The Understanding of Storyboard Technique

- Let the students make correction on their storyboard after having discussion with their classmates. 26

D. Previous Studies

Some previous studies relate to this research have been conducted by others researchers, such as: The first study was conducted by David L. Bruce on 2011 during eleven years he taught in High School. He studied about storyboard technique, the technique he was primarily used, to engage students with reading. Firstly, he used this technique in teaching writing to his students, and then he found that teaching reading of work fictions using storyboard can be as useful as teaching writing. He taught poetry, novel fiction and film using this technique. And the result showed that it could help students to improve their reading skill. The technique allows students to pay close attention and focus to what they read, the elements and “what happen” in the story and it could make their understanding are deeper . The second study was done by Nur Setya Pamuji Asih to get her degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in State University of Yogyakarta on 2014. The title is: The Effectiveness of Storyboard Technique on Students‟ Writing Ability on Drama Script an experiment study at SMAN 1 Depok, Sleman. She conducted storyboard technique on teaching writing drama script. The result showed that the students in the experiment class got much better score than the students in the control class. Therefore, she concluded that storyboard technique is effective on drama script teaching writing. The next related study was conducted by Ni Luh Ayu Prabha Andari to get her degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Mahasaraswati Denpasar University of Denpasar on 2014. The title of her skripsi is, “The Influence of Creating Storyboard on the Writing Ability of the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri Tampaksiring: A Study Based on Subak Cultural Landscape.” The result showed that the storyboard gave significant influence on the students writing ability, and they got good writing achievement. 26 Ibid., pp. 79 –81. Those three previous studies were using storyboard technique as the treatment used in the classrooms in which it is same with this study, but there are some differences that need to be considered. The differences are: the first study that conducted by David L. Bruce was an action research in order to improve students‟ comprehension on reading poetry, novel fiction and film, besides this research only focus on students‟ comprehension on narrative text. The next study that conducted by Nur Setya Pamuji Asih was experimental study in which it is same as this study, but she used students‟ writing ability on writing drama script as dependant variable, however the dependant variable in this study is students‟ reading comprehension on narrative text. Moreover, the study conducted by Ni Luh Ayu Prabha also used students‟ writing ability as dependant variable in her study but she used junior high school students as population and sample of her study, yet the population and sample of this study are Senior High School student grade ten.

E. Theoretical Thinking

Reading as one of skills in language learning has its own challenges to be learned by students, especially reading in a foreign language as in Indonesia. However, some research showed that lots of Indonesian teachers teach reading in English in similar way. That is the students are asked to read a passage silently or to read it loudly, then they have to translate it, and they are asked to complete the questions in which the answers are available on the passage. This process becomes routine and it changes rarely. Consequently the students become less motivated, less interested in learning reading skill, and they may not comprehend the text optimally. Based on Indonesian curriculum, there are some text types that are taught in the classrooms, and one of them is narrative text. Some studies have mentioned that narrative as one of text types has its own difficulties to be comprehended by the students. This problem can be caused by some factors. That are, students‟ lack of vocabularies, students‟ difficulties to find out all generic structures of the text, and lack of learning variations in the classroom. Since comprehending reading narrative text is important as part of curriculum objectives in Indonesia, there should be found a way in order to help the students in comprehending this kind of text. One of them is the teacher can use various techniques in the classroom. The one that can be use is storyboard technique. This technique can help the students to visualize the text they read. They can interpret what they have read in their mind and create visual image based on it. This technique can also make students focus on their reading, because it would be difficult for them to visualize the text without really understand what the text is talking about. Moreover, it can help teacher to see and analyze students‟ comprehending by looking at their illustration.

F. Theoretical Hypotheses

According to Creswell, there are two hypotheses in experimental study, which are null hypothesis H o and alternative hypothesis H a . Null hypothesis is a prediction if there are no difference results of students‟ achievement between experimental class and controlled class. Besides, alternative hypothesis is the opposite of null hypothesis that there are difference results of students‟ achievement between experimental and controlled class. 27 It means that if the null hypothesis is accepted, there is high probability if storyboard technique is not effective on teaching reading narrative text. Therefore the hypotheses of this research can be formulated as follows: H o : The use of storyboard technique is effective on students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text. H a : The use of storyboard techni que is not effective on students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text. 27 John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Boston: Pearson Educatio, Inc., 2012, pp. 126 – 127.

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