The Result of Interview in preliminary of the study The Result of Questionnaire in Preliminary of the Study

32 May 21 st 2013 at VIII class of SMP N 245 Jakarta, academic year 20122013. This class consisted of 32 students. The table below showed the result of pre questionnaire. The Result of Questionnaire before Classroom Action Research No Questions Percentage SS S A TS STS 1 Saya sering membaca buku, komik, koran, novel, atau majalah yang berbahasa Inggris.

15.62 28.12

31.25 12.5

12.5 2 Saya selalu bertanya kepada guru atau teman ketika menemukan kesulitan dalam mempelajari pelajaran bahasa inggris.

18.75 12.5

46.88 15.62

6.25 3 Saya selalu memperhatikan penjelasan guru selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung.

56.25 21.88

56.25 6.25

4 Dari empat skill dalam bahasa Iggris Listening, Speaking, Reading dan Writing reading membaca merupakan yang paling susah saya pahami.

15.62 6.25

40.62 21.88

15.62 5 Saya sangat mudah menyelesaikan soal-soal atau tugas yang diberikan guru 25 21.88

31.25 15.62

6.25 6 Setiap hari saya mempelajari ulang pelajaran bahasa inggris di rumah.

3.12 12.5

31.25 31.25 21.88 7 Cara guru saya mengajar pada pelajaran membaca dalam bahasa Inggris sangat membantu saya memahami topik atau tema yang diajarkan.

28.12 21.88

50 33 8 Saya merasa kesulitan memahami teks-teks yang berbahasa Inggris.

46.88 31.25

12.5 6.25

3.12 9 Saya sangat mudah memahami teks-teks narrative yang diajarkan guru di kelas. 6.25 6.25

3.12 46.88

31.25 10 Saya sangat mudah menyelesaikan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan teks-teks narrative

9.37 3.12

46.88 21.88

18.75 Keterangan: SS : Sangat Setuju S : Setuju A : Abstain TS : Tidak Setuju STS: Sangat Tidak Setuju Table 4.1 The Result Questionnaires in the Preliminary of Study The description of the pre questionnaire as follow: 1. The feeling to read English text The result of the questionnaire showed that 15.62 of students like to read English text very much, 28.12 of students like to read English text, 31.25 students felt fair to read the English text, 12.5 students didn’t like to read English text. And, 12.5 students didn’t like to read English text very much. It can be drawn the conclusion that most of the students of eighth grade class like to read English text. 2. The feeling to solve their problem in understanding the lesson The result of questionnaire showed that 18.75 of students always ask to the teacher about their problem in understanding English lesson. 12.5 of students like to share their problem in 34 English lesson. 46.88 of the students felt fair to share their problem in English lesson. 15.62 of students did not like to share their problem in English lesson. 6.25 of students didn’t like to share their problem in understanding the English lesson very much. As a conclusion, some students seldom to share their problem in understanding the English lesson. 3. The Feeling to pay attention to teachers’ explanation The result showed that 56.25 of students always give their attention to the teachers’ explanation and 21.88 of the students usually give their attention to the teachers’ explanation. 56.25 of them felt fair to give attention to the teachers’ explanation. 12.5 of them sometime give their attention to the teachers’ explanation. It was indicated that the students gave their att ention to the teachers;’ explanation. 4. The feeling if Reading is the most difficult skill in English lesson It showed that 15.62 of the students did not agree very much that reading is the most difficult skill and 6.25 of students also did not agree about that. 40.62 of them felt fair about that. 21.88 of them stated that reading is the most difficult English skill. Other 15.62 of them agreed very much that reading is the most difficult skill. It meant that many of students got difficulties in comprehending the text, so they felt that reading was difficult skill. 5. The feeling to complete the task or questions about reading. It showed that 25 of the students could complete the reading task. 21.88 of the students usually could complete the reading task. 31.25 of them felt fair to complete the reading task. 15.62 of the students felt that they got difficult in completing the reading task. And 6.25 of them agreed very much that they got difficult in completing the reading task. So, some of the students still got difficult in completing the reading task. 35 6. The activity to study English lesson at home It showed that 3.12 of the students agreed very much that they learnt again what they learnt at class. 12.5 of them also agreed about that. 31.25 of them felt fair. 31.25 of them did not learn again what they learned at class. Then 21.88 of them did not agree very much if they learnt again their lesson at home. It meant most of the students did not study again what they got at school. 7. The way of the teacher to teach English. The result showed that 28.12 of the students like the teacher’s method very much. 21.88 of them also like the teacher’s method. 50 of them felt fair. So, it indicated that most of the students like the teacher’s method in teaching English. 8. The feeling of difficult in understanding English text It showed that 9.37 of students disagreed very much if they felt boring in the class. 12.5 of them also disagreed about that. 53.12 of them felt fair. 25 of them felt boring in reading English text. It means that some students need to be given another teaching method to motivate them in reading a text. 9. The feeling to understand the narrative text easily. The result showed 6.25 of the students agreed very much if they could understand the narrative text. 6.25 of them usually could understand the narrative text. 3.12 of them felt fair. Besides, 46.88 of them stated that they got difficulties in understanding narrative text. 31.25 of students felt difficult in understanding the narrative text very much. It could be concluded many of students felt difficult in understanding the narrative text. 10. The feeling to complete the task or questions about narrative text easily It showed that 9.37 of the students got easy in completing the tasks about narrative text. 3.12 of students usually felt easy 36 in completing the task about narrative text. 46.88 of students sometime felt easy in completing the tasks about narrative text. 21.88 of students got difficulties in completing the tasks about narrative text. 18.75 of students felt difficult in completing the tasks about narrative text very much. It means many of students still get the difficulties in completing the tasks about narrative text. The conclusion in term of reading problem was the VIII grade still got difficulty in reading skill and needed improvement to reach the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM.

3. The Result of Pre Test

The pretest was held before the Classroom Action Research CAR. It was conducted on Thursday, May 21 st 2013. It started at 09.40 A.M. There were actually 20 questions in multiple-choice form in which the students carried out the test during 25 minutes. Based on the result of the pre test, the data showed that the mean score of pretest was 61.56. There were only six students who derived the score above the criterion of minimum completeness KKM meanwhile the other 26 students were below that criterion. The student ’s lowest score was 35. From that analyzing, it could be seen that almost of the VIII – 6 students’ reading comprehension was still very low.

B. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research CAR 1.

The First Cycle 1.1 Planning In this step the writer and the teacher made a planning for the action according to the problem that faced by the students in understanding reading comprehension. First, the writer designed lesson plan for the first cycle into two lesson plans. Second, the writer employed story mapping technique as the technique of teaching of reading with the goal of 37 facilitating the students to improve their reading comprehension. Third, the writer and the teacher decided narrative text to be taught to the students. In this case, the writer determined the selected material and exercises into a lesson plan. The writer also prepared the observation sheets to observe the students’ and the teacher’s activities in teaching learning process. Beside that the writer also prepared the post test 1 to collect the data; to know whether t here are some students’ improvement scores from pretest to posttest. Next, the writer and the teacher determined the criteria of success. The criteria of success were 75 of the students’ reading score achieved the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM of English 71 or above and 75 of students participated in reading class.

1.2 Acting

The action of the first cycle was held on May 24 th and 28 th 2013. The teacher did the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan had been made. The writer acted as the teacher, and the English teacher acted as an observer. The teacher taught narrative text by using story mapping. First meeting May, 24 th 2013 The material in the first meeting was the narrative text. The titles of the texts were The Smartest Parrot, and The Crocodile and the Mouse Deer. The teacher began the lesson by greeting the students, then ding brainstorming to motivate the students in learning English. After that the teacher explained the schematic structure and language features of narrative text. In this meeting the teacher divided the students into group work. After that, the teacher asked some of the students from the different group to read the text loudly. After they read the story, the teacher asked them to discuss in their group about the schematic structures of the text 38 that they read and taking a note about the schematic structure into the story mapping sheet. Then, the teacher gave the students some questions based on the text such as main idea, supporting details, and schematic structures from the story that they read. Besides, the teacher explained about the concept of story mapping and gave the examples how to use it. At last, the teacher asked the students to do exercises into a story mapping sheet by taking note the key words and by using paraphrase with the second story. This task was done by the students individually. Second meeting May, 28 th 2013 In the second meeting the writer took a story with the title was The Beauty and the Beast. In this session the teacher started the lesson by motivating students in learning English through a game. Then, the teacher reviewed about the topic that have discussed in the previous meeting. After that, the teacher asked students to read the text silently. After that, some students read the text loudly. After that, the teacher explained the schematic structures of narrative text and the language feature considering the narrative text. Then, teacher gave the students some questions based on the text such as main idea, supporting details, and schematic structures from the story that they read. In the last meeting, the teacher and the writer gave the post test 1 to know whether the students improved their reading comprehension or not. It was done individually.

1.3 Observing

In this step, the observer observed the students’ participation and teaching learning process through field notes. These notes such as: the teacher’s performance, class situation, the students’ response, and the test that will use in the posttest 1. Besides, the writer also took a note about the suggestion from the observer for the next meeting. After finishing the first

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