science Comics... 7


Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

D. Steps of Making Science Comics ... 8

E. Science Comic Implementation ... 9

F. Light Content for Junior High School... 10


A. Research Method and Design ... 15

B. Subject of Research ... 15

C. Operational Definition ... 16

D. Research Instruments ... 18

E. Instrument Analysis ... 19

F. Data Collection ... 19

G. Data Analysis Technique... 19


A. The Process of Science Comic Development... 21

B. Data Analysis... 26

C. Discussion... 32


A. Conclusion ... 50

B. Recommendation ... 50





Table 3.1 – Likert Scale for Experts’ Questionnaire... 18

Table 3.3 – Percentage Range and Descriptive Criteria of Program ... 20

Table 3.4 – Suggestion from Content Experts ... 27

Table 3.5 – Suggestion from Artwork Expert ... 29


Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School



Figure 2.1 – An illustration of sound wave ... 11

Figure 2.2 – An illustration of light wave ... 11

Figure 2.3 – The angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence ... 12

Figure 2.4 – An illustration of geometry used in a plane mirror... 13

Figure 2.5 – Examples of spherical mirror... 14

Figure 4.1 – Storyboard and tables of outline ... 23

Figure 4.2 – Sketches from storyboard ... 24

Figure 4.3 – The process of toning and giving effect... 25

Figure 4.4 – After text balloons were filled ... 25

Figure 4.5 – Average rating from each expert for the comic ... 26

Figure 4.6 –Content expert’s rating for each sub-aspect... 27

Figure 4.7 –Artwork expert’s rating for each sub-aspect... 28

Figure 4.8 –Language expert’s rating for each sub-aspect... 30

Figure 4.9 –Students’ rating for each aspect ... 31

Figure 4.10 –Eisner’s micro-dictionary of gesture... 36





Appendix A.1 – Outline and Storyboard Table... 55

Appendix A.2 – Sketches ... 63

Appendix A.3 – First Product of Comic ... 64


Appendix B.1.1 – Rubric Scoring of Experts... 71

Appendix B.1.2 – Questionnaire for Experts ... 78

Appendix B.2.1 – Rubric Scoring of Students ... 88

Appendix B.2.2 – Questionnaire for Students... 90


Appendix C.1 – Experts’ Questionnaires and Judgment Sheet... 94

Appendix C.2 –Students’ Questionnaire Answers ... 111


Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School


Media is one of the essential components in teaching and learning process besides models, methods, and approaches of teaching. As the tool to communicate learning contents, according to Hosler and Boomer (2011), teaching media should provide joy, fascination, and utility of science since those three things include to the need of delivering science. One of media for teaching is book, especially textbooks. Textbooks, as it is named, are expected to be able to help teaching and learning process for it has potential to take in three needs of learning science.

In fact, it seems that only textbooks that gain popularity to be teaching media. Textbooks have been widely used as primary media in science classroom. Because of its familiarity, it avoids students to search for more than textbook from their school. Meanwhile, there are more options out there such as articles, magazine, and comic, which offer fascination and joy of learning more than textbooks. To maintain those three needs, other alternative media that is able to be pleasant, fun, and comfortable in communicating the message should cover this (Zehr, 2014). Those media later may lead to maximize the probability of engagement with the science concept.

For the past 60 years, people have been familiar with teaching media in form of comic. Comic as learning material—formal or informal—has gained much easier access as technology develops. It is no strange thing that, despite its

reputation as „child read‟ with low scientific information, the development of comic for education has been more expanded ever since (Tatalovic, 2009).



Science comic is one of education comics and also one of the most popular in the market as well as classroom. Even there was a study in sci-fi and superhero comics about the science content that might be possible to learn science there (Locke, 2005; Zehr, 2014). Science, as fascinating as it is always, sometimes is brought so boring that students or children do not bother to learn it more. With comic that provides pictures and narration at the same frame, it is hoped that learning science is not only captivating but also entertaining and memorable.

Science comic has been student‟s favorite media these days.

Nevertheless, not all science comic is certified as „science‟ comic. Some of them only use science to support its fantasy theory like parallel universe and time machine, and some of them are created for public uses such as instruction (Upson & Hall, 2013). Especially in this country, local science comics—science comics made by Indonesians—are still produced in limited edition. It indirectly lets science comics from other country such as Japan, Korea, and America take the popularity. Some examples of science comic from other countries are Newton and Copernicus by Olson (2008) and Optical Allusion by Hosler and Boomer (2011). The problem in contextual examples and language may be barrier for Indonesian students to enjoy it.

This research is aimed to study the making of science comic, especially light topic for junior high school students in Indonesia, and its important aspects. The evaluation is done to check the appropriateness and user-friendliness after it is judged by media and science content expert.

B. Problem Identification

From the background explained before, there are some problems identified regarding to science comic for junior high school students, such as:



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

1. The reading source in science teaching learning activity is mainly plain textbook, with less interesting and out-of-context illustrations.

2. Science comic as an alternative of science reading source is still lowly available in Indonesia, and if it is, the content is not always suitable and contextual with what Indonesian students learn.

3. The development of science comic in Indonesia is actually promising, but only few that survive to make it as media in science class.

4. Science comics available are often still ignoring aspects of good science and good comic, making it potential to be ill-considered.

Some limitations that scope this research are:

1. The participant of this study who will be analyzed is students of junior high school.

2. The kind of comics that will be implemented is science comics, which means the information infused to the comics is real and related to curriculum and instruction.

3. The science content that will be used in science comics for this study is physics, specifically lights in terms of properties, law of angle of incident and angle of reflection, and formation of optical image.

C. Research Problem

Based on the background explained before, the main problem that arises from

the condition is “How is the development of science comic on light topic for junior high school based on experts?”

From this research problem, there are several research questions that come up to be answered by the result of this study, as follow:



2. How are the artwork, content, language and uniqueness of the comic based

on experts‟ and students‟ evaluation?

3. How are the comic ratings for each aspect that meets experts‟ criteria?

D. Research Objectives

This research is conducted with the objectives of to produce good quality comic, to analyze how science comic should be made, to investigate the artwork, content, language and uniqueness of the comic, and to determine the score of the comic regarding to aspects determined by experts.

E. Research Significance

The result of this research brings some advantages for readers and other related parties specifically in theory, policy and urgency, and social issue and actions.

The advantage of this research in theory is that the result will show the evidence of the existing science comic theories especially in three aspects; artwork, language, and content. In policy and urgency matter, it is hoped that the result will spread the awareness to people in educational field about providing better media for students to combat problems of learning science in 21st century. Another advantage that can be gained from this research result is in social issue and actions, that there will be more growing and developing science comic in Indonesia made by Indonesian for Indonesian students.



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

F. Organization Structure of Research Paper

On chapter one, this paper tells about the background of the research, then problems identified from the background with its limitation. From problems, research problem and research questions are explained then continued with research objectives and benefit.

Chapter two tells about the development of science comic in light topic for junior high school, from comic theory with its characteristics, science comic, types of science comic, and its implementation; the comic making, until a preview of Light theory for junior high school including light properties, law of reflection, and optical formation.

On chapter three, methodology used in this research is elaborated. There are research method and research design, subject, operational definition, instrument, instrument analysis, data collecting, and data analysis. All of them determine how the research is conducted.

Chapter four is the place for result and analysis in this research. It includes content analysis, technical procedure of making comic, data analysis come from evaluation of subjects, and discussion to discuss data analysis with literature.

The last chapter is conclusion and suggestion. It answers research problem and questions on the first chapter and conclude the result gained from this research. It also explains about suggestions that may be beneficial for next or further research in the same field as this one.


CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Method and Design

1. Research Method

This research was conducted in order to determine the aspects of science comic after the making and evaluation of it. This research implemented descriptive research with survey method, which means that the data collected were the result from questionnaire were analyzed in description (Jackson, 2012). This method was used to describe the nature of situation and to explore the cause rather than judging or interpreting.

2. Research Design

A one-shot comic in light topic was created by the researcher. The procedure consisted of three objectives infused to thirteen pages of comic. The comic then was supervised by final paper supervisor before it is assessed by the experts. After getting suggestions and revisions until final assessment, the comic was brought to students to be reviewed.

B. Participant of Research

The subjects for this study were three experts in each aspect: artwork, language, and science content for comic validation. Those experts come from various backgrounds based on what they expertise of. For comic impression, the subjects were 9 students of junior high school in West Java, Indonesia.



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

C. Operational Definition

1. Science Comic Development

Development of science comic is a making of a comic—specifically science comic—consisted in several parts: content analysis to determine which content that will be delivered in the comic, material source analysis in which the content is taken from, aspects analysis to determine each aspects of comic building, and comic making which is divided into two: outline and creative process. Outline is the base of the comic while the creative process is how comic is made from sketching until finishing.

According to Eisner (2000), the making of comics is better to involve only one person as the story-maker and artist, thus the characteristic of this science comic development is made by one person. This has advantages so as to synchronize the images with narration in order to communicating the idea. McCloud (2006) and Tatalovic (2009) emphasized that the making of comics also should consider some aspects, hence their adapted theory is composed into three main aspects that determined—and also evaluated—the making of this comic: Content, Artwork, Language, and Uniqueness.

2. Science Comic

Science comic is a series of picture arranged in sequence in order to present narration of the story, so that the messages about science concept are able to be delivered to readers. It is very important for science comics to provide real information about science, whether it is in the form of dialogue in balloon text or just plain description. Good science comics are ones that are not only attractive and drawn in high definition, but also are able to communicate the essence of the story, which is science content and concept (Tatalovic, 2009).



Science comic used in this research was written by the author, taking the topic of light for junior high school. The comic product was purposed as an additional read besides main textbook to be learnt during teaching and learning activity. The form of comic was a manga, adapting Japanese comic style and ended in one episode only (one-shot). The main comic-building aspects of this product were evaluated by feedback from experts, and students. 3. The Quality of Science Comic

A science comic can be said as ‘good’ science comic based on these aspects: Content, Artwork, Language, and Uniqueness. The three main aspects and one additional aspect to fulfill the criteria were taken from Making Comics by Scott McCloud (2006) and Tatalovic (2009).

Artwork aspect scopes the choice of moment, flow, frame, image, character design, facial expression and body language. Language aspect is consisted of storyline, word-chosen, and narration placing inside of the comic. The last is Content aspect, the most focused aspect in this research due to ‘science’ word in science comic. The Content here includes objectives taken, depiction of application and/or implementation of the theory, specific example and relevant. Good science comic must have aim to educate by infusing the concept through media, no direct explanation, and close to children’s environment. One additional aspect is Uniqueness. Uniqueness is to show something new such as modern depiction of science besides scientist with lab coats and messy white hair. Other important things in Uniqueness are how students can relate their life and how it contains Indonesian’s values.

All of the aspects that determine the quality of this science comic were evaluated by questionnaires to each expert and students.



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

D. Research Instruments

To measure the appropriateness and how far the comics design met students’ actual need in learning science, there were two types of questionnaire:

1. Likert scale and ratings

The questionnaire was including two big aspects: the technique of making comics and science comic characteristics including pictures, words arrangement, and the content; with scale of 1 to 4 to determine if the points in comic were met the expectations.

Table 3.1 Likert Scale for Experts’ Questionnaire

Scale Criterion Point

D Dissatisfied 1

SD Somewhat dissatisfied 2

SS Somewhat satisfied 3

S Satisfied 4

For students’ questionnaire, there was a 4-rating scale to determine whether the comic is a good read or not. The elaborated scoring for ratings is in the form of rubrics as seen on Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1.

2. Written review

This questionnaire was the extension of the scales, consisted of blank space for suggestion and opinion about the comic using the same aspects.



E. Instrument Validation

Before the instrument was used, there was instrument analysis to check whether the test’s quality meets the standard of what was measured or not. Both of the instruments were judged by supervisors before handing it to experts and students.

F. Data Collection

In gathering data using the instrument above, some different ways were taken for each subject in this study:

1. Experts

Questionnaire for each expert was given directly with the sample of comic, outline, and judgment check. After the comic has been examined, the questionnaire was returned.

The data collected from the experts were in ratings and suggestions. 2. Students

Questionnaire given to students was in two forms: soft and hard copy. Students then filled the questionnaire and returned it directly or through e-mail or social media message feature. Data collected from students were in form of ratings and opinions or impression.

G. Data Analysis Technique

After collecting data by using the instruments, the result will be analyzed in descriptive way regarding to each variable’s reference.



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School 1. Likert scale and ratings

The analysis for experts’ questionnaire was a quantitative measurement, adapted from Riduan (2010), then comparing the result with total number of highest score and converts it to percentage.

(Riduan, 2010) After that, the media can be interpreted by this category based on Arikunto (2002) as follow:

Table 3.3 Percentage Range and Descriptive Criteria of Program

No Interval Criterion

1 76%< score ≤100% Very Good

2 51%< score ≤75% Good

3 26%< score ≤50% Fair

4 0%< score ≤25% Poor

(Arikunto, 2002) As for students’ questionnaire, the overall rating was the average of all rating. The rating explanation is the same as criterion in Table 3.1.

2. Written review

The analysis of written review from respondents was done descriptively, with steps of analyzing the input, grouping the analysis result, and comparing it to literature (Creswell, 2008). These description analyses were separated based on the respondents and the aspects evaluated.




After conducting this study, the conclusion that can be reached is as follow: 1. Science comic can be made by developing it in several steps: content

analysis, material source analysis, aspects analysis, and comic making which consists of storyboard from the outline and creative process. After that, it is evaluated by experts in three main aspects and the students, and then making the revision based on their suggestions.

2. Based on the experts, the content and language of this science comic is very good, while the artwork is good. Based on students, the overall impression from artwork, content, language and uniqueness is very good. 3. Based on the experts, the comic rating for content aspect is 3.25, artwork

aspect is 2.64, and language aspect is 3.29. Based on students, the overall rating for all aspect including uniqueness is 3.2.

B. Recommendations

There are some recommendations for future study regarding to science comic development and its implementation to students:

1. The language of comic can be made bilingual, in English and Bahasa Indonesia, to make students understand easier regarding to the language barrier that happened.

2. The artwork of the comic should be considered more, for example to make it more elaborated in terms of beauty and experimenting in many styles of drawing to catch reader’s attention.



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

3. The moments of the comic should also be considered more to make a whole, complete science comic with good transition and links.

4. The next study can develop a science comic based on lab experiments or mini experiments that are easy to follow by students, not only based on textbooks and lab manual



Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian. Yogyakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Cutnell, J. D., & Johnson, K. W. (2007). Physics 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Creswell, J. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Eisner, W. (2000). Theory of Comics and Sequential Art. Florida: Poorhouse Press. Hosler, J., & Boomer, K. B. (2011). Are Comic Books an EffectiveWay to Engage

Nonmajors in Learning and Appreciating Science? CBE - Life Science Education, 10, 309-317.

Jackson, S. L. (2012). Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Locke, S. (2005). Fantastically reasonable: ambivalence in the representation of science and technology in super-hero comics. SAGE Publication: Public Understanding of Science.

McCloud, S. (2006). Making Comics: Storytelling Secret of Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels. NY: HarperCollins Publisher.

Milne, C., & Otieno, T. (2007). Understanding Engagement: Science Demonstration and Emotional Energy. Wiley InterScience.

Nagata, R. (1999). Learning biochemistry through manga--helping students learn and remember, and making lectures more exciting. Biochemical Education, 27.


Olson, J. C. (2008). The Comic Strip as a Medium for Promoting Science Literacy .



Ifa Ambarita Inziati, 2014

The D evelopment Of Science Comic On Light Topic For Junior High School

Riduan. (2010). Belajar Mudah Penelitian untuk Guru, Karyawan, dan Peneliti Pemula. Bandung: ALFABETA.

Saeed, S., & Zyngier, D. (2012). How Motivation Influences Student Engagement: A Qualitative Case Study. Journal of Education and Learning, 1 (2), 252-267. Spiegel, A. N., McQuillan, J., Halpin, P., Matuk, C., & & Diamond, J. (2013).

Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. Research in Science Education, 43 (6), 2309-2326.

Tatalovic, M. (2009). Science comics as tools for science education and communication: a brief, exploratory study. Journal of Science Communication, 08 (4), 1-17.

Upson, M., & Hall, M. C. (2013). Comic Book Guy in the Classroom: The Educational Power and Potential of Graphic Storytelling in Library Instruction. College and University Libraries Proceedings.

Weitkamp, E., & Burnet, F. (2007). The Chemedian Brings Laughter to the Chemistry Classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 29 (15),


Zehr, E. P. (2014). Avengers Assemble! Using pop-culture icons to communicate science. Advance Physiological Education, 38, 118-123.


E. Instrument Validation

Before the instrument was used, there was instrument analysis to check whether the test’s quality meets the standard of what was measured or not. Both of the instruments were judged by supervisors before handing it to experts and students.

F. Data Collection

In gathering data using the instrument above, some different ways were taken for each subject in this study:

1. Experts

Questionnaire for each expert was given directly with the sample of comic, outline, and judgment check. After the comic has been examined, the questionnaire was returned.

The data collected from the experts were in ratings and suggestions. 2. Students

Questionnaire given to students was in two forms: soft and hard copy. Students then filled the questionnaire and returned it directly or through e-mail or social media message feature. Data collected from students were in form of ratings and opinions or impression.

G. Data Analysis Technique

After collecting data by using the instruments, the result will be analyzed in descriptive way regarding to each variable’s reference.



1. Likert scale and ratings

The analysis for experts’ questionnaire was a quantitative measurement, adapted from Riduan (2010), then comparing the result with total number of highest score and converts it to percentage.

(Riduan, 2010) After that, the media can be interpreted by this category based on Arikunto (2002) as follow:

Table 3.3 Percentage Range and Descriptive Criteria of Program

No Interval Criterion

1 76%< score ≤100% Very Good

2 51%< score ≤75% Good 3 26%< score ≤50% Fair 4 0%< score ≤25% Poor

(Arikunto, 2002) As for students’ questionnaire, the overall rating was the average of all rating. The rating explanation is the same as criterion in Table 3.1.

2. Written review

The analysis of written review from respondents was done descriptively, with steps of analyzing the input, grouping the analysis result, and comparing it to literature (Creswell, 2008). These description analyses were separated based on the respondents and the aspects evaluated.




After conducting this study, the conclusion that can be reached is as follow: 1. Science comic can be made by developing it in several steps: content

analysis, material source analysis, aspects analysis, and comic making which consists of storyboard from the outline and creative process. After that, it is evaluated by experts in three main aspects and the students, and then making the revision based on their suggestions.

2. Based on the experts, the content and language of this science comic is very good, while the artwork is good. Based on students, the overall impression from artwork, content, language and uniqueness is very good. 3. Based on the experts, the comic rating for content aspect is 3.25, artwork

aspect is 2.64, and language aspect is 3.29. Based on students, the overall rating for all aspect including uniqueness is 3.2.

B. Recommendations

There are some recommendations for future study regarding to science comic development and its implementation to students:

1. The language of comic can be made bilingual, in English and Bahasa Indonesia, to make students understand easier regarding to the language barrier that happened.

2. The artwork of the comic should be considered more, for example to make it more elaborated in terms of beauty and experimenting in many styles of drawing to catch reader’s attention.



3. The moments of the comic should also be considered more to make a whole, complete science comic with good transition and links.

4. The next study can develop a science comic based on lab experiments or mini experiments that are easy to follow by students, not only based on textbooks and lab manual



Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian. Yogyakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Cutnell, J. D., & Johnson, K. W. (2007). Physics 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Creswell, J. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating

quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Education, Inc.

Eisner, W. (2000). Theory of Comics and Sequential Art. Florida: Poorhouse Press. Hosler, J., & Boomer, K. B. (2011). Are Comic Books an EffectiveWay to Engage

Nonmajors in Learning and Appreciating Science? CBE - Life Science

Education, 10, 309-317.

Jackson, S. L. (2012). Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking

Approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Locke, S. (2005). Fantastically reasonable: ambivalence in the representation of science and technology in super-hero comics. SAGE Publication: Public

Understanding of Science.

McCloud, S. (2006). Making Comics: Storytelling Secret of Comics, Manga, and

Graphic Novels. NY: HarperCollins Publisher.

Milne, C., & Otieno, T. (2007). Understanding Engagement: Science Demonstration and Emotional Energy. Wiley InterScience.

Nagata, R. (1999). Learning biochemistry through manga--helping students learn and remember, and making lectures more exciting. Biochemical Education, 27. 200-203.

Olson, J. C. (2008). The Comic Strip as a Medium for Promoting Science Literacy .



Riduan. (2010). Belajar Mudah Penelitian untuk Guru, Karyawan, dan Peneliti

Pemula. Bandung: ALFABETA.

Saeed, S., & Zyngier, D. (2012). How Motivation Influences Student Engagement: A Qualitative Case Study. Journal of Education and Learning, 1 (2), 252-267. Spiegel, A. N., McQuillan, J., Halpin, P., Matuk, C., & & Diamond, J. (2013).

Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. Research in Science

Education, 43 (6), 2309-2326.

Tatalovic, M. (2009). Science comics as tools for science education and communication: a brief, exploratory study. Journal of Science

Communication, 08 (4), 1-17.

Upson, M., & Hall, M. C. (2013). Comic Book Guy in the Classroom: The Educational Power and Potential of Graphic Storytelling in Library Instruction. College and University Libraries Proceedings.

Weitkamp, E., & Burnet, F. (2007). The Chemedian Brings Laughter to the Chemistry Classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 29 (15), 1911-1929.

Zehr, E. P. (2014). Avengers Assemble! Using pop-culture icons to communicate science. Advance Physiological Education, 38, 118-123.