Source of Data Data Collection Data Analysis

19 method of research that makes the description of the situation of the events or occurrences, so that the method has an intention to accumulate the basic data”. According to Azwar 2004:126 says that “Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel yang diperoleh dari kelompok subjek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk pengujian hipotesis”. descriptive analysis is aimed to give a description about a research subject which is based on the data taken from some variables which are obtained from the group of subject and is not aimed to examine a hypothesis. For that reason, this research is best done by using qualitative descriptive method.

4.2 Source of Data

To make it easy, the writer divides the data into two, primary data and secondary data. The song lyric of the Last Friday Night by Katy Perry, Party All Night by Sean Kingston and Good time by Owl City band is the primary data, the video, sentences, will be add as the evidence to support the analysis. The secondary data is all data which related to the object of the research like article, book, and papers. All of Data are read carefully by the writer to find out the suitable relation with the research.

4.3 Data Collection

The collecting data is one of the tasks which is the most one important in this research. In the process of collecting the data, the writer needs primary and secondary data. For the primary data, the writer takes the data from the video script printed out in hard copy. The script of the video is the lyric of the song. Based on the lyrics the writer can analyze the hedonism itself. The secondary data the writer find 20 from library or from internet and get data from lecturer too. Then this thesis uses several books as the source of the data to supporting the analysis. However, the writer will be focus on the lyric of song which indicates Hedonism.

4.4 Data Analysis

After collecting all the data and information which relates with the study, the data will be combined and analyzed to get what the writer want and has been planned in the object of this thesis. In analyze the data uses library research and applied the qualitative descriptive method. The writer has some steps to analyzing this research. Miles and Huberman in Silalahi, 2012: 77 states, “Komponen utama proses analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1 reduksi data, 2 sajian data, 3 penarikan simpulan atau verifikasi ”. This steps is to make the writer easier in work of analyze the problem in this thesis. First, the writer read the lyrics of the song. The writer has read it over and over again in order to fully understand what the lyric means and collect the data from the lyric. Second, the writer has to find the book, article or papers that related with the problem. Third, after all part in data of the research was collected, the writer have to mark and notes the data which having the relation to the problem of this study which in case is Hedonism to supporting the analysis. Fourth, the writer make a data display to make the writer more easier in analyzing process. Fifth, the writer can start to analyze the lyric. Investigate and analyze the hedonism which contained in the lyrics with descriptive qualitative method that 21 picturing the people lifestyle. In supporting the analysis, there are method are commonly used to support the qualitative descriptive method is Expressive Approach. Sixth, after all steps have been done, the writer then can make the conclusion and suggestion of the analysis. This is the last step of the analysis. All of those steps done by the writer under the support of the supervisors who mastering this research. 22 Here is the flowchart of research design : After marking the data, make the data display. DATA SOURCE : Song Lyric of Katy Perry “ Last Friday Night”, Sean Kingston “Party All Night”, and Owl City “Good Time” Marking the Lyrics of the song which related to the problem Data Selected: interpreted analysis by theory and qualitative descriptive method RESEARCHER Conclusion 23