The important part of the research or analyzing the data is a method of analysis. we can describe the method as a knife and object of research as a fruit. The real function of the knife is to cut the fruit. In this study, the writer also uses method to analyze the object of the study to understand all the data and finally transform it into a complete study. The writer tries to an alyze the Hedonism in song „Last Friday Night ‟, „Party All Night‟, and „Good Time‟ as the main object of the analysis.

4.1 Research Method

In analyzing the songs, the writer uses qualitative method, because all data are analyzed in the form of words and sentences. Qualitative methods were developed in the social sciences to enabled research to study social and cultural phenomena Myers, 1977. According to Sukmadinata 2005 the primary thing about qualitative research is constructivism which assumes that reality is multi- dimensional, interactive and an exchange of social experience is interpreted by each individual. Qualitative research is an inductive approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of person‟s or group experiences. This methodology as a qualitative research procedure that produce descriptive data in the form of written word spoken of the people and the observed behavior In supporting qualitative method, the writer also uses descriptive method. Descriptive method is the way to reveal the image of the subject of the research and qualitative method as an umbrella term to revel to several research strategies that share certain characteristic. Nazir 1998:75 describes “descriptive method is a 19 method of research that makes the description of the situation of the events or occurrences, so that the method has an intention to accumulate the basic data”. According to Azwar 2004:126 says that “Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel yang diperoleh dari kelompok subjek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk pengujian hipotesis”. descriptive analysis is aimed to give a description about a research subject which is based on the data taken from some variables which are obtained from the group of subject and is not aimed to examine a hypothesis. For that reason, this research is best done by using qualitative descriptive method.

4.2 Source of Data