The Generic Structures of Narrative Text

storyboarding. Moreover, storyboard is a technique that usually used as keys drawing or sketches in series which tell a story in chronological order. Storyboard technique allows the students to think in picture or it can be called as “Mental Imagery” which can help them to understand and to remember the text. In order to support the students‟ mental imagery skill, they should receive two types of activities, - Representational: creating pictures that are detailed and accurate representations of information in the text. - Transformational: creating pictures that are more flexible and can be edited to support memory for key ideas or specific details in the text. 24 Thus, being trained with representational or transformational activities may help the students with reading difficulties, not only to understand the general ideas of the text, but also to remember details information on it. In more specific, some advantageous of storyboard technique as the activities conducted in teaching reading narrative text are: 25 - Storyboarding can imp rove the students‟ organization, time management, and planning because it facilitates the students to arrange their ideas into sketches. - It also facilitates the students to use different reading strategies, such as previewing, visualizing, illustrating, summarizing, etc. - The last, it can improve not only students‟ reading ability but also their writing ability because they are asked to make detailed illustration during classroom activities. Based on those advantageous above, it can be said that besides engaging students with reading, it may also improve their learning management, their reading strategies, and their writing skill. However, some students who are not interesting in making drawing or who have auditory learning style would have less motivation while conducting this technique in the classroom. 24 Paula J. Clark et al., Developing Reading Comprehension, Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd., 2014, p. 108. 25 Jose M.M. Naar, “Storyboards and Reading Comprehension of Literary Fiction in English”, HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English, 2013, p. 154. Retrieved from

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