Criteria of the Action Success

meeting, and test in the end of the cycle. The writer also prepared learning resources such as slides and movies f or the students‘ activity in writing.

b. Acting

The action of the cycle 1 was done on Thursday, January 15 th 2015 at 07.00 am – 08.10 am and on Wednesday, January 21 st 2015 at 07.00 am – 08.30 am. This was the first acting in the implementation of Classroom Action Research. In this cycle, there were two meetings. The writer implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan which was made by the writer. In this phase, the researcher was teaching in the classroom as an English teacher. And the real English teacher was monitoring and observing the researchers‘ teaching. In the first meeting, the researcher taught the narrative text using short movie. She explained the definition and social function first; she then explained the generic structure and language structure of narrative text. The teacher used screen to attract the students‘ attention. Then, she gave the short movie called ―Little Red Hood‖ because she just had a limited time and wanted to explain the material for the students to make a narrative text by using movie. In this cycle, the researcher taught narrative text using animation movie because the theme was fable. She connected the material by using short movie. After that, she gave the first movie in the first meeting called ―Epic‖. She skipped the unimportant scene because she did not have much time. After watching the movie, she gave the exercise by spreading the worksheets to the students. Finally, the students made the movie review and rewrite the movie story. In the second meeting, the teacher reviewed the material. Next activity was the same as in the first meeting. She gave the second movie called ―The Croods‖. The students had to rewrite or retell the movie story on the worksheet. During watching the movie, the students had to make the movie review that the researcher gave before, so that the students were easier to remember the story when they started to write the narrative text.

c. Observing

This is the third stage in the class action research. In this stage, the researcher ob served students‘ performance in the teaching and learning, especially when the students were writing the assignment. In this cycle, the students asked the researcher about the translation from Bahasa to English, how to write the sentences and the movie review, what verb that have to be used in writing narrative text. Also, the collaborator helped the writer to observe the teaching and learning activity. In this cycle, the enthusiasm of students in learning process was good because the researcher provided th e good class and students‘ condition by using games before the students started the material See Appendix 11 and 12. The students also were active role in the class. They gave their idea about the film and discussed it with their friend. However, they were still shy to ask about the material. In this phase, the observer also observed the teaching learning process through post-test 1. The result of post-test 1 showed that the mean score of the class derived 72.4 in which there were 20 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion KKM 74 seventy four. The following were the detail results of test used in the first cycle:  The Result of Students’ Writing Table 4.2 The R esult of Students’ Writing Score in Post-test 1 No. Criteria Frequency 1. Below KKM Score 74 16 2. Passed KKM Score 74-89 8 3. Passed KKM Score 89 12 Note For the detail, see Appendix 8.

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