Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Antonia Fitri Lestari

  Student Number: 051214147










  “If w we m make up o our m mind

what t are goin ng to mak ke of f our

live es, th hen w work hard d tow ward tha at goa al, we e nev ver lo ose - so omeh how we w win o out.”

  ~Rona ald Reagan~

  I dedicat e ed t his t hes sis f or my d dearest one

  e, t o my bel l oved f amil ly, t o al l l ear rners and t t eachers, and t o my y best f rien nds.




  My endless gratitude goes to The Almighty God for His love, blessing, and opportunities given to me since I started writing this thesis. When I was happy and sad, He always accompanies me. As I believe, God designs my life and keeps me saved in His protection.

  I would like to express my greatest appreciation to my major sponsor,


Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum., for always guiding, encouraging, and

  supporting me patiently in finishing my thesis through his suggestion, guidance, feedback, and criticism. I am also faithfully thankful to all lecturers of English Language Education Study Program who have taught and guided me in passing my study time in PBI and all staffs in PBI who help me in administrative needs.

  I am sincerely thankful to the principal of SMA Mardi Waluya Cibinong and SMA Eka Wijaya Cibinong, Aloysius R. Subandriyo, S.Pd. and Hari


Hamzah, S.Kom. who have permitted me in conducting my thesis. Then, I would

  like to express my gratitude for all English teachers in SMA Mardi Waluya Cibinong and SMA Eka Wijaya Cibinong, Evarista Retno Baskoro Wulan, S.S.,


Malvin Yusdian, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dendy Wibowo, S.S., Bambang Rosandy,

S.Pd., and Scolastica Wedhowerti, S.Pd., M.Hum. for their contribution as

  participants and their support for the implementation of the study. Then, I would like to thank for all students of SMA Mardi Waluya Cibinong, SMA Eka

  Wijaya Cibinong, and SMAN 1 Cibinong who have participated in this study.


  My greatest gratitude goes to my family. I express my grateful to my parents, Lucia Mujiyanti, S.Pd. and Antonius Sartana, S.Pd, and my grandparents Mbah Minarjo, Mbah Paikem, and Mbah Fatimah (†) for their greatest patient, support, and prayers. I apologize for not being on schedule in finishing my study. Then, I also thank my sisters, Agustina Fitriana, Sesilia


Windy Gloriana, and Clarisa Primaviolinita, for giving me a lot of affections,

for making me laugh, and for giving me support in every ways.

  From the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my gratitude to my best classmate friends RA. Triastuti Dian K., Yohanna Kurnita P., Dionisia


Novianti, Galuh Dwi Ajeng, Eska Dwi Palupi, Steffani Ratna K., Nancy

Paula H., Delfina Dae, Pascalia Yovita, Taufik H. and all of PBI ’05 students

  for their cherished friendship. Special thanks are also addressed to my cyber tutor who helps me in accomplishing this website, Alexander Cahya Kurniawan.

  For what is called comradely, I sincerely thank to all my boardinghouse friends, Trias, Astre, Riska, Ana, Puput, Nana, Eni, Ka Achied, Eli, Lucy,


Vita and Regina. I thank them for every laugh and happiness in our lovely time.

  My special gratitude goes to my dearest one, Bonaventura Trias Y.P. for his never-ending love, support, and motivation. He taught me to overcome my fear and protected me when I was down. God bless you, always!

  Finally, I thank everyone in my life whom I cannot mention all their names for the lovely experience that I felt together with you all. God bless you all!

  Antonia Fitri Lestari




  Lestari, Antonia Fitri. 2011. Designing a Set of Web-based Multiple-choice


Reading Test for the Grade XII Students of Senior High School in Kecamatan

Cibinong. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata

  Dharma University.

  Reading is one of the essential skills for success in all educational contexts because it has function to convey information, to entertain, and to codify. Reading skill may facilitate the learners to master the language. It is because reading integrates the text and the readers’ background knowledge to build meaning. Hence, reading is often implemented and refers to be dominant in a language test. In this study, the writer considered using web-based test in order to create a different way in conducting test. Besides, the web-based test can be accessed by many students without limitation of time and place.

  This study is aimed to design a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong. The writer intended to answer a problem: What is the appropriate design of a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong?

  Dealing with the design, the writer applied theories related to theory of Educational Research and Development (R&D), Instructional Design Model, Language Testing, Reading Skill, Designing Multiple-choice Items, Web-based Test, and Application Software. Moreover, the design was performed step by step according to the R&D cycle combined with Kemp’s model. They are (1) Learners’ Characteristics and Needs, (2) Goal, General Purposes, and Topics, (3) Learning Objectives, (4) Test Content, (5) Activities and Sources, (6) Support Services, (7) Feedback of the Preliminary Designed Test, (8) Revision of Preliminary Designed Test, (9) Feedback from the Implementation, and (10) Final Test Revision.

  The appropriate design in the form of web-based multiple-choice reading test is based on data obtained from a research. The writer developed the website address at The writer utilized application

  ® ®

  software such as Adobe Flash and Wondershare QuizCreatorv 3.2 serial. The website includes seven main pages. They are index.html, panduan.html,


tentang.html, tipea.html, tipeb.html, tipec.html and link.html. The designed test

  contains of four topics: narrative, explanation, discussion, and review texts. The test content is divided into two groups: reading test and grammatical test. For the activities, the writer implemented three tasks classified into reading comprehension passage, multiple-choice grammar task, and multiple-choice cloze vocabulary task. Each test consists of 35 questions, 5 options and 100 minutes time constraint. The result of the implementation of designed test showed that the average mean of the whole data was 3.77 from the scale 5.0.

  In conclusion, the implementation result strengthens that the test was appropriate and acceptable for the Grade XII students of senior high school in




  Lestari, Antonia Fitri. 2011. Designing a Set of Web-based Multiple-choice


Reading Test for the Grade XII Students of Senior High School in Kecamatan

Cibinong. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas

  Sanata Dharma.

  Membaca merupakan salah satu keahlian yang bagi keberhasilan dalam semua konteks pendidikan karena memiliki fungsi untuk menyampaikan informasi, untuk menghibur, dan untuk menyusun kata-kata. Keterampilan membaca dapat memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk menguasai bahasa. Hal ini dikarenakan membaca menggabungkan teks dengan latar belakang pengetahuan pembaca untuk membangun makna. Oleh karena itu, membaca seringkali dilaksanakan dan menjadi acuan utama dalam sebuah test bahasa. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan tes berbasis web untuk menciptakan cara yang berbeda dalam melakukan tes. Selain itu, tes berbasis web dapat diakses oleh siswa tanpa batasan waktu dan tempat.

  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang satu set multiple-choice reading tes berbasis web untuk siswa kelas XII SMA di Kecamatan Cibinong. Penulis bermaksud untuk menjawab suatu permasalahan, yaitu: seperti apa rancangan satu set multiple-choice reading tes berbasis web yang sesuai untuk siswa kelas XII SMA di Kecamatan Cibinong.

  Berhubungan dengan rancangan tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D),


Instructional Design Model , Language Testing, Reading Skill, Designing

Multiple-choice Items , Web-based Test, dan Aplikasi Software. Selain itu, desain

  menggunakan langkah-langkah sesuai dengan siklus R&D dikombinasikan dengan model design Instruksi Kemp. Langkah-langkah yang digunakan yaitu (1) Karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswa, (2) Tujuan umum dan topik, (3) Tujuan pembelajaran, (4) Konten uji, (5) Kegiatan dan sumber, (6) Layanan dukungan, (7) Komentar dari rancangan awal tes, (8) Revisi rancangan awal tes, (9) Komentar dari implementasi tes, dan (10) Revisi dari final tes.

  Pembuatan tes didasarkan pada data yang diperoleh dari penelitian. Penulis mengembangkan website dengan alamat

  ® ®

  menggunakan aplikasi Adobe Flash dan Wondershare QuizCreatorv 3.2. Situs ini mencakup 7 laman, yaitu: index.html, panduan.html, tentang.html, tipea.html,


tipeb.html, tipec.html dan link.html. Rancangan tes terdiri dari 4 topik yaitu

narrative, explanation, discussion, dan review. Isi tes ini dibagi menjadi dua yaitu

reading tes dan gramatikal tes. Untuk kegiatan dalam tes, penulis menerapkan tiga

  jenis tugas yaitu reading comprehension passage, multiple-choice grammar task, and multiple-choice cloze vocabulary task. Setiap tes terdiri dari 35 pertanyaan, 5 pilihan jawaban dan waktu pengerjaan 100 menit. Hasil pelaksanaan tes menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata dari seluruh data adalah 3,77 dari skala 5,0.

  Sebagai kesimpulan, hasil implementasi memperkuat bahwa tes tersebut sudah sesuai dan dapat diterima bagi siswa kelas XII SMA di Kecamatan



  Page TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGES ........................................................................................ ii STATEMENT OF WORK'S ORIGINALITY ................................................... iv


LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .................................. v

  PAGE OF DEDICATION.................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... ix


ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... x

  TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xvii

  CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1 A. Research Background....................................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation ....................................................................... 5 C. Problem Limitation .......................................................................... 6 D. Research Objectives ......................................................................... 7 E. Research Benefits ............................................................................. 7 F. Definition of Terms .......................................................................... 8 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................... 12 A. Theoretical Description .................................................................... 12 1. Educational Research and Development ................................ 12

  2. Instructional Design Model .................................................... 16

  3. Language Testing .................................................................... 20

  a. Types of Language Test .................................................... 21

  b. Test Qualities .................................................................... 23

  c. Designing Classroom Language Test ............................... 25

  4. Reading Skill ........................................................................... 27


  b. Reading Test Types ........................................................... 28

  c. Reading Assessment ......................................................... 30

  5. Designing Multiple-choice Items ............................................ 34

  6. Web-based Test ....................................................................... 37

  a. The Advantage of Web-based Test ................................... 37

  b. The Role of Computer and Teacher in Web-based Test ... 38

  c. Website Evaluation ........................................................... 39

  7. Application Software .............................................................. 41

  ® ®

  a. Adobe Flash .................................................................. 41

  b. Wondershare QuizCreator 3.2 .......................................... 41

  B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 43

  CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 47 A. Research Method .............................................................................. 47

  1. Research and Information Collecting ........................................ 48

  2. Preliminary Form of Product Development .............................. 48

  3. Preliminary Product Verification ............................................. 49

  4. Preliminary Product Revision ................................................... 49

  5. Main Field Testing .................................................................... 50

  6. Final Product Revision ............................................................... 50

  B. Research Participants ....................................................................... 51

  1. The Participant in Research and Information Colleting Data .... 52

  2. The Participant in Preliminary Product Verification ............... 52

  3. The Participant in Main Field Testing ...................................... 52

  C. Research Instruments ....................................................................... 53

  1. The Instrument for Research and Information Colleting Data .. 53

  2. The Instrument for Preliminary Product Verification .............. 54

  3. The Instrument for Main Field Testing ...................................... 54

  D. Type of Data and Data Gathering Techniques ................................. 55

  E. Data Analysis Techniques ............................................................... 59

  1. Analysis Techniques in Research and Information Colleting


  2. Analysis Techniques in Preliminary Product Verification ......... 60

  3. Analysis Techniques in Main Field Testing .............................. 62

  F. Research Procedure ......................................................................... 64

  CHAPTER IV : RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................... 66 A. The Appropriate Design of a Set of Web-based Multiple-choice Reading Test for Grade XII Students of Senior High School in Kecamatan Cibinong ....................................................................... 66

  1. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs ......................................... 67

  2. Goal, General Purposes, and Topics ........................................ 78

  3. Learning Objectives .................................................................. 80

  4. Test Content ............................................................................... 82

  5. Activities and Sources ............................................................... 84

  6. Support Services ....................................................................... 86

  7. Feedback of Preliminary Designed Test ................................... 95

  8. Revision of Preliminary Designed Test ................................... 99

  9. Feedback from the Implementation .......................................... 109

  10. Final Test Revision ................................................................... 122

  B. The Final Version of the Designed Test ......................................... 125

  CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................... 126 A. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 126 B. Suggestions ...................................................................................... 128 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 130 APPENDICES Appendix A: Letters .......................................................................................... 133

  1. Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of SMA Mardi Waluya .......... 134

  2. Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of SMA Eka Wijaya ............ 135

  3. Letter of Permission from SMA Eka Wijaya ........................................ 136 Appendix B: Instruments .................................................................................. 137

  1. Questions List for Interviewing Teachers and Students ........................ 138

  a. Transcripts of Interview with Teachers ...................................... 140


  2. Questionnaire for Feedback of Preliminary Designed Test

  a. Sample of Filled-questionnaire ................................................. 153

  3. Questionnaire for Implementation

  a. Sample of Filled-questionnaire ................................................ 163

  4. Test for the Implementation

  a. Sample of Filled-test ................................................................ 169

  b. Results of Open-form Questions from Students’ questionnaire 171

  c. Results of Students’ Conducting Tipe B test ............................. 178 Appendix C: A Set of Web-based Multiple-choice Reading Test for the Grade XII Students of Senior High School in Kecamatan Cibinong ................ 181

  1. Printed Tipe A test and Explanation ...................................................... 182

  2. Printed Tipe B test and Explanation ..................................................... 196

  3. Printed Tipe C test and Explanation ...................................................... 210

  4. Website Address ..................................................................................... 223 .



  Page Table 3.1: Description Table of the Experts ..................................................... 52 Table 3.2: Description Table of the Students ..................................................... 53 Table 3.3: Type of Data .................................................................................... 56 Table 3.4: The Interpretation of the Degree of Agreement ................................ 61 Table 3.5: The Descriptive Statistics and Transcripts of Respondents’

  Opinions............................................................................................. 61 Table 3.6: The Data Collection from Students’ Answer Sheets ........................ 62 Table 3.7: The Data Collection on Item Facility (IF) ........................................ 63 Table 3.8: The Data Collection on Item Discrimination (ID) ........................... 63 Table 3.9: The Data Collection on B-Index ...................................................... 64 Table 4.1: Summary of Learners’ Characteristics ............................................. 77 Table 4.2: Summary of Learners’ Needs ........................................................... 77 Table 4.3: The Goal and General Purposes of the Study ................................... 79 Table 4.4: The List of the Topics ...................................................................... 79 Table 4.5: Learning Objectives of the Designed Tests ...................................... 80 Table 4.6: Test Content Description of the Designed Tests............................... 83 Table 4.7: Task Content Description of the Designed Tests ............................. 85 Table 4.8: The Description of Participants for Designed Test’s Feedback........ 95


  Table 4.9: Descriptive Statistics of the Participants’ Opinion .......................... 96 Table 4.10: Revision on the Goal and General Purposes ................................... 100 Table 4.11: Revision on the Indicators of Learning Objectives ......................... 101 Table 4.12: Revision on the Texts and Test Content Description...................... 104 Table 4.13: Revision on the Task Content Description .................................... 107 Table 4.14: The Description of Participants in the Implementations................. 111 Table 4.15: The Description Statistics of the Close-Form Questions

  On the Implementation ................................................................... 112 Table 4.16: The Item Facility (IF) Results of Tipe B ........................................ 117 Table 4.17: The Item Discrimination (ID) Results of Tipe B ............................ 119 Table 4.18: The B-Index Result of Tipe B ........................................................ 120 Table 4.19: The Revision of Tipe B Test after Implementation ......................... 123



  Page Figure 2.1: Kemp’s Instructional Design Model ............................................... 20 Figure 3.1: The adapted R&D cycle combined with adapted Kemp’s Model ... 51 Figure 4.1: Flowchart of the website ............................................................... 88 Figure 4.2: Home page display .......................................................................... 90 Figure 4.3: Tipe A preview using Wondershare QuizCreator 3.2 serial ............ 92 Figure 4.4: The mechanism on the use of media .............................................. 94 Figure 4.5: Revision on the website display ..................................................... 109  


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter is divided into six important parts. They are research

  background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

  As an international language, English is important to communicate and to share information toward people from different countries. Since English becomes a bridge to succeed for any work field, Indonesian government decided to include English language as the compulsory subject in the curriculum within its Competence Standard and Basic Competence (based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 22 Year 2006). In accordance with the School-based Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), teachers select appropriate materials based on Competence Standard (CS) and Basic Competence (BC) guided in Permen No. 22 Tahun 2006. As cited in Panduan Materi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA/ MA


(IPA/IPS/BHS) 2007/2008 , National Examination or Ujian Nasional (UN) for

  English subject is included in written test in the form of multiple-choice test within testing listening and reading skills. The test divided into 15 numbers of listening test and 35 numbers of reading test. Thus, reading test refers to be


    dominant in the English UN. The focus in reading test consists of text content, rhetoric, structure, and vocabulary.

  Moreover, reading is argued as the most essential skill for success in all educational contexts (Brown, 2004: 185). Reading has its function to convey information, to amuse and entertain, to codify, etc. In line with Thompson (1987: 50) reading is an activity integrating the text and readers’ background knowledge to build meaning. It means that readers require other element to find the meaning of the test including their knowledge about grammar, vocabulary, spelling, eye movement, and intellectual comprehension. However, reading skill mastery may facilitate the learners to master the language.

  To accomplish the study, the writer focuses on designing a set of web- based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in


Kecamatan Cibinong. The reason for conducting the test in senior high school in

Kecamatan Cibinong is because students in Kecamatan Cibinong are familiar

  with computer technology and the Internet, while some schools also provide those facilities to support the students’ need. In fact, the use of computer and the Internet have not been utilized effectively for educational purposes. Based on informal interview with SMA Eka Wijaya teachers, it was found that computer and Internet facilitation are used only for computer course. Besides, English teacher have not explored the use of computer and Internet facility to support English subject.

  In this study, the writer applies web-based multiple-choice reading test in order to create a different way in conducting test and to create a learning media


    for Grade XII students. Moreover, Grade XII students require various tests to measure their readiness in facing final examination. The web-based test can facilitate students in providing online test which can be assessed anytime without limitation of time and place. The design may create different atmosphere, out of conventional ways, in conducting test. The online process requires connection to internet service provider with a certain address of the website, but students can download the test and print it.

  According to Dudeney (2007: 7), the use of technology in the classroom is becoming increasingly important, and it will become a normal part of English language teaching practice in coming year. The writer applies web-based language testing to motivate learners in the use of technology in education. As accessed from Lau Sie Hoe in Web-based Computer-Adaptive Multiple-choice Assessment, computer-based assessment has become increasingly attractive way in educational field. It is proved by the increasing number of students who obtain on-line test via internet because computer-based assessment can reduce cost, and improve the quality and accountability of the assessment process.

  This study relates to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) because the design applies application software and the Internet that supports students in conducting a test. In online process, computer should connect to the Internet and find the particular website address. Website and internet are different.

  As cited in Wikipedia, website is one of the communicated services via internet. Meanwhile, the Internet provides a global data communication system or a hardware and software infrastructure that provide connectivity between


    computers. As the result, website is only a part of a huge data of the Internet. By using the Internet for conducting the test, students gain benefit in which they can practice everywhere and every time. As accessed on Kurnia Nusa’s in Web-based


Distance Learning , students will not be limited by time and space to study; what

  they need is a computer or a notebook that has connected with the Internet. The test can be accessed easily via Internet that might content test work-sheet display, answer keys display, the score and feedback column. By conducting web-based test, the students do not need the presence of the teacher to provide the test and to assign feedback because one promising aspects of web-based assessment is instant feedback (Peat, 2003:19).

  In contrary, computer-based assessment is infrequently conducted in Indonesia especially for senior high school level. Yet, most of Grade XII students of senior high school require some test references to prepare final exam. By conducting a web-based test, the students can do the test outside the class by using Internet facilities from their house or Internet cafés. Besides, the Internet offers chances for students to be familiar with ICT.

  Among the various format of test item, multiple-choice item has been used in computer-based assessment due to the ability of computer to be programmed to enable automatic and easy retrieval of test scores and feedback (Conrad et al, 2004). Furthermore, multiple-choice appears as a simple kind of item to construct.

  Brown (2004: 55) stated that multiple-choice format is practical and reliable for the test makers and test takers. By the automatic and easy retrieval of test score


    and feedback, it reduces content misconceptions, reasoning errors, and learning difficulties which often face by students after conducting test (Paul et al, 1994).

  The writer focuses on reading test because it is commonly used to evaluate students understanding about language that includes comprehension text, grammar, and vocabulary understanding. Besides, reading takes place among other skills. Wallace (2003: 3) also stated that reading as one of the skills plays an important role in English language. It is because reading is the awareness of the way we used language. Besides, reading is considered difficult by many learners because of all the components and linguistic features, that is why people have difficulties in reading because they have to master all the language components and linguistics features as the same time before they can master the reading skills.

  Furthermore, the writer measures student’s reading acquisition through multiple-choice test because it provides benefits for teacher and students from the aspect of practicality. According to Brown (2004: 185), the reading tests do not end with the measurement of comprehension, but also strategy to understand the text. Brown (2004: 194) also stated that multiple-choice test is the most popular method of testing a reading knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, mainly for reasons of practicality. It is easy to administer and can be scored quickly. On the other hand, UN in Indonesia also applies in the form of multiple-choice. In addition, the tests encourage the students and teachers in senior high school as a supplementary test. This web-based test can enrich students and teachers for trying out their knowledge.



  B. Problem Formulation

  Dealing with designing a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong, the writer intended to answer a problem: What is the appropriate design of a set of web- based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in

  Kecamatan Cibinong?

  C. Problem Limitation

  The writer determined some limitations in order to make constraints of this study. First, the study focused on the developing application using software in the form of multiple-choice reading test. The writer decided to design web-based test

  ® ®

  by using Adobe Flash and Wondershare QuizCreatorv 3.2 program. Second, the study employed reading exercises to measure student’s comprehension on the text using web-based test. Third, the study was limited to particular reading materials addressed in School-based Curriculum (KTSP). The tests were based on reading materials which are appropriate with School-based Curriculum, Competence Standard, and Basic Competence.

  The test contents followed the CS and BC for Grade XII students of senior high school including narrative text, explanation text, discussion text, and review text. For the test construction, the writer applied multiple-choice test including reading comprehension test and grammatical test. The test covers some micro- and macroskills. For the microskills, the test includes recognizing grammatical world classes, recognizing system, and recognizing particular meaning in different


    grammar form. For the macroskills, the test includes detecting main idea, supporting idea, information, generalization, and exemplification; inferring links and connection between the information; distinguishing between literal and implied meanings; and developing reading strategies for interpretation of texts. Each test consists of 35 questions including 5 options which contain of one answer and four distractors.

  Here, the subject of the study focused only for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong. The writer decided this level because they had already understood the language components and linguistic features, they are able to read an English text, and thus they can understand direction in order to operate the computer. On the other hand, the design can also be accessed as an exercise for preparing the National Examination because it covers some materials for the national examination such as narrative, explanation, and discussion text. Moreover, the designed test provides some questions that are generally applied in national examination such as reading comprehension questions (main idea, supporting idea, word/ phrase meaning, and true/ false statement) and grammatical questions (connectors and conditional sentence).

D. Research Objectives

  The objective of this study was mainly to answer the problem previously stated in the problem formulation that is to develop the appropriate design of a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high


    school in Kecamatan Cibinong. In this study, the writer would like to design and to present the design.

E. Research Benefits

  This study was expected to bring about some contributions for students, the teachers and also the other test designers as follows:

  1. For students This study may help students to prepare the national examination especially in reading test. Then, the tests may enhance students’ knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Besides, the students are able to practice the tests without the presence of teacher and students obtain the result immediately. While students conduct the web-based test, they learn a modern type of test and can be familiar with ICT.

  2. For teachers This study may facilitate teachers in conducting different ways of giving a test by using computerized test. Moreover, the teachers can apply the design as a media that carries ICT for teaching English.

  3. For other test designers The study would inform how the designed test was developed based on the theories and the implementation. Then, the designed test can be used to carry out another study on the effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning process especially for Indonesian students.



F. Definition of Terms

  In this part, the writer provided the definition of each term so that the readers have the same view and it may reduce misunderstanding.

  1. Designing Designing is defined as drawing plans or planning a system to decide how something will look or work. According to Briggs (et al, 1977), designing is a process of analysis or learning need and goal and the development of a delivery system to meet the needs; includes development of instructional materials and activities; and try out and revision of all instruction and learner assessment activities. The design must be planned and it is developed for specific purposes. In this study, designing is preparing a plan for assessing students’ reading ability in the form of multiple-choice test using computer.

  The design in this study is a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test.

  2. Web-based Test According to Roever (2001: 84), Web-based Test (WBT) is a

  Computer-based Language Test which is delivered via the World Wide Web (www). The term Web-based Testing is defined as a small-scale “home- grown” test available on website (Brown, 2004: 14). WBT can be offered any time unlike mass paper and pencil administrations. Moreover, it also provides immediate feedback for the test takers.

  Web-based tests share many characteristics of traditional Computer- based Tests (CBT), but using the Web as delivery medium. Moreover, the Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.


    In this study web-based test means that the test is provided in the website and conducted using computer as testing medium which is connected via Internet.

  3. Multiple-choice Multiple-choice items are a form of assessment item in which respondents are asked to select one or more of the choices from a list.

  Multiple-choice item has options where one of those options is a key or correct response and the others are distractors (Brown, 2004:56). In this study, the test-takers select one of five options as a correct answer. The multiple- choice tests focus on formal aspects of language (lexical, grammatical, and few discourse features).

  4. Reading Test According to Brown (2004:185), reading test is a test that measures learners’ ability in mastering fundamental bottom-up strategies (for processing separate letters, words, and phrases) and top-down (conceptually driven strategies for comprehension); and in developing formal schemata (background information and cultural experience). The writer selects the materials based on CS and BC, including narrative text, explanation text, discussion text, and review text in the form of functional text, essay, and monolog. The writer designs selective reading test which focuses on formal aspects of language. This category includes as testing reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar.



  5. Grade XII Students of Senior High School Grade XII students of senior high school are the third-year level students in senior high school. Generally, the students have already achieved all materials in senior high level because they are prepared for national examination. Grade XII students often review and tryout materials for the preparation of national examination to drill their knowledge and skill. Consequently, they are able to understand and accustomed to analyze questions in the form of multiple-choice test.

  6. Kecamatan Cibinong

  Kecamatan Cibinong is a sub-district which becomes the central of governmental activity in Bogor Regency (Kabupaten Bogor), West Java.

  There are six senior high schools in Kecamatan Cibinong, three state schools and three private schools. They are SMAN 1 Cibinong, SMAN 2 Cibinong, SMAN 3 Cibinong, SMA Mardi Waluya Cibinong, SMA Eka Wijaya Cibinong, and SMA PGRI 1 Cibinong. This study was conducted for students of SMA Eka Wijaya Cibinong, SMA Mardi Waluya Cibinong, and SMAN 1 Cibinong because those schools are favorite schools in Kecamatan Cibinong. Annually, those schools achieved higher range of score of national examination result in Kecamatan Cibinong. Besides, the locations of those schools are nearby the public centre in Kecamatan Cibinong.      


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter deals with the discussion on the related literatures to support

  the study. The discussion includes two main subtopics. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

  In this part, the writer concerns with the theories which are used to the accomplishment of this study. This part is divided into seven parts. They are the theory of Educational Research and Development (R&D), Instructional Design Model, Language Testing, Reading Skill, Designing Multiple-choice Items, Web- based Test, and Application Software.

1. Educational Research and Development (R&D)

  According to Borg and Gall (1983: 771), Educational Research and Development (R&D) is a process used to develop and to validate educational products and it consists of a cycle in which a version of the product is developed, field-tested, and revised on the basis of field-test data. The goal of Educational Research and Development methodology is to discover new knowledge through the basic research or to answer specific questions about practical problems through applied research (Borg and Gall, 1983:772). In particular, this methodology unites the gap between research and practice by conducting research


    and using the result to build test products. In Educational Research and Development, the ten steps used to develop mini-courses are described as follows:

  a. Research and Information Collecting This step includes review of literature, classroom observations, and preparation of report of state of the art (Borg and Gall, 1983: 775). Literature review is conducted to collect information that sustain on the design planning. To support the information, classroom observation is conducted to gain information about classroom activity and situation.

  b. Planning It includes defining skills, starting objectives, determining course sequence, and small scale feasibility testing (Borg and Gall, 1983: 775). The focus on this step is determining the skill being improved by considering the objectives of the study that have to be achieved by the product.

  c. Developing Preliminary Form of Product This step includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices (Borg and Gall, 1983: 775). Questionnaire and interview list, as evaluation devices, are designed to obtain information and feedback of the preliminary form of the product. According to Borg and Gall (1983: 781), the procedure of developing the product will differ depending on the nature of the product.

  d. Preliminary Field Testing In this step, the product is applied in 1 to 3 schools, using 6 to 12 subjects.

  Besides, the designer gathers data through interview, observation, and