Karakteristik Penderita HIV AIDS yang Berobat Jalan di RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2015

HIV/AIDS merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang mengancam banyak
negara di seluruh dunia. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) adalah
kumpulan gejala yang timbul akibat menurunnnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Menurut
Kemenkes RI, jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS yang dilaporkan selama tahun 2015 yakni
HIV sebanyak 30.935 kasus dan AIDS sebanyak 6.081 penderita.
Penelitian ini bersifat desktiptif dengan desain Case series. Populasi dan
sampel adalah seluruh penderita HIV/AIDS sebanyak 109 kasus. Jenis data yang
dikumpulkan data sekunder yang dianalisis dengan uji Chi-Square dan Exact Fisher.
Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan proporsi penderita HIV/AIDS yang berobat
jalan paling banyak pada kelompok umur 30-39 tahun yaitu laki- laki (34,8%), Suku
Batak (49,6%), SLTA (67,8%), wiraswasta (42,1%), menikah (46,7%), dan daerah
tempat tinggal di wilayah Kota Medan (84,4%), heteroseksual (64,3%), penderita
yang mempunyai infeksi oportunistik (70,6%), TB Paru/Kelenjar (61,0%), jumlah
CD4 terakhir 200-499 µl (47,1%), tahap terapi ARV lini 1 (64,9%). Tidak ada
perbedaan proporsi jenis kelamin berdasarkan faktor risiko penularan (p=0,098),
pekerjaan berdasarkan faktor risiko penularan (p=0,725), status pernikahan
berdasarkan faktor risiko penularan (p=0,188), umur berdasarkan infeksi oportunistik
(p=0,522), jenis kelamin berdasarkan infeksi oportunistik (p=0,817) serta ada
perbedaan proporsi pendidikan berdasarkan faktor risiko penularan (p=0,026).
Kepada masyarakat diharapkan tidak melakukan hubungan seks sebelum

menikah, tidak berganti-ganti pasangan, khusus usia produktif diharapkan menjauhi
NAPZA dan Tato. Pihak RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan khususnya bagian VCT
(Voluntary Counselling and Testing) lebih menekankan pemahaman penderita
tentang terapi ARV, memberikan dukungan sosial dan konseling kepada penderita
dan keluarganya dan meningkatkankan kelengkapan pencatatan kartu status
Kata Kunci : HIV/AIDS, Karakteristik, RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan


Universitas Sumatera Utara

HIV/AIDS is one of the health problems that threaten many countries
around the world. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a collection
symptoms caused of the decreasing of the immune systems. According to the
Indonesian Ministry of Health, the number of HIV/AIDS cases were reported during
in 2015 that as many as 30,935 cases of HIV and AIDS 6,081.
This study is descriptive by using case series design. The sample population
was all patients with HIV / AIDS 109 cases. The data analysis uses a secondary data

by using Chi-square and Fisher 's Exact.
The results of this research showed the highest proportion of patients with
HIV / AIDS outpatient at the age 30-39 years old is male ( 34.8 % ) , Batak (49.6%),
High School (67.8%), self-employed (42.1%), married (46.7%), area in Medan
(84.4%), heterosexual (64.3%), have opportunistic infections (70.6%), pulmonary
tuberculosis/gland (61.0%), last count of CD4 200-499 µl (47, 1%), stage 1 line ARV
therapy (64.9%). There are no significant differences between the sexes with the
transmission risk factors (p=0.098), the work with the transmission risk factors
(p=0.725), marital status with the transmission risk factors (p = 0.188), age with the
opportunistic infections (p = 0.522), gender with the opportunistic infections
(p=0.817) and there is a significant difference between the education with the
transmission risk factors (p= 0.026).
It is expected for people to abstain from sex before marriage, no
promiscuity, especially productive age keep away from drugs and tattoos. For Dr.
Pirngadi Hospital Medan especially the VCT department
emphasizes the
understanding of patients on ARV therapy, more active in social support and the
patients/families counseling program also increase the completeness of patients
status card.
Keywords : HIV/AIDS, Characteristic, Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan


Universitas Sumatera Utara