Acting Finding of the First Cycle

narrative text using movie because they were still walking around the class while the teacher conveyed the material in front of the class. When the students did the writing assignment, they were also noisy in the class. Thus, the writer continued the action to the next cycle.

d. Reflecting

Based on the result in teaching and learning narrative text using movie in the cycle 1, the researcher and the collaborator discussed the conclusion that was taken from the cycle 1. The conclusions are:  There were some students who had not finished yet their assignment, it was caused the time was not enough.  There were some students who still got difficulty to make a narrative text using movie. It may be because the movie had a long story.

3. Findings of the Second Cycle

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer made a plan for the action based on the problems faced by the students in the previous cycle. The writer solved the problem above by adding the time to write. Fortunately, the next subject teacher gave the writer an additional teaching time. To solved the problem of the students‘ difficulty to make a narrative text, the writer monitoring the students and help them to make them easy to do the task and also skipped the unimportant scene movie to save time. In addition, she also prepared the instrument of research for students like movie. The writer also prepared the post-test 2 for the students, observation, and teacher‘s journal. Besides that, the writer prepared the narrative text material by using movie in two meetings. The researcher and the collaborator planned this action because the result of the students‘ writing in the first cycle was still low. It could be seen in the result of students‘ writing only 20 students or 55.55 who passed the KKM from 36 students in the class.

b. Acting

The action of the second cycle was done on Wednesday, January 28 th 2015 at 07.00 am – 08.10 am then continued on Tuesday, February 3 rd 2015 at 07.00 am – 08.10 am. In the first meeting, the researcher was teaching narrative text by using a short movie. The teacher also prepared two movies for students‘ task. They were ―Goldilocks and the Three Bears‖ and ―Ripple‖. As usual, the teacher made the students‘ condition in order to do not make a noise in the class, ready to learn the material and also focused on the material and teachers‘ explanation. The teacher explained about how to make narrative text using movie to the students that still confused and felt difficult when they got bad score in writing test. The teacher also trained students to make narrative paragraph by using movie through collaborative working. Collaborative working was chosen by the teacher because to make students collaborated in the team work when they wrote a narrative text but all of them had to write on their own paper. Thus, the students, who still did not understand the material, could understand the material because they could ask the explanation from their friends. The teacher gave students ―Goldilocks and the Three Bears‖ movie and had to find out the idea and rewrite the story. When they were trained by the teacher, the students made a good narrative text by using movie. After the first meeting in the cycle two, the teacher gave the second movie called ―Ripple‖ in the second meeting.

c. Observing

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